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Kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan antara kata dengan kata, frase dengan frase, kata dengan
frase, klausa dengan klausa maupun kalimat dengan kalimat.
Jenis :
1. Compound Conjunctions
Conjunction yang menghubungkan hal-hal yang setara.

A. Coordinate Conjunctions

Coordinate Conjunctions Kegunaan Arti

For Alasan Karena

He is overweight, for he eats too many cakes and biscuits.

And Tambahan Dan

She washes her clothes and cleans the bathroom.

Nor Penyangkalan Dan…tidak…

He has never taken a class in sociology, nor does he intend to.

But Perlawanan Tetapi

They are smart but arrogant.

Or Pilihan Atau

This plant can be grown in a house or in a garden.

Yet Bertolak belakang Tapi / namun

He is overweight, yet he continues to eat a lot of cakes.

So dampak Jadi/sehingga

It was a bright day, so she put on her sunglasses.

B. Correlative Conjunctions

Conjunction yang memiliki pasangan .

Correlative conjunction Use Meaning

Both…and… Addition Baik.. maupun…keduanya
Both Dewi and Fais go to market every day.

Not only … but also … Addition Tidak hanya.. tetapi juga

They study not only mathematics but also computer science.

Either … or… Choice, possibility Jika bukan … berarti…

Wee need either a nail or a screw to hang up this picture.

Neither … nor.. Negation Baik A maupun B, keduanya tidak

Neither azimah nor alwi goes to Bandung.

Contoh soal TOEFL :

1. Blindfish, which spend their whole lives in caves, have ____ eyes nor body pigments.
a. Not any
b. Neither
c. Nor
d. Without

2. Thomas Eakins studied not only painting ___ anatomy when he was training to become an artist.
a. Moreover
b. As well
c. But also
d. And
Kata Depan

 Free Preposition
Preposition yang tidak terikat dengan kata sebelumnya.
Contoh : I was born in Cilacap.
My mother always goes to market on Sunday.
Let’s join my class at 7.30 PM.

 Bound Preposition
Preposition yang terikat dengan kata sebelumnya.

a. Adjective Preposition b. Noun Preposition c. Verb Preposition

- Different from - Reason for - Object to
- Aware of - Difficulty in - Look forward to
- Tired of - Objection to - Focus on
- Afraid of - Success in - Depend on
- Responsible for - Interest in - Put off
- Etc. - Etc. - Etc.

Contoh dalam soal TOEFL :

1. The pitch of a tuning fork depends of the size and shape of its arms.
 Errors with from . . . to and between . . . and
Kedua preposisi ini digunakan sebagai penanda waktu dimulai atau berakhirnya suatu aktivitas.
From . . . to. . . dan between . . . and. . . juga dapat digunakan untuk menunjukan hubungan tempat.
Contoh :

 He lived in Los Angeles from 1992 to 1997.

 He lived in Los Angeles between 1992 and 1997.

Kesalahan umum dalam TOEFL adalah :

 Penggunaan pasangan kata yang dibalik

*between A to B *from X and Y
* between A with B *from X to Y
Contoh :
Route 66 ran between Chicago to Los Angeles.

 Penggunaan pasangan kata yang salah

Contoh :
Route 66 ran between Chicago with Los Angeles.

Contoh soal TOEFL

The Alaskan Pipeline runs between Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Coastal Plan to the port of Valdez, a distance
of 789 miles.

Kata Seru
Intejection adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan perasaan yang kuat atau mendadak.\
Contoh :

Woow! You are amazing !

Good ! You can pass the exam !
Hey! Get out of there!

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