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1. Mr.

Ablao breaks into a house and takes $2000 worth of jewelry, which crime was
committed? What kind of evidence is present? What evidence or pieces of evidence can be
used to convict Mr. Ablao? (5 PTS)


2. Mr. Adsuara while driving 85 miles an hour in a 65 MPH zone, he accidentally struck and
killed a child who was riding his bike on the side of the road. What crime did Mr. Adsuara
commit? What kind of evidence is present? What evidence or pieces of evidence can be used to
convict Mr. Adsuara? (10 PTS)

3. Mr. Agonias worked at SM Supermarket for three years. During that time, she took a bag of
chips and a drink for her lunch break every day without paying for them. What crime is she
probably guilty of? What kind of evidence is present? What evidence or pieces of evidence can
be used to convict Mr. Agonias? (10 PTS)


4. Mr. Amiscua breaks into a house with the intentions of stealing some jewelry. He is surprised
that the owner is at home, grabs his gun, and fatally shoots him. What charge can be filed
against Mr. Amiscua? What kind of evidence is present? What evidence or pieces of evidence
can be used to convict Mr. Adsuara? (15 PTS)

5. Mr. Ang sneaks into a warehouse with intent to steal and is surprised by a security guard,
whom Brent knocks down a flight of stairs, killing him. What crime was committed? What kind
of evidence is present? What evidence or pieces of evidence can be used to convict Mr. Ang?
(15 PTS)

6. Before a championship basketball game at Panpacific University, several students from the
Criminology Department decided to break in the school gym and damage the equipment and
spray paint grafitti on the walls. What crime was committed? What kind of evidence is present?
What evidence or pieces of evidence can be used to convict the Criminology Students? (20 PTS)

7. Mr. Aquinde intended to burn her house down when she set fire to it. As the house started
to burn, she changed her mind and used a water hose to put it out. Mr. Aquinde was arrested
and charged with arson. What level of crime should Mr. Aquide be charged? What kind of
evidence is present? What evidence or pieces of evidence can be used to convict Mr. Aquinde?
(25 PTS)


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