1st Assesment

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Unit 1: Representations

Autumn Assessment
November 2020
Unit 1: Representations
Autumn Assessment
November 2020
Unit 1: Representations
Autumn Assessment
November 2020

1. Explain one way that colour has been used in Image 1 (Shaun of the Dead) to create meaning for
the audience. [2]

The colour has been used to create meaning for the audience because the colour red suggests danger and
violence which gives the audience an idea that this going to be a horror genre film.

2. Explain one way that images are used in Image 1 (Shaun of the Dead) to create meaning for the
audience. [2]

On way the image is used to create meaning for the audience is the words on the front cover. For example,
‘AN ABSOLUTE BLAST!’. This catches the audience’s attention and make them wonder what the film is

3. Explain how narrative has been communicated in Image 1 (Shaun of the Dead). [6]

Narrative has been communicated in image 1 because Simon Pegg is presented in the middle of the poster as
he gives direct eye contact. This represents him as the prop hero because it shows us his dominance of his
image in the poster. Simon Pegg’s facial expression also supports his position as the hero.

Another way narrative has been communicated in image 1 is with the characters standing beside Simon Pegg.
This gives the audience an idea that they are either the donor, helper or maybe even princess. This helps
understand the audience’s point of view.
Unit 1: Representations
Autumn Assessment
November 2020

4. Explain two ways editing techniques have been used in Clip 1 (Black Panther) to create audience
interest. [4]
1. One-way editing has been used in the trailer of Black Panther is by using different camera shots. For
example, we can see the trailer begins with a two-shot with two characters having a conversation.
This will engage the audience and would want them to find out what is happening.

2. Another way editing techniques has been used in the trailer of Black Panther is with the sound. In
this trailer they have used. For example, they have used parallel sounding which matches the image
of the sound.

5. Explain two ways sound has been used in Clip 1 (Black Panther) to create meaning for the
audience [4]

1. One way sound has been used in the trailer of Black Panther to create meaning for the audience is
by using an upbeat soundtrack in the trailer. This creates tension for the audience and makes the
trailer more interesting.

2. Another way sound has been used in the trailer of Black Panther to create meaning for the audience
is by using non–diegetic sound. We can see this thought the trailer when we hear someone
speaking in the background meaning that we do not have an onscreen source.

6. Explain two ways camerawork has been used in Clip 1 (Black Panther) to create meaning for the
audience. [4]

1. One way camerawork has been used in the trailer of Black Panther is by using graphic match. This
means when the camera cuts between two similar scenes of the film, in order to suggest an
important link for the film.

2. Another way camerawork has been used in the trailer of Black panther is by using slow motion.
Slow motions are usually captured to change the filming speed but also used to slow down
individual shots. This catches the audience’s attention and make them focus on the important
details of the film.
Unit 1: Representations
Autumn Assessment
November 2020

7. Analyse how masculinity is represented in Clip 1 (Black Panther). You should reference each
representation with relevant examples from this text only. [10]

Masculinity is represented thought the trailer of Black Panther. Masculinity plays an important role in the
men especially in action films. In this trailer we can see the main character Black panther use his
masculinity. For example, the fighting and brutal behaviour we see in this trailer is the norm for men to act
like this. This show and tells us that men don’t fear problems and they will always find a way to solve them.

Another way masculinity is represented thought the trailer is with the props they use and how their body
language shown. We can see the characters use props such as guns and bombs, but most importantly
fighting with their own strength. This is common in most action film and it show the masculinity of men and
how they resolve situation. Black Panthers facial expression is very serious which allows the audience to get
an insight of what type of character he is and what role he plays in the film.

Therefore, this trailer shows us how masculinity is represented and also the importance of why it is
common in action films.
Unit 1: Representations
Autumn Assessment
November 2020

8. Evaluate how women are represented as objects for the male gaze, using any media texts that
you have studied. [20]

Women are represented as objects for the male gaze. We know this because of Laura Mulvey and her
theory. In 1975 Laura Mulvey wrote a theory talking about women and how they are objectified in society.
This was to do with film, adverts, posters, music videos and many more. She argues that women appear on
camera for the visual pleasure of the male audience. In some cases, this is evident. For example, in the
wonder women trailer women have been represented stereotypically. We can see this in the trailer as
different camera shots are used to show her body and her positioning which shows us under her skirt. This
here proves Laura Mulvey’s point of how women appear on camera for the visual pleasure of the male

Another reason of why women are objects for the male gaze is because continue to see these
representations of women which allows it to become the norm today. In many cases we can say that
women are oppressed, and men are dominated. This can also be seen in films, adverts, posters, music
videos and many more. The trailer of wonder women shows us that people can argue against this and say
that wonder women is dominant as she shows her weaknesses but also strengths. This tells us that women
can do exactly what men can do, but because of the male gaze it distracts the audience.

Women in todays society can easily be judged or criticized for doing something some which some people
may find abnormal, but it is very common. This could be seen in the body language, facial expression or
maybe dress code that women show today. Some magazines sexualise women and they get edited to create
pleasure for the bigger audience.

Another way women are represented as objects for the male gaze is women are often dressed in costumes
that are revealing to catch the male gaze. This creates many stereotypes for females and portrays an image
that women shouldn’t have. Camera shots also represent women as objects. This can bee see =n with the
shots, point of view or maybe eye line edits used from the perspective of male characters looking in a sexual
Unit 1: Representations
Autumn Assessment
November 2020

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