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Siap Menghadapi Ujian Sekolah

Reading Comprehension Exercise 3

Nama : Muhammad Ramdhani

Kelas/Jur : XII – Multimedia 2
Date : March – 03 – 2021

Part I. Short Dialogues

Questions 4 – 6 refer to the following conversation

Man : Hi, Trisha. did you finish the financial report yet?
Woman: Yes. It looks good. Our profits were up by 15% this year.
Man : That’s great news, isn’t it? Are we going to give bigger bonuses?
Woman: Actually, It’s not so great. Our taxes have also increased by 15%, so we probably
can’t give bigger bonuses.

1. What are the speakers discussing ?

A. Tax laws
B. A finance report.
C. A local event
D. their boss

2. Why does the man think the woman’s news is great?

A. They can pay lower taxes this year.
B. They should make more money this year.
C. The company hire more employee this year.
D. They could increase bonuses this year.

3. Why is the woman unhappy about the situation?

A. She has lost her job
B. The company has to reduce bonuses
C. The company has to pay higher taxes
D. She could not finish the report in time

Questions 7 – 9 refer to the following conversation.

Woman: Why hasn’t the mail been collected? I have some important documents that need to
be sent today.
Man : Haven’t you heard? The postal workers went on strike this morning. There won’t be
any mail service until it’s over.
Woman: Why? I didn’t think they would actually go on strike . Having no mail service is really
going to put me behind schedule.
Man : Don’t worry. There are plenty of courier companies that can deliver the documents
on time. I’ll call our usual service.

4. What are the speakers discussing?

A. problems with the mail service
B. scheduling a meeting
C. copying documents
D. documents from another company

5. What can be inferred about the woman?

A. She is surprised at the news
B. She is worried about the workers
C. She forgot to send the document
D. She will make a new schedule

6. What is true about the man?

A. He offered to pick up the mail for the woman
B. He scheduled the workers at the post office
C. He knows couriers that can do the deliveries
D. He received all of his mail earlier that morning

Part II. Incomplete dialogues

Offering things
7. Vivi : It is very hot out side. Do you have something to drink?
Rara : ...... We have some in the refrigerator.
Vivi : That would be great. Thank you very much.
A. Would you like some fresh Orange juice
B. Do you want me to buy some water melon
C. Do you want me to make a cup of coffee
D. Could you make fresh coffee?

Passive voice
8. Reno : Have you got my car repaired?
Mechanic : Not yet Sir. __ right now. I think you can take it tomorrow.
A. The car will be done
B. The car is being used
C. The car has been checked
D. The car should have been finished

Conditional sentence
9. Dafa : Have you seen the new V67 Oppa mobile phone
Via : Absolutely. It has the newest feature with high resolution. If I have the money
next month, ___
Dafa :I think so. I hope your dream comes true
A. I would borrow it from my friend
B. I would have sell it immediately
C. I will get it to replace the old one
D. I buy the same type in the store
10. Man : ..... We can find a good decision there.
Woman: Good. Hope we can have a good deal about it.
A. How about dinner at Padang Restaurant tonight?
B. Let’s go swimming tomorrow?
C. Why don’t we take an English course?
D. Would you like to discuss our business?
11. Man : I’m having problem with my printer. It won’t start.
Woman : have you checked the connection? .....
A. I couldn’t help you about it.
B. I should try to help you
C. I think the cord might be unplugged.
D. You should call the physician.

Job Interview
12. Man : I see. ___
Woman: Because I’m hard-working and reliable, and I enjoy dealing with the public.
I’m also good at working in a team.
Man : Well, thanks for coming in. We’ll be in touch before the end of the week.
A. What position are you interested in?
B. Is it possible if you work in shift hours?
C. How do you know that the company needs a new employee?
D. And why do you think you are the right person for this job?

13. Man : I was wondering to speak with someone in the admission office.
Woman: ___. Do you want to leave a message?
A. I’m sorry to bother you.
B. No one is available now.
C. Hold on, please.
D. I’ll connect you through.

Talking about the past

14. Man : Have you worked in a shop before?
Woman: Yes, I Have. ___
Man : Right. What did you do there?
A. I used to help out at my uncle’s.
B. I spoke to my uncle yesterday.
C. My uncle offered me a job.
D. The position didn’t fit me at all.

Command and Request

15. Man : You should keep warm and get planty of rest. If you are not feeling better in
a week from now, ____
Woman: Thank you. Doctor. Good bye.
A. I think you’ve got an infection.
B. Come and see me again.
C. Will I get better soon?
D. My eyes are watering all the time.

Future plans
16. Man : Well, what do you fancy doing tonight
Woman: ___
Man : That’s a good idea. I will find out what on tonight is.
A. Why don’t we go to the cinema?
B. Why don’t we play futsal?
C. Why don’t we hand around?
D. Why don’t we have fish grilled?

Part III. Reading Text

Question 20 - 22 refer to the following News item.

Smart Cars are often thought of as eco-friendly, convenient and down right cute!
The City Coupe Smart Car is just over 8 feet long, less than 5 feet wide, and
about 5 feet tall. Whether you’re in the market for a new efficient car or just
curious what the hype is all about, here is a brief history of the Smart Car and
where it stands in the U.S. auto market. Whether you love them or hate them, this
is an automobile that has definitely made an impact on driving around the world.
There have been major concerns about Smart Cars being unsafe and unstable in
the event of a collision. They have shown to be less stable than larger vehicles at
high speeds as well. Therefore, Smart Cars are typically recommended for city
driving at low-to-moderate speeds.
Smart Car engines are located in the trunk, rather than the front of the vehicle. To
make Smart Cars safer, the manufacturer uses a Tridion steel safety shell to
enclose the entire vehicle and it’s performed well in crash tests. At the front of the
Smart Car, there is a small energy-absorbing crumple zone to reduce impact.
Smart Cars have replaceable and recyclable body panels, making it possible for
owners to change the color of their cars when they crave a new look.

17. What can we get after reading the text

A. the desciption of smart cars
B. the defininion of transport
C. the exploration about smart cars
D. the information about transportation

18. Where are the smart car engines located?

A. in the front
B. in the trunk
C. inside the car
D. in the rear part

19. “...there is a small energy-absorbing crumple zone to reduce Impack (paragraph 3)

The word ‘reduce’ has the closest meaninng to
A. Add
B. Enarge
C. Expand
D. Minimize

Questions 23 - 25 refer to thef following descriptive text.

A one-hour drive from my house is the most beautiful area in the south of New
Zaeland called “ The Green Park”. People from different parts of New Zaeland
and different countries often come here during holiday
The Green Park is a very large area of natural forest and a lot of animals live
there, Horses and donkeys walk everywhere and sometimes you can see deers,
cows and ducks crossing the road.

What I like about the Green Park is that the colours of the forest change during
the year. In autumn, the leaves are red and gold and in the spring everything
purple and different shades of green. The trees are always colourful and

Some tourists who visit the park love to stay at the pretty houses or dine in
traditional restaurants in a small villages nearby. Visitors are only allowed to
camp in certain part of the Green Park.

20. Why did the writer compose the text?

A. To inform the readers about New Zaeland
B. To describe a beautiful natural forest
C. To invite people to visit the place
D. To tell the readers about the Green Park

21. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The leaves’ colour changes in the park
B. Various animals live within the natural forest
C. The green Park is visited by New Zaelanders
D. Tourists come to visit the small vilages in the park

22. “ .... dine in traditional restaurants... “ ( paragraph 4)

The underlined phrase is closest in meaning to ....
A. Eat
B. Meal
C. Feast
D. Order

##Good luck ###

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