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1. What are the three forms of MIS infrastructures and what do they support?

Answer : The three are Information, Agile, and Sustainable. Information identifies customer records
and information is maintained and secured. Agile provides support the organization's goals like
hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment information MIS infrastructure supports
operations. it is used for backup, recovery, disaster recovery, and business continuity planning. agile
MIS infrastructure supports change. it is used for accessibility, availability, maintainability,
portability, reliability, scalability, and usability. sustainable MIS infrastructure supports
sustainability. it is used for grid computing, cloud computing, and virtualization

2. List the characteristics of an agile MIS infrastructure and explain why they are all critical for
supporting change ?

Answer : the characteristic of an agile MIS infrastructure is accessibility, availability,

maintainability, portability, reliability, scalability, and usability

3. Explain why ebusiness is contributing to the three pressures driving sustainable MIS
infrastructures !

Answer : e business has contributing to three pressure because the three pressures are high
carbon emissions, electronic waste, and energy consumption. ebusiness contributes to this
because it involves the use of technology through buying and selling on the internet.

4. Identify the benefits and challenges of cloud computing !

Answer : The benifts of cloud computing are decreased maintenance issues, decreased labor
costs, increased computing power, increased performance, increased information security,
increased software updates, increased storage capacity.if there’s a benefits then there,s the
challenges too. The Challenges of cloud computing are limited features, internet connection
required, security can be questionable.

5-6. Why is selecting computer hardware and software for the organization an important
management decision? What management, organization, and technology issues should be
considered when selecting computer hardware and software?

Answer :Selecting hardware and software is important for management decision because it affects
production quality and quantity and they cost a lot of money. When the computer hardware and
software are unlikely to occur in the impact of an organization’s performance, the differentiation of IT
assets is essential to the organization’s operations and ultimate success.
Although, before the selection, management must ensure that the IT assets that they got is exactly
what the organization wants. Management, organization and technology factors should be considered
when selecting computer hardware and software in terms of when the company is large smaller firms
can manage with a simple spreadsheet, most will need more specific software to manage their
company. They should consider their business strategy and the market’s demand for the services –how
they will be approaching their goals, and how necessary it is that they invest in information systems.

5-7. Should organizations use software service providers for all their software needs? Why or why
not? What management, organization, and technology factors should be considered when making
this decision?

Answer : based on my opinion,the answer of the first question is depend on the organization Managers
should compare the costs and capabilities of using software service providers to the organizations costs
and capabilities of operating and owning its own hardware and software assets. The organization should
examine how using the service will impact organizational culture and how using an outside vendor
addresses organizational and business needs. The technology
factors include examining how well usage of the service fits with the firms IT infrastructure, as well as
examining the appropriateness of using a software service provider to address the current problem.

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