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Interview with Dr Nelly Grosjean, 15 Nov 2010 @ Elysyle Spa

1. Bio : (note: refer to attachments)

2. About essential oils

Essential oils are used to (i) maintain general well-being and (ii) for the prevention and
healing of illnesses. The foundation of aromatherapy and essential oils has had a long
history. Avicenna, the renowned Ancient Persian physician and philosopher, also known
as Ibn-Sina (980-1037AD) invented a simple distillation process to produce alcohol and
essential oils, forming the fundamental foundation to current aromatherapy practices.

Centuries earlier, infused oils and herbal preparations were already used by queens and
pharaohs of ancient Egypt, and even used on the embalmment of mummies to prevent
oxidation and decay as a process in securing eternal life. In India, princesses used rose
petals mixed with water as perfume since 2000 BC.

Anecdotes of the use of aromatherapy can be easily seen in ancient cultures across the

3. If a person is looking to buy a good bottle of essential oil, what should be the criteria to
look out for?

Essential oils are the concentrated aromatic concentrate of a plant – its pure and natural
essence. But the reality today is that almost 95% of the aromatherapy oils or the so-
called “essential oils” out there are synthetic products. That is why it is important to
ensure your choice of essential oils carries an ECOCERT (a world renowned organic
certification with very strict standards) and that it is Bio-Organic and untainted – straight
from the distiller.

4. Bio-Organic?

It means totally natural and organic in a true sense, for each ingredient that goes into it –
and every stage of the process that goes into its creation – is 100% organic.

We have to take caution that many businesses tend to abuse the label “organic”. It is a
trend today that anything is loosely labeled “organic” or having aromatherapy qualities
while in fact perhaps only one out of their many ingredients is natural.

5. How is it derived?

The extraction of the essential oils is done through distillation (note: see attached
image). We cannot get essential oils out of just any plant, but only certain aromatic
plants with enough compounds to be collected at the end of the distillation process. To
produce 1 to 3 litres of the oil, we would need 180kg to 200kg of dried plants. This is
equivalent to the harvest from a farm area of 1m by 500m.

The Provence region of France, where I come from, is considered as the heart of the
essential oils industry because of its rich variety of aromatic plants. Arome essential oils
are made in the same manner right here in Provence.
6. What are the benefits of Arome range of essential oil?

Arome addresses today’s unbalanced lifestyle that the society is leading. Every year, a
regular person consumes 14-15kg of chemicals, not to mention the obscene amount of
sugar in our food and drinks, the daily pressures and sedentary lifestyle. Arome’s main
areas of benefits are:

i) Protection: High levels of antiseptic qualities

ii)Cell regeneration effect: it revitalizes the cells by reinforcing their protective coats
Detoxification: it helps the body to cleanse itself of unwelcome toxins
iv)Intelligence: it has “electivity” or homeostatic intelligence that, once applied to the
skin, for example, it has the ability be attracted by – and flow to – any part of the
body that needs its healing qualities the most
v) No Excess: if it is not needed by the body, it will be dispelled from the system
naturally without side effects (provided we don’t overindulge in unreasonably large

Arome is derived pure from the distiller and is bio-organic. Again, this means the entire
process – from farming to the final product – is 100% organic, and it is done under strict
adherence to ECOCERT. It is also certified with all relevant French quality assurance

With 30 years experience in the business, we have a close and transparent relationship
with all our suppliers and farmers. In fact, our factories are open to the public to visit
(which is a rare thing), and we would gladly give tours and share with anyone who would
like to know about the process and quality assurance here.

7. What’s your advice to those new to aromatherapy?

Start with from the belly. Get rid of wind and constipation. When it feels better, so will
your mental wellbeing. Whatever you do, relax and seek harmony. If harmony is within
you, harmony will surround you. Also take time to exercise and breathe. Do it properly
and fill up your lungs. We die because we don’t breathe.

8. Any parting message?

Smile at life.

(Note: the “ten golden rules of well being” under her bio may give more clues to her style
and personality.)

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