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Modeling of Synchronous Generators

Module 5-2

School of Science & Engineering

Covered So Far …
Synchronous generators have 3-phase Rotor is excited by a dc current to produce
windings sinusoidally distributed in many slots constant magnitude field which can then be
in the stator rotated to induce voltage on the armature
These can be equivalently modeled to be windings
concentrated in their respective slots if the The same structure can act as a motor if the
field inside is assumed to follow straight path armature windings are externally excited by a
in airgap and not bend to take the path of least 3-phase system
Rotor windings, which are also distributed, can
be modeled as being concentrated
The three armature windings are identical to
each other and only displaced 120o spatially
Stator windings will have induced voltage and
will provide electrical power output

School of Science & Engineering

Setup of Physical Model
The physical structure of the machine can be
electrically modeled as coupled coils
The armature or stator windings are stationary with
equal self-inductance and winding resistance given by
Lss=Lxx and Rx, respectively, where x represents the
phase a, b or c.
The rotor or field winding also has self-inductance
and winding resistance given by Lff and Rf
The mutual inductance of stator windings with each
other is given by Lab=Lbc=Lca= Ms
The mutual inductance of the field coil with each of
the stator coil varies with d and is given by
Laf=MfCosd; Lbf=MfCos(d–120o); Lcf=MfCos(d–240o)
Furthermore, In balanced 3-phase system, ia+ib+ic=0

School of Science & Engineering

Circuit Model
Flux Linkage equations:
a=Laaia + Labib + Lacic +Lafif = Lssia + Ms(ib+ic) + Lafif (1)
b=Labia + Lbbib + Lbcic +Lbfif = Lssib + Ms(ic+ia) + Lbfif (2)
c=Lcaia + Lbcib + Lccic +Lcfif = Lssic + Ms(ia+ib) + Lcfif (3)
f=Lafia + Lbfib + Lcfic + Lffif (4)
Using ia+ib+ic=0 for (1), (2) and (3)
a = (Lss – Ms) ia + Mf If Cos d
b = (Lss – Ms) ib + Mf If Cos (d – 120o)
c = (Lss – Ms) ic + Mf If Cos (d – 240o)
In terms of rotor angular speed , dd/dt =  d = t+ do where do is the initial
phase angle of the rotor winding from the reference a-phase armature winding
a = (Lss – Ms) ia + Mf If Cos (t+ do)
b = (Lss – Ms) ib + Mf If Cos (t+ do – 120o)
c = (Lss – Ms) ic + Mf If Cos (t+ do – 240o)
Using KVL: va+iaRa+da/dt = 0  va = – iaRa – da/dt
 va = – iaRa – (Lss – Ms)dia/dt + MfIfSin(t+ do)

School of Science & Engineering

Circuit Model – Stator
Armature circuit equation:
va = – iaRa – (Lss – Ms)dia/dt +  Mf If Sin(t + do)
Defining (Lss – Ms) as the synchronous inductance Ls and rearranging terms:
va =  Mf If Sin(t + do) – Ls dia/dt – ia Ra
One last modification is to define the angle w.r.t. quadrature axis, 90o lagging
from the direct axis. This allows us to write the equation in terms of  where
 = do – 90o:
va = √2 Ea Cos(t + ) – Ls dia/dt – ia Ra
Where: Induced EMF ea =  Mf If Sin(t+ do) with rms value Ea =  Mf If/√2 Ls – M s

 is also the phase difference between induced EMF ea and terminal voltage va.
This is the same Power angle / Torque angle that exists between BR and Bnet.
The expression for other phase voltages can be written as:
vb = √2 Ea Cos(t +  – 120o) – Ls dib/dt – ib Rb
Ls – M s
vc = √2 Ea Cos(t +  – 240o) – Ls dic/dt – ic Rc
The equivalent circuit for the stator can thus be represented as shown Ls – M s

School of Science & Engineering

Circuit Model – Rotor
The three phase currents for a balanced system, with current lagging voltage by , can be
written as:
ia = √2 Ia Cos(t +  – )
ib = √2 Ia Cos(t +  –  – 120o)
ic = √2 Ia Cos(t +  –  – 240o)
Using Eq. (4) i.e. f=Lafia + Lbfib + Lcfic + LffIf and Laf=MfCosd; Lbf=MfCos(d–120o);
f=LffIf +Mf[iaCos(t+do)+ibCos(t+do– 120o)+icCos(t+do–240o)] where do=+90o
f = Lff If +√2Ia Mf [ Cos(t +  – ) Cos(t +  + 90o)
+ Cos(t +  –  – 120o) Cos(t +  + 90o – 120o)
+ Cos(t +  –  – 240o) Cos(t +  + 90o – 240o)]
By using the trigonometric identity 2 CosA CosB = Cos(A-B) + Cos(A+B) jXS
f = Lff If – 3 Ia Mf Sin / √2 and
First term represents the rotating flux in field winding due to current in field winding IF
Second term  equivalent fictitious winding with fixed dc excitation dependent on armature
current and rotating with the same frequency  Armature Reaction
 is positive for lagging current  armature reaction has a de-magnetizing effect
Terminal voltage decreases for lagging current and increases for leading current
School of Science & Engineering
Full Equivalent Circuit
The full equivalent circuit for a 3-phase
synchronous generator
The three phases can be Y-Connected
Terminal voltage VT = √3 V where V is the phase voltage
The three phases can also be -connected
Terminal voltage VT = V
Can also represent the per-phase equivalent

School of Science & Engineering

Phasor Diagrams of Synchronous Generator
VT = Ea – jXs Ia – Ia Ra
 Ea = VT + jXs Ia + Ia Ra
Take VT as the reference phase
Power delivery to lagging power factor load –
Current is lagging by 
Reactive Power being delivered by the generator:
Over-excited mode
Ea leads VT:  is positive  power being delivered
Power delivery to leading power factor load
Reactive power being absorbed by the generator: Under-
excited mode
Power delivery to unity power factor load
Although load is at unity power factor, some reactive
power being generated internally to overcome the
requirements of synchronous reactance

School of Science & Engineering

Next Topic
Power transfer

School of Science & Engineering

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