Induction Machine Notes

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Induction Machine

Dr. Krishna Roy
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering Department
Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.


Three-phase induction motors are the most common and
frequently used machines in industry
-simple design, rugged, low-price, low maintenance
-wide range of power ratings: fractional horsepower to
10 MW
-runs essentially at constant speed from no-load to full
-Essentially a “fixed-speed” machine
-Speed is determined by the supply frequency
-To vary its speed a variable frequency supply is

Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.

An induction motor has two main parts
-a stationary stator
•consisting of a steel frame that supports a hollow,
cylindrical core
•core, constructed from stacked laminations , having a
number of evenly spaced slots, providing the space for the
stator winding

Stator of IM

– a revolving rotor:
the induction motor has two types of
i) the squirrel cage rotor
ii) the wound rotor

Both types of rotors

composed of punched
laminations, stacked to
create a series of rotor
slots, providing space for
the rotor winding.

Squirrel cage rotor:

Rotor winding is composed

of copper or aluminum bars
embedded in the rotor slots
and shorted at both end by
end rings.

Squirrel cage rotor:

Wound rotor:
Rotor winding is wound by wires.
The winding terminals can be connected to external
circuits through slip rings and brushes.

slip rings

Wound rotor:

Wound rotor:
Slip rings

Cutaway in a
typical wound-
rotor IM.

Principle of rotating magnetic

Principle of rotating magnetic field
 Balanced three phase windings, i.e.
electrically displaced 120 degrees
form each other, fed by balanced
three phase source.
 A rotating magnetic field with
constant magnitude is produced,
rotating with a speed
120 f
Ns 
Where f is the supply frequency and
P is the no. of poles and Ns is called
the synchronous speed in rpm

Principle of rotating magnetic field
Synchronous speed:

P 50 Hz 60 Hz
2 3000 3600
4 1500 1800
6 1000 1200
8 750 900
10 600 720
12 500 600
Principle of rotating magnetic field
 When a 3-phase winding is energized from a 3-phase
supply, a rotating magnetic field is produced.
 This field is such that its poles do not remain in a fixed
position on the stator but go on shifting their positions
around the stator.
 For this reason, it is called a rotating field.
 It can be shown that magnitude of this rotating field is
constant and is equal to 1.5 Φm,
Where, Φm is the maximum flux due to any phase.

Principle of rotating magnetic field
Three phase current waveform

Principle of rotating magnetic field
The fluxes produced by
three phase currents are
given by:
 A   m sin t
 B   m sin(t  120 )

 C   m sin(t  120 )

Phasor diagram of the three fluxes

Principle of rotating magnetic field
At instant 1, t  0.
Therefore, the three fluxes are given by:
 A   m sin 0  0
 B   m sin(120 )  

 C   m sin(120 ) 

Resultant flux,
3 60
R  2   m cos( )  1.5 m
2 2

Principle of rotating magnetic field

Principle of rotating magnetic field
At instant 2, t  60 .

Therefore, the three fluxes are given by:

 A   m sin 60 
 B   m sin(60 )  

 C   m sin(180 )  0

Resultant flux,
3 60
R  2   m cos( )  1.5 m
2 2

Principle of rotating magnetic field

Principle of rotating magnetic field
At instant 3, t  120.
Therefore, the three fluxes are given by:
 A   m sin(120 )  
 B   m sin 0  0
 C   m sin(240 )  

Resultant flux,
3 60
R  2   m cos( )  1.5 m
2 2

Principle of rotating magnetic field

Principle of rotating magnetic field
At instant 4, t  180.
Therefore, the three fluxes are given by:
 A   m sin(180 )  0
 B   m sin(60 )  m
 C   m sin(300 )  

Resultant flux,
3 60
R  2   m cos( )  1.5 m
2 2

Principle of rotating magnetic field

Principle of rotating magnetic field


Principle of operation

Principle of operation
When 3-phase stator winding is energized from a 3-phase
supply, a rotating magnetic field is set up which rotates round
the stator at synchronous speed
120 f
Ns 
The rotating field passes through the air gap and cuts the
rotor conductors, which as yet, are stationary.
Due to the relative speed between the rotating flux and the
stationary rotor, e.m.f.s are induced in the rotor conductors.
Since the rotor circuit is short-circuited, currents start
flowing in the rotor conductors.

Principle of operation
The current-carrying rotor conductors are placed in the
magnetic field produced by the stator.
Consequently, mechanical force acts on the rotor
The sum of the mechanical forces on all the rotor
conductors produces a torque which tends to move the rotor
in the same direction as the rotating field.
The fact that rotor is urged to follow the stator field (i.e.,
rotor moves in the direction of stator field) can be explained
by Lenz’s law.
According to this law, the direction of rotor currents will be
such that they tend to oppose the cause producing them.

Principle of operation
Now, the cause
producing the rotor
currents is the relative
speed between the
rotating field and the
stationary rotor
Hence to reduce this
relative speed, the rotor
starts running in the same
direction as that of stator
field and tries to catch it.

Induction motor speed
At what speed will the IM run?
•Can the IM run at the synchronous speed?

When the stator of a 3-phase induction motor is energized

by a balanced 3-phase supply, the rotor rapidly accelerates in
the direction of rotating field.
In practice, the rotor can never reach the speed of stator
If it did, there would be no relative speed between the stator
field and rotor conductors, no induced rotor currents and,
therefore, no torque to drive the rotor.

Induction motor speed
At what speed will the IM run?
•Can the IM run at the synchronous speed?

The friction and windage would immediately cause the rotor

to slow down.
Hence, the rotor speed (Nr) is always less than the stator
field speed (Ns).
This difference in speed depends upon load on the motor.

Induction motor speed
So, the IM will always run at a speed lower than the
synchronous speed or the speed of the rotating magnetic field.
The difference between the rotor speed and the synchronous
speed is called the Slip speed
N slip  N s  N r

Where, Ns - Nr = slip speed

Ns = speed of the magnetic field
Nr = rotor speed of the motor

The Slip
Slip speed expressed as a percentage of synchronous speed is
called the slip.
Ns  Nr
s is the slip
If the rotor runs at synchronous speed, s = 0
If the rotor is stationary, s = 1
Slip may be expressed as a percentage by multiplying the
above equation by 100.
Induction Motors and Transformers
Both IM and transformer works on the principle of induced
-Transformer: voltage applied to the primary windings
produces an induced voltage in the secondary windings.
-Induction motor: voltage applied to the stator windings
produces an induced voltage in the rotor windings.
-The difference is that, in the case of the induction motor,
the secondary windings can move.
-Due to the rotation of the rotor (the secondary winding
of the IM), the induced voltage in it does not have the
same frequency of the stator (the primary) voltage.

Rotor Current Frequency
The frequency of a voltage or current induced due to the
relative speed between a winding and a magnetic field is
given by the general formula
frequency 
where N = Relative speed between magnetic field and the
P = Number of poles
Ns  Nr
Therefore, the rotor current frequency is given by. Ns
( N s  N r )  P sN s P
f2    sf
120 120

Rotor Current Frequency
f 2  sf

When the rotor is blocked (s=1), the frequency of the

induced voltage is equal to the supply frequency.
On the other hand, if the rotor runs at synchronous speed (s =
0), the frequency will be zero.

Rotor emf, Current and Power

Rotor emf, Current and Power
At standstill,
the relative speed between rotating magnetic field and rotor
conductors  N s
let the per phase rotor induced emf under this condition be E2
When the rotor rotates with a slip of s,
the per phase rotor induced emf  sE2

Rotor emf, Current and Power
Rotor leakage reactance at
standstill, X 2  2 fL2
where L2 is the rotor leakage
Rotor leakage reactance at any
slip s,  2 f 2 L2  2 sfL2  sX 2
Rotor leakage impedance at
standstill,  R22  X 22
Rotor leakage impedance at any
slip s,  R22   sX 2 2

Rotor emf, Current and Power
Per phase rotor current at
standstill  E2
R22  X 22

Per phase rotor current at any

slip s, sE2
I2 
R2   sX 2 
2 2


( ) 2  X 22

Rotor emf, Current and Power
The rotor current lags the rotor E2
I2 
voltage by rotor pf angle θ2 R2
( ) 2  X 22
given by s
1 sX 2
 2  tan
The circuit representation of the
current equation is shown in the

Rotor emf, Current and Power
From the per phase rotor
equivalent circuit it can be seen
that the per phase power input to
rotor, Pg  E2 I 2 cos 2
Now, cos 2  s
( )2  X 22
Therefore, Pg  E2 I 2 s R
 I 22 2
R2 2 s
( )  X2
Pg is the power transferred from stator to rotor across the air
gap and hence it is called the air-gap power.
Rotor emf, Current and Power
The expression of Pg may be
written as
2 R2 1 s
Pg  I 2  I 22 R2  I 22 R2 ( )
s s
= rotor ohmic loss (PRCu) + internal
mechanical power developed in
rotor (Pm).
Therefore, Pm  I 22 R2 (1  s )  (1  s ) Pg
PRCu  I 22 R2  sPg

Internal Torque developed
Internal Torque developed per phase is given by
Internal mechanical power developed in rotor
Te 
Rotor speed in mechanical rad per sec.
Pm (1  s ) Pg Pg
Te   
r (1  s )s s
Here  s  2 ns is the synchronous speed in rad/s and ns 
Pg 1 I 22 R2
Te   
2 ns 2 ns s

Output or Shaft power
Psh  Pm  mechanical losses
 Pg  rotor ohmic loss-friction and windage losses
Psh Psh
Therefore, Tsh  
r (1  s )s
 Pg  Stator input power  stator ohmic loss- stator core loss

Power relations
Pin  3 VL I L cos   3 V ph I ph cos 
PSCu  3 I12 R1
R2 P
Pg  Pin  ( PSCu  Pcore )  Pm  PRCu  3I 22  RCu
s s
PRCu  3I 22 R2
R2 (1  s) P (1  s )
Pm  Pg  PRCu  3I 22  RCu
s s
Pm  (1  s) Pg

Psh  Pm  Pf  w

Pm (1  s ) Pg
Te  
r (1  s )s

Power relations

Pg : PRCu : Pm
1 : s : 1-s

Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Equivalent Circuit

Equivalent Circuit
Stator equivalent circuit:
The rotating air-gap flux
generates counter emfs in all the 3
phases of stator (or the primary)
The stator terminal voltage V1
has to overcome counter emf V’1(=
-E1) and the stator leakage
Fig. 1: Stator equivalent
impedance drop I1(R1+jX1). circuit
Therefore, just like a
transformer, the stator or primary
voltage is given by,
V1  V1'  I1  R1  jX 1 
Equivalent Circuit
Stator equivalent circuit:
As in the case of a transformer,
the stator current I1 consists of two
One component is I’1, is the load
component and counteract the
rotor mmf completely.
The other component is the
Fig. 1: Stator equivalent
exciting current Ie, whose function circuit
is to create the resultant air-gap
flux Φ and to provide the core loss.

Equivalent Circuit
Stator equivalent circuit:
As in a transformer, the exciting
current Ie can be resolved into two
components, core-loss component
Ic in phase with V’1 and a
magnetizing component Im lagging
V’1 by 90°.
In the equivalent circuit, Ic and
Fig. 1: Stator equivalent
Im are accounted for by a shunt circuit
branch, consisting of core loss
resistance Rc in parallel with Rc 
Xm 

magnetizing reactance Xm as Ic Im

shown in the figure.

Equivalent Circuit
Rotor equivalent circuit: I2 R2

The per phase rotor current is
given by, sE2
jsX 2
I2 
frequency, sf

R22   sX 2 
Fig.2(a): Actual rotor circuit
E2 jX 2


( ) 2  X 22
s E2 R2
frequency, f

Fig.2(b): Equivalent rotor circuit

Equivalent Circuit
Rotor equivalent circuit:
R2 I2 jX 2
 

sE2 E2 R2
jsX 2 s
frequency, f

frequency, sf 

Fig.2(a): Actual rotor circuit Fig.2(b): Equivalent rotor circuit

 N 
I2  2  jX 2
 N1 

 N 
E2  1   E1 R2
 N 2  s
frequency, f

Fig.2(c): Equivalent rotor circuit referred to stator

Equivalent Circuit
 N 
I2  2  jX 2
 N1 

 N 
E2  1   E1 R2
 N 2  s
frequency, f

Fig.2(c): Equivalent rotor circuit

Fig. 1: Stator equivalent circuit referred to stator

 N 
R1 jX 1 I2  2  jX 2
 N1  a
 Ie
I1 Im
V1 V1   E1 Rc jX m E  N1  s
2 
 N 2 

Fig. 3: Exact equivalent circuit 61
Equivalent Circuit
 N 2 
R1 jX 1 I2   jX 2
N 
 1 a
 Ie
I1 Im
V1 V1   E1 Rc jX m E  N1 
2  s
 2

Fig. 3: Exact equivalent circuit

General Equivalent Circuit
R1 X1 I2 X2
 Ie
I1 Im
V1 Rc Xm s

Fig. 4: General equivalent circuit

R2 R2
 R2  R2 
s s
 1 
 R2  R2   1
s 
1 s 
 R2  R2  
 s 
General Equivalent Circuit
R2 1 s 
 R2  R2  
s  s 
R1 X1 I2 R2 X2
 Ie
I1 Im
V1 Rc Xm  1 s 
R2  
 s 

Actual rotor
resistance Resistance equivalent to
mechanical load
Fig. 4: Modified equivalent circuit
Phasor Diagram

Phasor Diagrams
At standstill:
i) The flux Φ is common to both the V1
jx1 I1
stator and rotor windings. r1 I1
ii) The induced e.m.fs E1 and E2 lag Φ V1   E1
by 900. I1

iii) The exciting current I e  I c  I m

iv) At standstill, Ie

E2  I 2  r2  jx2 
r2 I 2 Im 

v) Due to I2 in the rotor, a current I’1

I2 E2
jx2 I 2
flows in the stator, which is in phase
opposition to I2.

vi) Total stator current I1  I1'  I e

Phasor Diagrams
At standstill:
vii) The stator applied voltage V1 must V1
jx1 I1
balance the stator counter emf V’1(= - r1 I1
E1) and the stator leakage impedance V1   E1
drop, so that I1

V1  V1 I1  r1  jx1 
viii) The power factor angle θ1 at the r2 I 2 Im

stator terminals is very high, i.e. stator 2

power factor is very poor at the time of I2

jx2 I 2

starting a 3-phase induction motor.


Phasor Diagrams
At any slip s:
V1 jx1 I1
i) At normal operating speed, the slip s
is very small. r1 I1

(ii) Therefore, the rotor voltage V1   E1 I1

equation becomes
sE2  I 2  r2  jsx2 
iii) The exciting current I e  I fc  I m I fc
where, Ifc is the friction, windage and 90
Im 

core loss component of exciting r2 I 2

current. E2
jsx2 I 2 E

Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Torque-slip characteristics

Torque-slip (or speed) characteristic

V1 ( jX m )
VTh 
R1  j ( X 1  X m )

ZTh 
 R1  jX 1  ( jX m )  RTh  jX Th
R1  j ( X 1  X m )

Torque-slip (or speed) characteristic
For most induction motors,
X 1  X m  R1
V1 X m
VTh 
X1  X m
R1 X X
ZTh  RTh  jX Th  j 1 m
X1  X m X1  X m

Now, the rotor current is given by,

I2 
  j  X 2  X Th 
 R2 
 Th 
 s 

Torque-slip (or speed) characteristic
Now, the total torque is given by,
3 2 R2
Te   I 2 
s s
3 VTh2 R
   2
s 
 RTh     X 2  X Th 
R2  s


 s 
Kt R2 Tst
 

 
R2  s

 Th    X  X

 s 
2 Th

where, Kt  smt

Torque-slip (or speed) characteristic

Tst = Starting torque

(torque at zero speed)
Tm = Maximum torque
(peak torque) B
(breakdown torque)
(pull-out torque) Tst TL
Smt = Slip for maximum torque
TL = Load torque

Torque-slip (or speed) characteristic
1. The induced torque is zero at synchronous speed.
2. The curve is nearly linear between no-load and full load. In this
range, the rotor resistance is much greater than the reactance, so the
rotor current, torque increase linearly with the slip.
3. There is a maximum possible torque that can’t be exceeded. This
torque is called pullout torque and is 2 to 3 times the rated full-load
4. The starting torque of the motor is slightly higher than its full-load
torque, so the motor will start carrying any load it can supply at full
5. The torque of the motor for a given slip varies as the square of the
applied voltage.
6. If the rotor is driven faster than synchronous speed it will run as a
generator, converting mechanical power to electric power.

Torque-slip (or speed) characteristic
Maximum torque:
 Maximum torque occurs when
the power transferred to R2/s is
 This condition occurs when
R2/s equals the magnitude of
the impedance RTh + j (XTh +
X2 )
 RTh2  ( X Th  X 2 ) 2 The slip at which
smT maximum torque occurs
R2 is directly proportional
smT  to the rotor resistance R2
RTh2  ( X Th  X 2 ) 2
Torque-slip (or speed) characteristic
Maximum torque:
The corresponding maximum torque of an induction motor
is given by
1  3VTh2 
Te m   
2s  RTh  RTh2  ( X Th  X 2 ) 2 
 
The maximum torque is independent of R2.

Torque-slip (or speed) characteristic
Maximum torque:
Rotor resistance can be increased by inserting external
resistance in the rotor of a wound-rotor induction motor.

value of the maximum torque remains unaffected
the speed at which it occurs can be controlled.

Torque-slip (or speed) characteristic
Maximum torque:

Effect of rotor resistance on torque-speed characteristic

Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
No load and blocked rotor test

Testing of 3-phase induction motors
• Parameters of the equivalent circuit, different losses, and
efficiency of an induction motor can be determined from
the following tests:
• No load test
• Blocked rotor or locked rotor test
R1 jX 1 R2 jX 2

Rc jX m  1 s 
R2  
 s 

No-load test or Open circuit test
R1 jX 1 R2 jX 2

Rc jX m

• No mechanical load is connected to shaft

• Full rated voltage applied
• Draws only no-load current
• Motor is free to rotate
• High speed (close to synchronous speed)
• No-load losses measured ( core + friction & windage loss)
• Copper loss negligible

No-load test or Open circuit test
Let, R1 jX 1

Vnl = Voltmeter reading, I nl

Inl = Ammeter reading,
Pnl = Wattmeter reading. Vnl jX m

Stator no-load impedance, Z nl 
I nl
Stator no-load resistance, Rnl  nl2
I nl

Stator no-load reactance, X nl  Z nl2  Rnl2  X 1  X m

Blocked rotor or locked rotor test
R1 jX 1 R2 jX 2

Rc jX m

• Motor not allowed to rotate

• Full rated current is made to flow
• Very less voltage applied (sufficient to drive full load
• Blocked
• Zero speed
• Full load copper losses measured
• Core loss negligible

Blocked rotor or locked rotor test
Let, R1 jX 1 jX 2
Vbr = Voltmeter reading, I br
Ibr = Ammeter reading,
Pbr = Wattmeter reading. Vbr jX m R2

Blocked rotor impedance, Z br 
I br
Blocked rotor resistance, Rbr  br2
I br

Blocked rotor reactance, X br  Z br2  Rbr2  X 1  X 2

Therefore, X 1  X 2  X br
 x2  X m  X 2 
Hence, X m  X nl  X 1
 Xm   x2 

 R2   Rbr  R1  
Rbr  R1  R2   
 2  X
 m 88
Example1: No-load and blocked rotor test of a 415V, 3-phase, 50HP, star
connected induction motor gave the following results:
No-load test (line values): 415 V. 3.5 A. 250 W
Blocked rotor test (line value): 115V. 13A. 1660 W
Stator resistance/ph is 1.5 ohm.
Calculate equivalent circuit parameters.
Given, Vnl  V  230.94 V I nl  3.5 A Pnl  250 W
Vbr  V  66.4 V I br  13 A Pbr  1660 W
From no-load test,
Vnl 230.94
Z nl     65.98 
I nl 3.5
Pnl 250
Rnl     6.8 
3I nl2 3  3.52

X nl  Z nl2  Rnl2  65.982  6.82   65.63 

Example1: No-load and blocked rotor test of a 415V, 3-phase, 50HP, star
connected induction motor gave the following results:
No-load test (line values): 415 V. 3.5 A. 250 W
Blocked rotor test (line value): 115V. 13A. 1660 W
Stator resistance/ph is 1.5 ohm.
Calculate equivalent circuit parameters.
Given, Vnl  V  230.94 V I nl  3.5 A Pnl  250 W
Vbr  V  66.4 V I br  13 A Pbr  1660 W
From blocked rotor test,
Vbr 66.4
Z br     5.11 
I br 13
Pbr 1660
Rbr     3.27 
3I br2 3  13 2

X br  Z br2  Rbr2  5.112  3.27 2   3.92 

Example1: No-load and blocked rotor test of a 415V, 3-phase, 50HP, star
connected induction motor gave the following results:
No-load test (line values): 415 V. 3.5 A. 250 W
Blocked rotor test (line value): 115V. 13A. 1660 W
Stator resistance/ph is 1.5 ohm.
Calculate equivalent circuit parameters.
Given, Vnl  V  230.94 V I nl  3.5 A Pnl  250 W
Vbr  V  66.4 V I br  13 A Pbr  1660 W
X 3.92
X 1  X 2  br    1.96 
2 2
X m  X nl  X 1   65.63  1.96    63.57  x2  X m  X 2  65.63 

 x2 
R2   Rbr  R1      65.53 
2 2

  3.27  1.5     1.88 

 Xm   63.57 
Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Starting of 3-phase Induction

3-phase induction motor starting
• Starting = standstill (s = 1) RR1 1 jXjX jX 2 jX 2
R2 R2
• R2(1-s)/s shorted

• So large starting current

• Produce torque impulse RcR jX jX  1 s 
R2  
• Sudden dip in supply line
 s 
c m

• Affect operation of other
equipment connected to
the line
• Starting methods are:
• Direct-On-Line (DOL) starting
• Stator resistance/reactance starting
• Auto transformer starting
• Star-delta starting
• Rotor resistance starting
3-phase induction motor starting
Starting current, starting torque:
1 I 22 R2
Tst  I st 
Te  
 sf s s
T f  I f 

If, Tf, sf = full load current, torque and slip

Direct On Line (DOL) starting
• Simplest and cheapest
• No extra arrangement
• Only for small motors ( < 5 HP)
• Full supply voltage directly given to motor terminals

Direct On Line (DOL) starting
Ist =IL=Isc R1 jX 1 R2 jX 2

V1 Rc jX m

Per phase starting current (Ist) Z sc

= Per phase short circuit current (Isc) Tst  I st 
 
   s f   I sc   s f  sc
T f  I f  I 
= Per phase line current (IL)   f  Tf
V1  V1  Tst  Tsc
I st  I sc    I f  
Z sc  Z f 
Tsc is the short circuit
Zsc = Per phase short circuit torque, i.e. blocked rotor
impedance torque of the motor when
Zf = Per phase impedance under full voltage is applied to its
normal running stator 98
Reduced voltage starting
• Starting current is high if full voltage is applied
I st  I sc 
Z sc
• Because starting impedance (Zsc) is very low
• SQIM rotor is not accessible from outside
• So rotor impedance can not be increased at starting
• So, either increase stator impedance or,
• Supply a reduced voltage at starting
• That reduces the supply current
• But, it reduces the starting torque as well, so motor may
fail to start if a high load is connected

Reduced voltage starting
• Methods for SQIM
• stator resistor (or reactor) starting
• auto-transformer starting
• star-delta starting
• Methods for SRIM
• All the above 3 methods
• Rotor resistance starting (since rotor is accessible from
outside through slip rings and brushes)

Stator resistor (or reactor) starting
• Three variable reactors (or resistors) are connected between
the supply mains and the three stator phase windings.
• These three reactors (or resistors) should be varied in a
balanced way.
• At starting, the external reactors (or resistors) are set to high
• So that out of the total supply voltage, a substantial part is
dropped across them and only a much reduced amount of
voltage is available across the stator phases.
• As the motor speeds up, the variable reactors (or resistors)
are gradually reduced
• Finally when the motor runs at full speed, these reactors (or
resistors) are completely cut-off (shorted) from the circuit
• So that the stator now receives full supply voltage.
• Reactors are preferred over resistors, because resistors will
involve additional power loss. 101
Stator resistor (or reactor) starting

• Total supply voltage per phase = V1

• External reactor set at ‘x’ fraction
• Voltage dropped across external reactor = (1 – x)V1
• Voltage available across motor coil per phase = xV1

Stator resistor (or reactor) starting
Ist =IL R1 jX 1 R2 jX 2 • Starting current
I st 
Rc jX m
Z sc
• Zsc = short circuit
Z sc impedance of the motor
per phase referred to stator
But, we have seen earlier,
I st  xI sc
 I sc = Short circuit current per phase
Z sc
= Starting current when full voltage is applied to
the stator during start
= Starting current at DOL

Stator resistor (or reactor) starting
I st  xI sc

Starting current with

stator reactor
= (x)fraction of
starting current as
• Thus, by adding the external reactor in series with the stator, the
starting current is reduced to ‘x’ p.u. of the current value that would
have flown if the motor was started at full voltage directly on line
• This same current flows through the supply line terminals as well.
• Thus, in case of stator reactor starting of a star connected three
phase induction motor, line current drawn from the supply is:
I L  I st  xI sc 104
Stator resistor (or reactor) starting
I st  xI sc
• In terms of torque developed
Tst  I st   xI  I  2 T
2 2 2

   s f   sc   s f  x 2   sc   s f  x sc
T f  I f 
  If   If  Tf

Tst  x 2Tsc

• Tsc is the short circuit torque, i.e. blocked rotor torque of the
motor when full voltage is applied to its stator (i.e. DOL).

• Thus, the starting torque with reduced voltage of x p.u. across

the stator is reduced to x2 p.u. of the starting torque if the
motor would have been started with full supply voltage (DOL).

Autotransformer starting
• A three-phase auto-transformer is used to supply variable
voltage to the stator of a three-phase induction motor.

• At starting, tap positions in the auto-transformer are set to

low values so that a reduced fraction of the supply voltage is
applied to the stator winding per phase.

• As the motor accelerates, the auto-transformer tap positions

are moved accordingly so that gradually increasing voltage is
made available at the stator terminals.

• Finally, when the motor speed reaches its full value, the auto-
transformer is cut-off and full voltage is applied to the motor

Autotransformer starting

• Total supply voltage per phase = V1

• Auto transformer tap position set at ‘x’ fraction
• Voltage available across motor coil per phase = xV1

Autotransformer starting
Ist R1 jX 1 R2 jX 2 • Starting current
xV1 V1
I st  x  xI sc
Z sc Z sc
Rc jX m

Z sc
V1 3
I sc  
Z sc Z sc
= Starting current
per phase at

Autotransformer starting
I st  xI sc

Autotransformer input
VA = Output VA
I L  V1  I st  xV1
I L  xI st  xxI sc   x 2 I sc

• The line current drawn from the supply is thus much less
(since x< 1, x2<< 1) than the corresponding DOL starting

• This is great advantage since the line voltage dip will be

Autotransformer starting
I st  xI sc
• In terms of torque developed
Tst  I st   xI  I  2 T
2 2 2

   s f   sc   s f  x 2   sc   s f  x sc
T f  I f 
  If   If  Tf

Tst  x 2Tsc

Starting torque with auto-transformer starting is x2 p.u. of the

starting torque with DOL starting.

Star-delta starting
• This starting method is applicable to motors that are designed
to run with its stator windings connected as delta during
normal condition.

• The star-delta starter connects the stator winding as star

during starting and re-connect to delta as the motor speed
reaches near its full value.

• Thus at starting, only 1/3 times the full line voltage is

available across each of the phases of the star-connected
stator winding, thereby reducing the starting current.

Star-delta starting

Star-delta starting
• Starting current per phase
I st  I Y  3
Z sc

Without the start-delta starter, if the motor would have been

started DOL with its stator permanently connected as delta,
then the starting current per phase:
I sc  I  
Z sc

Star-delta starting
• Starting current per phase
I st  I Y  3
Z sc
I sc  I  
Z sc
Z sc
I Y I st 3 1
  
I  I sc V1 Z sc 3
Thus, with star-delta starter:
I st

1 1
I st   I sc  0.58I sc
I sc 3 3

Star-delta starting
• Torque:

Tst TY  I Y  Tsc T  I  
2 2

    sf    sf
T f T f  I f 

Tf Tf  I f  

Tst TY  I Y 
I Y I st 1
     
Tsc T  I   I  I sc 3

Tst  I Y   1  1
2 2

     0.58 

Tsc  I    3  3

Tst  Tsc Tst  0.58 2 Tsc
Star-delta starting
• With star-delta starter:
I st  0.58I sc Tst  0.58 2 Tsc

• With star-delta starter, a motor behaves as if it is being started

by an auto-transformer starter with a ratio x = 1/3
• . i.e. with the auto-transformer tap at 58%.
Tst  Tsc
• For this delta connected motor, the starting torque with star-
delta starter is 1/3rd of the starting torque if it was started
DOL with stator connected as delta

Rotor resistance starting – for SRIM only
• Full voltage is applied to the stator terminals
• The effective motor resistance is increased by adding extra
resistance to the rotor windings during starting.
• These external resistances are connected to the rotor
windings through brushes and slip rings.
• At starting, values of these external resistances are set to
• Motor impedance is maximum at starting
• Motor starting current is restricted
• As the motor speeds up, these variable resistances are
gradually reduced.
• When the motor reaches speed near its full value, these
starting resistances are completely cut-off and the rotor
windings are externally shorted at the brushes.

Rotor resistance starting – for SRIM only

Speed control of 3-phase Induction

Speed control of 3-phase Induction Motor
• The operating speed of a 3-phase induction motor is given by:
N r  1  s  N S
• Where, the synchronous speed NS is related to the supply
frequency f and number of poles P by the equation:
120 f
NS 
• The above expressions indicates that the speed Nr of an
induction motor can be controlled by varying the
synchronous speed NS or the slip s.

Speed control of 3-phase Induction Motor
N r  1  s  N S NS 
120 f
• The synchronous speed can be changed by varying either the
frequency f, or the number of poles P of the motor.
• On the other hand, the slip s can be controlled by varying the
supply voltage, or by varying the motor circuit resistance or
• Accordingly, the practical methods of speed control of a 3-
phase induction motor can be listed as:
•Variation of supply voltage
•Variation of supply frequency
•Variation of number of poles
•Variation of rotor circuit resistance or reactance

Speed control by variation of supply voltage
• Recall the expression for developed torque in a 3-phase
induction motor:
3 V12 R2 '
T  
s 
   X 1  X 2 '
R2 '  s

 R1 

 s 
• It is thus seen that the developed torque is proportional to
square of the supply voltage

Speed control by variation of supply voltage
• The figure shows the nature of
variation of developed torque
with change in supply voltage.
• One possible example of load-
torque characteristic is also
included in the plot.
• The intersection points between
the load torque line and the
developed torque curves at
different voltages indicate the
stable operating points of the
motor at those different supply
voltages and the corresponding
stable running speeds.

Speed control by variation of supply frequency
N r  1  s  N S NS 
120 f
• The above expressions indicate that the speed Nr of an
induction motor can be controlled by varying the
synchronous speed NS or the slip s.
• The synchronous speed can be changed by varying either the
frequency f, or the number of poles P of the motor.

Speed control by variation of supply frequency
• Recall the expression for developed torque in a 3-phase
induction motor:
3 V12 R2 '
T  
s 
   X 1  X 2 '
R2 '  s

 R1 

 s 
• The angular frequency s in the expressions for torque, i.e.
the synchronous speed depends on supply frequency.
• Thus it is apparent that the starting torque, maximum torque,
slip for maximum torque, and the synchronous speed, all can
be changed by varying the supply frequency f.

Speed control by variation of supply frequency
• The motor developed torque
characteristics at varying
frequencies can hence be
shown as in the figure.
• Note that as the frequency is
raised, the torque reduces and
synchronous speed increases.

• Consider the load torque shown by the plot TLA.

• For this load, as the frequency is increased from f1 f2
f3 f4, the load torque graph intersection points with the
corresponding motor torque-speed graphs shift to higher
speeds and the motor speed thus increase at higher

Speed control by variation of number of poles
• Pole Changing Method is one of the main methods of
the speed control of an induction motor.
• The number of stator poles can be changed by the following
three methods
• multiple stator windings
• consequent poles
• pole amplitude modulation

Speed control by variation of number of poles
By providing multiple stator windings:
• Two windings are provided on the stator which are wound for
different number of poles.
• One winding is energized at a time for a particular speed and
the idle winding is kept open to avoid circulating currents and
its heating.
• Change over from one speed to another is made by a TPDT

Speed control by variation of number of poles
By using consequent poles:
• In this method, a single stator winding is divided into few coil
• The terminals of all these groups are brought out.
• By simply changing the coil connections, the number of poles
can be changed.
• In practice, the stator windings are divided only in two coil
• The number of poles can be changed in the ratio of 2:1.

Speed control by variation of number of poles

N r  1  s 
120 f

Series connection

Parallel connection

High speed, 4-pole connection

Speed control by variation of number of poles

N r  1  s 
120 f

Series connection

Parallel connection

Low speed, 8-pole connection

Speed control by variation of number of poles
Pole amplitude modulation technique:
• This method is a flexible way of varying the number stator
poles in a three phase induction motor in which speed ratios
other than 2:1 can be achieved.
• In addition to the main three phase supply, a second set of
three phase signal known as the modulating signal is applied
to the stator.
• Combination of these two sets of signals will result in a
modulated signal that is able to generate poles in the stator
that is different in number from the original number of poles
due to the main supply signals only.

Speed control by variation of number of poles
Pole amplitude modulation technique:
• Let the three mmfs be expressed as,
FR  Fm1 sin m
 P1 
FY  Fm1 sin  m  120 
2 
 P1 
FB  Fm1 sin  m  240 
2 
where, θm is the mechanical angle in space and P1 is the
original number of poles created by the stator supply.

Speed control by variation of number of poles
Pole amplitude modulation technique:
• A second set of signals, called the modulating signal can be
supplied externally, or the whole winding can be divided in several
sections and then these sections are suitably interconnected
(reversed, series or parallel combination) to get the supply
• When such a modulated signal is generated, it produces a second
set of modulating mmfs as given by,
FmR  Fm 2 sin  m
 P2 
FmY  Fm 2 sin  m  120 
 2 
 P2 
FmB  Fm 2 sin  m  240 
 2 
Speed control by variation of number of poles
Pole amplitude modulation technique:
• Then the modulated mmf waves will have spatial distribution as:
FR  FR FmR  Fm1 Fm 2 sin 1  m sin 2  m
2 2  F F 
F   m1 m 2
 
 P P  P P    2 

 Fm cos  1 2  m  cos  1 2  m 

  2   2  
 P1   P2 
FY  FY FmY  Fm1 Fm 2 sin  m  120  sin  m  120 
2   2 
  P1  P2   P1  P2   
 Fm  cos   m  cos   m  240  
  2   2  
 P1   P2 
FB  FB FmB  Fm1 Fm 2 sin  m  240  sin  m  240 
2   2 
  P1  P2   P1  P2   
 Fm  cos   m  cos   m  120 
  2   2  
Speed control by variation of number of poles
Pole amplitude modulation technique:
 P P  P P  
FR  Fm  cos  1 2  m  cos  1 2  m 
  2   2  
 P P   P  P  
FY  Fm  cos  1 2  m  cos  1 2  m  240  
  2   2  
  P1  P2   P1  P2   
FB  Fm  cos   m  cos   m  120 
  2   2  

• The first terms are co-phasal in space

• Number of poles = (P1 - P2)
• Does not produce any rotating magnetic field
• Thus, no effect on rotating of the machine

Speed control by variation of number of poles
Pole amplitude modulation technique:
 P P  P P  
FR  Fm  cos  1 2  m  cos  1 2  m 
  2   2  
 P P   P  P  
FY  Fm  cos  1 2  m  cos  1 2  m  240  
  2   2  
  P1  P2   P1  P2   
FB  Fm  cos   m  cos   m  120 
  2   2  

• The second terms are 1200 apart from each other in space
• Number of poles = (P1 + P2)
• Produces its own rotating magnetic field in opposite
direction to that of the original field
• Thus, the motor will now run at a speed corresponding to
(P1 + P2) poles instead of P1 poles
Speed control by variation of rotor resistance
• Recall the expression for developed torque in a 3-phase
induction motor:
3 V12 R2 '
T  
s 
   X 1  X 2 '
R2 '  s

 R1 

 s 
• It can be estimated that with increasing rotor circuit resistance
• The starting torque Tst increases slightly
• There is no change in the maximum torque Tm since it is
independent of the rotor circuit resistance R2
• The slip for maximum torque smt increases since it is
directly proportional to R2

Speed control by variation of rotor resistance
• The torque-speed
characteristics of an
induction motor with varying
values of rotor circuit
resistance are shown in the

Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Starting single phase induction

Single phase induction motors
• Three-phase induction motors
– Very popular in industries for medium power applications (>5
• But, domestic and commercial (shops) use single phase
– So, single phase induction motors are used
• Single phase induction motors for low power applications
– cost-effectiveness
– Ruggedness
– Low maintenance requirements
– Loads such as fan, pump, blowers, compressors etc.

Recap of 3-phase induction motors
• In 3-phase induction machine, three windings are placed
around the stator near the air gap.
• These windings are physically apart by 1200 (electrical
degrees) in space.
• When a 3-phase supply voltage is applied to this 3-phase
winding, a magnetic field is developed in the air gap.
• Under balanced condition, the magnetic field will rotate at a
constant speed around the air gap (RMF).
• The rotor conductors will experience change in flux linkage due
to the RMF.
• Under this action, the rotor will start to rotate and will continue
to rotate in the same direction as the stator RMF

Recap of 3-phase induction motors

Thus, in summary, a 3-phase induction motor has inherent

starting as well as running torque that can start the motor
by itself and continue running as soon as the 3-phase
supply is switched on.

• The basic requirement for generating a rotating
magnetic field (RMF) in the air gap of a poly-phase
motor is that
– There must be more than one magnetic fields present
• with certain time-phase difference
• and space-phase difference between themselves

• In poly-phase induction motors, this is achieved

– putting more than one winding in the stator
– supplying those winding with a poly-phase supply
Single phase induction motor
• A large number of fractional horse power (HP) AC motors
are designed for operation with single phase supply

• As in case of household pumps and fans, the supply is only

single phase

• So we can’t use 3-phase or 2-phase induction motors

• The option is to use single phase induction motors that can

be run from the single phase supply that is available

Single phase induction motor - construction

• The first difference between a 3-phase and a single-

phase induction motor is in terms of physical size of
the machine
– Three-phase induction motors are big in size
– Single phase induction motors are often of much
smaller size and rating

Single phase induction motor - construction

• However, the basic constructional features and

materials almost remain same for both the two.
– Stator:
• Stacks of laminated steel sheets with tooth and slot
• 3-phase motor has three coils, but 1-ph motor has only
one main coil
– Rotor:
• Squirrel cage type – exactly similar for 3-phase and 1-
phase motors

Single phase induction motor - construction

Stator magnetic field in Single phase induction
• In single phase induction motors
– there is only one main winding in the stator
• So, no space difference
– it is supplied from a single phase AC source
• So, no time difference
• Thus, there is no so-called rotating magnetic field (no
• Rather the magnetic field developed by stator is pulsating
(oscillating) in nature.
• As the supply current magnitude varies sinusoidally:
– strength of the magnetic field developed by the stator coil
also varies in magnitude with time
– but remains stationary in space (no RMF) 151
Pulsating magnetic field in single phase
induction motor
Pulsating magnetic field in single phase motor

Pulsating magnetic field

Single phase supply given to a single winding in stator

Instant (1)

Supply current zero

So magnetic field is also zero

Instant (2)

• Supply current positive 0.5Im

• A is dot
• A’ is cross
So magnetic field is downwards and increases from 0 to 0.5Bm

Instant (3)

• Supply current positive Im

• A is dot (bigger)
• A’ is cross (Bigger)
So magnetic field is downwards and increases from 0.5 Bm to Bm

Instant (4)

• Supply current positive 0.5Im

• A is dot (smaller)
• A’ is cross (smaller)
So magnetic field is downwards but reduces from Bm to 0.5Bm

Instant (5)

Supply current zero

So magnetic field comes back from 0.5 Bm to zero

Instant (6)

• Supply current negative 0.5Im

• A is cross
• A’ is dot
So magnetic field is upwards and increases from 0 to 0.5Bm

This process continues to generate a pulsating field
Stator magnetic field
• Changes magnitude with time
• But physically stationery (does not rotate)

Pulsating field

• The resultant MMF in a 1-ph IM is thus pulsating in nature

• Variation in its magnitude being sinusoidal with respect to time
• Time period of pulsation being same as that of the sinusoidal

1-phase induction motor can’t start to rotate by itself

Due to the absence of any rotating magnetic field (RMF)

• The rotor cannot start to rotate since there is no

starting torque
• The rotor thus simply tends to vibrate

• Some external auxiliary arrangements are thus necessary

to start a single phase induction motor and bring it to
running condition

• Once the motor can be started by some external methods,

in any direction, it can continue rotation in that
Principle of operation

Generation of RMF
• The basic requirement for generating a rotating
magnetic field (RMF) in a motor is that

– There must be more than one magnetic fields

• with certain time-phase difference
• and space-phase difference between themselves

Single phase induction motor
• Single-phase induction motors
– Has a single main winding in stator
– Supplied from a 1-phase supply
– The resultant magnetic field is pulsating in nature
• Varies in magnitude
• But, does not vary in space
– Thus, there is no RMF
– Thus rotor can’t start to rotate

• A single phase induction motor thus does not have any

starting torque
• But it will rotate in any of the directions in which an
initial thrust is given

Single phase induction motor
• A single phase induction motor does not have any
starting torque
• But it will rotate in any of the directions in which an
initial thrust is given

These two phenomena can be described by two theories:

• Double Revolving Field Theory (DRFT)
• Cross Field Theory (CFT)

Double Revolving Field Theory
• The pulsating stator flux can be resolved into two
oppositely rotating flux waves (RMFs)
– Both of equal amplitude
 120 f 
– Both moving at the synchronous speed  NS 
 P

– But rotating in opposite directions

• One flux component is called the forward rotating flux (f)

• The other is called the backward (or reverse) rotating flux

• The resultant of these two oppositely rotating fluxes create

the main pulsating stator flux (s)

Two rotating fields in stator
• One clockwise RMF
• The other anti-clockwise RMF

f b

Double rotating field

The pulsating MMF is

created by resultant of
these two oppositely
rotating RMFs
(vector summation)

• The pulsating stator flux

magnitude varies
sinusoidally with time
• But its axis always
remains the same in space
Double rotating field – space variation
• At the given instant shown
• The stator flux is maximum in  a
the vertical direction
• But is zero along the horizontal A’ A

direction (inter-polar axis)

• (being perpendicular to the coil
• Around the circular air gap, the (a)
effect of stator flux is thus
• co-sinusoidally distributed in
space with respect to the stator
-900 00 900
Double rotating field
Instantaneous value of the resultant pulsating stator flux at any
time t and at any angular spatial position  along the air gap
periphery can thus be represented as: Magnitude variation

 s   sm sin  t cos 
Space variation

s  sm sint     sint   


  sm sin t      sm sin t   

1 1
2 2

Double rotating field
A single flux wave is thus broken into two components

s  sm sint     sm sint   

1 1
2 2

Forward RMF Backward RMF

• Both have same magnitude (sm/2)
• Same frequency (), i.e. same speed
• But opposite directions ( +  and - ) in space
The RMF component travelling in the direction of rotor movement is
referred to as the forward RMF (f) and the other, travelling in a
direction opposite to that of the rotor movement is called the
backward RMF (b). 172
Double rotating field

s  sm sint     sm sint   

1 1
2 2

Forward RMF Backward RMF

• These two RMFs will individually produce

torques on the rotor like in normal 3-phase IM
• But since the RMFs are in opposite directions,
the torques they produce on the rotor will also
be on opposite directions
• Thus, the two torques cancel out each other and
motor cannot start (zero starting torque)
Double rotating field
• If by some method the rotor is given an initial thrust
• Overall torque in that direction becomes more than the other direction
• The rotor thus starts rotating in the direction of the thrust
• And reaches a steady state speed Nr in the forward direction.

Double rotating field
• The relative speed between the forward RMF f and the rotor is
(Ns – Nr).
Ns  Nr
• Slip due to the forward RMF is: fs  s

Double rotating field
• However, rotor speed relative to the backward RMF is (Ns + Nr).
• Slip due to the backward RMF is given by:
N s  N r 2 N s  N s  N r 2 N s  N s  N r   Ns  Nr 
sb     2   
Ns Ns Ns  Ns 
 2  s 

Double rotating field
Slip w.r.t forward field sf s
Slip w.r.t backward field sb (2 – s )

Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Torque-slip characteristics

Torque-speed graph of 1-ph IM
• So, according to DRFT, a 1-phase IM can be thought of
to be like two 3-phase IMs working together

• Both the two RMF components will act on the rotor

• Produce torques in the rotor like in 3-phase IM

• But these two torques will be oppositely directed

• Resultant torque is summation of these two component


Torque-speed graph of 1-ph IM


T = Tf + Tb


Torque-speed graph of 1-ph IM
Torque is zero at starting
i.e. NO starting torque
Peak torque in a single
phase IM is lower than a 3-
phase IM torque both in
forward becomes
Torque and zeroreverse
at a speed i.e. if the
lower thanmotor
can be started
synchronous speedby(this
some is
not the casemethod, it IM,
in a 3-phase can
where thetotorque
run ingoes
to directions
only at synchronous

Thus, speed of a 1-ph IM is

generally lower than the
speed of a 3-ph IM

Double revolving field theory
• Thus, in summary of DRFT:

• The pulsating magnetic field in the stator of a 1-phase IM can

be resolved into two oppositely rotating RMFs
• These two RMFs combine together to produce the resultant
• The resultant torque at starting is zero
• The resultant torque is non-zero beyond the starting period
• If an external thrust is applied, the motor will start and
continue to rotate in the direction of thrust

Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Induction Machine:
Three phase induction motor:
Construction and principle of operation
Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram
Torque-slip characteristics
No load and blocked rotor test
Starting and speed control.
Single phase induction motor:
Principle of operation
Torque-slip characteristics
Starting methods.
Starting methods

Starting Methods of Single phase induction motor

• To start a single-phase induction motor rotating, some

special methods must be employed to provide the initial
starting torque.
– Mechanically the rotor can be given an initial thrust
– But, it is always preferable to use some electrical methods for
providing the initial starting torque

Starting Methods of Single phase induction motor

• The various electrical methods employed for producing

the starting torque in a single phase induction motor are:
– Split phase starting
• Resistance split phase type 1-ph IM
• Capacitor start type 1-ph IM
• Capacitor start and run type 1-ph IM
• Capacitor run type 1-ph IM
– Shaded pole type 1-ph IM
– Repulsion start type 1-ph IM
– Reluctance start type 1-ph IM
Split-phase starting type motors
• A condition similar to a 2-phase IM is created
– Two stator coils with certain space difference
– Two supply currents with certain time difference
– so that a rotating magnetic field is produced

• This is achieved by providing a starting or

auxiliary winding in the stator in addition to
the main winding
• This auxiliary winding is displaced from the
main winding by 900 in space
Split-phase starting type motors

The auxiliary winding is displaced from the main winding

by 900 in space
Split-phase starting type motors
• A condition similar to a 2-phase IM is created
– Two stator coils with certain space difference
– Two supply currents with certain time difference
– so that a rotating magnetic field is produced

• The resistance and reactance (inductive or capacitive) of

the two stator windings are made different

• Thus, when a 1-phase voltage supply is given to both

windings together

• The currents flowing through the two windings will have

a certain time-phase difference between them due to
different X/R ratio (different power factor angle)
Split-phase starting type motors
• Thus, although the supply is only a 1-phase

• Currents flowing through the two windings will have a certain time-
phase difference between them due to different X/R ratio (different
power factor angle)

• Currents flowing through the two windings are hence to some extent
similar to 2-phase currents

• A rotating magnetic field will, therefore, be produced which will

develop starting torque on the rotor

• Once the motor has started rotating, it will continue to rotate in the
forward direction
• Once started, the extra auxiliary winding may be cut out from the
Split phase starting

• Resistance split phase type 1-ph IM

• Capacitor start type 1-ph IM
• Capacitor start and run type 1-ph IM
• Capacitor run type 1-ph IM

Resistance split phase motor
• Main wdg (M)
• Auxiliary wdg (A) CF
• Axes at 900
• Centrifugal switch (CF) I
• Single phase supply given
to both wdgs in parallel
• Main wdg current IM A IM
• Auxiliary wdg current IA
• Total supply current I Rotor
• Main wdg flux
• Auxiliary wdg flux
• Note the 900 space
difference between these
two fluxes
• Rotor

Resistance split phase motor
• The main winding is
designed to have

lower resistance
(thick wire) than the IA
auxiliary winding
(thin wire) A IM
• RM < RA

• Leakage reactance of the main winding is intentionally made

higher than the auxiliary winding by using deeper slots and
larger number of turns for the main winding
• XM > XA
Resistance split phase motor Phasor
Phasor diagram



Rotor I
• RM < RA • IM more lagging to V than IA
• XM > XA • Supply current I (resultant of IM and IA) is
lagging in nature
• X. 
 M   A
R R • The main winding current IM lags the
auxiliary winding current IA by an angle 

< 900
Resistance split phase motor
• The main and auxiliary windings thus have 900 phase difference
in space
• And their currents have phase difference () in time (something
less than 90 0though)
• The resulting flux created by the two windings will be rotating in
nature, as in a 2-phase induction motor
• This RMF will produce torque on the rotor which thus starts
• However, the time-phase difference between the two stator
currents is not exactly 900
• Hence the motor will behave like an unbalanced 2-phase
induction motor, experiencing some torque and speed ripples

Resistance split phase motor - CF Switch
• Once the rotor starts rotating, it will continue to rotate
• Therefore, there is no need for the auxiliary winding to
remain connected to the supply

• After the motor has reached approximately 70 – 80% of the

synchronous speed, the auxiliary winding is cut off from the
circuit by the use of a centrifugal switch (CF)

• The rotating contacts in a centrifugal switch opens automatically

due to centrifugal force at the desired speed against a spring
• Thereby cutting out the auxiliary winding from the supply
• Once the motor is switched off, the spring brings back the CF
switch in the aux wdg circuit, to be used during next start
Resistance split phase motor - Torque

Starting Methods of Single phase induction motor

• The various electrical methods employed for producing

the starting torque in a single phase induction motor are:
– Split phase starting
• Resistance split phase type 1-ph IM
• Capacitor start type 1-ph IM
• Capacitor start and run type 1-ph IM
• Capacitor run type 1-ph IM
– Shaded pole type 1-ph IM
– Repulsion start type 1-ph IM
– Reluctance start type 1-ph IM
Capacitor start type 1-ph IM
•Two coils are present in the stator (main & auxiliary)
• The supply current is split between these two coils
• A capacitor is connected with the auxiliary winding

Capacitor start type 1-ph IM
• Also called “Capacitor split phase type motor”
• One AC electrolytic capacitor along with the CF switch is
connected in series with the auxiliary winding

Capacitor start type 1-ph IM
Phasor diagram

 V

• By choosing a proper value of the capacitor, it is possible to create a

phase difference of close to 900 between the currents in auxiliary and
main windings
• The motor thus can act closely like a 2-phase induction motor and
can have adequate starting torque to start rotating
• Since the phase angle between main and auxiliary winding currents
is high (close to 900), the starting torque, which is proportional to
IMIAsin, is also high 204
Capacitor start type 1-ph IM

• Once the motor has picked up speed to nearly 75-80% of

synchronous speed, the centrifugal switch disconnects the
auxiliary winding and the capacitor from supply
• Motor can continue rotating with the main winding only
• The starting torque in capacitor split-phase motor is more than
that in a resistance split-phase motor.

Capacitor start type 1-ph IM

Aux + Cap
+ Main wdg

• The torque-speed graph is similar to the resistance split phase motor

• Only difference is that the starting torque value is higher for a
capacitive split phase motor
Capacitor start & run type 1-ph IM
•Two coils are present in the stator (main & auxiliary)
• The supply current is split between these two coils
• Two capacitors are used in the auxiliary winding

Capacitor start & run type 1-ph IM
• To improve both starting as well as running performance, two capacitors
are used in the auxiliary winding

• A capacitor C1 (electrolytic) is connected in parallel with a 2nd capacitor C2

(OIP) in the auxiliary winding.

Capacitor start & run type 1-ph IM
• The combined effect of (C1 + C2) makes almost 900 phase shift between
auxiliary and main winding currents IA and IM.
IA Phasor diagram

 I

• C1 is connected during the starting period only
• The centrifugal switch disconnects C1 automatically at about 75% of
synchronous speed
• The capacitor C2 along with the auxiliary winding are kept permanently in
the circuit.
Capacitor start & run type 1-ph IM

• Keeping the capacitor C2 present during running state

• Makes the motor to behave always closely as a 2-phase IM
• Smooth running
• Reduced torque ripples
• Less noise
• Provides higher full load speed
• Improves the power factor

Capacitor run type 1-ph IM
• Two coils are present in the stator (main & auxiliary)
• The supply current is split between these two coils
• Only one big capacitor is used permanently with aux winding

Capacitor run type motor (fan)
• Only one capacitor is connected in series with the auxiliary
winding permanently without any centrifugal switch

The motor is also called a

permanent split capacitor

• The auxiliary winding along with the capacitor C remains

energized for both starting and running conditions
Capacitor run type motor
• By choosing proper value of the capacitor in the auxiliary
winding circuit, it is possible to make a time-phase difference
as close as possible to 900 between the auxiliary and main
winding currents IA and IM

• So that the motor behaves like a 2-phase induction motor

providing enough starting torque to start the rotor rotating

• Since the capacitor is always connected to the circuit, power

factor of the motor is improved considerably

• Since the motor can be made to behave as a balanced 2-phase

induction motor by proper choice of the capacitor value,
performance of the motor will be less noisy with less torque
pulsations during running
Equivalent diagram

No centrifugal switch

Capacitor run type motor - Torque

• It behaves like a 2-phase induction motor providing both

starting as well as running torque

• Used in ceiling fan, table fan etc.

Starting Methods of Single phase induction motor

• The various electrical methods employed for producing

the starting torque in a single phase induction motor are:
– Split phase starting
• Resistance split phase type 1-ph IM
• Capacitor start type 1-ph IM
• Capacitor start and run type 1-ph IM
• Capacitor run type 1-ph IM
– Shaded pole type 1-ph IM
– Repulsion start type 1-ph IM
– Reluctance start type 1-ph IM
Shaded pole type 1-ph IM
• Only one main winding in stator
• Copper shading ring on stator pole

Shaded pole type 1-ph IM
• Used for small motors (fractional HP) requiring only small
starting torque

Shaded pole type 1-ph IM

• Stator stampings (laminations) for such machines are of salient

(projected) pole structure (like DC machine pole structure)
• Each pole face is divided in two sections
• Low resistance copper bands (shading coils) are surrounded over
the smaller section (one third part of the pole face) in closed loops
• The other two third portion of pole face remains un-shaded
• Only one exciting coil in stator (no auxiliary winding)
• Single phase supply is given to the exciting coil wound on the pole

Shaded pole type 1-ph IM


• When a single phase supply is applied to the stator winding, an

alternating magnetic field (M ) is created at the poles
• This alternating flux M links with the shading coil placed on the pole
and induces an EMF (Esc) in the shading coil
• This EMF Esc lags behind the main flux M by 900 in time phase

 d M 
 E sc  dt 
 

Shaded pole type 1-ph IM


• The resulting current Isc that flows in the short circuited copper shading
band lags behind the EMF Esc by a certain phase angle decided by
resistance and reactance of the shading band
 E SC 
 I SC  
 Z SC 
• This current in the shading band produces its own flux sc that is in the
same phase with the current Isc

 NI 
 
Reluctance 
Shaded pole type 1-ph IM


M SC
Phasor diagram
 Flux in the un-shaded portion of
pole face (M) leads the flux in the
SC shaded portion (sc) in time phase

Shaded pole type 1-ph IM


M SC
• M and sc thus have
• Time phase difference (sc lags M )
ESC • Space difference (different physical locations
of the pole)
Presence of these two fluxes with certain time phase as
well as space phase difference between themselves
SC generates a RMF in the air gap

Thus, the motor develops a starting torque, and the rotor starts rotating
Shaded pole type 1-ph IM


M SC
M M Leads sc



Shaded pole type 1-ph IM

SC M

• M Leads sc
• The resultant flux in the air gap thus reaches its peak along
the un-shaded portion first followed by the shaded portion
• The direction of rotation of the air gap RMF is thus also
from the un-shaded portion towards the shaded portion of
the pole
• The rotor will thus start and continue to rotate in a direction
from un-shaded towards shaded region of the pole. 225
Shaded pole type 1-ph IM – Torque

• Starting torque is not zero…. (though very less)

Repulsion start motor
• One winding in stator
• DC machine armature type winding in rotor

Repulsion start motor
• The stator in repulsion start type motor carries a single phase winding
supplied from a single phase source (no auxiliary winding)
• The rotor carries a DC armature type winding, connected to
commutator segments at one end.
• The brushes placed on the commutator segments are short circuited on
themselves and are not connected electrically to any external circuit.

Armature conductors



Repulsion start motor

Repulsion start motor

• When a 1-phase AC voltage is supplied to the stator winding, an

EMF is induced in the rotor conductors (DC armature) due to
transformer action
• When the rotor circuit is closed by short circuiting the brushes, a
current flows in the rotor winding
• This rotor current generates rotor flux
• This process depends on initial position of the rotor 230
Repulsion start motor – Case 1:  = 900
• When  = 900
• Brush axis and stator coil
axes are at right angles to
each other
• The magnetic axis of stator
and rotor coils are also in
• Therefore, there will be no
mutual induction between
stator and rotor windings
• Hence, there is no induced
EMF in the rotor
• Hence no rotor current, no
rotor flux
• And hence no
So, the rotor cannot start to rotate and electromagnetic torque is
remains at standstill
Repulsion start motor – Case 2:  = 00
• When  = 00,
• The magnetic axis of stator and rotor
fluxes coincides
• At this condition the mutual coupling
between stator and rotor windings is
• Transformer EMF induced in the
rotor thus circulates large current
through the rotor windings and the
two brushes
• Rotor current produces a rotor flux
that is along the direction of rotor
• Since both stator and rotor fluxes are
along the same axis, they tend to
Thus no starting torque could be directly cancel out each other (no
developed, and the rotor remains at space difference)
standstill • Hence no RMF
Repulsion start motor – Case 3: 00<< 900
•When the brush axis is at a
certain inclination between 00
and 900 with respect to the
stator axis

•The mutual coupling is non-


•Rotor has induced current

•So, rotor flux is also produced

•Stator and rotor fluxes are

along different axes
Repulsion start motor – Case 3: 00<< 900
•Attraction between opposite
a poles in stator & rotor
•between S at “a” and N at
•also between N at “b” and S
at “c”
c •or in other words, repulsion
N S between similar poles in
stator and rotor
b •Results in clockwise
direction of rotation of the

The name repulsion motor comes from this fact that similar
poles in stator and rotor repel each other to start the motor
Repulsion start motor
• When the motor attains a speed of about 2/3rd of
synchronous speed

• A centrifugally operated mechanism within the rotor opens

the brush connections

• And short circuits all the commutator segments

• Thereby converting the DC armature into the equivalent of a

squirrel cage type short circuited winding

• After this switching operation has been automatically

performed, the motor continues to run as a 1-phase induction
Repulsion start motor - Torque
• The developed torque during repulsion period is proportional to
the square of supply current
• Thus the torque-speed curve of a repulsion start motor is similar
to that of a DC series motor during the starting period
• After the centrifugal
switch operation, the
torque-speed curve
follows that of an
induction motor
• Overall curve follows that
of a compound motor
(starting like series,
running like shunt)
The high starting torque available makes this motor suitable for
load with large friction
Reluctance start motor
• Non-uniform air gap between stator poles and rotor
• Only one winding in stator (no aux winding)

Reluctance start motor
• In this method, starting torque is achieved by creating non-uniform
air gap at the stator salient poles

Reluctance start motor
• Air gap under one half of the pole face is more than the air gap
under the other half of the pole face
• Poles windings placed on the pole core are supplied from the
single-phase AC source

• Due to non-uniform air gap between the pole face and

rotor surface, reluctance to the flux path varies from stator
pole to rotor.
Reluctance start motor
• Due to variation of reluctance, the flux in the portion where there
is greater air gap will be more in phase with the supply current
• There will be a larger phase lag between the flux and the supply
current where there is a lower reluctance, i.e. where the air gap is
• Since both the fluxes are produced by the same supply current, the
flux across the larger air gap will lead the flux across the smaller
air gap.
A leads B

Reluctance start motor
A leads B

• Thus, in the air gap, there are two fluxes that are at certain
time-phase difference and also are located at different
positions in space
• Thus, interaction of these two fluxes will develop a rotating
magnetic field in the air gap
• RMF direction is from the longer air gap region to the
shorter air gap region.
Thank You


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