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RUNG Pair of nucleotides


SIDE/ WALL Sugar phosphate

What does DNA stand for?


What does DNA look like?

DNA looks like a twisted ladder, like a double helix.

What is DNA made up of?

The sides of the ladder (the backbone) are made up of sugar
phosphate, while the rungs are made up of pairs of
nucleotides, called BASES.

Which are the bases?

The four bases are


How do the bases combine together?

A only combines with T (A only pairs to T; A and T bond
C only combines with G (C only pairs to G; C and G bond

Where is the DNA? What’s its main function?

DNA is the substance that contains our genetic code and

provides specific instructions to the cells.
DNA is present in the nucleus of the cells in our body and is
grouped in 23 pairs of chromosomes. We inherit one of each
pair from our mother and one from our father.
The order and combinations of the bases (the rungs) tell each
cell what to do and determine common traits in people (hair
colour, eye colour, height, etc.). DNA is like an identity card:
nobody else has exactly the same DNA (apart from identical

What is DNA fingerprinting?

DNA can be extracted from organic samples such as blood,

saliva or hair. It can identify a person, like criminals, from
remains left at crime scenes.

What happens in DNA replication?

During DNA replication, special enzymes move along the

ladder and new nucleotides are formed.

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