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Germany, BOP Analytic Presentation (Millions of U.S. Dollars)

Current account (excludes reserves and related items) 274.043,6 Total Exports = Goods, credit (exports) + Services, credit (exports)
Goods, credit (exports) 1.464.801,4 = 1.464.801,4 + 346.551,9
Goods, debit (imports) 1.216.439,4 = 1.811.353,2
Balance on goods 248.360,9
Services, credit (exports) 346.551,9 Total Imports = Goods, debit (imports) + Services, debit (imports)
Services, debit (imports) 370.759,0 = 1.216.439,4 + 370.759,0
Balance on goods and services 224.154,9 = 1.587.198,3
Primary income, credit 258.499,9
Primary income, debit 155.259,8 Balance of Payment = Total Exports - Total Imports
Balance on goods, services, and primary income 327.395,0 = 1.811.353,2 - 1.587.198,3
Secondary income, credit 82.961,5 Surplus = 224.154,90
Secondary income, debit 136.312,9
Capital account (excludes reserves and related items) -339,2
Capital account, credit 52.923,7
Capital account, debit 53.262,9
Balance on current and capital account 273.704,4
Financial account (excludes reserves and related items) 230.165,9
Direct investment, assets 134.940,6
Equity and investment fund shares 118.742,9
Debt instruments 16.198,9
Direct investment, liabilities 72.211,2
Equity and investment fund shares 44.911,0
Debt instruments 27.300,2
Portfolio investment, assets 138.675,9
Equity and investment fund shares 75.043,0
Debt instruments 63.635,1
Portfolio investment, liabilities 33.328,4
Equity and investment fund shares -12.820,2
Debt instruments 46.149,7
Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options 25.166,8
Fin. derivatives and employee stock options, assets 25.166,8
Other investment, assets -56.316,2
Other equity 16.623,4
Debt instruments -72.939,5
Other investment, liabilities -93.237,3
Other equity 262,5
Debt instruments -93.499,9
Balance on current, capital, and financial account 43.538,5
Net errors and omissions -44.128,2
Reserves and related items -594,2
Reserve assets -594,2
Net credit and loans from the IMF (excluding reserve position) 0,0

Malaysia, BOP Analytic Presentation (Millions of U.S. Dollars)

2019 Total Exports = Goods, credit (exports) + Services, credit (exports)

Current account (excludes reserves and related items) 12.296,1 = 196.840,2 + 40.991,0
Goods, credit (exports) 196.840,2 = 237.831,2
Goods, debit (imports) 167.056,6
Balance on goods 29.783,6 Total Imports = Goods, debit (imports) + Services, debit (imports)
Services, credit (exports) 40.991,0 = 167.056,6 + 43.623,7
Services, debit (imports) 43.623,7 = 210.680,3
Balance on goods and services 27.150,9
Primary income, credit 15.652,4 Balance of Payment = Total Exports - Total Imports
Primary income, debit 25.365,9 = 237.831,2 - 210.680,3
Balance on goods, services, and primary income 17.437,5 Surplus = 27.150,90
Secondary income, credit 4.078,9
Secondary income, debit 9.220,2
Capital account (excludes reserves and related items) 79,5
Capital account, credit 99,1
Capital account, debit 19,6
Balance on current and capital account 12.375,6
Financial account (excludes reserves and related items) 8.190,4
Direct investment, assets 7.709,2
Equity and investment fund shares 4.577,7
Debt instruments 3.131,5
Direct investment, liabilities 9.101,1
Equity and investment fund shares 5.856,3
Debt instruments 3.244,8
Portfolio investment, assets 10.044,1
Equity and investment fund shares 9.046,2
Debt instruments 998,0
Portfolio investment, liabilities 3.095,2
Equity and investment fund shares -1.649,9
Debt instruments 4.745,0
Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options 116,2
Fin. derivatives and employee stock options, assets -411,1
Fin. derivatives and employee stock options, liabilities -527,3
Other investment, assets 4.651,5
Debt instruments 4.651,5
Other investment, liabilities 2.134,4
Debt instruments 2.134,4
Balance on current, capital, and financial account 4.185,2
Net errors and omissions -5.848,7
Reserves and related items -1.663,5
Reserve assets -1.663,5
Net credit and loans from the IMF (excluding reserve position) 0,0
India, BOP Analytic Presentation (Millions of U.S. Dollars)
2019 Total Exports = Goods, credit (exports) + Services, credit (exports)
Current account (excludes reserves and related items) -29.762,9 = 331.271,6 + 214.761,5
Goods, credit (exports) 331.271,6 = 546.033,1
Goods, debit (imports) 488.949,6
Balance on goods -157.678,0 Total Imports = Goods, debit (imports) + Services, debit (imports)
Services, credit (exports) 214.761,5 = 488.949,6 + 130.535,2
Services, debit (imports) 130.535,2 = 619.484,8
Balance on goods and services -73.451,7
Primary income, credit 23.347,6 Balance of Payment = Total Exports - Total Imports
Primary income, debit 52.725,5 = 546.033,1 - 619.484,6
Balance on goods, services, and primary income -102.829,5 Deficit = -73.451,50
Secondary income, credit 80.741,9
Secondary income, debit 7.675,2
Capital account (excludes reserves and related items) -1.155,6
Capital account, credit 368,1
Capital account, debit 1.523,7
Balance on current and capital account -30.918,5
Financial account (excludes reserves and related items) -86.127,8
Direct investment, assets 13.140,7
Equity and investment fund shares 7.287,8
Debt instruments 5.852,9
Direct investment, liabilities 50.610,6
Equity and investment fund shares 43.135,7
Debt instruments 7.475,0
Portfolio investment, assets 2.179,5
Equity and investment fund shares 2.179,5
Portfolio investment, liabilities 26.763,6
Equity and investment fund shares 13.768,5
Debt instruments 12.995,1
Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options -2.651,8
Fin. derivatives and employee stock options, assets 25.199,7
Fin. derivatives and employee stock options, liabilities 27.851,4
Other investment, assets 59.932,5
Other equity
Debt instruments 59.932,5
Other investment, liabilities 81.354,4
Other equity
Debt instruments 81.354,4
Balance on current, capital, and financial account 55.209,4
Net errors and omissions 558,4
Reserves and related items 55.767,7
Reserve assets 55.767,7
Net credit and loans from the IMF (excluding reserve position) 0,0

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