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The Shawshank Redemption

Chapter 1

In 1947, ……………………… (1) Andrew "Andy" Dufresne is convicted of murdering

his wife and her ……………………. (2), based on circumstantial evidence. He is
sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank State
…………………………… (3) in Maine, run by Warden Samuel Norton. During the
first night the chief guard, Byron Hadley savagely beats a newly arrived inmate who
later dies in the …………………….. (4). Andy befriends Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding, an
inmate serving a life sentence whose parole application was recently
……………………. (5). Red is known for obtaining contraband and is able to procure a
rock ………………….. (6) for Andy, allowing him to create small stone chess pieces.
Red jokes that Andy might use it to break out until he sees how ……………………….
(7) the hammer is. Andy later obtains a large ……………………. (8) of Rita Hayworth
from Red, followed in later years by Marilyn Monroe and Raquel Welch.

banker hammer infirmary lover penitentiary poster rejected small

Chapter 2

During the first two years of his incarceration, Andy works in the prison
……………………….. (1). He attracts attention from "the Sisters", a group of prisoners
who sexually assault other prisoners, and their ……………………… (2) Bogs. Though
he persistently resists, Andy is beaten and raped on a regular basis. Later, he overhears
Hadley complain about having to pay ……………………… (3) on a forthcoming
inheritance. After explaining a legal loophole to Hadley, Andy is reassigned to assist the
prison ……………………… (4), elderly inmate Brooks Hatlen, a pretext to allow Andy
to work on financial requests full time. Andy's financial ………………….. (5) is soon
sought by other guards at Shawshank and by visiting guards from nearby prisons.
Hadley delivers a crippling beating to Bogs, after his ……………………… (6) brutal
assault puts Andy in the infirmary. Andy is left alone by the gang from then on.

advice gang's laundry leader librarian taxes

Chapter 3

Using his goodwill with the warden, Andy helps to expand the prison library by writing weekly
…………………………. (1) to the state government for funds. When one
…………………………. (2) to the library provides him with a recording of The Marriage of
Figaro, he plays an excerpt over the public address system, well aware he will receive solitary
……………………… (3) for doing so. Warden Norton develops a scheme that uses prison
labour for public works, undercutting the cost of skilled labour and receiving
……………………… (4). Norton has Andy launder the money under the false
…………………. (5) of "Randall Stevens", in exchange for allowing Andy to keep his private
cell and to continue maintaining the ……………………. (6). Brooks is freed on parole and
moves into a halfway house. Unable to adjust to the outside ………………………… (7), he
hangs himself. Andy dedicates the expanded library to him.

identity world confinement kickbacks donation library letters

Chapter 4

In 1965, Tommy William is incarcerated on …………………… (1) charges. He joins

Andy and Red's circle of ……………………. (2), and Andy assists him in getting his
GED. When he hears the details of Andy's case, Tommy reveals that an inmate at
another prison, Elmo Blatch, claimed to have committed a nearly identical
………………………. (3), suggesting Andy's innocence. Norton, fearing Andy might
tell of his ……………………….. (4) if released, refuses to cooperate. After they argue,
he throws Andy into solitary confinement for two ………………………… (5). Norton
has Hadley kill Tommy, making it look like a failed …………………….. (6) attempt.
Andy returns to his regular cell block and tells Red of his dream of living in
Zihuatanejo, a Mexican Pacific coastal …………………………… (7), and setting up a
hotel with boat rides for his customers. While Red shrugs it off as unrealistic, Andy
instructs him, should he ever be freed, to visit a specific hayfield near Buxton to retrieve
a …………………… (8).

corruption package months robbery escape friends murder town

Chapter 5

The next day at roll call, Andy's cell is …………………….. (1). When Norton, angry at
Andy's disappearance, throws one of Andy's rocks at the ……………………… (2) of
Raquel Welch, the rock tears through the poster, revealing a ………………………….
(3) that Andy has dug with the rock hammer over the last two …………………….. (4).
The night before, Andy switches Norton's ledger with his prison-issue Bible. Taking the
ledger, his chess set, and one of the warden's …………………….. (5), he escapes
through the tunnel and a narrow sewage drain during a. After escaping, Andy poses as
Randall Stevens to withdraw most of the corruption money from several
…………………………. (6), then sends evidence of Norton's corruption and murder of
Tommy to a local …………………… (7). The police arrive at the prison, and Hadley is
arrested, but Norton commits ………………….. (8) to evade arrest.

banks empty suits tunnel suicide poster decades newspaper

Chapter 6

Red receives parole after serving 40 …………………….. (1) and is allocated the
apartment where Brooks committed suicide, and works at the same grocery store. Red
begins to feel ……………………. (2) of the outside world, just like Brooks. Red
remembers Andy's advice and visits Buxton. There, he finds a cache of
……………………… (3) and a note left by Andy, telling him to get to Zihuatanejo.
Red violates his parole and ……………………… (4) to Fort Hancock, Texas to skip
the border to ……………………… (5) . The two are happily reunited on the
……………………. (6) to begin a new life.

Mexico travels beach fear years money

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