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Name: Pius Troy Macapaz

Section: BSN-III N32

Part I: Glasgow Coma Scale

Give the indicator/response and score in each of the following Categories/component of the Glasgow
coma scale
Eye opening
Score: Indicator
4 points Spontaneous--open with blinking at baseline
3 points To verbal stimuli, command, speech
2 points To pain only (not applied to face)
1 point No response

Best verbal response:

Score: Indicator
5 points Oriented
4 points Confused conversation, but able to answer questions
3 points Inappropriate words
2 points Incomprehensible speech
1 point No response

Best motor response

Score: Indicator
6 points Obeys commands for movement
5 points Purposeful movement to painful stimulus
4 points Withdraws in response to pain
3 points Flexion in response to pain (decorticate posturing)
2 points Extension response in response to pain (decerebrate posturing)
1 point No response
Part II: 12 Cranial Nerves:
Supply the missing item in the table

No. Name Class Basic Function

I Olfactory 1. Sensory 2. Sense of smell
II 3. Optic 4. Sensory Sight
III Oculomotor Motor Extraocular eye movement

IV Trochlear Motor Extraocular eye movement

S- Facial sensation
V 6. Trigeminal 7. Both
M- Chewing

VI Abducens 8. Motor Extraocular eye movement

S- Taste of anterior 2/3 of the tongue

VII 10. Facial Both
M- Facial movement

VIII Vestibulocochlear Sensory 12. Hearing; sense of balance

S- Taste of posterior 1/3 of the tongue

IX 13. Glossopharyngeal 14. Both
M- Swallowing

Autonomic functions of gut; cardiac inhibition;

X Vagus 16. Both sensation from larynx and pharynx; muscles of vocal
cords; swallowing

XI Spinal Accessory 17. Motor 18. Shoulder and neck muscles

XII Hypoglossal 19. Movement Tongue movement

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