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Computer Lab Management

Week Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

1 (3/1/11 – 7/1/11)
1. Computer Lab Regulations
1.1 Computer Lab Rules 1.1.1 List computer lab rules. • Showing and explaining computer lab rules in the
computer lab
1.2 User 1.2.1 Practice computer lab rules. • Reporting on observation of practical lab rules using
1.3 Equipment 1.3.1 Handle equipment responsibly. • Explaining procedures for responsible care of
• Discussing and listing appropriate ways of handling
1.4 Data and User Security 1.4.1 State the importance of data • Explaining the importance of password and
and user security. usernames
2 (10/1/11 – 14/1/11)
2. Lab Organisation

2.1 Organisation Chart 2.1.1 State the Organisation Chart of • Showing and explaining the Organisation chart
a computer lab.
2.1.2 Identify the Computer Lab
2.1.3 State the responsibilities of a
computer lab coordinator.

2.2 Computer Lab 2.2.1 Adhere to the timetable. • Using the computer lab according to the allocated
Timetable time

2.3 Log Book 2.3.1 Identify types of log books. • Showing samples of log books
2.3.2 List usage of a log book. - Computer Log Book
2.3.3 Practise responsible use of Computer Lab Log Book-(refer Appendix L)
computers. • Sign in and sign out log book
• Sign in when they use the computer

3 – 4 (17/1/11 – 28/1/11)
3. Ethics in Using Computer

Note: 3.1 Copyright 3.1.1 State the ethics of computer • Explaining the ethics of computer usage
 Chinese New Year usage.
holiday from 31/1/11– 3.1.2 Define the meaning of • Explaining the meaning of copyright
4/2/11. copyright.
3.1.3 State the effects of copyright • Discussing in groups the effects of copyright violation

Week Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities
3.2 Unethical Use of 3.2.1 List out various unethical use of • Conducting discussion on the misuse of computers
Computers computers.
3.2.2 State the effects of unethical • In pairs, pupils browse the Internet to locate
use of computers. information on the misuse of computer

Computer Hardware

Week Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

5 – 6 (31/1/11 – 11/2/11)
1. Introduction to Computers

1.1 Evolution of the 1.1.1 State the generations of • Explaining the evolution of the computer from the
Computer computers together with the vacuum tube to the fifth generation and showing the
respective processors used. respective processors used
• Matching the types of processors used with the
respective generations of computers in a worksheet to
be kept in the portfolio
1.1.2 Explain the generations of • Gathering information on the evolution of computers
computers together with the and presenting the information in groups
respective processors used.

1.2 Types of Computers 1.2.1 Identify the types of • Introducing various types of computers using a
computers: PowerPoint presentation.
• Supercomputer • Labelling a flow chart of the types of computer in a
• Mainframe worksheet to be kept in the portfolio.
• Mini Computer
• Micro Computer
• Work Station
1.2.2 Define different types of • Gathering information on the types of computer and
computer. presenting the information in groups.
7 – 16 (14/2/11 – 29/4/11)
2. Computer Parts &
 Ujian Berkala 1 on week 2.1 Overview of the 2.1.1 Identify main components in • Showing the main components of the computer
8 (2 – 4/3/09). Computer System the computer system: system
 Midterm 1 holiday from • Monitor • Labelling the main components of the computer
14 – 22/3/09. • Keyboard system in a worksheet to be kept in the portfolio
• Speaker
• Mouse
• System unit
• Printer

Week Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities
2.1.2 State the functions of the main • Carrying out brainstorming session on the functions of
components in the computer the main components of the computer system
system. • Writing down the functions and keeping the sheet in
the portfolio

2.1.3 Explain briefly the data • Drawing and explain the data processing cycle of the
processing cycle of a computer computer system on a paper and to be kept in the
system: portfolio.
• Input
• Process Input  Process  Output
• Output
• Storage

2.2 System Unit 2.2.1 Identify the components of a • Introducing the components of a system unit
system unit: • Labelling the different components of a system unit in
• Input/Output port (I/O port) a worksheet to be kept in the portfolio
• Reset button • Showing a system unit to the class
• CDROM drive
• Floppy drive
• Hard disk drive

2.2.2 State the functions of the main • Explaining the functions of the component of a system
components of a system unit. unit such as I/O, Reset button, CDROM drive, floppy
drive, hard disk drive
• Writing down the functions of the component off the
system unit and keeping it in the portfolio

2.2.3 State the functions of CPU, • Showing a motherboard to pupils

RAM, ROM and expansion • Identify, explain and discuss the functions of CPU,
slots found on the RAM, ROM and expansion slots found on the
motherboard. motherboard
• Writing the functions of the components in the
worksheets provided and keeping them in the portfolio

2.2.4 Inculcate values of • Carrying out in pair or group activities.

responsibility and cooperation
among the pupils.
2.3 Peripherals 2.3.1 State the definition of • Explaining the definition of peripheral

2.3.2 Identify different types of • Showing the different types of peripheral

• Input devices
• Output devices • Showing the example of different types of peripherals
such as printers, scanners, LCD projectors, digital
Week Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities
• Storage devices cameras, external CD drives and external storages

2.3.3 State examples of different • Collecting pictures of peripherals and keeping them in
types of peripherals: the portfolio
• Printers
• Scanners
• LCD projectors
• Digital cameras
• External CD drives
• External storages

2.3.4 Explain the functions of each • Show types of peripherals commonly found in the
peripheral. computer lab
• Carry out a brainstorm session on the functions of
each peripheral
• Write the functions of each peripheral in worksheets
and keeping them in the portfolio
• Explaining the use of peripherals and demonstrating
how to operate them
• Doing hands-on activities while teacher facilitates

2.4 Input Devices 2.4.1 Identify input devices. • Facilitating a session where pupils brainstorm on
various input devices
• Showing examples of input devices
2.4.2 List input devices. • Collecting pictures of input devices, label and keep in
the portfolio
2.4.3 State the respective functions • Facilitating group discussions on the functions of input
of input devices. device.

2.5 Output Devices 2.5.1 Identify output devices. • Brainstorming on various output devices

2.5.2 List output devices. • Showing examples of output devices

• Collecting pictures of output devices, labelling and

keep in the portfolio

2.5.3 State the respective functions • Facilitating group discussions on the functions of
of output devices. output devices
2.6 Storage Devices 2.6.1 Identify storage devices. • Brainstorming on the various storage devices
2.6.2 List storage devices. • Collecting pictures of storage devices, labelling and
keeping in the portfolio
2.6.3 State the functions of storage • Facilitating group discussions on the functions of
devices. storage devices

2.6.4 Identify differences between • Explaining the differences between primary and
Week Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities
primary and secondary storage secondary storage devices
• Categorizing the two storage devices
2.6.5 State the units for data • Explaining the units used for data measurement
• Bit • Completing a conversion table for units of data
• Byte
• Kilobyte
• Megabyte
• Gigabyte

2.6.6 Inculcate values of • Carry out in pair or group activities

responsibility, accountability
and cooperation.
17 – 20(2/5/11 – 27/5/11)
3. Basic Maintenance

Note: 3.1 Handling Input and 3.1.1 Set up the input and output • Setup the input and output devices:
Peperiksaan Output Devices devices correctly o Monitor
Pertengahan Tahun on o Keyboard
week 17, 18 (02– o Mouse
13/5/11). o Speaker
3.1.2 Inculcate values of
responsibility in handling
3.2 Computer Settings 3.2.1 Customize settings for: • Demonstrating how to customize settings for display,
• Display mouse and sound
• Mouse
• Sound • Carry out hands-on activities

3.2.2 Customize settings for: • Demonstrating how to customize settings for date and
• Date and time time, language and regional options
• Regional and language • Carry out hands-on activities according to instructions
21 – 22 (13/6/09 – 24/6/09)
4. Technology Development

Week Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities
Note: 4.1 Current Development of 4.1.1 Gather information on the • Gathering information/carrying out research on the
 Term 1 holiday from Hardware Technology current or latest development current or latest development of hardware technology
28//5/11– 12/6/11). of hardware technology. • Write report of the document
• Present the report
• Present the information
• Produce a hardware portfolio
(A compilation of pupils’ work throughout the learning
area on hardware)
• Visit a computer exhibition/fair
• Visit a computer shop.

Computer Software

Week Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

23 (27/6/11 – 1/7/11) 1. Introduction to Computer

1.1 Definition 1.1.1 State the definition of software. • Explaining the definition of software

1.2 Usage 1.2.1 State the usage of software. • Facilitating pupils’ discussion on the use of software

1.3 Types of Software 1.3.1 List different types of software: • Discussing types of software
• Operating Systems
• Utility Programmes • Showing examples for different types of software
• Application Software
24 – 25 (4/7/11 – 15/7/11)
2. Operating System (OS)

2.1 Introduction to 2.1.1 Define the operating system. • Discussing types and functions of operating system
Operating System (OS) 2.1.2 State the functions of • Showing the difference between DOS and Windows
operating system. display
• Starting and shutting down the computer

2.2 OS Interface 2.2.1 State the characteristics of OS • Exploring the Windows environment
Environment environment based Graphical
User Interface (GUI).

2.3 File Management 2.3.1 Manage folders and • Creating folders and subfolders
subfolders: • Renaming files and folders
• Create folders • Moving files and folders
• Rename folders • Copying files and folders
• Move files • Deleting files and folders

Week Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities
26 – 28 (18/7/11 – 29/7/11)
3. Utility Software

Note: 3.1 OS Based Utility 3.1.1 Run scan disk on the • Running scan disk and defragging the hard disk
 Ujian Berkala 2 on week computer.
26 (18 – 22/7/11). 3.1.2 Defrag the hard disk.
3.2 Non-OS based Utility 3.2.1 Scan the computer for viruses. • Scanning for viruses
• Updating virus definitions
(used an existing antivirus suplied to the school or
downloded freeware antivirus)
3.2.2 Compress and decompress • Compressing and decompressing files
29 – 31 (8/8/11 – 26/8/11)
4. Application Software

4.1 Introduction to 4.1.1 Identify types of application • Discussing types of application software
Note: Application Software software:
 Midterm 2 holiday from • Word processing • Show examples of application software
27/8/11 – 4/9/11. • Spreadsheet
• Presentation
• Database
• Programming

4.2 Installing and 4.2.1 Install a software. • Demonstrating installation and removing an
Uninstalling Application application software
Software 4.2.2 Uninstall or remove a
software. • Installing a simple application software

• Uninstalling or removing an application software

32 – 42 (5/9/11 – 18/11/11)
5. Word Processing Software
5.1 Introduction to Word 5.1.1 State the usage of word • Show various types of word processing software
Processing Software processing.
• Discussing the usage of word processing

• Showing documents which have been produced by

word processing software, such as letters, essays and
minutes of meetings

5.2 Starting Word 5.2.1 Start a word processing • Demonstrating how to start word processing software
Processing Software software. and explaining the user interface
5.2.2 State the steps of starting a
word processing software. • Starting word processing software and exploring the
5.2.3 State and identify features in a user interface
word processing software and
demonstrate understanding of
user interface.

Week Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

5.2.4 State the main toolbars in word • Discussing the toolbars in MS Word
processing software:
• Standard bar
• Formatting bar
• Drawing bar
5.2.5 List icons in the Standard, • Labelling each icon on the handouts given
Formatting and Drawing
• Explaining the function of icons in Standard,
5.2.6 State the functions of icons in Formatting and Drawing Toolbars
the Standard, Formatting and
Drawing Toolbars
5.3 Creating Document 5.3.1 Create a new document by • Carrying out hands-on activities on following skills:
using word processing o Setting Page Setup
software. o Keying in data
5.3.2 Set ‘Page Setup’. o Saving document
5.3.3 Key in data into the new o Closing document
5.3.4 Save the new document with a
new file name.
5.3.5 Exit file.
5.4 Editing Document 5.4.1 Identify file and its location. • Carrying out hands-on activities on following skills:
5.4.2 Open the file. o Opening existing document
5.4.3 Identify and use editing tools to
o Cutting and pasting text
edit document.
o Copying and pasting
o Changing font - size/ type/ style
o Aligning text
o Change case
o Typing correction - delete/ insert/ backspace
o Allocating line spacing
5.4.4 Create a document with table o Setting column
and column. o Using Drop Cap
o Inserting header and footer
o Inserting page number
o Inserting graphics
o Indenting
5.4.5 Print document. o Printing document
o Inserting table
o Inserting bullet and numbering
o Using the tab key
o Assigning borders
Week Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

5.4.6 Create a document using o Inserting WordArt

Drawing Tools. o Inserting Clip Art
o Adding in colour
o Using AutoShapes
o Using Text Box
o Using 3-D Style
5.4.7 Show creativity by creating a • Creating documents such as:
document. o School bulletin
o Newsletter
o Brochure
o Pamphlet
o Programme book
5.4.8 Work cooperatively in groups. • Printing out the documents and keeping them in their
5.4.9 Abide by the rules and portfolio
5.5 Mail Merge 5.5.1 State the usage of mail merge. • Explaining the use of mail merge
5.5.2 Create a mail merge • Using mail merge to create certificates, letters or
document. forms
5.5.3 Print the document. • Printing out the mail merge document and putting it in
their portfolio
Refer to:
o PPK “Self Access Learning Module”
Information and Communication Technology
Literacy for Secondary School – Word
Processing Module
o Microsoft Unlimited Potential
A Community Learning Curriculum – Word
Processing Fundamentals

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