Improved Constant-Frequency Hysteresis Current Control of VSI Inverters With Simple Feed-Forward Bandwidth Prediction

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L.Malesani, P.Mattavelli and P.Tomasin

Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Padova

Via Gradenigo 6/a - 35 131 Padova - Italy
Te1:+39.49.828.7503/7517 Fax:+39.49.828.7599/7699

Abstract - An improved implementation of the constant- proved to be robust and reliable. By means of a phase-locked-loop
frequency hysteresis current control of three-phase voltage control (PLL) it synchronizes the phase commutations to a clock,
thus ensuring the control of the reciprocal positions of the phase
source inverters is presented. A simple, self adjusting analog pulses. In this condition, similarly to the vector modulation, ripple
prediction of the hysteresis band is added to the phase-locked- and noise in the load are reduced. However, the synchronization
loop control to ensure constant switching frequency even at becomes difficult in presence of fast variations of the output
high rate of output voltage change, such as required in active voltage, which occur when fast transients or high order harmonics
filters, fast drives and in other high demanding applications. are met.
This provision also improves the relative position of phase A substantial improvement in system response can be achieved,
without affecting the stability, by adopting a feed-forward
modulation pulses, thus reducing the current ripple.
calculation of the hysteresis band. The first idea based on this
The prediction method is robust and uses a small number approach, has been recently proposed by Q.Yao and D.G.Holmes
of inexpensive components. It does not require trimming or [18]. This method solves the problem of obtaining constant
tunings, giving the whole system the capability to adjust itself switching frequency by a purely feed-forward algorithm which
to different load conditions. Thus the control becomes suitable calculates the hysteresis band as a function of system variables.
to hybrid or monolithic integration. A M e r improvement of the feed-forward calculation of the
hysteresis band is proposed in the present paper. It is characterized
In the paper the basic principles are described, and a
by the use of both a feed-back and feed-forward control, which
detailed stability analysis is done. The control performance is allows a non critical estimation of the system parameters, and even
illustrated both by simulated and experimental results. a self-adjusting capability to the parameter variations. Moreover,
by the use of a proper estimation algorithm, operations such as
multiplications and divisions, which are difficult to implement by
I. INTRODUCTION analog components, are eliminated, so that a very limited number
of conventional analog components is needed. Finally, the
Hysteresis current control of VSI inverters offers an reciprocal pulse position is kept under control, while the feed-
unsurpassed transient response, in comparison with other analog forward action helps the PLL action; thus, the PLL bandwidth can
and digital techniques, which makes advisable to adopt this method be reduced, resulting in a better stability. The proposed method is
in all cases where high accuracy, wide bandwidth and robustness well suited to high frequency, high performance current controls.
are required [ 1-51.
Hysteresis control is essentially an analogic technique. Despite
the advantages given by the digital controls, in terms of interfacing, 11. PRINCIPLES
maintenance, flexibility and integration, their accuracy and
response speed are often inadequate for current control in high A . Three-phase Decoupled Hysteresis Control
demanding applications, such as active filters and high precision
drives [6-lo]. In these cases the hysteresis method can be a good In order to explain the proposed feed-forward method, let us
solution, provided some improvements are introduced to overcome recall first the basic concepts of the constant-frequency,
its main limitations, which are the variations of the switchmg interference decoupled hysteresis current control described in [ 111.
frequency and the sensitivity to phase commutation interferences. In Fig. 1 a three-phase voltage source inverter is shown with
At this purpose, a variety of provisions, both analog and digital, the equivalent scheme of a typical load. This represents equally
have been proposed by several authors [ll-181. According to the well a motor or an output LC filter followed by a generic load.
actual trend, some proposals are almost completely digital, limiting The load equations are
the analog functions only to the band crossing detection [19,20].
However, when high switching frequency is demanded, analog
solutions offer the fastest performance with a relatively simple
implementation. A fully analogic technique, which eliminates the
interference and gives constant switching frequency, was presented
some time ago in [ll]. This technique was extensively used and

$4.000 1995 IEEE

0-7803-3008-0195 2633
- B. Constant Frequency, Hysteresis Phase Current Control

Once decoupled, hysteresis current control can be performed in

each phase independently. The instantaneous phase voltage has a
rectangular waveshape of amplitude B/2, with duration T~ of the
positive pulse and zn of the negative one, for a total period T (Fig.
2). As usually the effects of load resistance R can be neglected, and
E the reference voltage can be considered constant during a
2 modulation period, from (7) it results that current error 6' has a
triangular behaviour and the average of the phase voltage over T is
Fig. 1 Three-phase inverter with motor load. equal to U *. By defining the normallzed phase voltage

U, = U * / ( E/ 2)
where U and i are respectively vectors of the inverter output
voltages and currents, uo is the load midpoint voltage and 1 is the and with reference to Fig. 2, it can be derived
unity vector. All voltages are referred to the supply midpoint.
If i* are the reference currents, the phase reference voltages
may be defined as T= 4PL
E ( 1 -U,,/
U* =Ri*+Ldi (3)
zit + e
1 +U, 1 -U,
T~=T-- T ~ T
= __ (10)
and the instantaneous current errors as 2 2

6 =i -i* (4) where p is the width of the hysteresis band.

Equation (9) shows that, if p is constant, a variable modulation
Due to the action of load i d p o i n t voltage uo, each Phase frequency is produced. To obtain a constant period T,, the
current error is affected by the commutations in the other phases. hysteresis band should vary in dependence ofu,
?AISinterference causes severe irregularities in the ordinary
hysteresis operation. By introducing a decoupling term S" such as ET
p= I
i1-41 (11)

Ld5xt +R6" = -U, I (5) The classic analogic tool to control p so as to obtain a fixed
frequency is a phase locked loop (PLL). This solution, proposed
an interference free modulation can be obtained if the hysteresis in [Ill, employs the hysteresis modulator as a nonlinear voltage
control is performed on the decoupled error terms controlled oscillator (VCO) (Fig. 3 , except the part withm the
dashed frame). It can be adopted also in three-phase systems, as the
decoupling eliminates the phase mutual dependence and reduces
6'=6-6" (6) the waveform irregularities of the error signal 6'.
An interesting feature of PLL is that it keeps under control not
instead of total errors S. Indeed, from Eqs. (1)-(6) it results only the modulation frequency, but also the phase of the output

whch shows that terms 6' are independent from M O -

Fig. 2 Hysteresis comparator operation. Fig. 3 Constant-frequencyhysteresis current control

voltage pulses. For three-phase systems, by using the same
reference clock for all phases, it allows to approach the "centered
pulses" condition which is characteristic of vector control and gives
an optimal reduction of the current ripple [21].
Unfortunately, while the PLL is very effective in ensuring a
stable lock to the clock frequency reference, only for quite slow -(vr-u r)
variation rates of U, it is able to limit the phase displacements + b

(Fig. 2), so as to give reduced current ripple. To make the band

width p to fit fast variations of U, with small displacement angle, a -
high PLL bandwidth is called for. This requirement, however, is in
conflict with the stability conditions, mainly because of large loop Fig. 4 Simplified estimator implementation
gain variations which are produced by the changes of U,, according
to (9).
An alternative approach to the constant frequency operation is
proposed in (IS), where an open loop prediction of the proper
bandwidth is adopted. This solution is able to ensure fast response, t
as it is not affected by stability problems. However, to be accurate,
the method requires a precise estimation of the system parameters. b
Moreover, the centered condition is not ensured, since there is no
direct control of the phase of modulation pulses.

C.Feed-ForwardZFeed-BackModulation Frequency Control

To overcome the limitations of the previous constant-frequency
hysteresis controls, a combined approach can be adopted: a feed- Fig. 5 Simplified estimator waveforms
forward band prediction tracks the variations of the output voltage,
leaving to the PLL the task of keeping the phase displacement
under control and correcting for the estimation errors. The benefits
of t b s approach are enhanced, if the prediction can be
implemented in a simple way.
The basic scheme of such a control is shown in Fig. 3. The
where the reference voltage V,. is defined as
hysteresis band amplitude is obtained by the sum of the PLL term
p 1 and of the feed-forward term p2.
The PLL loop has the same structure described in [l 1J, with a v, =-E2 .T,
three-state, edge triggered phase detector (like that of the
comparator II available in the IC CD4046 of the CMOS logic
series) followed by a PI filter. This type of detector guarantees a The second expression of p2 in (12) can be approximated as
capture range equal to the lock range and gives a zero average follows
phase error. The implementation of the detectorhilter functions,
included a lower limitation of the band amplitude and the centering
of the pulses with respect to the clock reference, can be done in
various ways [I 1,221, but results essentially in the same transfer
The band estimator block calculates p2 in function of un, with an error as smaller as modulation frequency approachesf,.
according to (9) and (10). Thus, it needs as its input only the The implementation of (14) can be done in a simple way, as
signal q, while the reference period T,.=IY,. is considered a datum. shown in Fig. 4. The reference voltage V,. is integrated over time
The hysteresis comparator is common to the two loops. It has as intervals T~ and T, with a time constant R/C,=TJ2. The integrated
inputs the error signal 6' and the band p, and produces the two output Uj is nulled at every transition of the driving signal q, thus
complementary command signals q and T , which carry the producing a series of triangles whose area is proportional to ~~2
frequency and phase informations. and to ~ , 2 , as shown in Fig. 5. A low pass filter gives U ' which
With an ideal estimator performance, 8 2 would be equal to the follows the average value of Ui, calculated over the actual period T.
theoretical value of p given by (1 l), which is independent from the Thus, Uf corresponds to the second addendum of (14). The
actual modulation fkequencyj In this hypothesis, the PLL output approximated value of p2 is obtained simply by adding V,.
p1 would be always nul, resulting in a zero phase error. The proper value of V,. can be obtained without the knowledge
In practice, in addition to the circuit errors and inaccuracies, of the load parameters. Indeed, according to (1 I), a correct value of
some approximations may be introduced in the estimation process V,. should reduce to zero the PLL output PI. Even taking into
in order to allow a simple implementation of the estimation block. account the presence of ripple, this condition is met for the average
Thus, the PLL has to correct for these inaccuracies, requiring some value of p 1. Thus, a simple integral control is sufficient to estimate
amount of phase error. V,, as indicated in Fig. 3 . It can be demonstrated that V,. can be
A simple implementation of the band estimator can be derived employed also in the calculation of decoupling term 6", thus giving
by rearranging equations (9), (IO) and (11) the control a full self-adjusting capability.



. .
................................................................................. 4 fe 4
Fig. 7 PLL and estimator loop gains
Fig. 6 Block scheme ofthe feed-forwadfeed-back control

and taking into account that, at the equilibrium, the condition (1 1)

Of course, more precise estimators may be devised, based on is satisfied
(12) or like that adopted in [18]. They give an almost exact
calculation of p2, affected only by an one modulation period delay,
but they typically require at least one multiplier or divider per
phase. When associated to the PLL loop, they would allow a tight
control of the modulation phase displacement.
The GP gain varies appreciably with U,. As an example, for a
ANALYSIS variation range of U, between S . 9 , GP vanes in a ratio of 1 to 5.3.
To ensure stability in every condition, a suitable choice of the loop
In principle, estimation of p2 according (1 1) does not depend parameters must be done. In Fig. 7 the asymptotic Bode diagrams
on the actual kequencyj Thus, estimation is a feed-forward path for the maximum and minimum gains, corresponding to the choice
and the stability conditions are determined only by the PLL path. adopted for the experimental tests, are shown.
As known, the PLL phase detector can be modelled as an If an exact, truly feed forward estimation was performed, &IS
integrator limitation would not be of concern, as PLL has only the task of
compensating for minor errors.
I On the contrary, if an estimator approximated implementation,
PHD =- like that proposed above, is adopted, besides the feed forward
action also an additional feedback path is generated. This acts in
parallel to the PLL path, with the hysteresis comparator as a
The filter following the PLL has typically a PI structure
common block, as shown in Fig. 6. Indeed, in ths case pz is both
function of U, and of$ By deriving (14) and taking into account
(1 1) the corresponding transfer functions EF and EU are obtained

being K p the h g h frequency gain and T, the zero of the filter.

The hysteresis modulator inputs are U, and p. The
corresponding transfer functions HU and Hp are obtained by
derivation from (S), taking into account thatfilm

HU =-- E
2Lp U, while for the low pass filter with time constant T, it results

LP =-
I +ST,

The PLL block scheme is represented in the upper part of The closed loop gain GE of the estimation path, considered
Fig. 6. The closed loop gain GP is obtained from (15), (16), (18) alone, is derived from (ll), (13), (18), (20), (22) and assuming

reduced contents of the error component at the fundamental
frequency, typical of the hysteresis control is evident.
The above simulations were run assuming the same load and
control parameters specified for the experimental tests.

GE varies with U, even more than GP. For the same

modulation index as above, the variation ratio becomes roughly
1 to 10. If V, has the proper value given by (13) and u,=O, GE has
a low frequency amplitude equal to 1. At high values of U,, near C
the unity, the low pass filter reduces the feedback gain before the ;
............... ..............j .......... .;............. .; ....... ...I ............ .i ............. j ............ ;............ :I ............ I
modulation frequency&. Typical Bode diagrams of GE are shown
in Fig. 7.
The two feedback loops, acting in parallel, result in an overall
loop gain GS given by their sum

GS =GP +GE (24)

To ensure the stability, for any value of U,, the crossing of GS

with the unity gain must be kept below f , by a suitable margin. 0 ms 20
The filter LP, needed to smooth the ripple and to ensure
stability, limits also the feedforward action at high modulation Fig. 8 Simulatedbehaviourof hysteresis control with only PLL.
frequencies. This affects mainly the effectiveness of the band
estimation in reducing the phase displacements.
It should be pointed out that these limitations interest only the
phase relationship between the phase pulses and affect only the
current ripple. As in every hysteresis modulation, the average error
over a modulation period remains essentially near zero. <


The proposed control was extensively simulated to test its

effectiveness and to evaluate the improvements with respect to the
original constant-frequencyhysteresis method [ 11, 221 and to other
current control methods [l-51. The simulation was also employed
for the choice of suitable parameters for the PLL and for the band
estimator, in order to optimize the response, while ensuring
stability and robustness. As a results of this trade-off process, it 0 ms 20
was found that it is advisable to keep the PLL bandwidth slightly
lower than that of the estimator filter. Fig. 9 Simulatedbehaviourof hysteresiscontrol
with PLL and feed-forward.
As an example of simulation results, in Fig. 8 the results
obtained by the approximated hysteresis band estimation are
shown: the behaviour of the estimated band is compared with that
given by the PLL acting alone.
In Fig. 9 the results of the feed-forward action are shown: the
term p2, given by the approximated estimator, almost coincides
with the band p, while the mean value of the PLL output p1 is kept
near to zero.
In Fig. 10 the current error produced by the PLL control acting
alone and that given by the proposed feed-bacwfeed-forward
control are shown: noticeable improvement is obtained due to
better phase pulse synchronization. I I
In Fig. 11 the performance of the proposed control is
illustrated, including the transient response. Phase current i and its ..... ':"llllll!rl'-
reference i*, together with the total error 6 are reported. The fast
recovery after transient and the good accuracy can be appreciated.
For comparison, the same quantities obtained in the same
1 .
....................... -
.................. ........
j '

: I
. .-.......................

0 ms 20
conditions by a classic ramp-comparison control and by a dead-beat
control (both tailored for an optimum response) are shown in Figs. Fig. 10 Simulatedtotal phase ripple 6.
12 and 13 respectively. In Figs. 14, 15 and 16 the corresponding Top : ...................................... with PLL only,
error spectra, calculated in steady state conditions are reported. The bottom: .............with PLL plus feed forward.

< 50 Hz 50K

1 11, I
...... ... . ., .. .. ........,.... ..... .. ., ...... .......,. ...........,...... ..... .......... ,.. ..... .. ......................

i f
. .......... Fig. 14 Improved hysteresis simulated error spectrum

0 ms 40
Fig. 11 Improved hysteresis current control behaviour. A

I 1I"n-5
50 H z 50K

Fig. 15 Ramp-comparison simulated error spectrum.

0 ms 40

50 Hz 50K
Fig. 12 Ramp-comparisoncurrent control simulated behaviour.
Fig. 16 Dead-beat simulated error spectrum.


The proposed control was tested on an IGBT inverter feeding

a 2 kW induction motor. The measured motor parameters were:
L = 12.5 mH, R = 2.2 Ohm. The inverter modulation frequency
was 5 kHz,with a DC bus voltage E = 300 V.
The control parameters were: PLL zero frequency
fi = 1/2nTz = 186 Hz, PLL filter gain Kp = 0.75, feed-forward
filter bandwidthf, = 1/2nT, = 398 Hz.
The obtained system performance was accurate, robust and
stable for a wide range of output f?equency, with fast response.
In Fig. 17 the transient response is shown, for three-phase
symmetric currents of 4.7A m s . The load e.m.f was estimated to
be e = 67 Vrms, being the maximum normalized voltage U, = 0.8.
0 ms40 In Fig. 18 a detail of a transient in the same conditions is shown,
demonstrating the good transient recovery typical of the hysteresis
Fig. 13 Dead-beat current control simulated behaviour. controls.

In Fig. 19 the combined action of PLL and feed-forward is L.Malesani and P.Tomasin: "PWM current control techniques of voltage
shown, demonstrating that the feed-forward gives almost the entire source converters - a survey". IEEE IECON'93 Cod. Rec., Maui
(Hawaii), 1993, pp.670-675.
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illustrated. The results can be compared with the ripple given by a AKawamura and K.Ishihara: "High fiequency deadbeat control of three
control with the PLL alone. phase PWM inverter used for uninterruptible power supply". IEEE
PESC'88 Cod. Rec., 1988, pp.644-649.
In Figs. 21 and 22 the centering effect is directly proven. The M.Marchesoni: "High performance current control techniques for
voltage pulses of the three phases are shown, together the clock applications to multilevel high power voltage source inverters". IEEE
signal synchronizingthe phase PLLs (on its rising edge). Pesc'89 Cod. Rec., Milwaukee, June 1989, pp.672-682.
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converters". EPE 91 European Conference on Power Electronics and
Applications, Firenze, Sept. 1991, pp.2.101-2.107.
VI. CONCLUSIONS H.Le-Huy, K.Slimani and P.Viarouge: "A predictive current controller
for synchronous servo drives". EPE 9 1 European Conference on Power
An improved hysteresis current control technique for voltage Electronics and Applications, Fireme, Sept. 1991, pp.2.114-2.119.
source inverters is proposed in the paper, which ensures good D.C.Lee, S.K.Sul and M.H.Park "High performance current regulator
control of the position of voltage modulation pulses of the phase for a field oriented controller". IEEE/IAS 1992 Annual Meeting
output voltages. This allows to approach the optimal condition of Conference Record, Houston, Oct. 1992, pp.538-544.
L.Malesani, P.Tenti, "A novel hysteresis control method for current
"pulse centering", which characterizes the classic three-phase
controlled VSI PWM inverters with constant modulation fiequency",
voltage vector control, resulting in a minimization of the current IEEE Trans. on Ind. App., vol. IA-26, no.1, JadFeb. 1990, pp. 88-92.
ripple. AV.Anunciada, M.M.Silva, "A new current mode control process and
The method is an improvement of a constant frequency applications", IEEE PESC'89 Cod. Rec., 1989, pp.683-694.
hysteresis control method already developed and applied [ll]. It J.ADente and J.Esteves: "Improved hysteresis controlled inverter for a
can be implemented by a very simple scheme and inexpensive three phase brushless servo motor". EPE'89 Conf Rec., Aachen, Oct.
components. Due to its simplicity, self-adjusting capability and 1989, pp.257-260.
B.K.Bose: "An adaptive hysteresis-band current control technique of a
robust performance, the method is suitable to an integrated voltage-fed PWM inverter for machine drive system". IEEE Trans. Ind.
implementation, by means of hybrid or ASIC units. Electronics, vo1.37, no.5, 1990, pp.402-408.
The technique offers all the advantages of the hysteresis L.Malesani,P.Tenti, E.Gaio and R.Piovan: "Improved current control
controls, in terms of accuracy, robustness, transient response and technique of VSI PWM inverters with constant Modulation frequency
bandwidth. and extended voltage range". IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications,
The proposed method was implemented and tested, Vo1.27, No.2, MarchlApr. 1991, pp.365-369.
K.Tungpimoht, M.Matsui and T.Fukao: "A simple limit cycle
demonstrating reliable and high quality performance. suppression scheme for hysteresis current controlled PWM-VSI with
considerationof switching delay time". IEEE/IAS 1992 Annual Meeting
Conference Record, Houston, Oct. 1992, pp.1034-1041.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT R.B.Sepe Jr.: "A unified approach to hysteretic and ramp-comparison
current controllers". IEEE/IAS 1993 Annual Meeting Conference
Record, Toronto, Oct. 2-8, 1993, pp.724-73 1.
The authors would like to thank dr. E. Mor0 for its Q.Yao, D.G.Holmes, "A simple, novel method for variable-hysteresis-
implementation of the first prototype, and Mi-. Renato Sartorello for band current control of a three phase inverter with constant switching
the organization and supervision of the experimental tests. frequency", IEEE IAS'93 Cod. Rec., Toronto, Oct.1993, pp. 1122-
M.P.Kmierkowslu, M.A.Dzieniakowski and WSulkowski: "Novel
space vector based current controllers for PWM-inverters". IEEEFESC
89 Conference Record, Milwaukee, June 1989, pp.657-664. Also in
IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vo1.6, no.1, 1991, pp.158-166.
L.Malesani, L.Rossetto, LSonaglioni, P.Tomasin, A.Zuccato, "Digital,
adaptive hysteresis current control with clocked commutations and wide
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Ind. Electronics, Budapest, June 1993, pp.448-456. Applications, Brighton, Sept. 1993, pp.180-185.

i ! ! ! ! I T ! ! ~ 1 1

Fig. 17 Experimental transient response. Fig. 20 Experimental total phase ripple 6 .

Top to bottom: i1, i2, i3 (4Ndiv., Smddiv.) Top to bottom:
-with PLL only .................... (0.4 Ndiv., 2 ms/div.)
-with PLL plus feed-forward ................(0.4 Ndiv.)

Fig. 18 Experimental transient response (expanded).

Top to bottom:
- phase current reference , (4 Ndiv., 1 mddiv.) Fig. 21 Experimental phase pulses synchronization
- phase current ........................................... (4Ndiv.) without feed-forward. Top to bottom:
- upper band limit p/2 ............................ (0.4 Ndiv.) -phase 1voltage u1 ........... (200 V/div., 50 pddiv.)
- decoupled current error 6' .................... (0.4 Ndiv.) -phase 2 voltage u2 .............................. (200 Vldiv.)
-phase 3 voltage u3 .............................. (200 V/div.)
- clock ..................................................... (10 Vidiv.)

I. I I . . I .... ....

Fig. 19 Experimental feed-fomard control behaviour. Fig. 22 Experimental phase pulses synchronization
Top to bottom: with feed-forward. Top to bottom:
- decoupled error 6' .............. (0.4 Ndiv., 1 mddiv.) -phase 1 voltage u1 ........... (200 V/div., 50 pddiv.)
-total band limit p. ............................... (0.4 Ndiv.) -phase 2 voltage u2 .............................. (200 V/div.)
- PLL output .................................... (0.4 Ndiv.) -phase 3 voltage u3 .............................. (200 Vldiv.)
- Band estimator output p2 ...................(0.4 Ndiv.) - clock ..................................................... (10 V/div.)


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