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This study was conducted to determine the Computer Literacy and Self-

Efficacy of the Grade 7 Students of Norala National High School.

Specifically, this study aims to determine the Computer Literacy of the

respondents; determine the Self-Efficacy of the respondents: and to

determine whether there is a significant relationship between the Computer

Literacy and Self-Efficacy of the respondents.

The study was conducted at Norala National High School, Norala, South

Cotabato, SY 2018-2019. The respondents for this study were 260 grade 7

students and were randomly selected. The Computer Literacy and Self-

Efficacy instrument that was used on this study was adopted from the Jeong-

Bae Son (2008). The data gathered had undergone the frequency count and

percentage for the computer literacy and self-efficacy. Regression analysis

was used to determine the significant relationship between the computer

literacy and self-efficacy of the respondents.

Based on the results, the following are the findings of this study:

1. The majority of the respondents was Low in computer literacy that

scored 3-5.
2. In terms of the level of computer self-efficacy, the majority of the

responses of the respondents were high that got a score of 65-96.

3. The computer self-efficacy of the respondents was not influenced

nor affected by their computer literacy.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions were


1. Grade 7 students of Norala National High School are low in

computer literacy. They have poor knowledge about computers or they

have unfamiliarity of technical vocabulary. Moreover, students should

aim higher and improve their ability, skills and knowledge about


2. Grade 7 students of Norala National High School have a high self-

efficacy in computer. They are very competent when it comes to dealing

or handling with computer or judging their work.

3. Grade 7 student’s computer literacy does not affect their self-

efficacy. It’s great to see that students have high self-efficacy but they

should improve their computer skills and knowledge.


Based on the findings of this study, the following are the


1. To the students, they should improve their computer literacy and

their unfamiliarity of technical vocabulary. They should try to explore more

about the computer world and try to reach out to their teachers or try to

search on the internet to help them improve their knowledge.

2. To the teachers, they should try to integrate other strategies to

impart their knowledge to the students and be hands on on many different

aspects of teaching most especially those that concerns highly on computers.

3. To the institution, they should do programs and other activities to

improve their knowledge about computers.

4. For future studies, they should also try researching about the

computer literacy and what factors affect their literacy and also try comparing

it to other schools.


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