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In this modern generation, the use of computers is inevitable in a sense

that it makes work faster and easier. As computer technology becomes widely

available and rapidly advanced, the increasing use of electronic texts has

expanded the meaning of the word ‘literacy’ and brought up new literacies such

as ‘computer literacy’, ‘electronic literacy’ and ‘information literacy’. Along with

this situation, the idea of what it means to be computer literate is inevitably

extended (Reinking, 1994) and the question of how to develop and improve the

ability of using computers is considered as a key issue in the area of education

(Son, 2004). On the basis of a general concept of literacy, computer literacy is

defined as the ability to use computers at an adequate level for creation,

communication and collaboration in a literate society especially in a student life.

As technology involvement became the very main idea of computer

literacy, the ability of an individual also remains as the connection through

practical use of computers which is referred to as the computer self-efficacy.

According to Compeau and Higgins (1995), “computer self-efficacy, then, refers

to a judgment of one’s capability to use a computer. It is not concerned with

what one has done in the past, but rather with judgments of what could be done

in the future”. McDonald and Siegall (1992) defined computer self-efficacy as

“the belief in one’s ability to successfully perform a technologically sophisticated

new task”. The concept of computer self-efficacy seems particularly important

when conceptualizing the integration of technology regarding the use of


In Norala National High School, most students are using computers to

make requirements, projects, and even do their researches. Using computers

specifically on a basis that it could help them in finding what they are looking for

and producing what they need. And so, the researchers would like to conduct A

Study of Computer Literacy and Self-efficacy of the Grade 7 students of Norala

National High School.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to determine the computer literacy and self-efficacy of

students of Norala National High School.

Specifically, the study aims to:

 Determine the Computer Literacy of the respondents

 Determine the Computer Self-efficacy of the respondents

 Determine the significant relationship between computer self-efficacy and the

computer literacy of the students

Significance of the Study

This study yields data that could be beneficial to the following parties:

To the students, they will realize the benefit of computer in their education.

The students will be notified of their capacity to use a computer. This study can

also help them improve their skills in computer.

To the teacher, they can be informed of the status of the student’s ability

to use a computer. Through this study teachers may be able to improve and

adjust their method and quality of teaching that they will impart to their students.

To the institution, they will be updated about the skills and ability of its

students. They could implement activities and projects that could help the

students improve their computer skills.

To the family, they will be aware of the weakness and strengths of their

child’s computer literacy. Their family might be able to help improve their child’s

computer ability.

To the field of research, this study will help them to enhance more

accurate information about the relationship of computer literacy and computer


Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focuses on determining the computer literacy and self-efficacy

of the respondents.

The time frame for this study starts from July 2018 and ends March 2018.

The study will be conducted at Norala National High School, Grade 7 students as

its respondents.

Operational Definition of Terms

Self-Efficacy is how the individual make judgement of their work or how

confident they are in using computers

Literacy is the knowledge and ability of an individual to use a computer

Computer is a device use to make outputs quickly and easily

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