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We hereby declare that the project work entitled WIRELESS TRANSFORMER PARAMETER
MONITORING SYSTEM submit tedto the Jimma institute of technology, is a record of an
original work done by us under the guidance of Mr. Anand.V,and this project work has not performed
the basis for the award of any BScin electrical and computer engineering



1) AYENEW ZELEKE………………………..00577/03 …………………

2) LIULE NEGASH……………………………00587/03 ………………….

3) ASMAMAW ADANE……………………….00546/03 …………………

4) NEWAY ALTAYE…………………………..0924/02 ………………….

5) ASMAMAW WORKU……………………….00535/03 ………………….

Checked by signature

Mr. Anand.V(MSc) ………………

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 1


We dedicate this humble effort, the fruit of our thoughts and study, to our magnificently precious
parents and Teachers whose utmost care and unflinching support brought us to the place where
we stand today and helped us achieve the formidable tasks with the Almighty GOD, whose
hands always rose in prayers for us, who are the sources of our inspiration, encouragement,
guidance and who taught us the lesson of patience, perseverance, self-confidence and self-
We would also like to dedicate this project work to all our teachers who have taught us from
lower level to the final year of engineering studies. We could not have achieved success in this
project and in all our previous projects without the help and support from our teachers.

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By the grace of Almighty GOD, we have been able to complete this project and achieve the aim
we set for ourselves at the start. We are especially thankful to our supervisor Engineer
ANAND.V for his never ending dedication and his kindness and support that he has shown
during the project.
Next we would like to express our gratitude to University and their staff, for the opportunity and
encouragement to pursue our group members. Our sincere appreciation extends to all lecturers,
lab engineers and entire staff of the University.
Last but not the least we are also thankful to our family and friends for their continuous
encouragement and support throughout the entire phase of the project.

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This project aims to design, build, and simulate a wireless transformer parameter monitoring
system. In normal ways all the Industrial or Electrical machineries are controlled by the manual
operation. Hence there is step by step progress but most of the time there is not actually instant
cooperation between system and operator in case of emergency or fault type situation. Therefore
we are designing a system where there exits communication between system and operator. For
this we are using Transformer, microcontroller, logic level converter and GSM i.e. global system
for mobile communication modem. This GSM modem helps to monitor transformer health by
sending message to the system. As we know, transformer is a major component of power system
and its correct functioning is vital to system operations.
To reduce the risk of unexpected failure and the ensuring unscheduled outage, on-line
monitoring has become the common practice to assess continuously the condition of the
transformer. This paper presents design and implementation of a mobile embedded system to
monitor and record key operation of a distribution transformer like overvoltage, over current,
temperatures, fall of oil level. Also it is important to keep an eye on transformer health when
operator is not present actually at transformer site so we are introducingsystem named as two
way communication systems between transformer and operator through GSM modem
where person can ask any related parameter value of transformerhealth by sending message to
the system. This system is designed to send SMS alerts whenever related parameter value
exceeds the predefined limits.


A transformer is a static electrical device used in electric power systems to transfer power
between circuits through the use of electromagnetic induction. Thus the transformer transfers

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energy from one circuit to another by means of a common magnetic field. When an alternating
current flows through a conductor, magnetic field exists around the conductor. If another
conductor is placed in the field created by the first conductor such that the flux lines link the
second conductor, then a voltage is induced into the second conductor. The use of a magnetic
field from one coil to induce a voltage into a second coil is the principle on which transformer
theory and application is based. Transformers range in size from thumbnail-sized used in
microphones to units weighing hundreds of tons interconnecting the power grid. A wide range of
transformer designs are used in electronic and electric power applications. Transformers are
essential for the transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical energy.
Among various transformers; distribution transformer distributes power to the low-voltage users
directly, and its operation condition is an important component of the entire distribution network
operation. Operation of distribution transformer under rated condition guarantees their long life
.However; their life is significantly reduced if they are subjected to overloading, resulting in
unexpected failures and loss of supply to a large number of customers thus effecting system
reliability. Temperature variation, overloading and ineffective cooling of transformers are the
major causes of failure in distribution transformers. The monitoring devices or systems which are
presently used for monitoring distribution transformer exists some problems and deficiencies.
Any fault on transformer leads to unnecessary outages and huge loss to electric utility.
For proper and reliable operation of power transformer, continuous condition monitoring is
required. Distribution transformers are currently monitored manually where a person periodically
visits a transformer site for maintenance and records parameter of importance.
This type of monitoring cannot provide information about occasional overloads and overheating
of transformer oil and windings. All these factors can significantly reduce transformer life. Our
system is designed based upon monitoring of key operational parameters of distribution
transformers which provides useful information about the health of transformers that will help
the utilities to optimally use their transformers and keep the asset in operation for a
longer period. This will help to identify problems before any serious failure which leads to a
significant cost savings and greater reliability.
Therefore a proposed solution is chosen to develop a wireless transformer parameter monitoring
system which analyzes overload, over temperature, over excitation and oil level of the
transformer. The system consists of embedded system microcontroller, GSM modem, mobile-

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users, GSM networks and sensors installed at transformer. Whenever any parameter goes faulty
medium the relay is activated by microcontroller and the transformer is switched off. The
embedded GSM module is located at the transformer site. It is the link between the embedded
system and the public GSM network. The embedded GSM modem receives real data from the
microcontroller and sends SMS alerts to monitoring room whenever related parameter value goes
faulty condition. This notification will help to identify problems before any serious failure which
leads to a significant cost savings and greater reliability.

1.2Problem statement
In ordinary transformer parameter measurement the time of acquisition and operation parameters
is too long, and testing speed is not fast enough.
When a large transformer fails there is a considerable high cost of the transformer and the
relative long outage time that occurs. The proper type of protection can often detect initial faults
before they become major, and thereby prevent major physical damage and long outage.
Transformers experiences faults which leads to deterioration and acceleration aging and failure
of transformer winding resulting from insulation failures, one of the causes is the over current.
Due to overload and externally applied conditions including over current and external short
circuit causes rise in temperature of both transformer oil and windings (Bashi, 2007).
Whenever the winding temperature raises and exceeds transformer thermal limits, the insulation
will deteriorate and may fail prematurely. Continuous thermal overload or over temperature
might weaken the insulation of a transformer and resulting in rapid transformer loss of life. Over
excitation (an increase in system voltage), internal faults can lead to deterioration, acceleration
aging and fault trips in transformer protection function (Reza, 2003).

1.3 Aim and objective of the project

1.3.1 Aim
The main aim of this project is to design wireless transformer parameter monitoring system by
using microcontroller, sensor, relay and GSM modem for immediate protection of transformer
and send SMS whenever fault occurred.

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1.3.2 Objective
To design the current, voltage, temperature and oil level sensing circuits that will be interfaced to
the microcontroller for monitoring.
To develop a code to the microcontroller which will work for over temperature, normal
temperature, and normal oil level and under oil level conditions and transmits the parameters
under faulty condition to monitoring person’s mobile phone.
 To analyze and validate the performance of the system using appropriate simulation
 To avoid the problem of direct manual checkup of transformers by sending an alert SMS
immediate transformer protection by relay.

1.4 Scope of the project

As we have noticed at the beginning the main aim of the project is to build a wireless based
transformer parameters monitoring capabilities.
The limitation of the entire project is divided into two.
First part of the project is to design and build the circuit diagram of the entire system. The circuit
part mainly consists of a voltage sensor, current sensor, temperature sensor, oil level sensor,
microcontroller, LCD display and COMPIM. The sensors are used for real time data gathering of
transformer parameters. Microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit
containing a processor core, memory and programmable I/O peripherals. We have used
microcontroller PIC16f877A. LCD-Liquid Crystal Display is an electronic device for displaying
text or characters. LCD’s are economical and easily programmable and can easily display special
and custom characters. COMPIM model is a Physical Interface Model of a serial port.
The second part is the development of software for programming and interfacing of the
microcontroller to GSM modem. This software are, HyperTerminal, mikcro C Pro and the
software of Proteus or ISIS professional are considered for the circuit analysis and expected

1.5Significance of the project

 As it is GSM wireless transmission system it has very less errors and needs lees
 GSM wireless transmission offers higher security to the transmitting data.

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 No need of manual checkup of transformer.

 Consumes less power and easy to operate.

1.6 Limitation of the project

Uses the network connection which has
 good coverage
 reliable
 accurate and
 Short convergence time.

1.7 Thesis overview

The entire project is composed of five chapters, each covering a section of the work as
summarized below:
Chapter one: gives about a brief introduction to wireless transformer parameter
monitoringsystem,and answers why we have gone for this project, what the objectives , what adv
antagescan we get from the project and its project scope.
Chapter two: covers an extensive literature review of previous works on wireless (GSM) based
transformer monitoring and the different established standards and protocols, and the platforms
over which transformer monitoring can be implemented.
Chapter three: Methodology and system block diagram: In this chapter brief description about
architecture and interfacing of the devices such as sensor, LCD display, GSM module and the
microcontroller being used are proposed.

Chapter four: System design and implementation: covers the detailed design and
implementation each sensor, and the overall integrated system or main projects results and

Chapter five-Conclusions and recommendations: This chapter concludes the entire work
performed during the project and Points out some few recommendations on improving the
performance, and efficiency.

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2.1General Literature Review of the project

A very large work has been done on observing and checking of power transformers such as:
overload voltages, over current and external short-circuit etc. Some of those researches which
had been organized and carried out, their setbacks, ambiguities and merits are as discussed in the
subsequent paragraphs.
In 2003 Ali Reza Fereidunian proposed or put forward a design which was based on a digital
differential relays for transformer monitoring using Walsh series and least square Estimators.
The two estimators were been developed using the Walsh series and least square algorithms. The
transformer internal fault (short circuit) protection function was the functionality of the
differential relay. The performance of the proposed relay was examined for internal, external
faults and inrush current of the transformer. In their project the digital differential relaying
scheme consisted of filter, pre-process, data acquisition system and a decision maker. The
protective relay performs the duty of making decision about the faulted or non-faulted situations.
The transformer internal faults and the external faults situations were examined on the designed
differential relay, and the results of these test illustrates the efficiency of the system. Also, it was
seen that both estimation algorithms perform their work correctly, but the Walsh series acts
better than least squares algorithm estimation (Ali Reza et al., 2003).
Furthermore in 2007 S.M. Bashi et al, designed and built a microcontroller based system for
power transformer protection. The system comprise facilities for discrimination between internal
fault current and magnetizing inrush current, differential protection, over current protection has
been included

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The performances of the proposed system have been examined and from the experimental
readings and observation, it was understood that the proposed system monitors and controls the
transformer when there is any fault (Bashi et al 2007).

In 2010 V. Thiyagarajan and T.G. Palanivel proposed an original ideas design to develop a
system based on microcontroller that was used for monitoring the current of a distribution
transformer in a substation and to protect the system from the rise in current due to overloading.
The protection of the distribution transformer was highly trained or skilled by shutting down the
entire unit with the help of radio frequency communication.
The performance of the proposed system had been tested with three different types of loading
which had been added to the transformer. From the experimental observations it was understood
that, the proposed system monitors and controls the transformer in an efficient manner.
Whenever an over current was sensed by the system while monitoring the transformer, it directs
the main station to shut down the transformer and thus it guards the unit from any serious
damages (Thiyagarajan et al 2010).
In June 2006 Atthapol Ngaopitakkul and Anantawat presented an algorithm
based on a combination of discrete wavelet transformer and neural networks for detection
and classification of internal faults in a two winding three-phase transformer. The fault
conditions of the transformer are simulated using ATP in order to obtain current
signals. The training process for the neural network and fault diagnosis decision are implemented
using MATLAB.
It was found that the proposed method gave a satisfactory accuracy and can
be useful in a development of a modern differential relay for transformer protection
scheme (Ngaopitakkul et al, 2006). Larner et al presented a paper that triesto review the concept
of a fuse application on high voltage Power transformers. The practical connecting of a power
transformer directly to a transmission line through fuse was discussed and was found that
the fuse presents several problems in the protection(Larner et al 1959).

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In 2010 Mazouz et al conducted a new approach research for transformer differential protection
that ensures security for external faults, inrush and over-excitation conditions and provided
dependability for inner faults. The approach uses programmable logic controllers (PLCs) to
realize transformer differential protection. It was come to an end that the PLCs gave the
protection circuits more flexibility and makes their integration with other protection and control
circuits easier. And also found that the differential protection using PLCs provided high
sensitivity for internal faults and high stability for external faults and magnetizing inrush currents
(Mazouz et al2010).
Muhammad Ali Mazidi presents a systematic, step by step approach to cover different aspects of
the PIC Micro-Controllers. The author provides many examples and sample programs to increase
the programming capabilities to a level so that in the near future when students go for a big
project the programming should not worry them, they should be crystal clear on the logic
development process and should serve the humanity with the invention which cannot be even
thought of today. This book is the powerful tool for learning basic programming concepts in
assembly language in addition to it also equips the reader with the programming concepts in a
more user friendly language that is C. Author also provides review questions at the end of each
section to cement the concepts learned in the topic. The detailed deliberation of the PIC Micro-
Controllers makes a lay man an expert after going deeply through the contents of the book. This
book also guides the customer to select the best available Micro-Controller from the series of
PIC Micro-Controllers to best fit the needs of the customer as per requirement.
Milan Verle provides a historical review of the factors which lead to the development of the PIC
Micro-Controllers. The author also compares the pros and cons of using Micro-Controller
instead of Micro-Processor, the similarities and distinctions among them are also explained
properly. The author also gives an idea about the two architectures that are primarily used in the
fabrication process of Micro-Controller. The comparison in between von-Neumann Architecture
and Harvard Architecture is explained in very clear and yet very easy terms.
The basic difference in between the two is of memory organization with the later having a best
method of execution of instructions.

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The differences between RISC and CISC instruction sets are clearly elaborated. To cut the long
story short this book equips the reader to deeply understand the world of PIC Microcontrollers.
Finally in 2000 Vaccaro et al proposed a neural diagnostic system for transformer thermal
overload protection. The research was conducted because the IEEE power system relaying
committee was lacking inaccuracy in the prediction of maximum winding hot-spot temperature
of a power transformer in the presence of overload conditions.
The proposed method was based on a radial basis function network (RBFN) which taking in to
account the load current, the top oil temperature rise over the ambient temperature and other
meteorological parameters, permits recognition of the hot-spot temperature pattern.
The radial basis function network (RBFN) based algorithm was designed and trained, in order to
estimate the winding hot-spot transformer temperature from knowledge of the experimental top
oil temperature, weather conditions and load current data obtained from a laboratory prototype
mineral-oil-immersed transformer. Finally, the RBFN-based algorithm for the identification of
the dynamic thermal overload in power transformers have been developed and was found that the
accuracy was improved compared with the results obtained from the IEEE power system
relay committee (Vaccaro et al 2000).
From the above review, it is finally concluded that researches done on the transformer protection
have some weaknesses; therefore by using the proposed method, which is by using
microcontroller based approach, the protection will be enhanced to a better protection because
the application of microcontroller in protecting transformer against over current and over voltage
is speedily growing.

2.2 Our implementation

After we give detail analysis of the previously done activities on transformer monitoring, we will
design wireless transformer parameter monitoring project analyzes and implements the circuit of
the system and simulate using proteus simulation software. Correspondingly, it is understood that
the topic of research is an advanced area of power systems protection engineering which is
normally being explored by power engineers.

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The purpose of the system design is to solve complex and eradicate the problems encountered
using the local protection techniques such as fuse, circuit breakers etc.
The project is based on microcontroller transformer protection with GSM based
transformer parameters monitoring capabilities. This protection is focused on the transformer
parameters feed into the ADC of the microcontroller and monitoring the transformer voltage,
current, temperature, and oil level. The voltage transformer will be connected across a variable
AC input source using transformer which can be varied from 0-260VAC. The output of the
transformer (secondary) will be connected to parallel resistor which will serve as loads.
The load current will be monitored by connecting a current sensor in series between the load and
the secondary side of the transformer. The input of the step down transformer will be connected
to transformer and the output will be perfectly rectified to a pure 5VAC. whenever the input
voltage is varied, the microcontroller shows the value of the voltage on an LCD. As input voltage
is varied above 230VAC, the microcontroller detects an over voltage fault and it sends a trip
signal to the voltage protective relay for protecting the transformer and the load connected.
Similarly, the microcontroller monitor’s the load current and temperature of
transformer, oil level of transformer and displays the values on LCD. After all whenever fault
occurs the specific faulted parameter is send as an SMS from the transformer to monitoring

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For this project work we follow the following methodology

Figure3.1: Methodology

3.2 System block diagram

Our wireless transformer parameter monitoring System is an automated version of manually
checking up the transformer and sending the information to a distant operator room wirelessly
via SMS.

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Our system has got almost all things automated so that we get an advantage of this concept.
Windows has built in serial monitoring software called virtual terminal to read the messages sent
by modem. The system model is shown in Figure 3.1 which says about the connectivity of all
mentioned devices.
The LCD used in this project can be detached when we use the design for commercial purpose.
LCD is attached to PIC16F877A simultaneously display the measured parameter.

Fig 3.2 Block diagram of the system

The block diagram consist of power transformer, temperature sensor, current sensor, oil level
detector, micro-controller (16F877A), LCD display, GSM modem and relay. Normally in
transformer, failure occurs due to voltage and current fluctuation, overheating, change in oil level
etc. In this project, to sense these fault we have used power transformer, temperature sensor, oil
sensor respectively.

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All these sensors are connected to ADC port of microcontroller. When fault occurs due to above
any reason then change in ratings will be shown on LCD and quick SMS will go to control room
via GSM modem. A brief discussion about components used is as given below. Sensors play a
vital role in effective implementation of the project. As we are interested in monitoring over
current, over temperature and oil level following sensors is selected and suitable designed with
respect to prevailing conditions of power system and rating of transformer to be protected.
At the secondary side of the transformer, a current sensor is connected in series between the load
and the transformer secondary terminal for sensing, the load current, output of the current sensor
is then feed to the microcontroller ADC pin for monitoring. The LCD is used to display the
transformer voltage, current, oil level and temperature. While monitoring the transformer
parameters, whenever the load current exceeds the transformer rated current, the microcontroller
detects an over current faults and it sends a trip signal to the over current relay, thereby
protecting the transformer from blowing off. Moreover, when the autotransformer secondary is
varied above the specific limit, the microcontroller detects an overvoltage faults and it sends a
trip signal to the overvoltage protective relay, thereby protecting the transformer and the loads
from blowing off.

3.3 Components or device used in this project

Mainly the block diagram of the project consists of microcontroller, sensors, GSM modem,
transformer and Liquid Crystal Display. In case of transformer fault situations we have to alert
text message to the expected person or control room. For this we are using a GSM based
communication between the transformer side and controller person or control room.

3.3.1 Relay interface

A relay is usually an electromechanical device that is actuated by an electrical current. The
current flowing in one circuit causes the opening or closing of another circuit. Relays are like
remote control switches and are used in many applications because of their relative simplicity,
long life, and proven high reliability. Relays are used in a wide variety of applications
throughout industry, such as in telephone exchanges, digital computers and automation systems.

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Highly sophisticated relays are utilized to protect electric power systems against trouble and
power blackouts as well as to regulate and control the generation and distribution of
power. In the home, relays are used in refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers, and
heating and air-conditioning controls. Although relays are generally associated with electrical
circuitry, there are many other types, such as pneumatic and hydraulic. Input may be electrical
and output directly mechanical, or vice versa. All relays contain a sensing unit, the electric coil,
which is powered by AC or DC current. When the applied current or voltage exceeds a threshold
value, the coil activates the armature, which operates either to close the open contacts or to open
the closed contacts. When a power is supplied to the coil, it generates a magnetic force that
actuates the switch mechanism. The magnetic force is, in effect, relaying the action from one
circuit to another. The first circuit is called the control circuit; the second is called the load

Fig 3.3 relay

Transformer is the electrical device that converts one voltage to another with little loss of power.
Transformers work only with AC. There are two types of transformers as Step-up and Step-down
transformer. Step-up transformers steps up voltage, step-down transformers steps down voltage.
Most power supplies use a step-down transformer to reduce the dangerously high mains voltage
to a safer low voltage. Here a step down transformer is used to get 12V AC from the supply i.e.
230V AC

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Fig3.4 A typical power transformer

The input coil is called the primary and the output coil is called the secondary. There is no
electrical connection between the two coils; instead they are linked by an alternating magnetic
field created in the soft-iron core of the transformer. The two lines in the middle of the circuit
symbol represent the core. Transformers waste very little power so the power out is (almost)
equal to the power in. Note that as voltage is stepped down and current is stepped up
The ratio of the number of turns on each coil, called the turn’s ratio, determines the ratio of the
voltages. A step-down transformer has a large number of turns on its primary (input) coil which
is connected to the high voltage mains supply, and a small number of turns on its secondary
(output) coil to give a low output voltage.
TURNS RATIO = (VP / Vs) = (Np / Ns)
VP = primary (input) voltage.
Vs = secondary (output) voltage
Np = number of turns on primary coil
Ns = number of turns on secondary coil
Ip = primary (input) current
Is = secondary (output) current

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The transformer provides voltage transformation and produces AC voltage required for
producing the desired DC voltages across its secondary windings. It also provides electrical
isolation between the power supply inputs. The rectifier circuit changes the AC voltages
appearing at transformer secondary to DC. Commonly used rectifier circuits include half-wave
rectifier, conventional full-wave rectifier requiring a tapped secondary or a bridge rectifier. The
rectified voltage will always have some AC content known as power supply ripple. The filter
circuit levels the ripple of the rectified voltage. The filtering action of the capacitor connected
across the output of the rectifier comes from the fact that it offers a low reactance to AC
components. The ripple in nature is inversely proportional to capacitance. Thus, the capacitor
connected across the output of the rectifier, which provides the filtering action, must be large
enough to avoid the ripple. The regulated circuit is a type of feedback circuit that ensures the
output DC voltage does not change from its normal value due to changes in line voltage or load

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Ideal power equation

Fig3.5 ideal transformer

The ideal transformer as a circuit element

If the secondary coil is attached to a load that allows current to flow, electrical power is
transmitted from the primary circuit to the secondary circuit. Ideally, the transformer is perfectly
efficient; all the incoming energy is transformed from the primary circuit to the magnetic field
and into the secondary circuit. If this condition is met, the incoming electric power must equal
the outgoing power:

Giving the ideal transformer equation

Transformers normally have high efficiency, so this formula is a reasonable approximation. If

the voltage is increased, then the current is decreased by the same factor. The impedance in one
circuit is transformed by the square of the turn’s ratio. For example, if impedanceZs is attached
across the terminals of the secondary coil, it appears to the primary circuit to have an impedance
of (Np/Ns) 2Zs. This relationship is reciprocal, so that the impedance Zp of the primary circuit
appears to the secondary to be (Ns/Np) 2Zp.

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A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC), which periodically
reverses direction, to direct current (DC), current that flows in only one direction, a process
known as rectification. Rectifiers have many uses including as components of power supplies
and as detectors of radio signals. Rectifiers may be made of solid state diodes, vacuum tube
diodes, mercury arc valves, and other components. The output from the transformer is fed to the
rectifier. It converts AC into pulsating DC. The rectifier may be a half wave or a full wave
rectifier. In this project, a bridge rectifier is used because of its merits like good stability and full
wave rectification. In positive half cycle only two diodes will conduct, in negative half cycle
remaining two diodes will conduct and they will conduct only in forward bias only.

Fig 3.6 circuit diagram and waveform for bridge rectifier

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3.3.4 Microcontroller
Microcontroller is defined as a system on computer chip which includes number of peripherals
like RAM, EEPROM, etc. required to perform some predefined task. There are number of
popular families of microcontrollers which are used in different applications as per their
capability and feasibility to perform various task, mostly used of these are PIC microcontrollers,
8051 family and AVR. The term PIC is used with the intention of Peripheral Interface
Controller, even though the earliest contraction intended for the preliminary PIC devices
was Programmable Interface Controller. The contraction was briskly reinstated
with Programmable Intelligent Computer.
Distinction of PIC microcontrollers
PIC Micro-Controllers differ by their counterparts in the following manner which has resulted in
their fame.
1) Improved Speed and performance: PIC Micro-Controllers using Harvard Architecture instead
of von Neumann architecture which enhances the performance of the Micro-Controller to a
certain extent, the speed of PIC Micro-Controller is greatly enhanced due to one instruction cycle
= four clock cycles.
2) Easiness in the use of instructional settings: There are very limited numbers of instructions
present in the instruction set as opposed to their counterparts. To be specific it contains only 35
instructions while the 8051 was containing 111 instructions.
3) Functions of Power on reset as well as a brown out reset: Brown-out-reset avoids the failure in
a set of circumstances where voltage dips or voltage interruptions are occurring by triggering the
reset pin of the Micro-Controller.
In the event of any divergence of the Micro-Controller from its normal operation a watchdog
timer (which is programmed by the customer) resets the processor.
 There are a number of elective clock sources which PIC Micro-Controller can use
 RC oscillator: it is economical to use among all.
 High Power crystal.
 Mid Power crystal.
 Low range crystal.

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 PIC-Micro-Controller contains timers which can be programmed by the customer

manually in addition to it built in ADCs are also present within the Micro-Controller.
 PIC Micro-Controller uses RISC architecture as opposed to CISC architecture used in
other counterparts.
 PIC Micro-Controller contains a variety or blend of interrupt sources which are solely
 The power rating of the pins of PIC Micro-Controller is sufficiently higher for day to day
functionalities or normal operation.
 PIC Micro-Controller contains a variety or blend of memory alternatives like EEPROM,
ROM, RAM, OTP etc.
 PIC Micro-Controller contains such a type of input output ports which can be expanded.
 PIC Micro-Controller contains an incorporated oscillator whose swiftness can be varied
according to the customer requirement.
 PIC Micro-Controllers are available in the market at very reasonable price.
 The packaging’s of PIC Micro-Controllers facilitate the customers to use it in a less
delicate manner.
This microcontroller is required to serve the purpose monitoring the transformer information
such as temperature, voltage, current and oil level through the LCD display, send SMS alert
when there is any fault. Modern power networks require faster, more accurate and reliable
protective schemes.
Following are some distinctive attributes of the PIC 16F877A from its other counterparts.
A. Excellent Performance RISC CPU:
PIC 16F877A uses Reduced Instruction Set Computer due to following fundamental advantages
 There are very limited amount of instructions that the programmer has to memorize
 Majority of instructions (more than 95 %) takes only one cycle for their execution.
 The processing or working speed is very high (like twenty megahertz for the clock input)
 The amount of duration required for each instruction to be executed is very less (not more
than 200 nanoseconds).
 The amount of available memory is in abundance and is sufficient enough for the
requirements of regular projects

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B. Peripheral Features:
Some of the peripheral features of the PIC 16F877A are listed below.
 PIC 16F877A encompasses of three different types of timers with special
 First of them is termed as Timer0. It is an eight bit timer, can also be used as a
counter. The function of pre-scalar is also inherent in it.
 There is another timer enclosed in this Micro-Controller referred to as Timer1. With
respect to the size it is larger than the previous timer and constitutes of sixteen bits.
 Last but not the least Timer2 is also present in this Micro-Controller, with the feature
of post scalar in addition to pre-scalar.
C. Analog Features:
The primary analog features of PIC 16F877A are listed below
1) It comprises of a built-in Analog to Digital converter of ten bits and constituting eight
channels for conversion.
2) To prevent the sensitive circuitry of the Micro-Controller it encompasses an option of Brown
out Reset.
3) It contains a default Analog Comparator module containing a pair of analog comparators, a
module in which voltage reference level can be programmed as per requirement.
4) It contains an additional functionality of multiplexing the inputs that can be programmed.
5) Exterior access to the outputs of the comparator is present with ease.
D. Distinctive Micro-Controller Features:
There are certain types of unique characteristics that are inherent in this type of Micro-Controller
 The amount of data present in the electrically erasable memory of this Micro-Controller can
be preserved for more than forty years of duration.
 The user can program it several times without any degradation in quality.
 It contains an additional Watchdog Timer having an independent RC oscillator intended for
trustworthy maneuver.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 24


 It encompasses a programmable code fortification.

 There is an energy saving mode of operation in which the Micro-Controller goes to sleep.
 It contains a variety of alternatives for the generation of the clock, which the user can decide
on according to its will.
Usage of CMOS Technology:
The CMOS technology incorporated during the manufacturing process yields some additional
advantages which are as follows
 The power consumption in the event of operation is very less.
 The computational speed of the execution of the entire instructions is very fast.
 The variety of voltage levels can be incorporated ensuring the rated operation of the Micro-
 The use of this technology makes the Microcontroller weather resistant and it can operate in
sufficiently higher temperature ranges.

3.3.5Crystal oscillator
The clock circuit is an important element that is required in the system design. This is because
the microcontroller works digitally based on generated clock. The rate of the clock is determined
by a crystal oscillator that is connected to the clock logic pins. A high speed crystal of is used in
this project in order to avoid any delay in terms of relay tripping ON and OFF, and monitoring of
the transformer parameters through the ADC of the microcontroller. Because the monitoring of
transformer parameters and tripping off the relay has to be very fast to avoid failure of the entire
protection system. The figure below show the crystal inscribed into the microcontroller, with two
capacitors used to filter out external noise from interfering with the crystal frequency

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 25


Fig 3.7crystal oscillator interfaced with PIC

3.3.6LCD 20x4

Fig 3.8 LCD 20x4

A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a thin, flat used for electronically displaying information such
as text, images, and moving pictures. Its uses include monitors for computers, televisions,
instrument panels, and other devices ranging from aircraft cockpit displays, to every day
consumer devices such as video players, gaming device, clocks, watches, calculators, and
telephones. Its low electrical power consumption enables it to be used in battery-powered
electronic equipment.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 26


It is an electrically modulated optical device made up of any number of pixels filled with liquid
crystal and arrayed in front of a light source (backlight)or reflector to produce images in color or
monochrome. The surfaces of the electrode that are contact with the liquid crystal material are
treated so as to align the liquid crystal molecules in a particular direction. Before applying an
electric field, the orientation of the liquid crystal molecules is determined by the alignment at the
surface of the electrodes. In a twisted device the surface alignment direction at the two
electrodes are perpendicular to each other, and so the molecules arrange themselves in helical
structure, or twist.

This reduces the rotation of polarization of the incident light and the device appears grey. If the
applied voltage is large enough, the liquid crystal molecules in the center of the layer almost
completely untwisted and the polarization of the incident light is not rotated as it passes through
the liquid crystal layer.

Pin Description of LCD 20x4

Fig3.9 LCD 20X4 pins pin description

Each pin has its own function. The following table shows the configuration and function of each
LCD pins.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 27


Table3.1 LCD 20x4 pins description

1. Pin 7 to pin 14-All 8 pins are responsible for the transfer of data.
2. Pin 4-This is RS i.e., register select pin.
3. Pin 5-This is R/W i.e., Read/Write pin.
4. Pin 6-This is E i.e., enable pin.
5. Pin 2-This is VDD i.e., power supply pin.
6. Pin 1-This is VSS i.e., ground pin.
7. Pin 3-This is short pin

3.3.7 Resistor
A resistor is a two-terminal electronic component designed to oppose an electric current by
producing a voltage drop between its terminals in proportion to the current, that is, in accordance
with Ohm's law:
V = IR
Resistors are used as part of electrical networks and electronic circuits. They are extremely
commonplace in most electronic equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various
compounds and films, as well as resistance wire (wire made of a high-resistivity alloy, such as

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 28


The primary characteristics of resistors are their resistance and the power they can dissipate.
Other characteristics include temperature coefficient, noise, and inductance. Less well-known is
critical resistance, the value below which power dissipation limits the maximum permitted
current flow, and above which the limit is applied voltage. Critical resistance depends upon the
materials constituting the resistor as well as its physical dimensions; it's determined by design.
Resistors can be integrated into hybrid and printed circuits, as well as integrated circuits. Size,
and position of leads (or terminals) are relevant to equipment designers; resistors must be
physically large enough not to overheat when dissipating their power.

Fig3.10Various types of resistors

A resistor is a two-terminal passive electronic component which implements electrical resistance

as a circuit element. When a voltage V is applied across the terminals of a resistor, a current I
will flow through the resistor in direct proportion to that voltage. The reciprocal of the constant
of proportionality is known as the resistance R, since, with a given voltage V, a larger value of R
further "resists" the flow of current I as given by Ohm's law:

Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electronic circuits and are ubiquitous
in most electronic equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various compounds and films, as
well as resistance wire (wire made of a high-resistivity alloy, such as nickel-chrome). Resistors
are also implemented within integrated circuits, particularly analog devices, and can also be
integrated into hybrid and printed circuits.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 29


3.3.8 Diodes

Fig3.11 diode

Diodes are components that allow current to flow in only one direction. They have a positive
side (leg) and a negative side. When the voltage on the positive leg is higher than on the negative
leg then current flows through the diode (the resistance is very low). When the voltage is lower
on the positive leg than on the negative leg then the current does not flow (the resistance is very
high). The negative leg of a diode is the one with the line closest to it. It is called the cathode.
The positive end is called the anode.
Usually when current is flowing through a diode, the voltage on the positive leg is 0.65 volts
higher than on the negative leg.

A capacitor or condenser is a passive electronic component consisting of a pair of conductors
separated by a dielectric between them. When a voltage potential difference exists between the
conductors, an electric field is present in the dielectric. This field stores energy and produces a
mechanical force between the plates. The effect is greatest between wide, flat, parallel, narrowly
separated conductors.
An ideal capacitor is characterized by a single constant value, capacitance, which is measured in
farads. This is the ratio of the electric charge on each conductor to the potential difference
between them. In practice, dielectric between the plates passes a small amount of leakage
current. The conductors and leads introduce an equivalent series resistance and the dielectric has
an electric field strength limit resulting in a breakdown voltage.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 30


The properties of capacitors in a circuit may determine resonant frequency and quality factor of a
resonant circuit, power dissipation and operating frequency in a digital logic circuit, energy
capacity in a high-power system, and many other important aspects.

Fig3.12 various types of capacitors

3.3.10 GSM module

Fig3.13GSM module

GSM (global system for mobile communication) is a standard developed by the European
telecommunication standards institute (ETSI) to describe protocols for second generation (2G)
digital cellular networks used by mobile phones. GSM modem is a wireless modem that works
with a wireless network. It is a specialized type of modem which accepts a SIM card, and
operates over a subscription to a mobile operator, just like a mobile.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 31


The modem is coming with selectable interfacing voltage, which allows connecting 5V and 3V3
microcontroller without any level conversion chips. Global system for mobile communication
(GSM) is also a wide area wireless communications system that uses digital radio transmission to
provide voice, data, and multimedia communication services. A GSM system coordinates the
communication between a mobile telephones (mobile stations), base stations (cell sites), and
switching systems. Each GSM radio channel is 200 kHz wide channels that are further divided
into frames that hold 8 time slots. GSM was originally named Group Special Mobile. The GSM
system includes mobile telephones (mobile stations), radio towers (base stations), and
interconnecting switching systems. This figure shows an overview of a GSM radio system. This
diagram shows that the GSM system includes mobile communication devices that communicate
through base stations (BS) and a mobile switching center (MSC) to connect to other mobile
telephones, public telephones, or to the Internet. This diagram shows that the MSC connects to
databases of customers. This example shows that the GSM system mobile devices can include
mobile telephones or data communication devices such as laptop computers.This diagram shows
that the GSM system uses a single type of radio channel. Each radio channel in the GSM system
has a frequency

Fig3.14 GSM system diagram

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 32


Bandwidth of 200 kHz and a data transmission rate of approximately 270 kbps. This example
shows that each radio communication channel is divided into 8 time slots (0 through 7). This
diagram shows that a simultaneous two-way voice communication session requires at least one
radio channel communicates from the base station to the mobile station (called the forward
channel) and one channel communicates from the mobile station to the base station (called the
reverse channel). This example also shows that some of the radio channel capacity is used to
transfer voice (traffic) information and some of the radio channel capacity is used to transfer
control messages.

Pin description of GSM

PIN PIN name Details

VCC Power supply Power supply input (4.2-13V DC,1A)
GND Ground Ground level of power supply
V-Interface Interfacing 5V DC for interfacing with 5V µC
voltage 3.3V DC for interfacing with 3V3µC
TXD Transmit Outputs data bytes at voltage level same as the V-
interface pin –usually connected to the Rx pin of the
RXD Receive Receive data bytes at voltage level same as the V-
interface pin, usually connected to the TX pin of the
GND Ground Ground level of interfacing signals.

Table3.2 pin description of GSM module.

3.3.11 SIM

SIM abbreviates as Subscriber Identity Module. It is a chip-on small card consisting of user's
information as well as phone book. User can alter the operator on the same handset as per
convenience .

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 33


At present dual SIM handsets are also available in the market where we can use two operators on
the same handset. The SIM is inserted in a slot available on the GSM Modem.

3.3.12 COMPIM
The COMPIM model is a Physical Interface Model of a serial port. Incoming serial data is
buffered and presented to the circuit as a digital signal, whilst serial digital data generated by a
CPU or UART model appears at the PC's physical COM port. The COMPIM model also
provides for baud rate translation, and for optional hardware or software handshaking on both the
physical and virtual sides of the device. This allows any real world hardware equipped with a
serial port to interact with a VSM simulation. For example, you could use it to develop a
program for a microprocessor within Proteus VSM that would operate a real physical modem,
perhaps as part of a security or home automation system. Alternatively, a monitor debugger
running on one PC can be used to debug a simulated design running within VSM.

The COMPIM model can also be used for some simple digital I/O: the CTS, DSR, DCD and RI
lines on the physical serial port can act as rudimentary digital inputs from external stimulus, such
as switches; the RTS and DTR lines on the physical serial port can act as rudimentary outputs.
Bear in mind that these signals may need addition physical signal conditioning, depending on
application and port type.

COMPIM has eight pins: TXD, RXD, CTS, RTS, DSR, DTR, DCD and RI.

 TXD, RTS and DTR are inputs to the device and become outputs on the physical port.
 RXD, CTS, DSR, DCD and RI are inputs from the physical port that become outputs on
the device. This means that the COMPIM represents a DCE on the schematic. By
contrast, the VTERM model (being a terminal) is wired as a DTE. The physical COM
port itself is wired as a DTE (TXD is an output).When a simulation is initiated, the
terminals of the DB-9 connector inside the COMPIM device symbol become indicators.
The TXD and RXD terminals indicate activity on the corresponding physical port pins.
The indicators for CTS, RTS, DSR, DTR, DCD and RI show the state of the physical port

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 34


Two further square indicators are present, either side of the word 'ERROR'. These
indicators show red whenever an error is detected on either the virtual port or the physical
port. The indicator nearest the pins flags an error on the virtual port. The indicator under
the DB-9 terminals flags that an error occurred on the physical port. The errors indicated
include framing and parity errors. The simulation log window may give more information
as to the nature of the error.

3.3.13 UART

A universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter, abbreviated UART is a piece of computer

hardware that translates data between parallel and serial forms. UARTs are commonly used in
conjunction with communication standards such as EIA, RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485. The
universal designation indicates that the data format and transmission speeds are configurable.
The electric signalling levels and methods (such as differential signalling etc.) are handled by a
driver circuit external to the UART.

A UART is usually an individual (or part of an) integrated circuit used for serial communications
over a computer or peripheral device serial port. UARTs are now commonly included in
microcontrollers. A dual UART, or DUART, combines two UARTs into a single chip. An octal
UART or OCTART combines eight UARTs into one package, an example being the NXP
SCC2698. Many modern ICs now come with a UART that can also communicate synchronously;
these devices are called USARTs (universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter).

3.3.14 AT commands

AT commands are instructions used to control a modem. AT is the abbreviation of Attention.

Every command line tarts with "AT" or "at". That's why modem commands are called AT
commands. Many of the commands that are used to control wired dial-up modems, such as ATD
(Dial), ATA (Answer), ATH (Hook control) and ATO (Return to online data state), are also
supported by GSM/GPRS modems and mobile phones.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 35


Besides this common AT command set, GSM/GPRS modems and mobile phones support an AT
command set that is specific to the GSM technology, which includes SMS-related commands
like AT+CMGS (Send SMS message), AT+CMSS (Send SMS message from storage),
AT+CMGL (List SMS messages) and AT+CMGR (Read SMS messages). Note that the starting
"AT" is the prefix that informs the modem about the start of a command line. It is not part of the
AT command name. For example, D is the actual AT command name in ATD and +CMGS is the
actual AT command name in AT+CMGS. However, some books and web sites use them
interchangeably as the name of an AT command.

3.3.15 Hyper Terminal

Microsoft HyperTerminal is a small program that comes with Microsoft Windows. We use it to
send AT commands to the GSM modem. It can be found at Start -> Programs ->Accessories ->
Communications -> HyperTerminal. Before programming our SMS application, it is required to
check if the GSM modem and SIM card are working properly first. The MS HyperTerminal is a
handy tool when it comes to testing the GSM device. It is a good idea to test the GSM
devices beforehand. When a problem occurs, sometimes it is difficult to tell what causes the
problem. The cause can be the program, the GSM device or the SIM card. If GSM
device and SIM card with MS HyperTerminal are operating properly, then it is very likely that
the problem is caused by the program or other hardware.


The power supply unit is used to provide a constant 5V of DC supply from a 230V of AC supply.
These 5V DC will acts as power to different standard circuits. It mainly consists of following

Fig3.15 Block diagram of power supply

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 36


In Figure above the input voltage is obtained the main 230VAC outlet and then connected to the
transformer. A step down transformer is used in stepping the 230VAC to a 12VAC.The 12VAC
serves as an input voltage to the bridge rectifier which is basically for diodes connected where
two diodes are in forward biased and the other two are in reversed biased for each half cycles.
The bridge rectifier is used in converting the 12VAC into a dc voltage.
Transformer power supply calculation
The 230VAC primary and 12VAC secondary transformer used has 190 turns
of coil in the primary; therefore secondary winding turn is calculated as shown below:
The result indicates that the transformer has turns ratio of 19:1.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 37




The designed wireless transformer parameter monitoring system uses PIC16F877A
microcontroller, GSM modem (mobile phone serially interfaced with pc), RS232 standard for
communication between the microcontroller and mobile phone, sensors and LCD display.
At this stage we have actually design each block and describe actual implementation of circuit of
each block and finally integrated them into the complete working system.

Fig4.1 system model diagram


From the block diagram the sensors gather real data about the condition of the transformer.
These sensors are internally embedded in transformer for their proper functioning and switch off
the transformer through relay during faulty condition. The sensor unit includes current sensor,
voltage sensing unit, temperature sensor, and oil level indicator circuits. Each sensor has their
unit functioning purpose and interfaced to the ADC pin of the microcontroller, because the
output of the sensor is analog and must be connected to ADC pin to be read by microcontroller.
So the output of each sensor is feed to microcontroller through ADC pin. The microcontroller
makes decision about the data received from the sensors.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 38


While doing so when measured parameter is exceeded out of normal condition the data will be
sent to the operator’s phone through GSM network.
During the faulty condition the transformer is in off state and operator knows the condition
happen through SMS received. As soon as the message is received the operator may go to the
transformer side to fix the problems and must restart it.

4.2.1Current sensor
Current sensor is a device which senses the current level of the series circuit of both analog and
dc current values. Therefore in the block diagram, current sensor is used to measure the load
current. The current sensor was used because the current sensor ICs provides economical and
precise solution for AC or DC current sensing in industrial, automotive, commercial, and
communication systems. The device package allows for implementation by the customer.
Typical applications include motor control, load detection and management, power supplies and
over current fault protection. The flow chart below describing the overall function of the current
sensor helps to design it in effective way.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 39



Current sensor sense

Transformer current

Switch off transformer

Is Yes
current>64A Alarm sound: ON
Send SMS


Fig 4.2 Flow chart of current sensor

From the block diagram the system must be activated to give power supply to the current sensor.
After being activated the current sensor gather the current of transformer to take appropriate
action. The monitored current values are displayed on the LCD display and as soon the
transformer is overloaded the current sensor sends the information through the ADC to the
microcontroller. So during over current that is the current flowing through the transformer
resulting from faults on the power system the microcontroller switches off the transformer, give
alarm sound through relay connected at PORTD of PIC and send SMS. Fault current that do not
include ground are generally in excess of four times full-load current; fault currents that include
ground can be below the full-load current depending on the system grounding method.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 40


Over current conditions are typically short in duration (less than two seconds) because
protection relays usually operate to isolate the faults from the power system. Overload, by
contrast, is current drawn by load, a load current in excess of the transformer name-plate rating.
In summary, loading large power transformers beyond nameplate ratings can result in reduced
dielectric integrity, thermal runaway condition (extreme case) of the contacts of the tap changer,
and reduced mechanical strength in insulation of conductors and the transformer structure.
Taking this necessary action the designed sensor simulation is shown below.

Fig4.3 Current sensor interfaced with microcontroller

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 41


4.2.2Temperature sensor
The LM335 temperature sensor is an easy to use, cost-effective sensor with decent accuracy
(around +/- 3 degrees C calibrated). The sensor is essentially a zener diode whose reverse
breakdown voltage is proportional to absolute temperature. The LM335 series are precision
integrated-circuit temperature sensors, whose output voltage is linearly proportional to the
Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. The LM335 thus has an advantage over linear temperature
sensors calibrated in degree Kelvin, as the user is not required to subtract a large constant voltage
from its output to obtain convenient Centigrade scaling with a rated operating temperature range
of over -55° to +150°C. LM335 temperature sensor converts temperature into its proportional
analog voltage and supplied to the ADC pin of the microcontroller.PIC16F877A microcontroller
is used to read temperature value.. Code of this project is written in Mikro C compiler.


Temperature sensor
sense Transformer

Switch off transformer

Is Yes
temperature> Alarm sound: ON
50Co Send SMS


Fig 4.4 Flow chart of temperature sensor

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 42


From the flow chart after the system is activated the current sensor measures the oil temperature
of transformer. After measuring real temperature the microcontroller makes the decision about
the received temperature value. When the temperature value exceeds prescribed value the
microcontroller switches off the transformer and an alert SMS is sent to the operator’s room

Fig4.5 Temperature sensor interfaced with microcontroller

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 43


4.2.3Voltage sensor
Voltage Sensing is a method used for determining the value of voltage in the circuit. Voltage
sensing is usually obtained by using either the voltage division method or a step down potential
transformer. Decision making about which method should be used, is related to the work
necessities. In this project we have used voltage division principle to get the corresponding
voltage value of the transformer.

Fig4.6 Flow chart of voltage sensor

The output from sensing unit is feed to ADC port of microcontroller for proper monitoring
system. From the flow chart when the measured value is above from normal range the
microcontroller activates the relay to switch off transformer and sends SMS alert to the
operator’s phone through GSM modem.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 44


In the other case when measured voltage level is below expected normal value the transformer
sends SMS alert to the monitoring room but in this case the transformer is not switched off.
Transformer voltage fault which is caused by an increase in transformer terminal voltage or a
decrease in frequency will result in an increase in the flux. Thus, over excitation results in excess
flux, which causes transformer heating and increases exciting current, noise, and vibration.

Fig4.7 voltage sensor interfaced with microcontroller

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 45


4.2.4 Oil Level indicator


Oil level detect

Switch off transformer

Is oil level Yes
under? Alarm sound: ON
Send SMS


Fig 4.8 Flow chart of oil level indicator

Oil mainly used in transformer for two purposes one is for cooling of transformer and another
use is for insulation purpose. When temperature of transformer goes high, oillevel in transformer
tank decreases due to heating effect. For normal operation of transformer oil level should
maintain at required level. If oil level decreases beyond required level, it affect cooling and
insulation of the transformer. When the oil level is under the normal condition, the oil level
detector senses the condition then the transformer switch off after this it gives an alarm sound
and sends SMS to the concerning office, otherwise it returns to check the conditions.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 46


Fig4.9 transformer oil level indication interfaced with microcontroller


Through several processes we have shown the detailed individual designed components of our
project. The designed project integrates these components and ensures "wireless transformer
parameter monitoring system". This overall designed circuit monitors the real condition of the
transformer while monitoring the parameters.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 47


Fig4.10 Flow chart of final project

The final flow chart that we developed gives the detailed information about how the system can
be developed and how they are integrated and combine all the major parameters of the
transformer for monitoring and fault detecting purpose. The system checks these parameters
whether or not they are in normal condition. The microcontrollers send the monitored parameters
to LCD display.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 48


When fault occur in any one of major parameters the microcontroller sends SMS to the
operator’s room through GSM modem while switching off except for under voltage .during this
faulty condition the buzzer sound is ON to indicate that the transformer is in off state. Whenever
a fault occurs the microcontroller sends a trip signal to the relay and thereby protecting the
transformer from burning. From our final circuit all the sensors are interfaced to the ADC port.
The voltage sensor to adc(0),temperature sensor to adc(1),current sensor to adc(2),and the finally
the oil level sensor interfaced to the adc(3). The GSM modem that is interfaced to the
microcontroller through the COMPIM is used in for data transmit purpose whenever the
parameters fail in real situation.

Fig 4.11 Final project designed

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 49




In this thesis design and implementation of an inexpensive and reliable Wireless transformer
parameter monitoring system based on PIC microcontroller is described. Transformers are
among the most generic and expensive piece of equipment of the transmission and distribution
system. Regular monitoring conditions of transformer not only is economical also adds to
increased reliability. During abnormal conditions exceeding specified limits information is
immediately communicated through GSM technology to the operator and also to concerned
authority for possible remedial action. This type of remote observation of health condition of
transformer not only increases the life of transformer increases mean down time of transformer
there by increased reliability and decreased cost of power system operations.
The designed project is quite useful as compared to manual monitoring and also it is reliable as
it is not possible to monitor always the oil level, transformer temperature rise, load current
manually. After receiving of message of any abnormality we can take action immediately to
prevent any failures of distribution transformers. The time for receiving this messages may vary
due to the public GSM network traffic but still then it is effective than manual monitoring.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 50


In our recommendation we recommend any distant transformer manual checkers to apply
wireless monitoring system. Any work and investigation on transformer protection is very
advantageous and challenging. Based on the present time, it can be observed that the world’s
population is increasing rapidly. Therefore demands on electricity will be high and these will
lead to demands of highly sophisticated protection devices, which will be incorporated in
transformer protection schemes. Based on the work done in this project which is protecting the
transformer using GSM based microcontroller, the vast improvements need to be made in the
future work. Because, during faulty condition protecting the transformer and noticing the SMS
alert is the most important action than that of protecting manually. It is noticed that the use of
current sensor, voltage sensor, temperature sensor and oil level indicator prevent the transformer
by taking the immediate action of sensing and sending SMS to the operator ,who controls the

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 51


5.3 Reference
[1] “Electrical power system” by Ashfaq Husain, CVS Publications.
[2] “Modern Power System Analysis”by D P Kothari and I G Nagrath, Mc Graw Hill
[3]T.S.Madhavrao, “Power System Protection- Static Relays”. TMH Publication.
[4]Harikrishna Paik, Dr. G.N.Swamy, Dr. I.Santiprabha “International Journal of
Advanced Engineering Applications” (2011)
]5].Ali Reza Fereidunian, MansoorehZangiabadi, MajidSanaye-Pasand,
GholamPournaghi,(2003) ‘Digital Differential Relays For Transformer.

[6].R. A. LARNER and K. R. GRUESEN, (1959). Fuse Protection or High-Voltage Power


[7]. Mazouz A. SalaharAbdallah R. Al-zyoud (2010), “Modelling of transformer differential

protection using programmable logic “
[8]. Atthapol Ngaopitakkul and Anantawakkunakorn (2006), ‘ Internal Fault Classification in
Transformer Windings using Combination of Discrete Wavelet Transforms.

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 52


5.4 Appendixes
Appendix A:Glossary
UART………universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
PSTN……….public switch telephone net work
BTS………...base transceiver station
MSC……… switching center
BS…………..base station
SIM…………subscriber identity module
ETSI………..European telecommunication standard institute
CMOS………complementary metallic oxide semi- conductor
ROM……….random only memory
PIC…………peripheral interface controller
RAM………..random access memory
EMI………….electromagnetic interference
RFI………….. Radio frequency interference
LED…………light emitting diode
GSM…………global system for mobile communication
SMS………….short message service
LCD………….liquid crystal display
ATP………….Set pulse dial as default
RISC………….Reduced instruction set computer
CISC………….complex instruction set computer
RBFN………radial basis function net work
GPRS………….global packet radio service
APD…………...avalanche photodiode
ADC…………...analog to digital converter
AC……………..alternating current
DC…………… current
IC………………integrated circuit
AT+CSMS…….. Select message service

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 53


AT+CMGF……... Message format

AT+CMGL……… List SMS messages
AT+CMGR ………Read SMS message
AT+CMGS ……… Send SMS message
AT+CMGD ……… Delete SMS message
ATA ……………… Answer a call
ATD……………….. Dial a number

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 54


Appendix B:Overall circuit diagram

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 55


Appendix C:Code of the overall program

sbit LCD_RS at RB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RB3_bit;
sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
char txt[12];
unsigned int current=0;
unsigned int temp=0;
unsigned int temp2=0;
int temp1;
unsigned int adc_rd; // Declare variables

void main()
{ PORTD = 0x00;
TRISD = 0x80; // set direction to be output
PORTD.F2 = 1;
PORTD.F7 = 1;
TRISA = 0XFF;// All input
TRISB0_bit = 1;//set as input
TRISB1_bit = 1;//set as input

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 56


UART1_Write(0x0D); // mean Enter
UART1_Write(0x0D); // mean Enter
UART1_Write(0x22); //" double qoute
UART1_Write_Text("0912780713"); // Your Telephone Number cd_chr_cp(uart_rd);
UART1_Write(0x22); //" double qoute
UART1_Write_Text("Dear transformer indicats that "); //My Text Test
//Lcd_Out(1,1,"AC volt");

temp = ADC_Read(0);

UART1_Write_Text("O v problem");

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 57


{ inttostr(temp,txt);

{ inttostr(temp,txt);
UART1_Write_Text("U V problem");

adc_rd = ADC_Read(1);
temp1=(adc_rd - 559.567) / 2 ;
if (temp1>50)
UART1_Write_Text("o T problem"); //My Text Test

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 58


// lcd_out(2,13,"c N");
if (temp1>50)
UART1_Write_Text("o T problem"); //My Text Test
current = ADC_Read(2);

UART1_Write_Text("O c problem"); //My Text Test


UART1_Write_Text("U oil level"); //My Text Test

else {

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 59


{ if(temp<231){
UART1_Write_Text("normal condition"); //My Text Test
delay_ms(1000); }

UART1_Write(26); //Ctr +Z

for displaying parametres

sbit LCD_RS at RB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RB3_bit;
sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
char txt[12];

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 60


unsigned int current=0;

unsigned int temp=0;
unsigned int temp2=0;
int temp1;
unsigned int adc_rd; // Declare variables

void main()
{ PORTD = 0x00;
TRISD = 0x80; // set direction to be output
PORTD.F2 = 1;
PORTD.F7 = 1;
TRISA = 0XFF;// All input
TRISB0_bit = 1;//set as input
TRISB1_bit = 1;//set as input
Lcd_Out(1,1,"AC volt");

temp = ADC_Read(0);



Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 61


lcd_out(1,14,"V O");
UART1_Write_Text("O v problem");
{ inttostr(temp,txt);
lcd_out(1,14,"V N");
{ inttostr(temp,txt);
lcd_out(1,14,"V U");
UART1_Write_Text("U V problem");

adc_rd = ADC_Read(1);
temp1=(adc_rd - 559.567) / 2 ;
if (temp1>50)

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 62


{ PORTD.F3=1;
lcd_out(2,13,"C O");
UART1_Write_Text("o T problem"); //My Text Test
lcd_out(2,13,"c N");

current = ADC_Read(2);
Lcd_Out(3,16,"A O");

UART1_Write_Text("O c problem"); //My Text Test

Lcd_Out(3,16,"A N");

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 63


Lcd_Out(4,1,"oil level:");

UART1_Write_Text("U oil level"); //My Text Test

else {
Lcd_Out(4,12,"N"); }
UART1_Write_Text("normal codition"); }
UART1_Write(26); //Ctr +Z

Wireless transformer parameter monitoring system Page 64

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