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Home ► Chemical Engineering ► CL305_2021 ► 15 February - 21 February ► Tutorial 3 (15 Feb 2021) ►


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Question 1 [2 marks] A liquid flows downward in an inclined pipe having a circular cross section.
Not yet answered The flow is steady, laminar, unidirectional and fully developed. The axis of the pipe
makes an angle of 45º with the vertical direction. The pressure at the pipe inlet (p0 ) is
Marked out of 2.00
lower than that at the pipe outlet (pL ) with the difference being
. The radius of the pipe is R = 0.02 m and its length is
pL − p0 = 4 × 10  Pa

L m . The density of the liquid is 7 × 10  kg/m and its viscosity is 0.07 Pa. s. The
2 3

acceleration due to gravity is 9.81m/s . If the velocity of the liquid (along the pipe

axis) at a radial location r = 0.75R is 2 m/s, what is the magnitude of the viscous
force exerted by the flowing liquid on the pipe wall (parallel to the pipe wall)? Provide
your answer in N rounded to two decimal places.
Note: The radial location r is measured from the axis of the pipe.


Question 2 [2 marks] Two immiscible liquids are flowing between two horizontal parallel plates
Not yet answered due to a horizontal pressure gradient. The flow is steady, laminar and fully developed.
The thickness of each liquid layer is 4 mm. The density and viscosity of the bottom
Marked out of 2.00
liquid are 900 kg/m3 and 0.08 Pa. s respectively. The density and viscosity of the
top liquid are 700 kg/m3 and 0.01 Pa. s respectively. The interface between the
two liquids (which is planar) is in the yz plane with the x axis normal to it. At the
interface, x = 0 with x being positive above the interface (i.e., in the top liquid) and
negative below the interface (i.e., in the bottom liquid). In the liquid which contains the
plane of zero shear stress, at what other value of x,apart from x = 0 , will the
velocity be equal to the velocity at the liquid-liquid interface? Provide your answer in
mm with the appropriate sign and rounded to one decimal place.

Question 3 [2 marks] A liquid is flowing vertically upward in the annular space between two
Not yet answered coaxial cylinders. The flow is steady, laminar, fully developed and the end effects can
be neglected. The radius of the outer cylinder is R = 0.08 m. The radial location at
Marked out of 2.00
which the shear stress in the liquid is zero is r = 0.7R where r is measured from
the axis of the coaxial cylinders. The difference in the modified pressure between the
inlet and outlet of the cylindrical annulus is P0 − PL = 4 × 103 Pa. The length of
the annulus is 3 m (in the vertical direction) and the viscosity of the liquid flowing in
the annulus is 0.02 Pa. s. What is the magnitude of the fluid velocity (vz ) at a radial
location of r = 0.6R. Provide your answer in m/s rounded to two decimal places.


Question 4 [1 mark] A liquid flows vertically upward between two parallel plates. The flow is
Not yet answered steady, laminar and fully developed. The difference in the modified pressure between
the inlet and outlet is 5 × 103  Pa . The gap between the plates, measured
Marked out of 1.00
perpendicular to the plate surfaces, is 6 mm . The viscosity of the liquid is 0.04 Pa. s
and the length of the plates along the flow direction is 2 m . What is the average
velocity of the liquid, in m/s and rounded to three decimal places.

CL305: Transport Phenomena
Solution to Tutorial 3

Conducted on: 15 February 2021

1. [2 marks] A liquid flows downward in an inclined pipe having a circular cross section. The flow is steady,
laminar, unidirectional and fully developed. The axis of the pipe makes an angle of 45◦ with the vertical
direction. The pressure at the pipe inlet (p0 ) is lower than that at the pipe outlet (pL ) with the difference
being pL − p0 = 4 × 103 Pa. The radius of the pipe is R − 0.02 m and its length is L m. The density of the
liquid is 7 × 102 kg/m3 and its viscosity is 0.07 Pa.s. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . If the
velocity of the liquid (along the pipe axis) at a radial location r = 0.75R is 2 m/s, what is the magnitude
of the viscous force exerted by the flowing liquid on the pipe wall (parallel to the pipe wall)? Provide your
answer in N rounded to two decimal places.
Note: The radial location r is measured from the axis of the pipe.

Solution: The modified pressure in this case is given by

P = p − ρg cos θz = p − ρgz cos θ


P0 − PL = p0 − (pL − ρgL cos θ) = p0 − pL + ρgL cos θ

It can be readily seen that a shell momentum balance results in the same expression as that for a vertical
pipe with the modified pressure, P, now defined as above. Therefore, the expression for the axial velocity
of the liquid,i.e. vz , in terms of the modified pressure is also the same as that for a vertical pipe.

(P0 − PL )R2  r 2  (p − p + ρgL cos θ)R2 

  r 2 
0 L
vz = 1− = 1−
4µL R 4µL R

 −1
(p0 − pL ) 4µvz 4µvz
⇒ + ρg cos θ = n 2 o ⇒ L = (p0 − pL )  n 2 o − ρg cos θ
L R 1 − Rr
2 R2 1 − Rr

Substituting the values, we get

4 × 0.07 × 2
L = −4 × 10 × 3
− 700 × 9.81 × cos 45◦
0.022 × (1 − 0.752 )

⇒ L = −4 × 103 × (3200 − 4855.702)−1 = 2.416 m

The viscous force on the pipe wall is

700 × 9.81 × 2.416
Fz = πR2 {(p0 − pL ) + ρgL cos θ} = π × 0.022 × −4 × 103 + √ = 9.72 N

2. [2 marks] Two immiscible liquids are flowing between two horizontal parallel plates due to a horizontal
pressure gradient. The flow is steady, laminar and fully developed. The thickness of each liquid layer is
4 mm. The density and viscosity of the bottom liquid are 900 kg/m3 and 0.08 Pa.s respectively. The
density and viscosity of the top liquid are 700 kg/m3 and 0.01 Pa.s respectively. The interface between
the two liquids (which is planar) is in the yz plane with the x axis normal to it. At the interface, x = 0
with x being positive above the interface (i.e., in the top liquid) and negative below the interface (i.e., in
the bottom liquid). In the liquid which contains the plane of zero shear stress, at what other value of x,
apart from x = 0, will the velocity be equal to the velocity at the liquid-liquid interface? Provide your
answer in mm with the appropriate sign and rounded to one decimal place.

Solution: We have
∂vy ∂vx
τxy = −µ + = −µ (−16x − 8y + 0) = 0.2 × (16 × 0.4 + 8 × 0.7) = 2.40 Pa
∂x ∂y

3. [2 marks] The Lennard-Jones parameters of a gas having a molecular mass of 28 are σ = 4.2 Å and
ε/kB = 216 K, where kB = 1.38 × 10−23 J/K is the Boltzmann constant. The dimensionless temperature
is defined as T ∗ = kB T /ε.
At T ∗ = 1.2, the value of the collision integral based on the Lennard-Jones potential is 1.455. What is the
viscosity of the gas, using the Chapman-Enskog theory, at T ∗ = 1.2? Provide your answer in micropoise,
rounded to the nearest integer.

Solution: We have T = T ∗ ε/kB = 1.2 × 216 = 259.2 K

√ √ √
−5 MT −5 28 × 259.2 −5 28 × 259.2
µ = 2.6693 × 10 = 2.6693 × 10 = 2.6693 × 10
σ 2 Ωµ 4.22 × 1.455 4.22 × 1.455

= 8.86 × 10−5 poise = 88.6 micropoise ≡ 89 micropoise

4. [1 mark] A liquid flows vertically upward between two parallel plates. The flow is steady, laminar and
fully developed. The difference in the modified pressure between the inlet and outlet is 5 × 103 Pa. The
gap between the plates, measured perpendicular to the plate surfaces, is 6 mm. The viscosity of the liquid
is 0.04 Pa.s and the length of the plates along the flow direction is 2 m. What is the average velocity of
the liquid, in m/s and rounded to three decimal places.

Solution: The expressions for average velocities when two immiscible are fluids are flowing between two
horizontal parallel plates are given by

(p0 − pL ) b2 7µI + µII
hvzI i = vzI dx =
b −b 12µI L µI + µII

(p0 − pL ) b2 µI + 7µII
hvzII i = vzII dx =
b 0 12µII L µI + µII

The given problem can be considered a special case with both liquids being the same, i.e., µI = µII .
Further, as the flow is vertically upward, the modified pressure difference has to be used in place of the
pressure difference. The average velocity can therefore be calculated as
" Z #
hvzI i + hvzII i 1 1 0 I 1 b II
hvz i = = v dx + v dx
2 2 b −b z b 0 z

1 (P0 − PL ) b2 µ + 7µ (P0 − PL ) b2 µ + 7µ (P0 − PL ) b2
hvz i = + =
2 12µL µ+µ 12µL µ+µ 3µL

Substituting the values, we get

5 × 103 × (3 × 10− 3)2

hvz i = = 0.1875 m/s ≡ 0.188 m/s
3 × 0.04 × 2

Home ► Chemical Engineering ► CL305_2021 ► 22 February - 28 February ► Tutorial 4 (24 Feb 2021) ►

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Question 1 [1 mark] A hot air balloon rises vertically up (in the positive z direction) with a uniform
Not yet answered velocity. At the same time, the balloon also moves with a uniform speed of 4 m/s in
the positive y direction due to wind. The temperature of earth’s atmosphere can be
Marked out of 1.00
assumed to vary linearly with elevation according to the following relation:
where T0 = 20 ºC, α = 6.5 × 10 ºC/m, T is in ºC and z is the
T = T0 − αz

elevation in m. If the rate of change of atmospheric temperature measured by an

instrument mounted on the balloon is -0.01 ºC/s, what is the speed at which the
balloon is rising up (i.e., the z component of balloon’s velocity)? Assume the
atmospheric temperature to not vary in the x and y direction or with time, and provide
your answer in m/s, rounded to one decimal place.


Question 2 [1 mark] A velocity field v is given by

Not yet answered ^ ^ ^
v = (2ax + 4y + 1) i + (2y + xz + 4) j + (xy − 7z + 2)k

Marked out of 1.00

If the flow is incompressible, what is the value of a? Provide your answer up to one
decimal place.

Question 3 [2 marks] For a two-dimensional inviscid, incompressible flow field, the velocity is
Not yet answered given by
Marked out of 2.00 v = 3x y
2 2^
i − xy

where v is in m/s and x, y are in m. If the pressure at x = 1.2 m, y = 1.2 m is 200

kPa, what is the pressure at x = 1.6 m, y = 1.2 m? Gravity acts perpendicular to
the xy plane and there is no change in elevation between the two points. The density
of the fluid is 800 kg/m3 . Provide your answer in kPa rounded to the nearest
Hint: You may use Euler's equation to solve this problem.


Question 4 [1 mark] The velocity field of a fluid is given by

Not yet answered 3
v = U [1 + ] i
Marked out of 1.00 x

If U = 1 m/s and R = 1.7 m , what is the x component of the total acceleration

(i.e., local + convective) of a fluid element at x = 2.5 m ? Provide your answer in
m/s rounded to two decimal places.


Question 5 [2 marks] Consider the flow of an incompressible Newtonian liquid in the annular
Not yet answered space between two concentric cylinders. The flow is driven by the rotations of the two
cylinders. The outer cylinder rotates with an angular velocity of Ωo = 19 rad s−1
Marked out of 2.00
and the inner cylinder rotates with an angular velocity of Ωi = 11 rad s−1 . After
simplifying and solving the equation of motion, the velocity profile of the fluid between
the two cylinders is obtained as:
1 C2
vθ = C1 r +
2 r

If the radii of the inner and outer cylinders are 27 cm and 30 cm respectively, what is
the value of the constant C1 in the equation for vθ above? Provide your answer in
rad s
rounded to one decimal place.

CL305: Transport Phenomena
Solution to Tutorial 4

Conducted on: 24 February 2021

1. [1 mark] A hot air balloon rises vertically up (in the positive z direction) with a uniform velocity. At
the same time, the balloon also moves with a uniform speed of 4 m/s in the positive y direction due to
wind. The temperature of earth’s atmosphere can be assumed to vary linearly with elevation according
to the following relation: T = T0 − αz where T = 20 ◦ C, α = 6.5 × 10− 3 ◦ C/m, T is in ◦ C and z is the
elevation in m. If the rate of change of atmospheric temperature measured by an instrument mounted
on the balloon is −0.01◦ C/s, what is the speed at which the balloon is rising up (i.e., the z component
of balloon’s velocity)? Assume the atmospheric temperature to not vary in the x and y direction or with
time, and provide your answer in m/s, rounded to one decimal place.

Solution: The rate of change of temperature measured by the instrument mounted on the balloon is
given by

dT ∂T ∂T ∂T ∂T
= + vx + vy + vz
dt ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
As the atmospheric temperature to not vary in the x and y direction or with time, we have

dT ∂T ∂(T0 − αz
= vz = vz = −αvz
dt ∂z ∂z

dT /dt −0.01
⇒ vz = − =− ⇒ vz = 1.5 m/s
α 6.5 × 10−3

2. [1 mark] A velocity field v is given by

v = (2ax + 4y + 1) î + (2y + xz + 4) ĵ + (xy − 7z + 2) k̂

If the flow is incompressible, what is the value of a? Provide your answer up to one decimal place.

Solution: For incompressible flow, the continuity equation becomes

∂vx ∂vy ∂vz

∇·v =0 ⇒ + ++ =0
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂(2ax + 4y + 1) ∂(2y + xz + 4) ∂(xy − 7z + 2)
⇒ + + =0
∂x ∂y ∂z

⇒ 2a + 2 − 7 = 0 ⇒ a = 2.5

3. [2 marks] For a two-dimensional inviscid, incompressible flow field, the velocity is given by

v = 3x2 y 2 î − xy 3 ĵ
where v is in m/s and x, y are in m. If the pressure at x = 1.2 m, y = 1.2 m is 200 kPa, what is the
pressure at x = 1.6 m, y = 1.2 m? Gravity acts perpendicular to the xy plane and there is no change in
elevation between the two points. The density of the fluid is 800 kg/m3 . Provide your answer in kPa
rounded to the nearest integer.
Hint: You may use Euler’s equation to solve this problem.

Solution: The x component of the Euler’s equation for the given two-dimensional steady, inviscid, in-
compressible flow is

∂(3x2 y 2 ) 2 3 ∂(3x2 y 2 )
∂vx ∂vx ∂p ∂p
ρ vx + vy =− ⇒ ρ 3x2 y 2 − xy =−
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂x 3 ∂y ∂x

∂p 7
= −ρ 18x3 y 4 − 4x3 y 4 = −14ρx3 y 4 p = − ρx4 y 4 + f (y)

⇒ ⇒
∂x 2
The value of pressure at x = 1.2 m, y = 1.2 m is 200 kPa. So,
200 × 103 = − × 800 × (1.2)4 × (1.2)4 + f (1.2) ⇒ f (1.2) ≈ 212039.5

Now, the value of pressure at x = 1.6 m, y = 1.2 m is

p(x = 1.6 m, y = 1.2 m) = − × 800 × (1.6)4 × (1.2)4 + f (1.2)
⇒ p (x = 1.6 m, y = 1.2 m) = −38050.7 + 212039.5 = 173988.8 Pa = 173.9888 kPa ≈ 174 kPa

4. [1 mark] The velocity field of a fluid is given by

v = U 1 + 3 î

If U = 1 m/s and R = 1.7 m, what is the x component of the total acceleration (i.e., local + convective)
of a fluid element at x = 2.5 m? Provide your answer in m/s2 rounded to two decimal places.

Solution: The x component of the total acceleration (ax ) is given by the substantial derivative of the x
component of velocity. So,

Dvx ∂vx ∂vx ∂vx ∂vx ∂vx

ax = = + vx + vy + vz = vx
Dt ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x

R3 R3 R3 R3

⇒ ax = U 1+ 3 U 1+ 3 = −3U 2 1 + 3
x ∂x x x x4

At x = 2.5 m, with U = 1 m/s and R = 1.7 m, we have

(1.7)3 (1.7)3
⇒ ax = −3 × 12 1 + = −0.49596 ≈ −0.50 m/s2
(2.5)3 (2.5)4

5. [2 marks] Consider the flow of an incompressible Newtonian liquid in the annular space between two
concentric cylinders. The flow is driven by the rotations of the two cylinders. The outer cylinder rotates
with an angular velocity of Ωo = 19 rad s1 and the inner cylinder rotates with an angular velocity of
Ωi = 11 rad s1 . After simplifying and solving the equation of motion, the velocity profile of the fluid
between the two cylinders is obtained as:

1 C2
vθ = C1 r +
2 r
If the radii of the inner and outer cylinders are 27 cm and 30 cm respectively, what is the value of the
constant C1 in the equation for vθ above? Provide your answer in rad s−1 rounded to one decimal

Solution: Applying the no-slip boundary condition at the outer surface of the inner cylinder, we have

vθ (r = 0.27 m) = 0.27 Ωi = 0.27 × 11 = 2.97 m/s

1 C2 C2
2.97 = C1 × (0.27) + ⇒ 0.135 C1 + = 2.97 · · · (A)
2 0.27 0.27

Applying the no-slip boundary condition at the inner surface of the outer cylinder, we have

vθ (r = 0.3 m) = 0.3 Ωo = 0.3 × 19 = 5.7 m/s

1 C2 C2
5.7 = C1 × (0.3) + ⇒ 0.15 C1 + = 5.7 · · · (B)
2 0.3 0.3

0.3 × (B) − 0.27 × (A) gives

(0.045 − 0.03645) × C1 = 1.71 − 0.8019 ⇒ C1 = 106.2 rad s−1

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