Stress Management Worksheet

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Stress Management

1. Define stress.

The body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment.

2. What is a stressor?

Anything that causes stress.

3. What makes a stress positive or negative?

Positive Stress = eustress-​If it helps you achieve something, it is a

positive stressor.

Negative Stress = distress-​If it keeps you from regular daily activity, it

is a negative stressor.

4. Give an example of each of the following types of stressors: a.

environmental stressor – pollution

b. biological stressor – injuries

c. thinking stressor – homework

d. behavioral stressor – using tobacco

e. life-change stressor – graduating

© Austin Independent School District 2014-2015
5. Describe the body’s fight-or-flight response to stress.
During ​fight or flight ​your body
produces ​adrenaline​ which provides
you with energy, reflexes and strength
you may need to respond to a stressor.

6. List and describe the 3 stages of stress:

a. Alarm the body becomes aware of the stressor

b. Resistance- body works against the stressor

c. exhaustion - body can't take the resistance or fight anymore. You can
become sick.

7. What is coping? How you deal with stress.

8. List 3 Positive (healthy) coping skills.

∙ go to a movie

∙ listen to music

∙ exercise
9. List 3 Negative (unhealthy) coping
skills. ​∙ self harm

∙ isolation

∙ drugs

10. Describe how long-term stress can make us

Long term stress can weaken your immune

system, making you more open to illness.

11. What is resiliency? ​The ability to overcome

challenges of all kinds–trauma, tragedy, personal
crises, everyday life problems–and bounce back
stronger, wiser, and more personally powerful.

© Austin Independent School District 2014-2015

12. What is sleep deprivation?

Lack of speed over an extended period of time.

13. What is insomnia?

Inability to sleep even when tired.

14. What are three things that can occur if you are experiencing lack of
sleep? a. Increased risk for getting hurt

b. Increased risk for getting sick

c. stress-related problems.

15. How much sleep do teens need each night?

9 hours.

16. What is circadian rhythm?

Regulates your sleeping and waking patterns. During puberty the rhythm is
delayed so teens want to go to bed, later and wake up later.

17. What are the 2 stages of sleep called? In which cycle of sleep do dreams
occur? a. NREM in which the body recovers of the stress of the day's

b. REM in which the cycle of dreams happen and occur.

18. What are some things you can do to manage your time better?

A schedule of everything you have to do .

Put in practice, stop using your phone 30 minutes before going to sleep.

Use the reminder app if you have an iphone, so that it can remind you of
everything that you have to do in the day.
© Austin Independent School District 2014-2015

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