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ECE2010 Control Systems L T P J C

3 0 0 4 4
Pre-requisite ECE1004/ ECE1013/ ECE2028 Syllabus version
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the use of transfer function models for the analysis of physical systems and
to introduce the components of control system.
2. To provide adequate knowledge in the time response of systems and steady state error
analysis along with the understanding of closed loop and open loop in frequency domain.
3. To introduce the design of compensators and controllers for the stability analysis.
4. To introduce state variable representation of physical systems and study the effect of
state feedback

Course Outcomes:
1. Differentiate real-time applications as open loop or closed loop systems.
2. Analyze the system from the transfer function.
3. Design of compensators and controllers and find the stability of these control systems.
4. Ability to compute steady state and transient response of the different order of the system
and also to analyze its error coefficients.
5. Analyze the frequency domain response of the control systems.
6. Apply various control systems concepts to analyze and find the stability of control
7. Analyze the observability of the system in state modeling.
Student Learning Outcomes(SLO): 1,2,14
Module: 1 Introduction to Control Systems 3 hours
Basic block diagram of control system, Control schemes – Open loop and closed loop,
Applications and scope.
Module:2 Mathematical Modeling of Physical Systems 8 hours
Uncertainty, self-information, average information, mutual information and their properties -
Entropy and information rate of Markov sources - Information measures of continuous random
Module:3 Controller and Compensator Design 8 hours
Controllers – P, PI, PID controllers, Realization of basic compensators, Cascade compensation in
time domain and frequency domain, Feedback compensation, Design of lag, lead, lag-lead series
compensator, Introduction to control system components: DC and AC Servo motors, Stepper
motor and Synchros.
Module:4 Time Domain Response 6 hours
Steady state and transient response, Time domain specifications, Types of test inputs, Response of
first order and second order systems, Steady state error, error constants, generalized error
Module:5 Characterization of Systems 4 hours
Stability – Concept and definition, Poles, Zeros, Order and Type of systems; R-H criteria, Root
locus analysis.

Module:6 Frequency Domain Response 8 hours

Frequency response – Performance specifications in the frequency domain, Phase margin and gain
margin, Bode plot, Polar plot and Nyquist plot, Stability analysis in frequency domain.
Module:7 State Space Analysis 6 hours
Concept of state and state variable, Modeling of systems using state variables, Coordinate
transformations and canonical realizations, Solution of state variables, Controllability and
Module:8 Contemporary Issues 2 hours

Total lecture hours: 45 hours

Text Book(s)
1. Norman S. Nise, “Control Systems Engineering”, 2014, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New
Jersey, USA

1. I.J. Nagarth and M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, 2017, 6th Edition, New Age
International, New Delhi, India.
2. Farid Golnaraghi and Benjamin C Kuo, “Automatic Control Systems”, 2014, 9th Edition,
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India.
Mode of Evaluation: Internal Assessment (CAT, Quizzes, Digital Assignments) & Final
Assessment Test (FAT)
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council No. 49 Date 15/03/2018

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