Modeling For Real-Time Performance Measurement: A Strategic Approach

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Modeling for real-time

performance measurement:
a strategic approach
s most mining companies are Operations have been going in full force at Codelco’s smelting plant in
taking advantage of the high Chile. Prices are high despite an uncertain future.
market prices for base metals
such as steel, copper and zinc, numerous
challenges still face them. While demand
is strong from countries like China and
the United States, demand is still mixed
in Europe. This leads to the question of
how long these high prices and overall
high global demand will last.
The tremendous market prices of
most precious and base metals have
enabled many companies to pay down a
significant amount of debt accrued dur-
ing acquisition and capital expenditure
phases. Additionally, mining companies
have been able to internally fund and
engage in large projects to address future
growth, (Less, 2006), thus maximizing the
performance of the existing asset base,
driving maintenance costs down, and
improving and empowering the work-
force (Mining Journal, 2006). Market
prices and general efficiency gains have
addressed these issues to some extent. However, critical measure and improve economic performance and ensure
issues still face operating managers in the mineral pro- continuous performance improvement in new or existing
cessing side of the industry. Energy prices, for example, mineral processing asset bases. This need is addressed
continue to have a negative impact on cash costs for by a real-time performance measurement system that
producing an ounce of gold or ton of a given base metal enables critical business intelligence and sustained per-
(Cummins, 2003). formance improvement.
Consolidation activities in the industry are still vi- As mining companies look to improve their op-
brant and can provide some companies with additional erations in the face of increasing global pressure and
resources to help with competition, continuous improvement programs, have
strategic and operational been undertaken by companies in an effort to remain
Russell Barr and execution. Recent merg-
ers and acquisitions are
competitive and improve their position. To ensure that
continuous improvement projects and initiatives are
Robert E. Cook helping companies expand
economy of scale oppor-
adding value to the company, a real-time performance
measurement system must be coupled with continuous
tunities. They also help
Russell Barr and Robert E. Cook, to diversify the product improvement programs. Real-time business intelligence
can also be applied to greenfield projects that provide all
member SME, are director, Performance and geographic portfolio layers with unprecedented view in to the business per-
Measurement Group and vice president, of holdings of companies formance in the mineral processing operation. With this
mining and metals, respectively, with as the global game in the business intelligence, people can make better decisions to
mining industry continues improve performance. By improving performance with
Invensys Systems Inc., 33 Commercial (Mining Journal, 2006). this system, performance can be expected to improve
St., Mail Stop B51-1B, Foxboro, MA 02035, This article addresses 2 to 3 percent. This enables operations to earn project
e-mail a need in the mineral pro- payback in a shorter timeframe.
cessing industry to help A proper real-time performance measurement system

32 March 2007 Mining Engineering

that provides business intelligence is criti- Figure 1
cal to showing the value of projects to the
company, recovering investment as soon as Vollmann decomposition.
possible and ensuring the strategic nature
of initiatives and projects in a timeframe,
resolution and reach that makes sense.
It brings together the proper elements
of finance, strategy and operations to ef-
fectively measure performance, provide
timely feedback to the right people and
enable performance improvement.

The mining industry

The mining industry is continually
facing tough competition in addition to
the more recent phenomenon of filling
global demand. To compete successfully,
a mining company must use its assets in
the best way possible. It must also have
the best people and processes. Frequently,
companies have turned to continuous im-
provement programs, formal or informal,
that drive activities to solve problems
that were not aligned with the company’s
strategic direction or clearly measurable
in terms of benefit to the company’s busi-
ness performance. Through the careful use of real-time ness elements of strategy, operations and financial per-
performance measures to support continuous improve- formance by providing the key decision makers, from
ment processes, additional productivity will be realized the executive to the operator, with relevant and timely
and sustained. information. At the operator level, real-time performance
As global competition increases, manufacturing has measurement information presented in a meaningful and
become more strategic. Assets are becoming tools in actionable way is critical to driving business performance
broad global corporate strategies that need faster and improvement on the production layer. At the plant
better information to maximize profits beyond the previ- management level and executive management level,
ous standard of cost reduction. Competition has come performance measures that have a financial component
from developing areas of the world that had been off become more important. They provide management with
the radar of many companies. To remain competitive, the opportunity to respond to financial issues before
companies must get the maximum out of their existing being blindsided by some unknown problem that only
asset base. Continuous economic optimization and im- reveals itself after the financial reports are out.
provement remains critical.
In the past, the results of continuous process improve- Developing the right information
ment efforts were measured in productivity terms, such Information has become so readily available that
as tons per day, and not in financial terms, such as rev- there is a flood of nonrelevant information being dis-
enue per ton. Even if these were measured in financial seminated in the form of key performance indicators
terms, they were based on budgeted amounts that gave (KPI) and other pieces of purported meaningful informa-
misleading direction when used in real-time. It is easy tion. Not only is the relevancy in question, but so is the
to see that these continuous improvement processes timeliness, reach and usefulness of this information flood.
helped, but they can be improved. For example, in the What is really needed is a methodology and modeling
mining industry, as assets are stretched to keep up with technique leading to a real-time process for delivering
demand while minimizing capital expenditures, measures the right performance measures to the right people at
that provide information on incremental revenues per the right time. This process should include a review of
ton become more important because nearly each dollar strategic business drivers, an operational and economic
in sales less the variable cost of production falls to the decomposition of the existing business, a human resource
bottom line. review, areas of critical productivity and the establish-
In the current competitive marketplace, businesses ment of an operational performance baseline. Once these
must bring together all-important elements of strategy, initial steps have been taken, the business will be in a
operations and finance to successfully compete. With position to create and measure the change in productivity.
global mining enterprises having worldwide scope, it is Since the production changes are measurable, they can
imperative to have the ability to respond to opportuni- become the new benchmark of performance that leads
ties with the best strategy for the collective set of assets. to sustaining the new performance levels.
Each operating plant must be locally optimized to remain Perhaps the most important undertaking is develop-
competitive. But all business assets must be optimized for ing an understanding of the strategic business drivers.
the company to deliver the best financial results. This is done by working with executives and manage-
A company today must be able to manage the busi- ment, understanding the current business conditions

Mining Engineering March 2007 33

Figure 2 performance project and enable acceptable
financial measurement of improvement gains
Real-time performance measurement and business intelligence system. if implemented correctly. Typical measures of
(Martin, 2004). the success of capital projects in manufactur-
ing are internal-rate-of-return and payback
period. The mining industry uses a metric like
this to measure the performance improve-
ment of projects.
Performance measures tied to the busi-
ness give significant visibility not only to the
improvement, but also to the sustainability of
the improvement. In a continuous improve-
ment environment, the plan-do-check-act
process sometimes becomes a project that
leads to improvements that are quickly lost.
This is because an improvement team declares
victory and moves onto other problems and
the value that was gained gets lost because of
a lack of continuing focus or measurement.
With the real-time performance measures,
improvements become institutionalized with
the best today becoming the standard for to-
morrow. Sometimes the measure alone will
provide focus that is adequate to drive change
by operating the facility more consistently
and the relative advantages and disadvantages that reducing operating anomalies.
the company has. It is also important to understand
management’s response to these strategic conditions. Making the right information useful
Mining markets frequently deal with constraint from Existing information system (IS) infrastructure can
market conditions and production limitations. Given the sometimes be an impediment to wide-reaching business
condition of the overall market, management must be intelligence and performance measures. This is the result
able to respond quickly and use performance measures of most business infrastructure being built around finan-
that drive the appropriate actions at both the plant level cial reporting systems, which are transactional based.
and the business levels. Frequently, when information is needed to be shared,
With the understanding of the business conditions whether financial or operational, the common language is
and the strategic response of management, operational e-mail with an Excel spreadsheet attached. This leads to a
and economic decompositions should take place. These number of problems. Among them is lack of consistently
decompositions are detailed studies of the production prepared data from different locations, different time
process from raw materials shipment as well as the cor- frames presented and the overall effort to continuously
responding economic conditions that parallel the produc- maintain these critical information streams. A real-time
tion process. In a company using real-time performance performance measurement database can help address
measures, the continuous process analysis can become a these needs and make critical data available in a con-
real-time measure that guides personnel to change and solidated location for easy availability.
sustain the performance improvement. The real-time performance database enables the
Human resource analysis within this context should easier connectivity of systems, gathering of consistent
also take place. As a company strives to improve its data, processing of the collected data according to com-
competitive position, the employee is being looked at as monly shared definitions and a common presentation
an asset that can be used to provide and drive more value to the end users, most likely through Internet-enabled
through the plant. A company that is looking to improve information portals.
and optimize performance should provide its workers In the current technology environment, it is easy
with better information and more authority (Woll, 2005). to connect systems to share data. It is more difficult
By providing meaningful and actionable business infor- to use this information meaningfully. Every IS vendor
mation in the form of real-time performance measures to today “integrates” with others. Unfortunately, they do
employees, performance can be measured and improved not integrate the data collection process which leads to
in such a way to improve and optimize performance. problems with data integrity. Because of this, the accuracy
Once real-time performance measures are estab- and consistency suffers. With a real-time performance
lished and implemented, they can be recorded over a database, data collecting and processing can be standard-
meaningful period of time to give a baseline performance ized, leading to broader understanding of measures and
profile of the business or the plant. These baseline greater understanding across facilities.
measures can become the foundation for measuring im- The contextualization of the data is what makes the
provements. If an improvement is undertaken, it should information ultimately actionable. It must be presented
have measurable results. If results are not measurable, to the right user in the right time frame in a way that is
capital can be spent without true accountability for its meaningful to his or her job and domain of responsibility.
use. The performance measures add credibility to any Through the use of Internet-enabled portals, information

34 March 2007 Mining Engineering

can be configured easily and broadly Figure 3
circulated. These portals typically
contain information that is relevant Strategic decomposition.
to the operator, with another being
relevant to plant management and
finally an executive level portal with
drill down capability.

Developing performance metrics
that are actionable, relevant and tied
to the bottom line of the company is
serious. Providing performance met-
rics for employees must be the cor-
rect metrics for driving the business
in the correct strategic direction and
in a way that adds value. Providing
the proper business intelligence infra-
structure also takes a lot of thought
and analysis. However, neither of
these are impossible tasks. They can
be done with existing resources or
minimal outside resources in most
reasonably well-automated plants
with an accompanying IS infrastruc-
Developing real-time performance measures requires database resources can also be used to create a business
a methodical approach to gathering, understanding and performance history on this basis.
analyzing critical business information and produc- Workstations can provide business intelligence
tion-related information. Business-related information feedback to operations personnel. In plants that also
consists of business strategy, business drivers and objec- maintain connectivity between the automation layer
tives, financial and accounting, operations and human and plant network, real-time performance measurement
resources. information can be viewed as business intelligence on
Business-related analysis should take place from management’s personal computers, management reports
the top down. That is, when considering strategy, goals and in divisional and executive levels depending on the
and objectives, financial and accounting aspects and IS infrastructure.
operations, starting from management levels and work-
ing down. A business decomposition should take place. Automation
When considering the process side, the methods in terms Throughout the years, mineral processing operations
of understanding and analysis should be developed using have spent millions of dollars on automation. These
a bottom-up approach. investments were mainly in supervisory controls and
Understanding and analyzing the business com- human interfaces such as programmable logic controller
ponents discussed above involves first gathering this (PLC) and distributed control system (DCS). However,
critical information from company management. Once while these investments were and are critical to the
this information is gathered and understood, it is then operations of the plant, especially modern plants, their
decomposed in an analytical way, using such techniques application has not yet reached the level where these
as Vollmann decomposition analysis. Figure 1 provides investments will create a significant impact on the bot-
a representation of Vollmann decomposition of strategy, tom line of the business.
action plan and performance measures (Martin, 2002). The primary function of a control system is to monitor
Companies typically successfully decompose business and control the manufacturing process, to reduce varia-
goals, strategy and performance measures from the top tions and deviations. While the primary objective of the
corporate levels to the plant level. However, decompo- systems remains the same, the underlying objective of the
sition from the plant level to the area and process unit entire process is to produce the product that the company
levels rarely takes place correctly. Using decomposition sells to generate the value for the shareholders. While
techniques along with business acumen and informa- significant investments have been made in the control
tion relative to strategy, operations, finance and human systems, little has been done to tie the manufacturing
resources, proper performance measures can be devel- operations and business decision process together.
oped for each unit and area in the plant as well as plant The existing automation assets or additional auto-
level metrics. mation assets can be used as a platform to manage and
Once the models for each process unit are developed, execute real-time performance measures at the plant
they can be implemented using existing process automa- level. Technology advances allow real-time performance
tion to execute the algorithms and provide real-time data to be integrated into business systems, enabling
data in terms of consumption, usage, production rates management to see financial results as they occur. Real-
and uptime by using field measurement inputs. Existing time cost of goods sold, real-time operating costing and

Mining Engineering March 2007 35

Drying - Optimize production of dry concentrate at the
variable cost components within each area.
lowest possible cost. A typical smelting operation contains some variation
in process and organization of four major processing
areas as depicted above: material handling, white metal
conversion, blister conversion and material handling.

• The material handling and mixing area is the front

end of the smelting operations process. In this pro-
cessing area, the main raw materials are managed
to achieve proper moisture content of intermediate
product and proper ratios of other additives and cold
doping management.
• The conversion areas process dry concentrate
through conversion units. These converters produce
white metal (and slag at less than 10 percent cop-
per) that is then transported by ladle to the Pierce
Converters. The Pierce Converters are batch units
that further process the intermediate in to blister
copper (99.3 percent copper).
• The slag cleaning area processes slag produced by
the converters to extract as much copper as pos-
other important financial measures of performance and sible to be added back in to the Pierce Converters.
financial accounts can be tracked and monitored during The processing units in this area are batch-oriented
the course of reporting periods, during the month, for units that separate copper and waste from the slag
example, instead of at the end of the reporting period, input.
after the books are closed.
Real-time performance information in the form of The blister copper is then processed in the refining
real-time financial and accounting data can be integrated area. The refining area processes blister copper in to
with business systems, like enterprise resource plan- either RAF product or anodic product via batch pro-
ning tools (ERP), to provide a snapshot of operating cessing units.
performance on demand. The general architecture, in
terms of real-time finance/business intelligence system Drying process area
is shown in Fig. 2. The drying process is a critical step in the smelting
operation at the front end of the process. Concentrate
Smelting operation: drying process example is processed primarily to remove moisture to an accept-
In mineral processing operations, managers use many able level for conversion processing. Concentrate is
managerial tools in an attempt to get a picture of busi- typically received at about 7 to 10 percent moisture and
ness performance of the operations. Such a picture can then processed to remove moisture to a level of about
include monthly income reports, variance reports, other 0.2 percent. These percentages are process dependent.
“home-grown” spreadsheets as well as other legacy or Moisture is removed through dryers that require a heat
custom tools for decision-making. The challenge for busi- source, such as natural gas.
ness managers of manufacturing is to better understand The drying area can be decomposed into strategic,
business performance in a timelier manner to enable action and measurement components based on Voll-
better decision-making in a more timely way. This can be mann decomposition principles and analysis of business
done by developing a real-time performance measure- and process perspectives. Representative examples are
ment and real-time costing system. provided for each of these components.
In developing a real-time accounting model for a The strategy, action and measures will change from
smelting operation, operational decomposition analysis firm to firm and, within a firm, can change over time as
would yield the decomposition of the manufacturing the environment changes. From this analysis, measures
process into areas and unit levels. This would lead to of performance can then be developed, modeled and
developing the performance measures that would be in implemented.
line with the overall performance measure of the opera- The sample equation below presents a measure of
tion. For instance, in a typical smelting operation, the performance based on decomposition and analysis ap-
operational decomposition will yield four to five distinct propriate for the operation. This performance measure
areas: drying, conversion, refining and recovery (Fig. 3). is cost based and contains several cost drivers, such as
These areas can then be further classified into units such natural gas and electricity. In a typical plant, these cost
as dryer, converter, slag converter, etc. The total variable drivers can be derived in real-time by using the existing
cost of the product, in principle, is the sum of all the instrumentation infrastructure as inputs to performance

Cost per ton of dry concentrate = ((KWH * $’s) + (fuel Feed Rate * $’s) + Nitrogen Flow
Rate * $’s) + (Concentrate Feed Rate * $’s )) / Converter Silo Feed

36 March 2007 Mining Engineering

measurement models providing consumption informa- Figure 4
tion and other critical inputs in real-time. By using this
general design and implementation philosophy, real-time Real-time performance dashboard for operators.
measures of performance can be implemented and used
as feedback to visualization tools, reporting tools and
other business systems. These systems improve moni-
toring, tracking, decision-making and analytics of the
business at the plant floor. With proper aggrandization
and execution they improve business and enterprise at
all levels.
By employing a real-time performance measurement
model, all these cost components can be measured in
real-time, leveraging existing automation investment
and thereby delivering strategic advantage by respond-
ing to a cost deviation through real-time information
dissemination to the right people at the right time. This
general model can be extended to provide real-time
costing across the operation as well. By building and
implementing models of performance measurement and
accounting in real-time on a process unit basis, a busi-
ness measurement system that monitors and tracks the
plant’s strategic, operational and financial performance
can be deployed. This system will help manufacturing
operations improve business decision-making and thus
business performance significantly.
As organizations use tools such as balanced score- of planning possibilities and decisions can be based on
cards more and more often propagate individual met- more realistic and interactive information rather than
rics along the dimensions of the scorecard, it can be assumptions and allocations. Additionally, the real-time
difficult to provide meaningful real-time performance performance measures also enable access to the validity
measures to support these scorecards. This is especially and feasibility of any improvement/investment initiative
so for operational and financial metrics for manufactur- in the light of actual real-time information provided
ing personnel. A properly designed and implemented directly from the manufacturing operations.
real-time performance measurement can support bal- Manufacturing management and executives need
anced scorecard initiatives by providing personnel with better business intelligence, that reflects the changing
actionable performance measures, which enable better environment. Real-time business intelligence is criti-
decision-making to improve performance. cal to being able to respond to changing environments
The usage components of the model above are mea- (Menninger, 2003). Figure 5 depicts an example of an
sured from the plant floor and other algorithms and are executive portal display for a manufacturing operation
available in the control system. The cost factor for each including three divisions and a corporate overview. Such
of the components is provided through the integration a real-time financial, strategic and operational view pro-
with enterprise systems or through the manual loading vides executives with unparalleled business intelligence
process that can be accomplished using any computer for decision-making.
based control system such as PLC/DCS or other PC- A real-time executive dashboard is sourced by
based systems. plant-level, real-time performance measurement data.
An example of such a dashboard application for Actionable, real-time business intelligence presented to
operators is depicted in Fig. 4. Similar models can be executive or business management can enable them to
developed for every unit-based asset that is employed affect appropriate business actions based on relevant
in the smelting process. Once cost and/or performance business intelligence instead of historic information that
measurement models for all the units are developed may contain irrelevant and outdated information.
and deployed, the real-time cost performance informa-
tion serves two purposes. It first delivers the real-time Benefits of better information
information to the right people in a timely fashion to The benefits accrued by the implementation and
address the deviation in real-time. Second, the real time continuous usage of a properly developed, real-time
cost performance information becomes a contributing finance/business intelligence system are manifold. Pro-
component to the area of drying, conversion, refining viding all-levels in the organization with appropriate,
and recovery-based performance measures. The area- actionable business intelligence in an easy and timely
based information becomes particularly critical to the manner results in measurable performance improve-
area and plant managers. The model, similar to the unit ment of the business helps with business visibility and
levels, can then be developed to roll into the plant-based decision-making.
performance measure, which, in turn can be expanded These types of systems are being used in many
into regional and national levels. manufacturing industries such as mineral processing,
For corporate business and operations personnel, cement, industrial power, paper, refining, gas gathering
real-time information can deliver help in short-term and and commodity chemicals. Real-time business intelli-
long-term planning processes. The financial implications gence systems can provide all layers of a manufacturing

Mining Engineering March 2007 37

Figure 5 when developed and used properly. Financial
visibility in performance improving activities is
Corporate executive portal. key to proving real value to the company.
Firms have been converging on a tighter
coupling of the business and plant floor execu-
tion. Real-time performance measurement,
real-time costing and real-time business intel-
ligence are helping achieve this convergence.
Business leaders now have real-time costing
data with proper reach, timeliness and resolu-
tion to make better budgeting decisions and
adjustments, simulated closings during the
month, real-time business overview on demand
and other reporting and analytic transactions
at any time instead of waiting for the end of
the month or the end of the year to access and
analyze business performance.
Ongoing usage and support of these busi-
ness intelligence systems enables a real-time
view of business performance and is required
for sustained performance improvement. Sub-
optimal results can occur from such things a
poor system maintenance, inadequate training
or human resource planning, or poor devel-
opment and modeling methodology for the
underlying performance measures.
organization with the relevant business information to
make informed decisions to improve the bottom line of Summary
the business. Additionally, by integrating the business With all of the technology available to manufac-
elements, such as strategy, goals, finance and accounting turers, the use of performance measures becomes an
and other business component, a properly developed increasingly important tool to deliver value. Continuous
and implemented system also functions to ensure align- improvement programs identify areas for improvement
ment among the employees. As part of the methodology along with solutions. Often, these programs suffer from
used, strategic and economic components are built in difficulty in providing end users with the key measures
to the system development. This is so the performance that enable measurement of business performance in
measures and other critical information presented as real-time, enable the improvement to occur in real-time
business intelligence provides feedback of the employ- and sustain the improvement once the improvement
ees strategic and economic performance and indicates team has moved on.
which direction performance improvement should be. With the use of the real-time performance method-
The contribution of the employee to the bottom line ology, the resulting measures are delivered to the right
and subsequent improvement activities as alignment people at the right time. This is important to the success
with strategic and economic goals are presented to each of the continuous improvement process and the success
layer of the organization in a domain-appropriate way. of the corporation in an increasingly competitive world.
That is, business intelligence is presented in real-time for Enabling real, measurable performance improvement
the right person with the right granularity and the right requires that the people throughout the organization
reach in a timeframe that makes sense. have actionable and relevant real-time performance
Organizations have used these systems to enable sig- measures. Such business intelligence can empower
nificant bottom-line benefit. By providing the business people and help drive value-adding activities that im-
intelligence to operators, engineering and management prove the bottom line of the business. n
in the correct timeframe, resolution and reach, the entire
production operation can have a business view into the References
performance of the plant. With the job-appropriate view Cummins, C., 2003, “Improve Efficiency, Wall Street Journal, New York,
in to the plant business performance, each employee N.Y.: Jan 2, 2003. pg. A12.
can see his or her impact on performance. Whether an Less, T., 2006 “Higher prices underpin record result for Anglo,” Mining
operator is learning new startup or shutdown techniques Journal, Feb. 24, pp. 114.
or operational moves, an engineer is developing new Mining Journal, 2006, “Higher prices result in Antofagasta record,”
March 17, p. 13.
control strategies and schemes to control critical op-
Mining Journal, 2006, “Phelps Dodge enters the ring,” June 30, p. 1,
erational units, or management personnel is developing Martin, P.G., 2002, “Bottom-Line Automation, ISA – Instrument Society
plant scheduling techniques, the focus is on measurably of America, pp. 97-101.
improving performance. In fact, plant-wide systems have Menninger, D., 2003, Strategic Finance, Information on Demand, Sep-
been seen to enable at least a 3-percent reduction in tember, p. 50.
costs and a 5-percent increase in production that is rec- Woll, D., 2005, “An enhanced human performance strategy provides a
ognizable to the financial accounting people of the plant prescription to success, ARC Insights, Insight # 2005-12MPH, March 9.

38 March 2007 Mining Engineering

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