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1) Sargent at arms will start the meeting: SAA will state the mission of the toastmasters club.

2) She will call Mr. President to start the meeting.

3) Mr. President will hand over the stage to me.

Start- Interact with audience and encourage them to participate:

Thank you Mr. President. Vikas.

So as we know theme for today’s meeting is “Woman’s Day”. And before we start the meeting, I
would like to ask you all: why do we celebrate woman’s day.

Basic introduction of woman’s day

As rightly said, we celebrate woman day’s every year on 8th March. This day is dedicated to
celebrating women’s achievements in the social, economic, cultural, and political spheres. The day
is also celebrated to raise awareness about the various challenges woman facing today such as
gender parity and women's rights. The tradition of celebrating woman’s day started around 110
years back in 1909 in New York in America. Over next few years the day was celebrated in other
countries such as Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland.

Also, United nations recognized 8th march as woman’s day in 1975. Also, UN recognizes this day
as day for “Women’s Rights and International Peace”

Welcome and guest introduction:

Dear Toastmasters and guests. I welcome everyone to the 220th meeting of JPKU toastmasters

Before we start today’s meeting, can we have a short round of introduction of the guests where
they can tell their brief introduction and how they came to know about our club. Also I would
request them to tell who is the most influential woman figure in their life and why?

After each introduction clap for the guest and then move to next guest.

Introduction of meeting structure:

For the benefit of quests, I would like to give a general overview of today’s meeting.
Every Toastmaster meeting contains three segments.

1) 1st segment is Prepared speech segment - Speakers deliver their speech based on
their objectives and pathway. The time given is 4-7 minutes. People with membership can
participate in this round.
2) 2nd segment is Table topics segment – in this round, anyone including guests can participate.
In this round, the person has to choose a random topic, think for 30 seconds and speak on the
spot for 1-2 min. I would encourage all the quests to participate in this round to get maximum
benefit out of this meeting.
3) 3rd segment is Evaluation segment – In this round, various speakers and role players are given
feedback on areas of strength as well as weakness, followed by how to improve.

Introduce General Evaluator of the day:

Now to assist me in smoothly conducting today’s meeting, I will call general evaluator of the
Today’s general evaluator is someone who believes equal opportunity in every aspect of life and
safety constitute the most important aspect towards woman empowerment. For her, her sister is
a pillar of strength, who encouraged her to go out and push the boundaries. And this is none
other than Vishni om Shai. Please give a big round of applause to Vishni om Shai.

Thank GE
Woman’s day: Ask the audience
Each year woman’s day has a sub theme by UN. Does anyone know what is the theme this year
and what is its symbol.

This years theme is on generation equality and officially it is call ‘I am Generation Equality:
Realizing Women’s Rights”


Despite progress in gender equality in all the facets of life, there is no country which can claim
perfect gender equalty and gender equality is still work in progress.

Ask the audience

I would like to ask the audience what do they think are the basic reason behind gender enquality
and what can be done to solve this problem.

With this lets start the prepared speech section today. Today we have a total of 3 speeches.

speaker 2

But, Before I call upon the 1st speaker. I would request Abhinandan to read out the objectives
of the speech.

Evaluator reads the objectives..aplause

Now I am going to call upon someone who believes one day of celebration is too small to
acknowledge the importance of women in this world. He believes Women play a very
crucial role in everyone's life, be it in the form of mother, sister, daughter or life partner. 
He also believes if a country wants to grow, it's very important for the women of the
country to grow first. 

Shruti chand…how I to overcame stage fear…

how I to overcame stage fear… Shruti chand…

Shake hand and applause.

Speaker 1 speech.

At the end of speech. Hand shake and Applause…thank you A for your speech..take out
something from the speech…and continue.. Let’s have a 30 sec pause for the evaluators.

Speaker 2


Now I am going to call upon someone who believes one day of celebration is too small to
acknowledge the importance of women in this world. He believes Women play a very
crucial role in everyone's life, be it in the form of mother, sister, daughter or life partner. 
He also believes if a country wants to grow, it's very important for the women of the
country to grow first. 

Shruti chand…how I to overcame stage fear…

how I to overcame stage fear… Shruti chand…

Before I call upon our next speaker..I will ask Y to read out the objectives of his speech…

Evaluator 2…


Our next speaker is someone who xyz…

With this I welcome b to deliver his speech…

At the end of speech. Hand shake and Applause…thank you B for your speech..take out
something from the speech…and continue..

Speaker 2

Before I call upon our next speaker..I will ask Z to read out the objectives of his speech…

Evaluator 3

Our next speaker is someone who xyz…

With this I welcome C to deliver his speech…

This concludes our first round… Gyan on woman’s day..

and with this we move to our next round i.e table topic round.
This is the round where any person present in this room can part in the table topics. Guests are
most welcome and even encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity and challenge
themselves by coming to stage and speak on a impromptu topic. Now to carry out the role of
table topic master I will call upan somone who thinks xyz…

And this is none other than TTM.. Handshake and applause.

Table topic master takes over and concludes the round 2.

At the end thank the TTM and round of applause…

With this we have reached to the end of second segment and now we will take a short break of
5 min.


Gyan on Woman’s day.

With this we have reached our third and last round which is evaluations round.

Short intro of evaluations round…and to carry out this round I will call upon the General
evaluator for the day, who is someone xyz…

Now without taking much time. I will call GE and request General evaluator Archana to take
over the session.

At end thank GE and applause

Woman empowerment…
With this we conclude all the rounds and move to voting round…

Give slip to everyone. tell ask the audience to vote for best speak, table topic winner, best role
player, best xyz..

Next call the guests to give award…

Role –ttm tmod ge

Auxilarry: timer, joke master,

Word of the day: GE will call him..

At other club: anshupriya, praveen, vishni.
TMOD: ashok

Ttm: DD(Mitu)….how many kids 1 daughter…amazing doing good…you are teacher….his husband is in
singapore since 4 years…

Views: as a mother is more empowering. woman empowering woman…mother tells daughter

restriction…woman are not victim and woman are real culprit….it is the responsibility of woman to take
lead and set the right example of their kids.

GE: Vishni om ShaiO (she will call after 2)


S chand: message sent..will revert in 15 min

Anmol: message sent..will revert in 15 min


Daughter and 3 years

To be able to educated, financial independent, stand for themselves…have your voice……girls should be
given education and opportunity.


Equal opportunity, in corporate, safety,

Most important –Sister, encouraged me to go out and push me up.

BT: finance and Mom.

Before we move ahead, I would like to introduce everyone to today’s axillary role players who
will help me smoothly conduct the meeting i.e. timer, grammarian, and aah counter.

Start with timer:

Short introduction of the timer around woman day’s..a woman he considers most influencial in
his life and why…what is his basic thaught about womanand why.

I would call upan stage someone who believes that her X is the most important woman in her life
who has helped him do xyz.. this is none other than Mr X. Lets welcome Varun Jain..
followed by clap and hand shake.

Timer will explain his role. At the end have a hand shake and round of applause.

Aah Counter: Next, I would like to introduce the aah counter of the day. He is someone who
believes that her X is the most important woman in her life who has helped him do xyz. this is
none other than Mr. X. Let’s welcome Varun Jain.

followed by clap and hand shake.

Aah counter will explain his role. At the end have a hand shake and round of applause.

Grammarian: Next, I would like to introduce the grammarian of the day. He is someone who
believes that her X is the most important woman in her life who has helped him do xyz. this is
none other than Mr. X. Let’s welcome Varun Jain.

followed by clap and hand shake. Thank you Mr. X for explaining the role very well.

Woman’s day gyan for 1-2 min.

With this, now will move the first section of today’s meeting i.e. Prepared speech. Before we
start, I would like to remind everyone that whenever someone delivers their first speech,
everyone will give a standing ovation for that person as a token of apriation for the courage this
person has shown by giving his first speech.

Before we start the session I would like to call the General evaluator ™ Archana to explain the
conduct of the evaluation session.

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