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Introduction to the Course

Welcome to English X Level 5! In this guide you will find all of the information you need to
begin the course. The aim of the course is for you to progress from a B1 to a B2 level of English
according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It will
develop your English abilities in both skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) and
systems (grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation).

The Level 5 AVA is divided into the following

The Course Documents, like on the Google

Drive section contains the key information for
the course. You should have access to the AVA
from week 3 of the course onwards.

The assessment for the course is divided as such:
Date Exam Description Percentage
AVA Tasks 5%
Week 4 Extensive Reading Task 1 3%
Week 6 Extensive Reading Task 2 3%
Week 8 Extensive Reading Task 3 4%
Week 9 Project: Analysis 1st Draft 15%
Week 12 Project Analysis: 2nd Draft 5%
Week 14 Project: Presentation 10%
Week 15 Grammar & Vocabulary Assessment 15%
Week 15 Listening Assessment 15%
Week 16 Reading & Writing Assessment 15%
Week 16 Speaking Assessment 10%
Grammar & Vocabulary Tasks
There are also grammar and vocabulary tasks on the AVA
that you should work through at your own speed. This
will be tested in the Grammar and Vocabulary

Extensive Reading
The Extensive Reading Assessments require you to read a ovel. There is a choice of two novels,
of which you should read one. You should choose which novel you would like to read and begin
reading from the first week of class. Your teacher will give you a copy of the book.
The first two assessments involve the you reading to a specific chapter in the book and then
answering some simple comprehension questions related to the plot. These are done on the
AVA in your own time before the deadline. For the third Extensive Reading Task, you will write
a review of their book having read all of it. This will be done in class under exam conditions.

Reading & Writing Assessment

The Reading & Writing Assessment at the end of the course is a 90-minute test. You will
answer questions related to two texts, testing your comprehension and text/word-attack skills,
as well as writing a 250-word opinion essay on a topic related to those studied on the course.
Listening Assessment
In the Listening Assessment in week 15 you will listen to four different listening texts,
answering questions related to these. The texts will include informal conversations, lectures,
radio programmes and individual monologues.

In the project that you will work on throughout the semester, you will do a problem/solutions
analysis of a major issue facing society today. You will research about a problem that relates to
a social/environmental/political/economic issue that affects modern society.
In the written section of the project you will write 500 words describing the problem in detail
and critically analyzing two possible solutions to it. The first draft will be written in class under
exam conditions. Having received feedback on this first draft, you will then submit a second
which will be graded on whether you have considered this feedback in improving upon the first
draft. The presentation element will involve you creating a video presenting your problem and
solutions in a creative way.

Grammar & Vocabulary Assessment

The topics in this assessment relate to those on the AVA in the grammar and vocabulary

Speaking Assessment
The speaking assessment at the end of the course will require you to communicate
spontaneously about a previously unseen topic.

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