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Steom fmP e tPt Cons ffiinit,iritiat,

lY/pu p and paper produ*

* Exislinq Condilion / Before MB-26 Slqrl Sleqm (MP
{ & [P) Consumplion. Recovery Condensqle ]
N0. Secli6n Condensel Recovery Condensote
MP Sleom LP Steqm
I PPM-3 100 BO
2 PPM-7 JU 24
3 PPM-B l0 B
4 PPM-5 1.,rr.y#ffwffiwryffiffiffi] 20 I6
PPM-9 8 6.4
6 Mb-21 38 3B
7 TPD 75 60
B IG-21 BO 80
9 TG-23 80 80
t0 TG.24 80 80
il TG.25 80 80
t2 PPM-6 100 BO
Iotol 75 306 320 632.4
* Exislinq Polisher Cqpqcilv / Before MB-26 Slqrt

No. Unil Copoclty

Polisher TG-2,] & TG-23 300
2 Polisher IG-24 &IG-25 350
Totol 650
* Fulure Condilion / After MB-26 Storl Sleqm (MP
{ & tP) Consumplion. Recovery Condensqle }
- Tissue mochine exponsion
- MC-8, 9 & l0 LP Sleom from PG-3 & Recovery Condensole reiurn io PG-3
- VE-14 [P Steom from PG-3 & Recovery Condensole return to PG-3

No. Seclion Condenser Recovery Condensole
MP Steom lP Sleom
PPM-3 100 80
2 PPM-7 30 24
3 PPM-8 10 B
4 PPM-5 20 l6
5 PPM-9 8 6.4
6 Mb-21 3Ar 3B
7 TPDI 75 60
B IG-21 00 00
9 TG-23 00 00
0 IG-24 00 00
1G.25 00 00
2 PPM-6 r00 BO
3 MC-8 60 48
4 MC.9 60 4B
5 MC-]O 60 48
6 VEI 4 150 120
7 IPD2 75 60
Tolol . 15n l3A 4()n 't
futurq Polisher Cqpqcitv / After MB-26 Stqrl

No; Unlt Copocity . Remork

I Polisher TG-21 & TG-23 300 @ 150T/H

2 Polisher IG-24 &IG-25 350 @ 175vH
3 Polisher -26 400 @ 200 T/H
Tolol I 050

Recommendotion I Additionol 2 sets Polisher (@ 200 T/H) & 1 pc RWTonk

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