Business Law Submitted To: Sir Rao Raza Hashim: Mba-Ii Wadiah Akbar 213-500366

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Business Law

Submitted to: Sir Rao Raza Hashim

Wadiah Akbar
“Define law and its purpose according to your own perceptions.”

Law is defined as the instruction or guidelines and principles that need to be agreed

upon and followed by the people or society as a whole. These actions are taken to administer

behavior of an individual and society. Laws differs from country to country but Islamic law

or Shariah laws are same in every Muslim country. Law helps to structure the society,

policymaking, and money matters in numerous ways and it aids or helps to maintain peace,

and harmony in a country. For law to exist, a bill or a draft go through established legislative

procedures in Parliament and lastly it is approved by the President and the law is passed.

There are few laws that are accepted usually and few that raise questions. For example, the

Pakistani government banned the dowry system. Questions were raised that by banning this

system nothing will change. The life of the bride (her situation) will remain the same, she will

be mocked, teased, tortured no matter what, and will be oppressed to ask help from her

parents. Instead of this law, it was better to change the attitude or thinking of people. Parents

want their daughters to be happy in her married life. Giving dowry is just like a belief that

cannot be changed by passing a law. It is thought that this law will create more difficulties for

an individual in finding a suitable proposal and in getting married. Bride side will look

superior and the groom side will be looked down upon in the society.

Laws are passed or changed accordingly when a society faces a problem. And if there

are no laws in a society or a country then there would be chaos everywhere. So, it is essential

and important for laws to exist and to be followed. Moving on, for laws to occur and to be

followed, another thing that plays an important part is the implementation of that law. There

are laws if not observed one has to pay a certain amount of fine or has to face the penalties.

For example, in UAE when an individual breaks the traffic signal he or she has to pay fine

and vehicle is taken away from the individual and put into police custody. Another example,

in Pakistan a girl, woman, or lady cannot travel alone during late hours. Although laws are
there about protecting women and women rights but these laws are not implemented and

followed fully.

The purpose of law is to keep the society or the country on one track. Laws provide

people security and gives them the right to live freely. Laws aid to keep peace, harmony, and

uphold order in a country. Laws help individuals to solve their disagreements and quarrels


There is a need to respect law and develop a habit of obeying laws. If there is no fear

of penalties then there can be chances that people will commit crime more often and runaway

as nothing ever has happened.

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