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Principle of Management

Walmart Case Study

Question no # 1
Write down the brief summary of the case study (bullet
Answer no # 1
1. Walmart an American multinational retail corporation that runs chains of large
departments and warehouse.
2. Established 1962, Arkansan USA.
3. Founded by Sam Walton in 1962.
4. In 2001 Wal-Mart became the world’s largest retailer with $191 billion in sales.
5. It is one of the world most valuable company.
6. The company it has over 11,000 stories in 27 countries, under a total 71
different brands.
7. Walmart is the world largest co by revenue.
8. The biggest private employer in the world with over two million employees.
9. Walmart is the largest retail And the largest grocery store in the world.
10.In 2009 Walmart generated 51 percent of its USD 258 billion in 2015 284 billion
Sales in the grocery business.
11. Wal-Mart has been expanding as a retailer, going through other industries
including groceries, gas stations, electronics, and auto maintenance. Each year.
12.This division also includes Walmart online store
13.The stores too big and overwhelming.
14.Walmart provide a wide variety of good quality merchandise, the lowest
possible price guaranteed satisfaction, free parking.
15.Walmart implemented policies to create friendly shopping environment.
Question no # 2
What CSR and ethics related issues in the case study?

What was the corporate social conflict discussed in the


Answer no # 2

Ethics Issues:
Wal-Mart has been accused of sexual discrimination and unfair pay for employees,
and destruction of small towns, excessive amounts of corporate power through the
Walmart has been accused of gender discrimination against women. In 2011, 1.5
million women who were Walmart employees filed a class-action lawsuit against
the retailer. The women claimed that Walmart paid them less and didn’t promote
them as often as the men because of their gender. Current or former female
workers claiming that they are or were treated differently because as women.
Walmart caught using child labor in Bangladesh in 2005 was using children ages 10-
14 in two Bangladesh factories.

CSR Issues:
Some straight up environmental crimes, violation of the clean water act, clean air
act and federal pesticide safety rules, threatening both habitats and public health in
Local communities. Walmart is one of the largest polluter in the world, with serious
impact on global environment, Irresponsibility to core problems. Walmart not do
little for environment.

Corporate Social Conflict:

Walmart face many obstacle over the year. Development of its code of conduct and
annual reporting (1) Walmart stores INC v. Dukes et Al (2) child labor scandal in
First released in 2005 outlined Walmart ending business with 141 factories mostly
due to underage labor violations standard of suppliers placed age 14 minimum of
supplier specially states non Discrimination policies. Walmart changes in policy from
lawsuits led the way change in underage labor policies strict corporate policy that
was difficult to implement in developing countries.

Question no # 3
Revisiting the Continuum of CSR Approach (lecture slides)
what do you think is Walmart approach towards CSR?
Answer no # 3
Walmart is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of
hypermarkets, discount department stores and grocery stores. Walmart net worth
in billions dollars. Walmart focused only how to gain more profits and power.
Walmart was not doing better social responsibility Walmart face many lawsuits
from public. Walmart caught in child labor issues. Walmart over the year had many
image problems, discrimination between man and woman wages, health
insurance, working conditions overtime payment issues, illegal immigration issues
and leadership misconduct, environmental issues. All these allegations Walmart
was facing them .in 2005 Walmart close 141 factories due to violation of child

Walmart wake and take steps to remove your bad image and reputation to resolve
all these allegations that they are facing. Walmart improve your social
responsibility and ethics .Walmart provide cheap food for hunger, donating billions
of dollars in charity, remove non Discrimination in male and female wages, provide
better working environment for employees, reduce plastic bags usage for better
environment, Provide trainings and job opportunities for un employed persons,
Walmart taking health initiatives for the growth of obesity in the America and
Walmart do a lot for CSR after criticism of Walmart on ethics and CSR issues.

This time Walmart has good image and good reputation in society.
Question no # 4
What measures have Wal-Mart taken to resolve the CSR
Answer no # 4
Walmart should be aware of how its policies are affecting its reputation and should
become more proactive with the challenging issues they face rather than acting
Walmart should take measures to build better relationships with its associates and
with its external public as these constituents serve public relations roles and are
indicators of whether or not the company has positive image and reputation.
1. Spread an ethical corporate culture among its global stakeholders.
2. Donated over $1.5 million in relief aid for the victims of the Haiti earthquake.
3. Embarked on a health initiative to address the growing problem of obesity in
4. Walmart sets goals to reduce its global plastic shopping bags waste by one
5. Walmart donates more than $3million to support earthquake relief in china.
6. Walmart donates $2.5 million in response to hurricane IKE and Gustav.
7. Walmart is working towards initiatives that will change the lives of countless
woman around the world.
8. Walmart provides career training and job opportunities to our nation veterans
and military families
9. Walmart is fighting hunger by making food healthier making healthier food
more affordable and by strengthening the global food supply chain.
10.Walmart is aimed to providing equal opportunities for man and woman and
provide fair wages and allowances to employees.

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