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Nombre: Aly Gabriel Martínez.

Grado: 10 A

Active and Passive voice in Simple Past.

A. Read the text, write the words in Italics under the correct picture.
B. At 7:58 local time on December 26, 200 a huge undersea earthquake took
place in the Indian Ocean near the western coast of the Indonesian island of
Sumatra. The earthquake created tsunamis that quickly traveled toward
the coasts of several different countries, including Indonesia and Thailand to
the east, Bangladesh to the north and India, Sri Lanka, and the African
countries of Kenya and Somalia to the west. Warnings were sent, but they
arrived too late. Many of the coasts of these countries were hit by huge
waves up to 15 meters high. Buildings and even complete villages were
destroyed. Almost 300,000 people were killed.
C. On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, the people of Haiti experienced a
devastating earthquake. Its epicenter was about 25 kilometers west of Port-
au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. Many important historical buildings were
damaged or destroyed. Dozens of strong aftershocks occurred in the days
and weeks following the earthquake. More than 150,000 people lost their
lives in the quake, which affected more than 3 million people. Many
countries sent aid to help the quake's survivors.

the Indonesian island of Sumatra Many countries sent aid to help the
quake's survivors.
Many important historical buildings were Buildings and even complete villages
damaged or destroyed were destroyed

B. Circle T (true) or F (false) for the sentences bellow

1. The Indian Ocean disaster took place in November 2004. (T / F).

R# (F)

2. Countries on four continents were affected by the Indian Ocean tsunami.

(T / F).
R# (F)
3. Almost 300,000 people were killed. (T / F)
R# (T)
4. No one helped Haiti after the earthquake. (T / F)

R# (F)
5. Three million people were affected by the earthquake in Haiti. (T / F)}
R# (F)
C. Complete the examples with words from the box. Then check against the
text on last reading.

Were destroyed- Were damaged- Were sent- Were hit- Were killed

1. Many important historical buildings were damaged or destroyed

2. Warnings were sent
3. Many of the coasts of these countries were hit by huge waves.
4. Complete villages were destroyed Almost 300,000 people were killed.

D. Decide if the sentences are passive or active.

1. The hurricane destroyed thousands of homes. (ACTIVE)
2. Breakfast is served until 10:00 a.m. (PASSIVE)
3. He was paid a lot of money for the photo. (PASSIVE)
4. We're not very happy with our room. (ACTIVE)
5. The teacher was 10 minutes late for class. (ACTIVE)
6. Children under 13 are not allowed in. (ACTIVE)

E. Write sentences with the past active and passive. Use the words below
and by.
1. The email / write / Susan:
A. Susan wrote the email
B. The email was written Susan
2. The cupcakes / make / Fred
A. Fred made the cupcakes
B. The cupcakes were made Fred
3. The race / win / an Ethiopian
A. An Ethiopian won the race
B. The race was won an Ethiopian
4. The children / rescue / the police
A. The police rescued the children
B. The children were rescued the police

5. My website / design / my sister

A. My sister desined my website
B. My website was designed my sister

6. The pictures / paint / a famous artist

A. A famous artist painted the pictures
B. The pictures were painted a famous artist

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