Examen Final Intermedio 1

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Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica

CELEX Unidad Azcapotzalco
Final Exam

Part 1
Read the text and questions below. For each question, circle the correct answer A,
B, or C.
How to Study – Online or in the Classroom?
Some people prefer the traditional way of learning – in a classroom, with a teacher
and other students. However, more people are turning to studying online. Gonzalo
Lopez, who wanted to study business in English, was one of these. His first course
was in a classroom, but he realised it might take longer to progress than he
thought at first. He couldn’t afford to stay at college and so, having good IT skills,
he began an online course. Gonzalo says his online teacher was good, but he
doesn’t think studying on your own is as enjoyable as being with your friends in
Muneera Farzath has another opinion. Sometimes she got to lessons early or
stayed on after they finished, because she said it was difficult for her to study with
so much happening in the classroom. She didn’t dislike the people in class with
her, but says that studying online is more peaceful. Muneera also thinks there are
advantages to studying alone with a teacher who has got time just for you. She
says she’s a slow learner and the teacher has made some suggestions about
maybe buying apps that would help her.
After three months studying online, Gonzalo Lopez returned to study at college.
Although he had thought the online and college courses were similar, Gonzalo,
who is Spanish, found it difficult to study online in English. In the classroom, with
English students, it was easier.
My personal experience is of studying Arabic in a classroom and online. And I can
see the advantages and disadvantages of each type of course. If it's possible for
you, I'd recommend doing a bit of both. If you do this, you'll have the best chance
of success.
1 Why did Gonzalo change to an online course?
A to learn technology skills
B to have longer lessons
C to save money
2 What do we learn about Muneera’s time in the classroom?
A She got annoyed with some students.
B She found it hard to concentrate.
C She had to leave the lessons early.
3 What does Muneera now have which she didn’t have before?
A a personal one-to-one teacher
B some free apps for studying
C a chance to study more quickly
4 What problem did Gonzalo have with online studying?
A the subject
B the course
C the language
5 Which statement explains the writer’s opinion?

A Work hard and you’ll succeed using either way.

B A combination of the two ways of studying is best.
C Most people will turn to learning online in future.
Part 2
Look at the sentences below about some research into telling lies.
Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, choose yes.
If it is not correct, choose no.
6 Lies have been studied in psychology for many years.
Yes No
7 DePaulo asked a group of people to note down their lies for a whole week.
Yes No
8 DePaulo discovered that lies were more likely between people who had only
just met.
Yes No
9 DePaulo realized that the purpose of most lies was to be kind.
Yes No
10 The researchers in DePaulo's study treated all kinds of lies equally.
Yes No
Use of English

Part 1
Read the article about my first job
Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 11 – 18, mark
A, B or C.

My first job!
I've just got my first job as a hairdresser! To apply for jobs, you have (11) …………
a qualification - I got mine last month. The job is fun but also tiring. I stand most of
the day and (12) ………… only sit down for a few minutes at break times. Our
customers are very important. There's a sign in our staff room: 'EMPLOYEES
(13) ………… EVER BE RUDE TO CUSTOMERS.' It's a rule! Another rule is that
we need to look nice, but we can choose our own clothes. I'm glad that we
(14) ………… wear boring work clothes. Although this (15) ………… be my perfect
job, I'm happy for now. It's a great place to work so I'm confident (16) ………… be
a good start to my career. I need this experience, so I've decided that I
(17) ………… change jobs for at least a year. (18) ………… be a safe career for
the future? I think so - a computer can't cut your hair ... at least, not yet! But it might
be possible in the future!

11 A get B to get C got

12 A have to B mustn’t C can
13 A don’t have to B don’t C must not
14 A don’t have to B mustn’t C can’t
15 A might not B do not C is not
16 A it is B it will C it might
17 A aren’t B don’t C won’t
18 A This will B Will this C Will I
Part 2
Here are some sentences. For each question, complete the second sentence so
that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.
19 Making a mistake is an easy thing to do, so be careful.
It is easy ……………………………………….. a mistake, so be careful.

20 Is it best for me to do exercise before or after work?

When ……………………………………….. I do exercise - before or after work?

21 I will wait for your advice - I promise.

I promise ……………………………………….. for your advice.

22 It's not really a good idea to drive when you're tired.

You ……………………………………….. really drive when you're tired.

23 Is it a good idea to check prices online before going shopping?

Before going shopping, ……………………………………….. check prices online?

24 Mark gave me advice about going to the airport.

Mark gave me advice on how ……………………………………….. to the airport.

25 You must be on time for our meeting please.

Please ……………………………………….. late for our meeting.

26 I need to get some money so I'm going to the bank.

I'm going to the bank ……………………………………….. some money.
Part 3
Read the text. Choose the missing word A, B or C for each space.

Michelle Obama
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson was born in 1964 in Chicago, USA. She had a
brother, Craig, who was older (27) ………… her and the family lived in a one-
bedroom apartment in Chicago. They were a happy family who got on well
together, but they (28) ………… to have a lot of money. However, the Robinson
children learned two things from their parents: the first was that you must do the
(29) ………… you can in school to get a good education and the second was that
it's (30) ………… to work hard than to make a lot of money. So Michelle used to
(31) ………… hard every day and got a place at Princeton University. She trained
as a lawyer and used (32) ………… in a Chicago company, where she got to know
her future husband, Barack Obama. They got married in 1992. However, after he
became US President, she worked less often on her own career in order to support
her husband. Michelle (33) ………… to be unknown but she has become one of
the (34) ………… women in the world.

27 A than B as C like
28 A don't use B not used C didn't use
29 A good B better C best
30 A less important B more important C most important
31 A studying B study C studied
32 A work B to working C to work
33 A uses B used C using
34 A famous B very famous C most famous
Part 4
Here are some sentences. For each question, complete the second sentence so
that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.
For questions 35 – 42, mark A, B or C.

35 JK Rowling wrote seven books about Harry Potter.

The seven Harry Potter books ……………………………………….. JK Rowling.

36 Someone stole the museum's most famous painting in 1931.

The museum's most famous painting ……………………………………….. in 1931.

37 Michelangelo didn't paint the Mona Lisa.

The Mona Lisa ……………………………………….. Michelangelo.

38 When did JK Rowling start writing novels?

How ……………………………………….. JK Rowling been a writer of novels?

39 Nigel's love of music started when he was a young child.

Nigel ……………………………………….. since he was a young child.

40 They performed the play for the first time in 1858.

The play ……………………………………….. for the first time in 1858.

41 Peter became a professional musician in 2003.

Peter's been a professional musician ……………………………………….. 2003.

42 Maria was a teenager when she became an actor.

Maria has been an actor ……………………………………….. a teenager.

Part 1
You will hear eight short sentences. For each one, choose the best reply. You will
hear each sentence twice.

43 A I don't agree with you.

B I'm looking for a present.
C It's half past twelve.

44 A How would you like to pay?

B When does it leave?
C Where do you want to go?

45 A I don't mind.
B What about this?
C Thank you very much.

46 A Who's next, please?

B Can you enter your PIN, please?
C Would you like a necklace, perhaps?

47 A Mm. What about this?

B Would you like to pay later?
C Here's your card.

48 A If you like.
B Something fun.
C That’s all right.

49 A What is it exactly?
B What has she bought?
C What sort of thing does she like?

50 A It tells you the weather and the time.

B It's ready for your PIN now.
C It's very expensive.

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