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WVAG Meeting - Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pat Gaska, Brian Taylor, Dan Mootz, Lynn Block, Joyce King, Audrey Wilde, Mark Mittlesteadt,
Pam Clark, Cindy Markowski, Gail Jaeger, Elizabeth Myshka, Linda Langhoff, Cathy Laska,
Mabelle O’Connor, Theda Hewuse, Pat Plunkett, Bonnie Kostrzak, Sharon Rotz, Sharon, Dowis,
Chandra Witter

The WVAG sent out formal invitations to past members.

Meetings are scheduled now to 4th Thursday of each month.
Prior 80 members, hoping to expand our members.

CVA News
Offering the CVA Loft for June 17- July 31
Opening Reception - June 24th
This is an open show, no specific theme. However, it can’t be something that you hung at CVA
before, but okay if shown at the clinic before.

Art Opportunities:
• Agricultural Art
• United FCS Call for Artists
• Arts Alive – donations of art
• Central Wisconsin Cultural Center (Wisconsin Rapids)
• Decided to form a committee so we don’t lose any of our new ideas and to keep track of
the new art opportunities.
• Pat Plunket volunteered to make list and send links to our blog.

Museum of Wisconsin Art in West Bend

We received a letter from Thomas Lidtke (Executive Director) of the Museum of Art in West
Bend, WI. They are in the process of building a new museum facility, which will be 32,000
square feet to be completed in 2012. One of his goals is to get all of Wisconsin’s art groups
into a network with opportunities to exhibit their artwork.

• He will be visiting our area on May 12 at 6:30 with a presentation at Howard Johnsons.
• This is HUGE !!!! Everyone is Invited !!! Other art clubs will be invited to attend.
• They want to let the world know who the artists are in Wisconsin.
• Not every state has a regional art museum.
• During his visit, he will visit the Marshfield Clinic and see our art work.
• Visit their site:

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Business Card:
All artists are encouraged to create and design a business card for WVAG.
Be creative – make a logo – use your imagination.
Vista Print is a good place to get cards made.
Include the following on the business cards:

Wisconsin Visual Artists Guild

607 South 24th Avenue - Box 147
Wausau, WI 54401

Chandra Lynn Sharon Dowis

715-297-0858 715-297-4779

Awards & Judging:

Betsy Popp judged the Long Shadows Show.
We discussed how judging is done with forms. A perfect score is 50.
Several 49’s so just gave all 49’s an Award of Excellence.
Judging has taken 3-7 hours. We pay them $100.
We would like to use judges that have an art background, art teachers, etc., prefer out of area.
Suggestions are welcome.

We have decided to change the judge’s form.

Add negative and positive comments on left side.
Add composition.

LEFT side of paper t Best about work & what could be improved.

RIGHT side of paper:

1. Emotional Appeal
2. Mastery of Technique/Innovative Use of Materials
3. Composition
4. Uniqueness
5. Overall Presentation

Judging on Monday, March 14th with Mary Nelson (retired MFLD high school teacher)
Judging begins at 10:00 a.m. We need volunteers to organize help.
Joyce King & Dan Mootz volunteered to help that day.

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Commission & Taxes
We did not complete that information yet.
Commission before was 35% but now changed to 25%.

Goal – Do more community works.
Quarterly newsletter. First one to publish on March 15th.
Cathy Laska volunteered to work with this.

Swap Shop
Artist’s to exchange goods. Frames, paint, books, etc.
We need to rented space or use a park building or other community facilities.
Suggestions: Doepke Park in Rib Mt. or Marathon Park or Oak Island.
Have some demonstrations by artists.
May Show??? Mother’s Day?

Other News
• Joyce King sold one of her paintings on display in the Long Shadow Show.
• A painting by Laurie Tempas was published on the cover of the Marshfield Connection.
• Cindy Markowski puts our show dates into the Weston Paper and City Pages.
• Pat Gaska volunteered to walk through the clinic each month and will check things out.
• Entry forms will be downloaded from Blog.
• Entry forms available at meetings.

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