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CME examination
Identification No. JB0313

March 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Questions 1-5, Hong J, Nguyen TV, Prose NS. J Am Acad Dermatol 2013;68:364-73.

Directions for questions 1-5: Choose the single best 3. After the treatment plan has been described to the
response. patient and he has been nodding in agreement, what
should occur next?
A 30-year-old man who immigrated to the United States is a
a. The patient should be asked to repeat back the
new patient and presents with psoriasis. He has never
treatment plan in his own words
heard of this diagnosis in his past.
b. No further explanation on the medication instruc-
1. What is the most appropriate initial step in the patient tions needs to be given because the instructions
encounter? are already written on the bottle
a. Because he is a recent immigrant, an interpreter c. Give the patient additional information in more
should be called immediately complex medical terminology because he under-
b. He should be asked what language he prefers to stands everything so far
speak and receive his medical care d. End the visit, because his nodding reflects his clear
c. He should be given written information in English understanding of the plan
with diagrams if he does not speak English well e. He should be told that searching the Internet will
d. Ask his 7-year-old daughter to translate informa- give him accurate information on psoriasis
tion for her father
e. Immediately proceed to the physical examination A 70-year-old woman has just been diagnosed with a basal
cell carcinoma and also has laboratory results obtained
A handout is given to the patient regarding psoriasis and because of chronic pruritus.
medications used for the treatment of psoriasis.
4. Which of the following is a phrase that avoids using
2. Why is this handout useful for educating this patient? medical jargon?
a. It replaces the need to discuss the diagnosis and a. ‘‘The pathology showed a micronodular basal cell
treatment options with the patient carcinoma’’
b. The medication information discusses the side b. ‘‘Your laboratory studies were negative’’
effects first, followed by how the medication is c. ‘‘The biopsy was malignant’’
taken and, finally, the name and purpose of the d. ‘‘You have a type of skin cancer called basal cell
medication carcinoma’’
c. It is written at a fifth grade reading level e. ‘‘The complete blood cell count and chemistry
d. It contains no diagrams or pictures panel were normal’’
e. It is written in all capital letters to emphasize the
importance of the handout

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5. What is the best method for using educational tools to

teach this patient about basal cell carcinoma?
a. Give her a handout to review without any verbal
b. Discuss the diagnosis at the patient visit and give
her a handout to take home
c. Tell her to use an Internet search engine to learn
about the diagnosis
d. Give her a video to watch without any verbal
e. Print a review article on basal cell carcinoma from
a scientific journal for her to read

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