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English composition Project

egalitarian marriage
ASIEL ROSARIO 8-961-1645
JOSE AMAYA 8-908-1045
GLORIA REYES 8-702-728
SAMUEL BAILEY 8-884-1625




 Introduction
 11 arguments against equal marriage
 Your point of view
11 arguments against equal marriage
1. Marriage is defined as the union between a man and a woman. Not only does
religion say it, but history shows it. ”

Each religion institutes a type of marriage and the "one man and one woman" model
is not universal nor has it been historically. According to different religions a man
and several women, a woman and several men can marry and in some cultures there
are marriages between people of the same sex. Each religion is free to set its own
marriage standards.

In any case, civil marriage has changed so much throughout history that today it
would be unrecognizable to someone just a hundred years ago. Marriage has been
incorporating social changes and that is the reason why it is still valued even today.
If it had been maintained as in its first centuries, nobody would contract it today.
For example, throughout history and until the 19th century it was indissoluble; until
the 20th the woman was a possession of the husband; and inter-religious, interethnic
or free-slave marriages were prohibited. Marriage is a contract whose content is
fixed by the society from which it emanates at all times.

2. “That they have the same rights as heterosexual couples, but without calling it
marriage. Why don't we look for another name? It is not discriminatory to call two
different realities with different names. ”

The name is very important. We care a lot about rights, but we care above all about
equality, and equality can only be achieved by calling equal to what is equal.
Calling it different only demonstrates the will to point it out as different and taking
into account where we started from, that difference marks us as inferior. Imagine
that when a couple of another ethnicity married, they were given another name; that
would only be understood from the will to discriminate. And, in addition, we are
going to turn the argument around, if it is the same, why do we call it different? If it
is the same and gives the same rights, why are we going to call an equal institution
in two ways?

3. "Children have the right to a father and a mother. The father and mother each in turn
provide the child with different, necessary and irreplaceable values. ”

No serious psychological theory claims that. Moreover, until the 20th century, boys
and girls were raised without the father having anything to do with their education
and in most cases it was not even present since men were very often absent from
families due to wars, work outside the home or because it was not a matter of the
father to participate in the education of the children Traditionally children have been
raised by women: maids, wet nurses, babysitters, mothers, grandmothers or
teachers. In any case, the male and female figures are held by all children, not
necessarily through father and mother: there are grandparents and grandmothers,
cousins and cousins, uncles and aunts, teachers and professors, friends and friends,
neighbors of both sexes, etc. Boys and girls live in a world full of men and women.

4. "Marriage between people of the same sex is an attack against the institution of the
family, one of the pillars of our society."

In what way can a traditional family that incorporates into this definition harm
another type of family? What takes away? The truth is that the family has survived
because it has been adapting to what society asks at all times. If divorce were
prohibited today, far fewer people would marry. The family changes, adapts to what
is asked of it and thanks to that it has survived being even today a highly valued
institution. It will continue to be highly valued to the extent that it adjusts to what
society demands of it at all times and to the extent that it reflects social changes.

5. “Same-sex relationships are more unstable than heterosexual relationships. Why

grant them marriage if they are only going to end up getting divorced? ”

There is no data to support that same-sex couples divorce more than different-sex
couples. The idea of promiscuity is a prejudice based on ignorance. The data is
there, we are no longer divorced because we are like everyone else.
6. “Homosexuality is an acquired condition and sometimes just a fad. Marriage
between people of the same sex promotes homosexuality in society, when we
should help homosexual people to overcome it. ”
Homosexuality cannot be overcome or even attempted, it is not a disease or a
fashion, but a natural condition of people that has always existed. Today all national
and international organizations of medicine and psychology assume that
homosexuality and bisexuality are as natural as heterosexuality. Same-sex marriage
cannot promote anything that is not already in individuals.

7. "The demand for same-sex marriage seeks to destabilize social institutions from
rage and revenge, since LGTB people consider themselves" victims "of the ill-
treatment of society."

In reality, LGBT people have been and still are victims. Until a few years ago we
were still imprisoned and in several countries of the world homosexuality was
punished with prison or death sentences. In many countries we suffer intolerable
levels of violence, in most countries we are still fighting for basic rights that are not
denied to anyone, such as that of raising a family; and we are always in any case at
the mercy of insult or discrimination. Still, our fight has always been peaceful and
focused on convincing society that we are people just like everyone else. We have
never used violence, segregation, discrimination, or insults against anyone. Ours is
an example of peaceful and civic struggle.

8. "Children with homosexual parents are more likely to develop homosexuality."

No study supports that. If the homosexuals were children of homosexuals, where do
almost all the homosexuals that today are over twenty years old come from? No,
sexual orientation has nothing to do with the type of family in which one is
educated. Homosexuality does not "develop" in any way. In any case, we obviously
think that being homosexual or bisexual is as good as being heterosexual.

9. “Homosexuality is respectable but it should be reserved for the private sphere.

Institutionalizing it is a mistake. ”
Sexuality, what everyone does in bed is private. The rights that society associates
with people by virtue of being part of family units are a public and rights issue.
Until now people have access to certain rights: pensions, inheritances, filiation etc.
by virtue of their heterosexuality, which is not private, but is institutionalized. We
only ask for equal rights.

10. “The objective of marriage is the reproduction and continuation of the human
species. Reproduction is impossible through the union of two people of the same
sex and therefore cannot be called marriage. ”

The goal of marriage is not reproduction, no law says that. That is why sterile
people or older people can marry to be fathers or mothers, or that is why people who
have decided not to have children are allowed to marry and that is why nobody is
asked whether or not they are going to have it. Instead they are asked if they are
going to live together or if they are going to support and help each other. The
objective of civil marriage is to provide mutual aid and access certain rights that
society offers to people who marry.

Furthermore, biological reproduction does not have any special status with respect
to, for example, adoption. Both are equal before the law and society. Today, in
addition to adoption, there are multiple possibilities to be parents, from assisted
reproduction to surrogacy; possibilities that are available to homosexual, bisexual
and heterosexual people.
11. "Gay and bisexual people will continue to have the right to marry, like the rest,
they will have the right to marry a person of the opposite sex."

In the case of homosexual people, that right is currently an empty right since today
marriage is contracted on the basis of love. So much so that if they used it and
married people of different sex it would be in many cases a fraud of law since they
would marry for invalid reasons. In fact, gays and lesbians have historically made
use of heterosexual marriage not out of love, nor with the intention of living
together and starting a family, of supporting and loving each other, but precisely on
the contrary, in order to hide their true love and true love. families. Throughout
history this has destroyed many people, when the false marriage was contracted
without the two partners knowing the truth.
Point of view
1- Jeffry morales: I disagree with equal marriage because this would
mainly affect the mentality of each of our children and
adolescents, from my point of view each one can do with his life
what he wants but for me it must be in private, mainly for our

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