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Encourages the creation of the Protocol of Health Staff Protection (PHSP), a catalogue of
parameters drafted under the guidance of World Health Organization (WHO) aiming to
serve as guidelines for member states to achieve the proper trusteeship over Healthcare
workers alongside the assessment of the WHO´s correspondent regional bureau; the
protocol shall operate as follows:
a. The PHSP shall be drafted by WHO regional representatives in a period no longer
than 6 months, after this resolution is adopted:
i. The guidelines shall be drafted in a special period of sessions at the WHO
New York headquarters;
ii. The guidelines shall be in accordance to the fundamental rights entitled in
the UN Charter;
b. Once the PHSP is drafted, it shall be delivered to representatives of every regional
bureau of the WHO
c. The Parameters included in the PHSP shall go in accordance with the following
i. Proper security measures in all kinds of medical facilities;
ii. Adequate provision of medical supplies and equipment to ensure the
availability of medical workers´ labor;
iii. Existence of transportation means for emergencies;
iv. Existence of warrants on the pursuit of justice on behalf of the state in case
any injustice is committed against health workers
d. Representatives of every national bureau of WHO shall supervise periodically the
correct application of the PHSP
2. Encourages the implementation of the Transporting Life Programme (TLP) in order to
guarantee the transport of food and medical supplies to the population in need on conflict
zones as one of the gravest branches of the topic is the lack of means to treat injured
patients in the battlefield, with the guidance of the United Nations Office for Protect
Services (UNOPS), the program will work as follows:
a. The TLP will be founded as an special fund under the trusteeship of the UNOPS
and with the contribution of NGOs, Private Stakeholders, CSOs and other private
b. Regional and national offices of the UNOPS will be in charge of receiving the
donations designated to every affected area and distributing them by using the
funds to cover the following necessities:
i. Medical supplies and food;
ii. The donations may consist on supplies and food as corporal provisions or
money to cost the acquirement of those needs;
c. The UNOPS would provide transportation assistance in order to guarantee the
proper arrival of donations to their designated zones and to cover the lack of
proper transportation:
i. A percentage of the total amount of donations received shall be deducted
according to the availability of transport means disposed by the regional or
national office of the UNOPS;

3. Further recommends the implementation of the Health Awareness Program (HAP), a

plan which main focus is to capacitate civilians on first aids, knowledge and training in
order to empower them to help their citizens in need of basic medical assistance, with the
guidance of Doctors Without Borders, the program would consist on:
a. Professional personnel from Medics sans Frontiers (MSF) would provide first aids
workshops to civilians from each community:
i. The content of the workshops would be divided in two sessions, practical
and theoretical;
ii. The HAP would be delivered periodically twice a month, during
b. One representative from each community will be designated in order to establish
contact with one representative from MSF to coordinate logistics, such as place
and date for the workshops,
4. Requests the creation of an Interactive Platform that would serve as a database composed
by information about the identity of humanitarian and medical staff operating in the 23
countries signaled by Healthcare in Conflict Coalition, in order to establish precise
control on the security of health care personnel in conflict zones. The Interactive Platform
would consist in a database that works with internet, aimed at achieving the exchange of
accurate information that can guarantee the protection of health care workers by updating
them in their operating zones´ circumstance, as well as, informing Member States and
NGOs about the living conditions of workers and the risks that they are exposed to:
a. The database will be administrated and overseen by the WHO,
b. The platform would contain the following personal information according to
international first aid standards about the identity of humanitarian and medical
staff working in the conflict zones:
i. Full name of the worker;
ii. Facility and zone of operation;
iii. Address (Under previous authorization of the worker);
iv. Phone number (Under previous authorization the worker);
v. Type of blood;
c. The following actors shall have access to and the possibility of updating the
Interactive Platform:
i. Member States;
ii. The WHO;
iii. Health Care staff covered by the platform’s database;
iv. NGOs with technical and practical knowledge, such as Medics Sans
Frontiers (MSF), the International Red Cross Committee and Physicians
For Health (PHR);
e. The Interactive Platform will also exercise a function of protection and prevention
for medical and humanitarian staff, as the information provided by Member
States, NGOs and health workers may include the report of new attacks against
medical facilities and health care staff´s operative zones,
5. Encourages the United Nations General Assembly Legal Committee to discuss the
introduction of the Responsibility to Rebuild Formula (R2R) as a recognized obligation
contained in international legally binding documents, in order to achieve immediate
possibilities of reconstruction for health infrastructure in countries suffering armed
conflicts and it will:
a. Be understood as an international responsibility implicit for all States that assume
the Responsibility to Intervene in countries with armed conflicts:
i. The R2R Formula, as stated by its proponents would oblige only States
that intervened militarily in States with armed conflicts;
ii. The benefactors of the R2R Formula can only be previously intervened
States by a foreign State´s military force;
b. The scope of the R2R Formula within the topic of health care in conflict zones
would be the reconstruction of health infrastructure such as hospitals, other
medical facilities, health care equipment and all those considered by the General
Assembly Legal Committee,

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