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India is known as “KHETI PRADHAN DESH". As we all know that

agriculture is the biggest sector in Indian Economy. More than 70% of
Indian population is engaged in agriculture sector. After the Green
Revolution there is intensive development in agriculture practice. Farmers
started using of hybrid seeds, pesticides, chemical fertilizer and so on.
Due to extensive use of chemicals in farm the sustainability of agriculture
in India is under threat from degradation of land and water resources.
Also, the extensive use of chemical in farm effect the human health. To
fight with this major issue farmers, have to understand the eco system.
Organic agriculture is a production system that relies on ecosystem
management rather than the flow of extemal agriculture inputs. It
considers potential environments and social impacts by eliminating the
use of synthetic inputs and replacing them with natural inputs which are
farm waste and natural fertilizers which can maintain and increase long -
term soil fertility, employment, opportunities and mitigation and adaptation
to climate change. Most of the organic markets are in developed
countries are becoming important suppliers as organic practices are
particularly suited for the conditions of their farmers, especially
smallholders living in rainfed areas.

A project, vertical farm that plans on designing our cities with food in mind
which allows us to eliminate the physical distance between humans and
their food. This approach educates humans about food, make food
production a discussion about urban life and will encourage them to
involve themselves in agricultural practices. Vertical farm is the solution
for an innovative, sustainable, and economic efficient 21st century. This
project will include hydroponics and aeroponics methods of farming as it
is the appropriate for any weather condition and limited land available.
Moreover, it will act as an eco-service to the city by incorporating food
production spaces, food market for the urban dwellers, exhibition,
education and research facilities to create awareness and educate them
on sustainable methods of farming, gardens and viewing platforms for
social spaces and natural views, etc.
Agriculture production map of India
Rationale Behind Selecting the Project:

Traditional farming focuses more on profit and commercial gain rather

than paying attention to the harm it causing on both the human health and
the natural environment. They cause deforestation, loss of biodiversity,
greenhouse gas emission, soil erosion, and produces excessive
wastewater. Vertical farms will be able to create more food on lesser land
than compared to conventional farming Furthermore, they use a more
efficient and sustainable method by not only conserving water, energy
and cutting down pollution but also by improving the economy of the city,
restoring the economy, providing job opportunities and giving access to
healthy food.

The Main role of this thesis is to explore the potential of urban

Agriculture in the Cities. With the increasing Amount of Industrialization
and rapid growth in Mega cities of India the role of Urban Agriculture has
decreased and has been pushed away from the cities making them
unaware about the food that they consume.
Project Description

This selected project is a vertical farm that plans on designing our cities
with food in mind which allows us to eliminate the physical distance
between humans and their food. This approach educates humans about
food, make food production a discussion about urban life and will
encourage them to involve themselves in agricultural practices. Vertical
farm is the solution for an innovative, sustainable, and economic efficient
21st century urbanism. The project will include hydroponics and
aeroponics methods of farming as it is the appropriate solution for metro
cities. Moreover, it will act as an eco-service to the city by incorporating
food production spaces, food market for the urban dwellers, exhibition,
education and research facilities to create awareness and educate them
on sustainable methods of farming, gardens and viewing platforms for
social spaces and natural views, etc.

Vertical farming is the practice of growing crops and produce using very
little water and no soil by stacking them vertically in structures like
skyscrapers, old warehouse, containers, etc. This practice uses indoor
farming technology and controlled environment agriculture (CEA); which
controls the environmental factors such as artificial light, humidity,
temperature etc.
Brief of Study:
- Aim is to identify the importance of vertical farming in the city, as
well as, study the current farming practices and possible
architectural solutions through precedent studies and data collection
in an effort to make the city sustainable and energy efficient.
- To provide and Practice sustainable agriculture solution and enable
people easy access to safe, healthy, fresh food year-round.
- To built an organic food environment in Urban region.
- It also focuses on establishing a research centre where people can
reconnect with nature and learn more about food production and the
importance of food security. Besides, it will also serve as a centre for
recreation for the urban dwellers by providing green spaces,
gardens and Urban gathering spaces.

- Food Hub will include an urban farm, edible garden, market, retail
space, classrooms, a recycling facility, research centre, recreational
spaces and more.
- Food Hub operates as program that serve and provide for all stages
of the food chain, from farming, to processing, shared community
kitchen spaces, retail, and recycling. The Food hub builds on the
city’s centre position to connection between farmers and suppliers
and the growing demand for local food.
- The Food hub provides a comprehensive survey of the food industry
and its processes while relocating many food programs typically
separated from the buyer back into the heart of the city. It defines a
new model for how the relationship between consumer and producer
can be defined and addresses uncaptured market demand and
inefficiencies within the local food industry.

OMA Designs Food Port for West Louisville

Architects - OMA
Location - West Louisville, KY 42301, United States

OMA has unveiled plans for a mixed-use project that will consolidate
facilities for the growing, selling and distribution of food for local farmers
in Louisville. A collaboration with the non-profit Seed Capital Kentucky, the
24-acre “Food Port” will transform a former tobacco plant into an “active
economic and community hub” that shapes a “new model between
consumer and producer.”
“The diversity of program reflects the full food chain, as well as a new
foodscape of public spaces and plazas where producers and consumers
meet,” said OMA’s Partner-in-Charge Shohei Shigematsu, who is also
leading the Alimentary Design research studio at Harvard University. “The
Food Port acts as a catalyst to activate the surrounding neighbourhoods,
exemplifying one of the complex urban relationships between architecture
and food that our studio is investigating.”
The West Louisville Food Port operates as more than than the typical
food hub with the addition of several key programs that serve and provide
for all stages of the food chain, from farming, to processing, shared
community kitchen spaces, retail, and recycling. The Food Port builds on
the city’s historic position within the inland waterway network and the
city’s legacy as a major shipping port by providing a much needed
infrastructural connection between farmers and suppliers and the growing
demand for local food. Referencing the street grids of the city which are
rotated at different angles from neighborhood to neighborhood to maintain
orientation to the Ohio River, the masterplan stitches together the urban
Site Analysis
Area of Site Study: 10,20,500 sq.m.
Area of Site: 24,600 sq.m.
Ward Name & Area: Bopal - Ghuma; 1,29,00,000 sq.m.
Ward Population: 1,25,000
Density: 97 people per hectare



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