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Otabek liked to think that he was a good skater, his jumps were big and solid, and

despite having a four quad free program he barely made any mistakes, yet there he was
something where he was falling behind and that was what people liked to call “Artistry”

His new coach Yakov Feltsman was taking none of that, Yakov was known as a very
strict coach, he liked to produce well-rounded skaters in every aspect, Victor was a
prove of that Georgi, not so much, since their first meeting Yakov put the cards on the
table “You lack beauty you lack, Figure Skating is a sport but it’s also art, and the judges
take that on cout, you are going to start taking ballet classes with Lilia from next week”
Otabek didn’t even had the time to argue,

Ballet and Otabek are two words that never go well in an sentence, that it’s at least
you are trying to say “Otabek absolutely hates ballet” but so there

-Otabek va al ballet

-Otabek en practica

-Otabek en la clase de ballet

-Otabek ve a yuri

-Otabek habla de yuri

Otabek considered himself a man but one thing he couldn't stand was ballet.
Which was kind of ironic since he was an ice skater and the two disciplines come hand on hand, and
that was something he was lacking.
sighedOtabek with dread.
the last thing he had step a ballet studio he was 13 years old
he could land his cuada but his presentation components were still lacking and with the thigh
competency every point could make a difference so his had instructed him well more like ordered
him to take ballet lessons, using his with Lilia who seemed to be quite influential person in the ballet
Lilia use
he went check his just like he was a horse that she's planning to buy
hacen cosas ballerinas
when otabek got to the apartment he rented for the next three
honesty he felt so frustrated, it was like he was 13 again, but he wasn't one top just give up, he was a
soldier and he would just fall aft the battleground.
he practice two hours with Yakov, he was this blah combination just pracri
but when Lilia came today he knew things would be different Lilia wasn't alone next to her was a boy
blond hair tied in a bun, lean figure and his eyes, those were eyes he would never forget.
he couldn't put his finger on it but there was something familiar in the boy.
The boy he realized that he was looking at him an gave him a cold confused stare.
This is Yuri he is a soloist in the bonsoir ballet. Today he will showing you how ballet is done.
Yuri had a proud smirk in his face.
Yuri first position he may no dance on pointe but he danced like he was floating had a grace that any
ballerina would envy.
After that the point was

He came back at home took off his shoes and just drop dead in his sofa he couldn't believe it was him
he was sure of that, it hand to be him.
What should he do wasn't going to
The next couple of classes Yuri looked at him with a confused look,
Otabek is a pretty straight forward person but he handnt the chance to our an excuse to talk. Until that
But he disliked the lesson it didn't matter if he will never come to like ballet
Hey are you coming or not
The ride was a little uncomfortable at the beginning otabek wasn't sure if Yuri was going to or
He leaved at the place he requested and that was it otabek wasn't quite sure but was that an smile
That became sort of a routine for the trip is them, otabek would leave Practice late and otabek would
give him a ride to ballet, Austin that it was near his flat when it was in opposite side.
Would you rather go to somewhere else.
Otabek wasn't one of many words, he often kept his serious behavior and that made him look
somewhat cold
He took him to a cafe near by, at the little Benning Yuri looked shy, otabek went straight to the point.
We know each other, we trained together.
Otabek turned his face and saw the puzzled look in Yuri's face.
Whene I was 13 insert that line
I remember I don't remember you, but i remember that summer.
My grandfather was working so I stay deed at Lilia s house that summer.
I had barely made into the program so I decided i had to be the best.
Do you wanna drink something.
When otabek said he was expecting something like a beer so when
I never missed a chance to train, thing I have to admit that i got lazy in my juniors days.
U was in Canada US for a while bla bla
They talked for a while, and they leaves.
Yurio lived in a very classy part after he got down of the bike put string of the hair behind the ear a
looked to the "well see ya"
It was weird their relationship grew out of nowhere but little by little they have had made some sort
schedule they would grab coffee chat for a while and then drop Yuri off at the studio.
They would talk about what ever music, or Yuri's favorite theme cats
So have I tell you that I used to skate when a I was a child.
Yes Yuri looked to a side. But then he looked a otabek with pride in his face.
Yakov always told me I was good
That i could be a top skater is I train with him
Why you didn't
Figure skating is expensive that s why I dropped it in the first place.
The ballet program have me education a career it was burden if Gramps shielder
So you still skater?
Well one in a while i visit the rink
Come with me
He took
What do you want to do
I don't know just skate with me
He said while
He carried himself with Elegance and dignity, there was a strong aura around him
It was been a while since the last time I was here.
It was weekend he still has to go to the rink but there won't be more ballet till Monday.
Who would have tell it he was actually expecting a ballet lesson.
But Yuri never came
He wouldn't lie if Hi said he started to buy the second day he dared to ask Lilia
Yuri us in Moscow his grandfather's sick.
I'm sorry but I can't do that
And just like that the two last week's one the camp went in the blink of an eye.

But he couldn't dim him.

You were incredible up there
Their faces felt like imam of different positions that couldn't be stop of being together getting closer.
The kiss was short soft Yurio felt like red.
I'm glad you are here

I wasn't always like that I used to be more reckless and my performances used to be full of greed and
ambition but I could change I not the little brat I used to be/anymore
Otabek couldn't help but laugh
What? Nothing de de
Yuri didn't react good
He started sobbing so bad that he dropped to the floor he tried to kneel besides him and put a hand on
his shoulder but before he could open his mouth Yuri push it away.
I said go away go away like everyone else.
Yuri Im here I won't leave you a-
Otabek I think it's better if you leave this to us.

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