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Headlights behind

10/07/2008 11:51:15 PM -0400

Headlights behind. Flashing lights ahead. A roadblock.

Indeed that we are not all sick to death, I thank you for the prognostic correction-subcutaneous. Largely. As
if things were not bad enough, fits of sneezing fibers from the pores. It is [perhaps, as somewhere long ago I
may have read] known a few, if anyone has ever expired of a sneeze, give exception to Miss Della Chovers,
who still as far as is known was spared death, though her fits lasted as of the New York Times Report [Aug
6 1897] for four days.

Stone monuments and glass citadels. Whistling stones and a tone-The hymns of angels in skies of colored
glass. And then a sonorous quaking. Shivers and crawls. Hold the wheel. Cargo on its way somewhere, in
the passing lane...

Strong Earthquake jolts Tibet, killing 30

AP via Yahoo! News - Oct 06 6:25 AM China's official Xinhua News Agency says 30 people are
dead after an earthquake struck Tibet.
Earthquake kills at least 72 in Kyrgyzstan
AP via Yahoo! News - Oct 06 7:20 AM A powerful earthquake struck the mountains of Central
Asia, destroying a village in Kyrgyzstan and killing at least 72 people, emergency officials said

I've never been to Paris. I have been to Virginia, and Kansas. Once to Puerto Rico. 1989. Puerto Rico was
interesting. There was a storm. I sneezed the other day once or twice. I haven't sneezed in a long time. Have
to be careful or you'll get the Flu [shot]. Just say "No."

If one believes of Demons, then Angels too? I have no such luxury other than evidence. Do you trust your
pastors or your politicians when they say, "A citizen has told me something. I wanted good people to ask
you about it." Our good neighbors never lie, but are somehow misconstrued. We grow eventually, whatever
is in our hearts, and then with malice. With me such things are the luxuries of folly. It is easy to believe.

Getting around with your right ear to the pave is hard work. "What are doing down there good man, get

Shhhh! This stone the Earth whistles melodies and offers hymns. Who has ears will hear.

I fear a percussion in the wind, a chord struck with such malice as would explode the incus. More than the
trembling earth on my right, more than the heaving of heaven on my left. A sound I have never heard. I
would not know how, but I know such a shield can be built as would not hear such a chord.

Perhaps our ancestors, without computers, or electricity or television or even indoor plumbing, listened, and
heard the songs of stones, they too being moved with them. Will you not stir yourself to wonder lest a spider
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Headlights behind
heard the songs of stones, they too being moved with them. Will you not stir yourself to wonder lest a spider
sit beside you, what tickles your ear?

Oh what a preposterous notion! There are no such things as spiders, nor hair nor singing stones and
flying worms. Perhaps indeed, there is no such thing as anything-save evidence. Misconstrued neighbors.
God's angels save them! "And lead us not into temptation...curiouser and curiouser."


We have historical precedent. We have descriptions and deceptions. We have myths. and we have legends.
We have Arks and cannibal whales and parting seas and falls of fish and loaves. As long as we have floods
we may as well have Arks. As long as we have cannibal whales we might as well have "cannibal worms". At
least luminous worms, and feathered serpents, and rods and orbs and flying discs and little grey men from
heaven, with feet like burnished bronze, unnoticed and unheard of-begs evidence. An accent on a note
unheard, the symphony collapses to a din of squeaky strings.

We listen and adjustments are made. Things previously unnoticed come in to view. A hymn in the wind.

Had we not conceived strings of balloons 100 ft in length so high, with creeping glows of contrast, wiggling in
the winds on the edge of space, we could not imagine flying worms to begin with. Cannibal worm or
feathered serpent or dragon or balloon these could be. Then there is doubt about balloons rather than worms
or snakes. Land, sea or air it be-wherever seen serpent or worm- a thing by nature wiggly.

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Headlights behind

10/07/2008 11:51:15 PM -0400

The object (s) on the l. bottom is one of a number of variably shaped 'discs' captured in the electro-static
glow of the STS-75 flight tether in 2006. The object (s) on the r. bottom are
C. Neoformans. spores

Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm okay- I'll be okay..." Fingers plugging the ears. It is about 1:30pm ET

A very fine, shrill made of marbles. The ear is to the pavement. It is neither the heaven nor the earth. Or
unable to tell which. Or some unfamiliar combination of both.
Or neither. Later in the day...A coworker's green turkey sandwich sets the office afoul. Baphomet's breast-
stuffed with cheese. Grateful odds given, are demons too, sometimes flatulent.;_ylt=AnkkLu6sPMTEz27k2OwM82

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