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Охрид, 2 − 4 октомври 2011

Roman Lechner
Josef Zierlinger
Klaus Czermak
Herbert Haidvogl
EVN Netz GmbH


Due to the increasing number of distributed generators and machines with integrated power
electronics regulations have to be found for evaluation whether feed in or connection to the
distribution grid is possible or not and to fulfil regulatory and technical requirements. One tool to do
such assessment are the so called DACHCZ regulations which where first published by German,
Austrian, Switzerland and Czech national bodies. They are developed with the focus to satisfy
European Regulations like e.g. EN50160 – Voltage Characteristics in Public Distribution Networks,
EN61000-3-XX Electromagnetic Compatibility.
This paper presents the use of this tool in practice and gives examples from daily business for
the connection of generation plants. The sequence of data collecting from customer until final results
including decision making whether connection is allowed or not and which type of connection will be
Result of the paper should be to show how to deal with distributed generators or facilities from the
customer request till a binding result including the definition of requirements according the DACHCZ-
Keywords: DACHCZ regulations, EN, European Norms, generation plants, assessment, facilities,
practical examples, photovoltaic plant, hydro power plant


Technical Rules for the Assessment of Network Disturbances – DACHCZ regulations – first
were published as the so called “Empfehlungen für die Beurteilung von Netzrückwirkungen” by the
independent advocacy group for the Austrian electricity industry VEÖ which now is named
Österreichs Energie. Beside Switzerland (SEV 3600) and Germany (VDEW) also had such documents
for assessment of disturbances. Increasing requirements in field of electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) and quality of supply voltage forced development of International Standards on IEC and
CENELEC level. Need for adaptions in the national recommendations were necessary why the
Austrian body published in 1995 a revision of the document. In a first step Switzerland adopted the
Austrian recommendation and in 1997 the first common document was published. In 2001 a working
group of the before mentioned countries and Czech Republic started which prepared the so called
DACHCZ regulations which are in part handled within this paper.
Increasing number of distributed generators and machines with integrated power electronics
raise need for appropriate assessment of disturbances and influences which are emitted by such
devices. Different standards like e.g. EN 50160 – Voltage Characteristics in Public Distribution
Networks, EN 61000-3-XX – Electromagnetic Compatibility define limits for electrical values. Those
defined borders should not be infringed why tools for the assessment of plants have to be found. One
of such tool are above mentioned DACHCZ regulations which are for technicians who have to decide

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whether connection to the network is possible or not and to define proper measures to enable
connection in an economic and technical suitable way.
In a first step it is necessary to define technical parameters and expressions which are needed
in the assessment process. They are once only descriptions of expressions on the other hand they are
mathematical definitions of values which are important. In common it is a summary of the standards
which are binding for both – the network operator and the plant operator.
As one of the most important values the short circuit power is used within the assessment
process. The value should be found for those normal operating conditions which lead to the short
circuit power which is defined
S kV = V (1)
Z kV
where UV means the phase to phase voltage in kV and ZkV the short-circuit-impedance of the network
at the point of common coupling in Ω. This impedance includes network impedance of the network on
the next higher level, those of transformers as well as of the lines in the considered network. SkV then
gives the value of the short circuit power in MVA in the point of common coupling.
Voltage changes and flicker are important measures within the evaluation process. At the point
of common coupling (PCC) the voltage change ΔU can be caused by large loads, generation plants
which are variable and many other causes. Limitation of those voltage changes is necessary not to
destroy connected devices and equipment as well as flicker phenomenon do not occur. The relative
voltage change is defined in p.u. as
d= . (2)
Both values depend on the characteristics of the network which can be described by short
circuit power at the PCC and the network impedance which is normally complex. On the other hand
there is a dependence on the load which can be described by the load change ΔSA and the angle of the
load change because it is usually also a complex number. Those voltage changes even can be
problematic in case of welding machines, single phase loads and start up of motors where the starting
current can be up to 8 times of the rated current. To decrease influence of those big currents start-up
assistance like delta-star-connection, inverters, starting transformers or resistors can be used. Welding
machines can influence the network in case of voltage changes and also flicker – a subjective
impression of the unsteadiness of visual sensations induced by light. One can differentiate between
short-term flicker Pst and long-term flicker Plt – as the result of the calculation of 12 successive
independent Pst values - where categorization is time dependent. Short-term flicker is relevant for
product standardization where long-term flicker is essential for voltage quality defined in EN 50160.
Flicker compatibility level is defined within EN 61000-2-2 and -2-12 as well as EN 61000-3-3 and -3-
11 whereas limits are defined in EN 50160 and should not be exceeded at the supply terminals to the
installations of the network users. Increasing short circuit power counteracts to flicker emissions
because more customer installations are affected.
According to the regulations the short-term flicker and relative voltage changes in low (limit of
nominal r.m.s. value is 1 kV) and medium (limit of nominal r.m.s. value above 1 kV and up to 35 kV)
voltage networks for a single network user should not exceed given values in Figure 1. Within this
figure the repetition rate r (switch on – switch off – … ) also influences the network. This rate in min-1
is defined to be the number of voltage changes N within the observed time T and can be calculated by
using the equation
r= . (3)
Those voltage changes can cause flicker emission beyond the allowed limits. Especially in case
of inverter systems they can be problematically why those devices should be treated separately if they
are not fitted with the CE sign which shows that the device meets the standards.
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Beside voltage changes and flicker there are different other values which are relevant in case
of assessment of disturbances. They will be mentioned in the following examples when they are
relevant for the process.

Figure 1 Assessment of a new connected device [1]

Before starting the assessment process needed and relevant data have to be collected. It makes
sense to provide a form which includes all those data. That means:
– Name and address of the owner of the facility (generation plant or any other electrical
– Address where the facility should be built
– In case of generation plant type of
o used energy (e.g. wind, sun, water, …)
o generator (synchronous, asynchronous)
ƒ maximum feed in power
ƒ maximum generator power
ƒ rated voltage and current of the generator
ƒ short circuit reactance
o inverter (single phase, two phase, three phase)
o electronic network isolation point (ENS) – declaration of conformity
o operation (full feed in, partial own consumption, islanding)
– In case of any other electrical device
o type of device (e.g. welding machine, pump, inverter, …)
o mode of operation (continuous, discontinuous with a defined repetition rate, …)
o rated power, voltage and current
Figure 2 and Figure 3 give an example of a form for data collection of a generation plant and
other devices.
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Figure 2 Example of a form for data collection of a generation plant

Figure 3 Example of a form for all other devices

When the customer has provided data for the planned facility the grid operator can start to
collect all the network data which means:
– Identify substation and feeder where the facility is connected.
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– Collect all data of the whole feeder which means cross section and length as well as the
characteristic electrical data like impedance and reactance per length.
– Find the normal switching state.
– In case of medium voltage connection identify the transformer HV/MV by realizing a low
voltage connection the MV/LV transformer and all electrical data which means short
circuit voltage, rated power, rated voltage on primary and secondary side, vector group.
– Get all load data of the whole feeder especially those of big customers (e.g. industry, …).
– Identify other big customers or generation plants on the same feeder.
After finding all above mentioned data it is possible to start the calculation procedure and one
has to distinguish between facilities where only consumption devices are connected and generation
plants which produce electrical energy for feed in to the network. For the assessment of the voltage
band which can appear two cases have to be taken in account:
– Customers are connected with full load and no feed in of generation plants.
– Customers are connected with minimum load and full feed in of the generation plants.
Both states result characteristically values (the lowest and the highest) for voltage which lead
to the bandwidth of voltage. Limits and bandwidth are defined in standards- especially EN 50160.
Next step is to get information on the influence – especially voltage raise – of the generation
plant on the network. This should not be more than 3 % within the low voltage network and 2 % on
medium voltage level for all generation plants on the worst PCC. Practically calculation can be
accomplished by taking in account that the whole voltage drop is caused by the generation plant and
all other effects like the whole consumption across the feeder can be neglected.


A customer wants to realize a photovoltaic power plant with four separate solar panels – two
times 1 MVA and two times 0.63 MVA rated power. Each of them is connected to the medium voltage
grid via a transformer. Figure 3 shows the single line diagram of the system which also includes the
electrical data. On the busbar where the generation plant is connected also one feeder is reserved for
customers who have a maximum load of 0.3 MVA together with cos(φ)=0.95. Connection to the
HV/MV substation is realized with a 22.3 km long overhead line AlSt 3x95 mm2.
Request of the costumer led to the technical overview shown in Figure 4. Within this picture
the customer given data and data of the network are summarized. Starting calculation with this data is
possible and in the following section it is shown how to assess this power plant according the
As shown in Figure 1 after determination of the short circuit power and the load change in a
first step it is necessary to calculate voltage change and flicker. In case of photovoltaic power plants
one can assume that the repetition rate is less than 0.1 min-1 (Figure 1) because the generation plant is
not that often fully switched on and off. Fluctuation in the intensity of light only results in small
voltage changes. Full power of the whole plant won’t be switched on or off. Therefore for the voltage
change at the point of common coupling is allowed to be maximum 2 %. One should take in account
that according to DACHCZ-regulations (chapter 10) the voltage change caused by the totality of all
generating stations in a considered network must not exceed this value. In the special case that would
mean if that PCC is chosen where the voltage change amounts to the allowed 2 % no additional
generation plant(s) could be connected.
First of all a load flow calculation is provided where two cases as mentioned in Chapter 2 zero
feed in – full consumption (Figure 5) and zero consumption – full feed in (Figure 6) are taken in
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Figure 4 Single line diagram of the whole network

Figure 5 Case 1: Zero feed in – full consumption

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Figure 6 Case 2: Zero consumption – full feed in

Table 1 Results of load flow calculation
Location Node Voltage Case 1 Voltage Case 2 Difference Difference Comment
kV kV kV %
Busbar 110 kV 1100 110 110 0 0 Slack
Busbar 20 kV 0019 19.7 20.4 0.7 3.6
Busbar 20 kV 0020 19.5 21.3 1.8 8.8 PCC

Results show that the voltage band between the two cases is on the PCC (Node 0020) 8.8 %
which means that values within this gap can occur.
Next step is calculating the influence of the generation plant on the whole network which
means as above mentioned to calculate following cases:
– Zero consumption and no feed in of generation plants (“neutral” state of the network).
– Zero consumption and full feed in of all generation plants along the feeder.
Table 2 Results of load flow calculation for voltage drop
Location Node Voltage Case 1 Voltage Case 2 Difference Difference Comment
kV kV kV %
Busbar 110 kV 1100 110 110 0 0 Slack
Busbar 20 kV 0019 20.5 20.4 -0.1 -0.3
Busbar 20 kV 0020 20.5 21.3 0.8 4.1 PCC

As shown in Table 2 connection of the photovoltaic plant is not possible within the given
limits. Especially at Node 0020 voltage rise is 4.1 % where only 2 % are allowed. Therefore it is
necessary to define measures to meet the given requirements. Usually the grid operator defines a PCC
as well as technical measures for connection.
In the actual case the customer has to build a medium voltage cable for rated voltage of 20 kV
type E-A2XHCJ2Y – 3x 1x 150mm2. The mentioned PCC has to be at least on the half length of the
whole 22.3 km long feeder starting at the point where the generators are connected. So the whole
cabling distance will be 11.15 km if the same route as the existing overhead line can be used. The
existing feeder will be in parallel to the new one. Again case 1 zero feed in (Figure 7) and case 2 full
feed (Figure 8) in have to be taken in account.
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Figure 7 Case 1: Voltage rise for zero feed in “neutral” state

Figure 8 Case 2: Voltage rise for full feed in

Table 3 Results of load flow calculation for voltage drop

Location Node Voltage Case 1 Voltage Case 2 Difference Difference Comment
kV kV kV %
Busbar 110 kV 1100 110 110 0 0 Slack
Busbar 20 kV 0019 20.5 20.4 -0.1 -0.3
Busbar 20kV 0050 20.5 20.9 0.4 2 PCC
Busbar 20 kV 01 0020 20.5 21.1 0.6 4.1 Generators
Busbar 20 kV 02 0020 20.5 20.9 0.4 2 Customer

As shown in Table 3 voltage rise because of the power plant amounts exactly to 2 % in the
PCC and does not exceed this allowed value in all other points of the network. By defining this PCC
there is no possibility to connect another generation plant because full amount of voltage rise is
exhausted. In case of realization there should be found a solution where both – the network operator
and the customer who wants to build the plant – are satisfied.
By finding this solution question of voltage rise and resulting influence is answered. One has
to take in account that the influence of the generators to the grid are not only restricted to voltage. One
factor which has to be taken in consideration is called THD (total harmonic distortion). For generation
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plants 50 % of the whole emissions (THD) defined in EN 50160 are allowed. Second half is reserved
for all other customers and plants. According to DACHCZ the maximum of THDI (total harmonic
distortion of current) is defined as
S kV
THDI max = (4)
giving the summary of all harmonics in percent where SA means the power of the generation
plant and SkV the short circuit power at the point of common coupling. This equation results from
equation (6-1) with pν to be 20 including all harmonics which is a valid assumption.
In the actual case next step will be to find the “new” value for SkV which can be found by using
a short circuit calculation. Figure 9 shows the result for the short circuit calculation and gives in the
PCC (node 0050) 59.4 MVA. Generators are switched off because they are not contributed in
delivering of short circuit power.

Figure 9 Case 2: Short circuit calculation

With this information and together with the total power of the generation plant SA = 3.2 MVA
it is possible to calculate the maximum of allowed THDImax according to (4)
THDI max = = 4. 3% . (5)

According to the regulations the result shown in (5) means that the THDI of the generation
plant must not be higher than 4.3 % which has to be ensured by the owner of the plant why it also can
be necessary to install filters to meet this value.
Both results – voltage rise and THDI – are sufficient for assessment of a photovoltaic power
plant and ensure that the regulations are fulfilled. In the case under consideration assessment yields to
the following results:
– The PCC has to be moved from the planned point in direction of the substation. Therefore
a new cable line has to be built with a standard cross section (1x150 mm2).
– The owner has to ensure a THDI factor of maximum 4.3 % for the whole generation plant
and if necessary there have to be built filters.
– Flicker won’t be a problem in case that the inverter systems are built according the
standards and are fitted with the CE sign. This is also certified with the so called
declaration of conformity.
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An old existing hydro power plant should be revitalized. The generator has a rated voltage of
230/400 V and a rated power of 320 kW which together lead to a nominal current of 431 A. The
generators cos(φ) = 0.8 and the nominal frequency amounts to 50 Hz. The plant should be connected
directly to the transformerstation MV/LV by using a cable line 2x E-AY2Y-J 4x 240 mm2 1 kV HD.
In case of asynchronous machines one has to take in account that during starting procedure the current
can be up to 8 times of the nominal current which can lead to a voltage drop. This could be out of
range relating to the allowed values. This will be the main factor for the assessment of the generation
Within the company an easy Excel tool for calculation of the voltage rise and the load of the
used cables or overhead lines is used. Figure 10 shows a screenshot with all input and output data.

Figure 10 Calculation of voltage rise Δu and load of the lines

User has to input used transformer which in actual case has a rated power of 630 kVA and
uk = 4%, the length of the cable is 350 m and the feed in power is 320 kVA (feed in power has to be
input as minus, also cos(φ)). This input data leads to the following results:
– Power losses on the cable line are ΔP = 14 kW and reduce feed in power.
– Voltage rise Δu along the lines is 5.3 %
– Parallel cables are loaded 76 % which is also within the limits.
– Generation plants are always operated with cos(φ) = 1 therefore filters have to be
Voltage drop during start up can be calculated if no data is available by using 4 times the
nominal current (chapter of the latest DACHCZ regulations). Together with the rated power it
is possible to calculate the load change while switching on.
ΔS AAs = 3 ⋅ U r ⋅ I aAs = 3 ⋅ U r ⋅ 4 ⋅ I r ≈ 1276kVA (6)
By taking in account a startup angle φa of approximately 60° and a short circuit power at the
PCC of 4163 kVA with an angle ψkV=46.3° (see Figure 8) the voltage drop
ΔS AAs 1276kVA
d As = ⋅ cos(ψ kV − ϕ a ) = cos(46.3° − 60°) = 0.297 = 29,7% > 6% (7)
S kV 4169kVA
This is according to chapter of the DACHCZ regulations exceeding given limits also
if the exception of 6 % is taken in account.
Because the network still exists and only a new connection with mentioned cables in parallel is
possible it would be necessary to reduce voltage drop through start up by using appropriate tools.
Assessment of the connection of a hydro power plant yields following results:
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– Two cables in parallel which are connected directly to the busbar are necessary and have to
be realized.
– To reduce voltage drop through start up of the machine it is necessary to reduce start up
current which only is allowed to be maximum 411 A (89 % of the nominal current not to
exceed 3 % voltage change) by using
o Reactors
o Resistances
o Start up transformers or
o Power controllers.
– Hydro power plant always are operated as mentioned with cos(φ) = 1 why compensation
plants have to be taken in consideration.
– PCC, property boundary, measurement should be near the transformer station in an
separate metering cabinet.
Especially in this case following possibilities should be taken in consideration:
– To overcome losses on the lines maybe it is useful to plan an own transformer station for
the hydro power plant.
– It could be better to replace the asynchronous generator with a synchronous generator
because problems of voltage changes during start up the generator could be overcome.
– All above mentioned measures are mostly economical driven points and therefore all
decisions will be done out of this point of view.

Within this paper the author discussed how to use DACHCZ regulations for the assessment of
generation plants for a connection to the electrical network. Those regulations are not only to be used
for generation plants but also for the connection of any other facility and are a practical device for
persons dealing with network planning. In common they are based on standards for power quality,
electromagnetic compatibility and take in consideration technical parameters of used materials and
First of all basics where discussed and information collection by two examples where shown.
For those people who are dealing with the assessment of facilities it is necessary to have as much
information as possible. Therefore forms are needed where it is easy for everybody to provide those
information. As mentioned two different forms where shown – one for generation plants and a second
one for all other facilities.
Two examples where discussed how to assess a photovoltaic plant and a hydro power plant
when they have to be connected to the distribution grid on the medium voltage level. Calculation of
the voltage rise and THD as well as the voltage drop on start up give parameters which include
information whether connection is possible or not. In special cases it would be necessary to calculate
step by step as shown in the regulations but as shown in the paper often it is enough to calculate more
rough and define measures which have to be fulfilled by the customer.

[1] VEÖ, VSE, CSRES. Technical Rules for the Assessment of Network Disturbances. 2007

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