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 My name is…………………………………
 I’m from…………………………………….
 I am in ……………grade/year
 I speak……………………………………..
 I live in……………………………………………..
 I am…………………………years…………………
 My birthday is in …………………………………………
 I study at…………………………………………..
 My favourite subject at school is………………………………
 My favourite type of music is……………………………………..
 My mother is…………………………….and my father is………………….
 I have ____brother(s) and _____sister(s)./ I don’t have brothers or sisters.
 I like………………………….but I don’t like……………………………..
 My favorite food is…………………………….
 My favorite day is…………………………………
 My favorite month is……………………………………
 My city is …………………………
 I…………………….TV and listen to………………………… home.
 My English teacher’s name is…………………………………………………

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