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Dialectic Journal: Peer-Editing checklist

Mr. Rose

Journal writer’s name: Rayane Nibrasse

Peer Editor’s name:

Not Starting Yes!

yet to

Topic Sentence: ​Starts with a topic sentence that

argues/takes a position on the SIGNIFICANCE of the X
passage as it relates to the deeper meaning of the
text. Should incorporate critical theory lens.

Identifies the ​speaker​, ​audience a

​ nd ​context ​of the

Correctly and explicitly ​identifies ​2-3 ​stylistic

devices ​(alliteration, allusion, etc.), examples of
figurative language ​(simile, metaphor,
personification, etc.), strong ​images​, or powerful
uses of ​diction​.

Requotes the quote to convincingly ​analyze the

impact ​the identified stylistic devices, images, or
language have on the meaning of the text as related
to the topic sentence.

Connects ​the passage to another ​specific ​passage

or ​event ​in the text. Discusses how the passage X
relates to the ​larger meaning ​of the text as a whole.

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