Advancement of Environmental Purification Material Modified by

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Vol.25, Suppl., Jun. 2007, p.295

Advancement of Environmental Purification Material Modified by

Rare Earth Metals
Wu Qisheng (%%I&)’* , Yang Chunsheng (&&!&)’ , Chen Xi (I% &>’
( 1 . Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Ecological-Environment Materials , Yancheng Institute of Technology , Yancheng
224003 , China ; 2 . College of Resource and Environmental Science , Beijing University of Chemical Technology,
Beijing 100029 , China )

Abstract : It is necessary to study the materials modified by rare earth metals in the environment field deeply and systemat-
ically, this paper comprehensively described the development of materials modified by rare earth metals in the filed of en-
vironment purification such as photo catalyst, desulfurization , denitrification and purification of tail gas. It will be helpful
to solve the environment problems in our country.

Key words : rare earth metals ; environment, purification materials

CLC number: TG174.4 Document code : A Article ID: 1002 - 0721(2007) - 0295 - 06

There are 17 lanthanon including the lanthanide wavelength of lamp-house is over 387 nm“] . Because
series from the atomic number 57 to 71 and the other rare earths have complex level structure and spectral
two elements Sc and Y which have the similar chemi- characteristic, people dope some into TiO, so as to im-
cal properties to the former. According to the physical prove its activation. Ren Min’s‘” experimentation on
and chemical properties, lanthanon can be divided in- Ti02’s activation analysis showed that absorption spec-
to light rare earths, middle-weight rare earths and trum of photocatalyst became wider by doping La3+
heavy rare earths. Lanthanon have excellent physical, and Y3+ . From Fig. 1, it can be seen that the absorp-
chemical, optical and electrical properties because tion spectrum of Ti02 shows some shift by doping La.
they have unfilled 4f electrons. Environmental pollu- When there are 0.5 % (mole fraction) La in TiO, , the
tion has been the main factor which hinders the devel- shift reaches the maximum (about 420 n m ) . While
opment of economy in 21 century, so it is important to doping much more, the movement falls. The move-
work out high performance environmental purification ment trend of absorption spectrum of Ti02 doped with
materials. Also it will be helpful to our country’s en-
Y is similar to La.
vironmental protection to take full advantage of our
By studying different photocatalysis activation of
rich rare earth.
Ti02 doping with different rare earth, Zhou VcT~yi‘~’
1 Photocatalyst found that TiOz doping with 1. 25% (mass fraction)
Dy,03, CeOz , Gd203showed some photocatalysis acti-
1.1 TiOt photocatalyst vation to different substances , and analysed what the
Photocatalysis, which can use the energy from mechanism of photocatalyst modified by rare earth
the sun under room temperature, is a perfect produc- was. They thought that some rare earth ions jammed
tion technique of clean energy because of its unique into the crystal lattices of TiOz and replaced the posi-
performance. Photocatalysis has wide application pros- tion of some Ti ions , leading to part deformation of lat-
pect and great social and economic benefit in the field tice. The stress field derived from this deformation
of environmental protection, clean energy, medical hindered the movement of grain boundary, and re-
treatment, construction material, automotive industry, strained the growth of the grains of TiO,; some other
and food preserving etc. Ti02 is widely used due to its rare earth ions covered the surface of Ti02 grains in the
fine stability in photocatalysis system. However , the form of RE203, they could effectively separate the
photocatalysis activation of Ti02 falls quickly when the charge carriers , prolong the life of the carriers and

Received date: 2006 - 12 - 30; revised date: 2007 - 04 - 12

Foundation item : Project supported by Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Ecological-Environment Materials (XJS2005015)
Biography: Wu Qisheng ( 1965 - ) , Male, Doctor, Professor
* Corresponding author (E-mail : Qishengw @ ycit .cn )
296 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 2 5 , Suppl. , Jun . 2007

I .6
-T 1.2
3 0.8


200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600
Fig. 1 Absorption spectrum of TiOl doped with La
( 1 ) Pure TiO,; (2) Doped with 0 . 5 % La; ( 3 ) Doped with 0.75% La; (4) Doped with 1.0% La

prevent reuniting of the electron hole pair so as to im- Generally, in compound oxides AB03, the 2P orbit of
prove the properties of photocatalysis reaction. By oxygen is valence band, and the d orbit of atom B is
studying the surface energy band structure of ( C e , conduction band”’ .
Ag) /Ti02 nanometer photocatalysis material with STM/ Taking Gd203, Fe ( N 0 3 ) 3* 9 H 2 0 and HN03 as
STS technique, Liang J i n~ heng‘ ~found
’ that by doping raw material, Niu Xinshu and Li Honghua“’ made rare
rare earth and (Ce ,Ag)/Ti02 into nanometer Ti02, its earth compound oxides GdFe03 in citric acid, and did
energy gap fell from 2.9 to 2 . 4 e V , and added new some photocatalysis degradation research on the influ-
energy levels Ecb = - 1 . 0 eV , Evb= 0. 9 eV and ence of illumination time and catalyst addition to pho-
E , = 1 . 9 eV, which could do some photocatalysis un- tocatalysis activation. Fig. 2 shows the relationship be-
der visible light. tween the decolor ratio D, of active turquoise blue
The photocatalysis modified by rare earth metals KGL and the illumination time, and Fig. 3 shows the
now has been widely used in environmental purifica- influence of GdFe03 added on to decolor ratio of active
tion coating, inorganic antiseptic and wastewater tr- turquoise blue KGL. They found that GdFe03 was a
eatment[5’6:. good photocatalyst, when the addition of the catalyst
increased, the decolor ratio increased gradually too,
1.2 Perovskite photocatalyst and the rising tendency became weaker and weaker.
Perovskite-type compound oxides are new inor- Asako Kasahara‘” made LaTiOzN by replacing
ganic nonmetals with particular physical and chemical the atom 0 in compound oxides, and studied its pho-
properties. Because of their steady crystal structure, tocatalysis property. Fig. 4 shows the UV-vis DR spec-
unique electromagnetism performance and high activa- tra of LaTi02 N , the spectral range of nitriding speci-
tion of redox, hydrogenolysis , isomerization and elec- xo
trocatalysis , they have been widely used in the field of
optics, electrics , magnetics and catalysis. Perovskite-
type rare earth nanometer compound oxides have
unique electromagnetism property and redox activa-
tion, and its redox activation plays a big role while it 4’ 40
is used as photocatalysis. When soluble dyes is de-
graded by perovskite-type rare earth nanometer com- 20
pound oxides, the couple of electron hole is derived
from the surface of catalyst with illumination of proper
wavelength, furthermore, the holes will interact with ‘0 20 40 60 XO 100 120
water and produce hydroxyl with high activation, play tlmin
redox reaction with the dyestuff molecules attaching to Fig. 2 Influence of illumination on decolor ratio of active
the surface of catalyst, and degrade them into small turquoise blue KGL
molecules. The property of perovskite-type compound ( 1 ) Without GdFeO, and illumination ; (2) With GdFeO, but no
oxides varies with the atoms of A and B in A B 0 3 . illumination; ( 3 ) With both GdFeO, and illumination
Wu Q S et a1 . Advancement of Environmental Pun3cation Material Modified by RE 297


(5)k I - --

"0 20 40 60 80 100 120

300 400 500 600 700

rlmin WavclcngtWnm

Fig. 3 Influence of GdFeO3 added on decolor ratio of active Fig.4 UV-vis DR spectra of LaTi02N
turquoise blue KGL (1 ) LazTiz07, samples obtained by nitriding LazTiz07at 1123 K
(1) 50 mg; (2) 100 mg; (3) 150 mg; (4) 200 mg; after nitridation for (2) 22 h , (3) 48 h , and ( 4 ) 72 h , and sam-
(5) 250 mg ple obtained ( 5 ) by heating LaZTi2O7(72h of nitridation) in air at
573 K for 24 h

Table 1 Catalysis activation of degrading organic matter by perovskite-type oxides photocatalysis

Organic matter to Degradation
Photccatalyst Catalyst Preparation method
he degraded ratio/%

AB03 Active turquoise blue KGL SrFeO3 - 5 Sol-gel 78

SrFe03 Sol-gel > 95
GdFeO3 Sol-gel 74
LaFeO, Sol-gel (easy to degrade)
Acid red 3B SrFeO3 Sol-gel > 95
LaFeOs Sol-gel 74
LaFeOr Coprecipitation 65
LaFeO, Grinding 26
LaCo03 Sol-gel 98
LaFeO3 Sol-gel 71
LaMnO, Sol-gel 48
LaCrO3 Sol-gel 8
Weak acid blue 2BR SrFeO, Sol-gel > 95
Acid orange SrFeOs Sol-gel > 95
Reactive brilliant hule KGR GdFeO, Sol-gel 79
Reactive brilliant red X-B GdFe03 Sol-gel 96
Reactive orange K-N GdFe03 Sol-gel 98
Azo dyes NdFeO3 Sol-gelatin 82
Water soluble azo hlue LaNi03 Coprecipitation 90
AI - .Ac,B03 Methyl orange Lao. &o. zCo@ Sol-gela 97
Reactive brilliant red Lao.wPbo ~ M n 0 3 sol-gel 90
Acid red 3B La0.9&0 cnFeO3 Sol-gel 86
ABI -.Bc,O, Reactive brilliant ret Lac%. 3sFeo.05 0 3 Sol-gel 83
Acid black 10B LaCoo9Cuo. I 0 3 Sol-gel 99
Acid red 3B DyFeo zC%., 0 3 - s
, Sol-gel 92
Acid red 38 L~eo.~c~o.Olo3 Sol-gel 97

men increases from less than 320 nm to about 600

nm, and the energy gap falls from 3 . 9 to 2 . 1 eV, it
2 Desulfurization and Denitrification
indicates that the photocatalysis property improves ef- SO2 and NO, coming from the gas of coal-burning
fectively by nitriding La2Ti207. are the main cause of the problem of acid rain. The
Table l [ l o l shows the report of different dyestuff method that improves the properties of desulfurizer and
molecule degradation and mechanism by using perovs- denitrifier by doping rare earth oxides is an effective
kite photocatalyst.
298 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 2 5 , Suppl. , Jun . 2007

way to solve the environmental pollution. The tech- with the active ingredient and CO and comes into ac-
nique of multi flue gas desulphurization ( FGD ) has tive state at last with the converting ratio's gradual ris-
been made and put into industrialization, such as the ing. We also learn that the mixture of Ce02 and La203
wet limestone-plaster technique. FGD is expensive be- has better activation than either.
cause it will consume lots of absorbent generally and Sun Fan and Wang studied the activa-
produce a great deal of waste water and waste residue. tion process of catalyst with the rare earth oxides as
The dry-process desulphurization could recover sulfur their catalyst which accelerates the interaction among
so as to greatly reduce the cost of production, and it SO2, NO and CO. They found that the activation of
will not produce further pollution, so this method has rare earth oxides is closely bound up to its hydration
drawn much attention. A lot of researches have been property. Fig. 7 is the comparison of denitrification ac-
done in this field, such as perovskite oxides, cerium tivation of perovskite with SO2, and Fig. 8 is the com-
oxides, zirconium oxides, Co-Ti-0 and La203.Further- parison of desulfurization activation of perovskite with
more, La203could deoxidize NO after it is activated. NO. Taking LaCo03 as catalyst, the converting ratio of
Taking y-A1203 as the carrier, Hu Hui and Li SO2 is over 99% at 600 "c , and the selectivity of ele-
Jin[11l made some Ce02/y-A1203, La203/y-A1203and ment S is over 99% too. Besides, it is possible to do
CeO2-La2O3/y-Al2O3with certain concentration. There desulfurize and denitrification simultaneously, and the
would be 3 different catalysts by drying them for 24 h converting ratio of SO2 and NO could be over 95% at
at 24 "c after hydrolyzation. Figs. 5 and 6 show the the same time.
catalysis ability of SOz-converting. Generally speak-
ing, the process from start to activation state of all 3
catalysts has 3 stages: ( 1 ) absorption stage of SO?.
Due to the absorption of the catalyst, the converting
ratio of SO2 rises quickly in the initial phase of heating
and forms the first peak ; (2) desorption stage of SO2.
With the rising of temperature, some SO2 disengage
from the catalyst, and the converting ratio of SOz falls;
( 3 ) activation stage of SO2. The temperature rises a
lot at this stage, SO2 attaching to the catalyst interacts
100 600
$ 80
400 ?2 Fig. 7 Comparison of denitrification activation of perovskite
1 8 with SO2
C La203; LaCo03; A Lao.gCeo.ZC003; 0 La&eo & 0 0 3 ;
S 40
200 g2 x Lao.zCeo.&o03; 0 CeO2
sl" 20
* Temperature/%
OY '
0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Fig. 5 Catalyuic activation curve of CeOz/y-A1203

1001 600

80 ,o
400 3
E 40
g 0
5r 20
* TemperatureK TIT

' 20
20~ 40 80
120 . 160
160 2200
0 Fig. 8

0 La2&;
Comparison of desulfurization activation of perovskite
with NO
+ h C 0 0 3 ; A ho.gCeo.2CO03; 0 h&eo.5Co03;
Fig. 6 Catalyuic activation curve of La~031y-Alz03 x L a o 2 C e d o 0 3 ; 0 CeOz
Wu Q S et a1 . Advancement of Environmental Purification Material Modified by RE 299

some CH, that interacts with the adsorption oxygen on

3 Purification of Automobile Exhaust the surface could accelerate the reaction; and the de-
Automobile exhaust from motorcycles and tractors composition of N 2 0 on the perovskite composition La-
has been the main atmospheric pollutants in our coun- B 0 3 is a surface catalysis process.
try. The purifier for automobile exhaust develops fast.
The lanthanon, which is the most important component 4 Prospects
element, has been playing its part from the second Technology is indispensable to the development of
generation catalyst, and the consumption of rare earth the application of rare earth, so does the rare earth to
will increase gradually with the development of auto- the environmental protection. From the references we
mobile industry and the gradual advancement of envir- know that there are much fundamental research of rare
onmental standard. earth both home and aboard which relates to environ-
In order to take full advantage of all kinds of cat- mental protection. There will be great potential appli-
alysts and overcome their shortcomings, in recent cation of rare earth in environmental protection. Nowa-
years, the development of composite material of solid days, the application of materials modified by rare
solution such as cerium oxide, zirconium oxide, lan- earth is in the primary stage, the industrialized appli-
thanum oxide and praseodymium oxide brings high cation will relies on the development of rare earth sci-
temperature catalyst coming into being as new genera- ence. It is necessary to take deep researches on the
tion. The solid solution of cerium-zirconium compound material modified by rare earth, which will not only
oxide converts the application of rare earth oxide such bring us comprehensive industry applied cost, bust al-
as Ce02 from alumina loaded to preformation powder so be helpful to solve the deteriorating environmental
with high specific surface area and high thermal stabil- problem in our country.
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