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importance of gold in mechanical engineering

kevin gomez garzon

Ingeniería Mecánica, Universidad Santo Tomás

Bogotá, Colombia

Gold is the rarest and has a quality that makes it the

preferred par excellence in the elements of the periodic
I. INTRODUCION table (gold is gold) because the other elements of the
periodic table are a silver color except copper, which
Gold is a very beautiful metal, shiny, yellow and turns green when exposed to humid air and thus makes
heavy. Gold does not react with most chemicals the gold becomes more distinctive and shiny before the
Gold can be found everywhere, usually mixed. other elements of the periodic table. One of the
It is considered one of the most beautiful metals particularities of all mineral elements is that it is extracted
being the most ductile that is known, historically from the earth because this element is a conductor of heat
it is one of the most used metals to mold coins, and electricity is a very ductile and malleable mental
likewise it is useful in engineering giving an ease element. Gold dissolves easily by mixing it with mercury,
to use materials. it is also one of the least chemically reactive metals, it
does not lose its shine or burn when exposed to air, it can
be mixed with other metals as it can melt and be melted in
very well defined forms.

the gold symbol au its atomic number 196.967 is a

dense, ductile and soft metal the gold is classified as
a metal. the density the gold is 19,3 times that of
water at 20º c which is 68º F, since 1 m3 of gold can
reach 19.000 kg, gold like other precious metals are
always measured in troy coves and this metal melts
at 1063º and boils at ounces per pound is something
below its boiling point.
Gold is a good conductor of electricity and heat this
makes it ductile and malleable facilitating the Fig. 1 gold ingot
manufacture of sheets with a thickness of 0.0000
mm, this metal is one of the least chemically
reactive, do not burn in the air or lose the luster, gold
Gold has an extraordinarily marvelous golden
has valence 1 + or 3 + in its compounds.
color - brilliant this gives rise to it occupying a
very privileged place in the human mind since
As we all know gold is a very precious and valuable metal no other metal or element has the same nature,
in our society, gold (AU) is an element where many nor are they so visible in our society as all
civilizations over the millennia have preferred to use it as cultures have used gold to symbolize the power,
currency even though there are other elements that are splendor, beauty and prosperity of every culture
also valuable and are also used as money, but gold and every person, because gold in our society is
became the reference point to measure the excellence of highly valued so its supply and demand is very
such metals, one of the most frequent questions is how
limited, gold was chosen among the elements of
was gold created? and why is it so scarce in our society?
the periodic table because this element (AU) is
stable, portable and non-toxic, the success of
this element is that although centuries go by they
are still as bright and retaining their components
as the first day they did.

Fig. 3 gold


«Orfebre». Real Academia
Fig. 2 table of world gold reserves
«Exposición 'Oro & Plata' sobre orfebrería en la
IV. CONCLUSIONS antigüedad hispana».

-Gold is a scarce material in nature and being an

inert material it cannot be produced, it can only be  Los oficios cofrades dan empleo en Andalucía a
found and alloyed with other metals to enhance its más de 10.000 personas
capacities that are really incredible because it is the
most ductile material of the periodic table and one of
the dense ones below the tungsten.
 «Instrumentos líticos y de metal utilizados en la
manufactura de piezas metálicas conservadas
-Gold has very impressive and incredible but is not
en los museos». Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango.
much used for engineering, is a material with many
capabilities but is very uncommon that is not really «La Caixa saca de un largo olvido al enigmático
found an end in addition to welding, so it is pueblo tracio». 
unsuitable to be used in its large part for jewelry and
-Although gold is used mostly for jewelry, is
beginning to implement a little in electronics and
mechanics, both in welding and electrical contacts, oteca/madrid/abc/1966/05/11.html
anti-lock brakes and different new technologies.

-The in the next years the gold in the engineering in

these last years is still quite inconcrete, it is
necessary much more dedication, investigation of
the material, but the limitation of having so little is a aplicaciones-del-oro/amp/
great problem for its

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