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Human: Selena, Esmeralda, Maud, Rosa, Greta, Galen, Oromis, Alder, Marcus, Victor Dark Eyes, Burning Eyes,

Burning Eyes, Piercing Eyes, Black Eyes

Elf: Aeva, Seldarine, Emeria, Ash, Willow, Melaroch, Vastari, Nethandrial, Rowan Long Hair, Dark Hair, Grey Hair, Filthy Hair
Orc: Magath, Teala, Celca, Acanite, Strix, Dailog, Khalos, Morag, Daffodil, Caecari Dark Clothes, Revealing Clothes, Fancy Clothes, Filthy Clothes
Slim Body, Gaunt Body, Tempting Body, Deformed Body

 GOOD Baleful Hex (Wis)
Use your magic to help someone. When you weave dark magic into a malicious spell or hex, roll +Wis. *On a 10+, you
unleash a terrible curse upon your enemy. This effect has the tags (hand, close, near).
 EVIL Choose 1:
Inspire obedience through fear  Your terrible wrath inflicts class damage, add 1 weapon tag (stun, messy, forceful, ignores
 +1d4 forward to damage against the victim.
 CHAOTIC  The victim suffers a debilitating affliction that affects their either their form, a sense or a
Use your magic to humiliate or disempower an authority figure limb until they leave your presence, discuss with your GM the exact effect.
*On a 7-9, choose 1 in addition to the above effect:
Race  You suffer a debilitation until you take a moment to breath.
 Your curse is powered by blood, take 1d4 damage.
 ELF  You or an ally are put in a bad spot.
Elves are in touch with the magics of nature. When doing a  You attract unwanted attention.
foretelling regarding a natural location you may instead learn
what presence here offends nature
When you spend some time divining occult secrets through a divination tool (crystal ball,
 HUMAN cards, palm reading, etc.) you may ask your GM for one secret about the past, present or
Human witches are skilled in trafficking with dangerous entities.
future of a nearby person, object or place. When you do so choose 1:
When you spout lore or discern realities concerning magical
 You frighten someone who observed your foretelling.
creatures take +1.
 You draw the attention of another who becomes aware of your prying.
 You are drained by the experience, mark a debilitation.
Orcs are used to harshness and know how to make the most of
their suffering. When you perform a ritual you may always
When you draw on a place of power to create a magical effect, tell the GM what you’re
choose to replace one condition set by the GM with “You gain
trying to achieve. Ritual effects are always possible, but the GM will give you one to four
the debilitation weakened”
of the following conditions:
•It’s going to take days/weeks/months
•First you must ____
•You’ll need help from ____
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: •It will require a lot of money
____________ fears me even if they won’t admit it. •The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited
•You and your allies will risk danger from ____
____________ is more than they appear. •You’ll have to disenchant ____ to do it
I keep seeing ____________ in my dreams.
____________ knows a deep secret about me. Cauldron’s Brew
I catch ____________ staring at me when I’m not looking. When you have time to gather materials and a safe place to brew you can create any
potion or poison you’ve studied before. Alternately you can describe the effects of a
____________ wants me to change who I am.
poison you’d like to create. The GM will tell you that you can create it, but with one or
more caveats:
 It will only work under specific circumstances
 The best you can manage is a weaker version
 It’ll take a while to take effect
 It’ll have obvious side effects

Your load is 7+STR. You start with small cauldron (1 weight), a divination Choose three:
tool of your own choosing and Dungeon Rations (5 uses, 1 weight).  Poultice and Herbs (Slow, 2 uses, 1 weight)
Choose your weapon:  Bag of Books (5 uses, 2 weight)
 Ritual Athame (hand, 1 weight)  Healing Potion (0 weight)
 Runed Staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight)  Antitoxin (0 weight)
 Hunting Bow (near, far, 1 weight)  Oil of Tagit (Dangerous, Touch, 0 weight)
 Goldenroot (Dangerous, Touch, 0 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves.  BALEFUL POLYMORPH
When you afflict an enemy with your Baleful Hex you may turn the victim
 BEGUILING HEX into a small harmless animal in place of a normal affliction.
When you place your Baleful Hex on a victim you may place one of the
following curses on them in place of a normal affliction: cannot lie,  TOIL AND TROUBLE
infatuated with you, fearful, forgetful. If you do so they are unaware of the When Brewing a potion or poison you have not studied you replace the list
curse upon them. of caveats with the following.
 The potion required some of your blood, take 1d4 damage after resting.
 BOIL AND BUBBLE  The materials are expensive. Spend 10 coins on a potion, 20 on a poison.
When you have time to gather materials and a safe place to brew you can  You inhale fumes from your cauldron, mark one debilitation.
create three doses of any potion or poison you’ve used before.  MAKING THE POTION WAS EXHAUSTING, YOU DO NOT RECOVER HEALTH WHILE MAKING
When inflicting class damage with your Baleful Hex you may choose two  CAULDRON BOMB
weapon tags rather than one. Requires: Boil and Bubble
When brewing a potion or poison you may choose to ignore the benefits of
 DEVIL’S TONGUE boil and bubble, if you do potions and poisons you make gain the range tag
Gain +1 to parley with monsters with the Intelligent and the Planar and/or near and touch.
Magical tags. You may generally attempt to parley with such creatures
otherwise poorly disposed towards mortals provided they have no other  EFFIGY DOLL
reason to harm you. By making a straw poppet with either the blood or hair from a target, the
target is considered to be within hand distance for the purpose of your
 FAR REACHING CURSE baleful hex. You may instead apply a potion or poison to the target. Once
Your Baleful Hex now has the far weapon tag. used the poppet cannot be used again though it must be kept intact until the
applied effect ends otherwise it will end early.
Get one move from another class. Treat your class as one level lower for  DIABOLIC CURSE
determining level. When the victim of your Baleful Hex would take damage either from your
class damage or from the forward damage increase, roll the damage twice
and choose the better option.
When performing a ritual you may replace one condition chosen by the
GM with “this ritual must be performed under a full moon”. The curses of  MULTICLASS INITIATE
your Baleful Hex now last until sunrise. Get one move from another class. Treat your class as one level lower for
determining level.
You gain the services of a mystical spirit or demon that takes the form of a  CALL FORTH SERVITOR
common animal. You may look through it’s senses by entering a trance and By calling forth the spirits of an area a monster can be called to serve you.
gain +1 to spout lore when it is with you. Roll+Wis. On a 10+ the creature serves you faithfully. On a 7-9 the creature
will expect repayment for it’s aid. Treat it as your character but with access
to only basic moves. It has hp equal to 6+your level, +2 in all stats, does 1d8
 TO RIDE A SILVER BROOMSTICK damage and has any useful qualities of the element it was called from. It
You can cause brooms to spring to life in your hands and carry you to the
remains in the area around which it was called and vanishes at sunrise.
skies. When you fly with a broom you gain access to the moves of a flying
creature from the common animal moves of the druid class.
When you move you may wrap yourself in shadows and vanish, reappearing
 STORM WITCH in a nearby unlit area.
Choose one form of weather hazard such as a blizzard, tempest or sandstorm.
You are immune to hazardous or environmental effects relating to that form
of storm such as rain, natural lightning, extreme cold or difficult terrain  TRUE LOVE’S KISS
caused by the storm, however you are not immune to attacks based on those Requires: Lunar Rite
elements such as a lightning or frost based spells. In a land where your Curses placed upon a victim with your Baleful Hex may now last forever
chosen weather hazard can occur you may call up such a storm by until a specified condition is met, this condition must be possible for the
performing a 10 minute ritual under an open sky. victim to achieve.

When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves  VENOM’S KISS
or the level 2-5 moves. Gain +2 to weave dark magic with Baleful Hex when you cast the curse as a
part of a kiss. This limits the range to hand.

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