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Nama : Vicky Pr

Kelas : 2b

Nim : 1926114

Makul : B.Inggris

Dosen Pengampu : Nandita Wana Putri,S.Pd.,M.Hum

Dialog 1

Nurse: good morning, Mr. Wahid

Patient: morning …… ..
Nurse: Please use my pack, Nurse Vicky, I am the nurse on duty this morning
How is the condition of the father, has it improved a little?
Patient: yes it has improved a little
Nurse: Alhamdulilah, then. Yes sir, Here I want to do an IV line before, are you willing to do an
Patient: oooh yes please ,,, thank you

Dialog 2
The patient's sister: mission, Sir, I want to visit my family
Patient's father: yes can we come in?
Nurse : No sir, you can't because the patient is currently undergoing intensive treatment,
so for now, he can't be a beard.
Patient brother: OUCH !!!! I really want to go in to see my sister's situation so please let us in
Nurse : he is the father, I know your feelings at the moment, but for now it is better for you
to wait until the patient regains consciousness.
Patient's father: OK then we will wait and help later when my child realizes please call me
Nurse: Yes sir
Dialog 3
Nurse: In the afternoon, Suna, Mrs. Suna, introduce my name, my name is Nurse Vicky, I am a
nurse on duty this afternoon
Mrs. Suna: Morning too… ..
Nurse: how do you feel right now, is the pain a little better?
Suna's mother: Yes, the pain a little less
Nurse: Suna, here I want to give you pain medication so that your pain will get better or go away
for that, do you want me to take this medicine to you ???
Suna mother: yes I want for my healing
Nurse: Yes, I will give it to you!

Dialog 4

Nurse : Assalamualaikum ladies and gentlemen,

Patient's family 1: Waalikum salam
Nurse : Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, I came here late because I just ran out of the
emergency room, so it was a little late .... ??
Patient's family 2: oh, how can you be late when I call you first to leave the patient in the ER
Patient's family 1: yes, thank you, we have been waiting for a long time and my child has been
wanting to go home but the infusion hasn't been opened yet because it's waiting for you !!?
Nurse : Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, I admit I was late to come here, but according to
the emergency, which patient is more emergency, is the mother, so I am not picky, only I happen
to be the patient in the ER is more emergency, so I try to treat the patient. the one in the ER.
Patient 1's family: oh well then we're sorry we don't know ...
Nurse: yes sir

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