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An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of Institute of Education
Colegio de Montalban, Rodriguez, Rizal


In Partial Fulfilment of the Course Requirements for the

Degree - Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Technology & Livelihood
Education (TLE)



Jessel Y. Aunzo
Mary Jane S. Generoso
Jhesusa M. Pentason
Joynie N. Repolona
Angelyn T. Rodero

January 2021

Institute of Education
Colegio de Montalban

Rodriguez, Rizal


This undergraduate thesis titled “DEVELOPMENT OF VIDEO

STUDENTS” was prepared and submitted by Jessel Y. Aunzo, Mary Jane S. Generoso,
Jhesusa M. Pentason, Joynie N. Repolona and Angelyn T. Rodero and is hereby
recommended for ORAL EXAMINATION.


Research Adviser


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination.


Member Member



Accepted & approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Secondary Education major in Technology & Livelihood Education (TLE).

Dean, Institute of Education
Institute of Education
Colegio de Montalban
Rodriguez, Rizal

Certificate of Originality

This is to certify that the research paper entitled “ DEVELOPMENT OF VIDEO
STUDENTS” does not contain any material previously published or written by another person
nor material to which to a substantial extent has been accepted for award of any other degree or
diploma of a university or other institution of higher learning except where due acknowledgement
is made in the thesis. Any contribution made to the study by others, with whom we have worked
at Colegio de Montalban or elsewhere, is explicitly acknowledged in this research paper.

Researcher Date
Researcher Date
Researcher Date
Researcher Date
Researcher Date

Attested by:

Dean, Institute of Education

Institute of Education
Colegio de Montalban
Rodriguez, Rizal

Oral Defense Endorsement Form

This is to certify that I have edited this undergraduate thesis manuscript titled:



Prepared by:

Jessel Y. Aunzo
Mary Jane S. Generoso
Jhesusa M. Pentason
Joynie N. Repolona
Angelyn T. Rodero

Is hereby endorsed to the oral defense examination panel, in support of the

candidature for the academic degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in

Technology & Livelihood Education (TLE).


Research Adviser
Institute of Education
Colegio de Montalban
Rodriguez, Rizal

English Editing Certificate Form

This is to certify that I have edited this undergraduate thesis manuscript titled:



Prepared by:

Jessel Y. Aunzo
Mary Jane S. Generoso
Jhesusa M. Pentason
Joynie N. Repolona
Angelyn T. Rodero

and have found it thorough and acceptable with respect to the set of structural rules that
govern the composition of sentences, phrases and words in the English language.


Noted by:

Dean, Institute of Education

Institute of Education
Colegio de Montalban
Rodriguez, Rizal

Statistician Certification Form

This is to certify that the instrument, data and result of this study titled:



Prepared by:

Jessel Y. Aunzo
Mary Jane S. Generoso
Jhesusa M. Pentason
Joynie N. Repolona
Angelyn T. Rodero

has undergone statistical treatment and analysis.

Nena Q. DimailigMA.Ed

Noted by:

Dean, Institute of Education

Institute of Education
Colegio de Montalban
Rodriguez, Rizal





Certificate of Originality

Oral Defense Endorsement Form

English Editing Certification Form

Statistician Certification Form








Introduction --------------------------------------- 16

Background of the Study ---------------------------------------- 21

Related Literatures and Studies --------------------------------------- 23

Synthesis of the Reviewed

Related Literature & Studies --------------------------------------- 38

Theoretical Framework --------------------------------------- 40

Conceptual Framework --------------------------------------- 42

Statement of the Problem --------------------------------------- 43

Significance of the Study --------------------------------------- 44

Scope and Limitations --------------------------------------- 45

Definitions of Terms --------------------------------------- 45


Research Design --------------------------------------- 48

Research Locale --------------------------------------- 48

Respondents of the Study --------------------------------------- 49

Data Gathering Procedures --------------------------------------- 49

Data Gathering Instrument --------------------------------------- 50

Statistical Treatment/Tools --------------------------------------- 52


Description of the Designation of

the Respondents --------------------------------------- 54

Computed Weighted on the Assessment of

the Teachers on the Development of Video
Presentation for Utilization in Teaching Beauty
Care in terms of Appearance ------------------------------------ 55

Computed Weighted on the Assessment of

the Students on the Development of Video
Presentation for Utilization in Teaching Beauty
Care in terms of Appearance ----------------------------------- 57

Computed Weighted on the Assessment of

the IT expert on the Development of Video
Presentation for Utilization in Teaching Beauty
Care in terms of Appearance ------------------------------------- 59

Computed Weighted on the Assessment of

the Teachers on the Development of Video
Presentation for Utilization in Teaching Beauty
Care in terms of Visual ------------------------------------ 61

Computed Weighted on the Assessment of

the Students on the Development of Video
Presentation for Utilization in Teaching
Beauty Care in terms of Visual ----------------------------------- 63

Computed Weighted on the Assessment of

the IT expert on the Development of Video
Presentation for Utilization in Teaching Beauty
Care in terms of Visual ------------------------------------65

Proposed video presentation ------------------------------------67



Summary of findings ----------------------------------------70

Conclusion ----------------------------------------73
Recommendations ----------------------------------------76
Matrix ----------------------------------------78
REFERENCES ------------------------------------


LIST OF APPENDICES ----------------------------------------86

CURRICULUM VITAE ----------------------------------------91


1 Arbitrary Scale Description of the respondents

2 Assessment of the respondents on the development of video presentation for

utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of Appearance?

3 Computed Weighted on the Assessment of the Teachers on the Development of

Video Presentation for Utilization in Teaching Beauty Care in terms Appearance

4 Computed Weighted on the Assessment of the Students on the Development

of Video Presentation for Utilization in Teaching Beauty Care in terms

5 Computed Weighted on the Assessment of the IT Experts on the Development of

Video Presentation for Utilization in Teaching Beauty Care in terms Appearance

6 What is the assessment of the respondents on the development of video

presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of Visual?

7 Computed Weighted on the Assessment of the Teachers on the Development of

Video Presentation for Utilization in Teaching Beauty Care in terms Visual

8 Computed Weighted on the Assessment of the Student on the Development of

Video Presentation for Utilization in Teaching Beauty Care in terms Visual

9 Computed Weighted on the Assessment of the IT Experts on the Development of

Video Presentation for Utilization in Teaching Beauty Care in terms Visual

List of figures

1 Conceptual Framework of the study
2 Vicinity Map


This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to the Almighty God, for the strength,

power of mind, skills, guidance, and protection and for giving us a healthy life. We offer

to you all of these.

To our family, relatives, mentor, friends and classmates, who shared their words

of advice and encouragement to finish this study.

Especially to our thesis adviser Dr. Jordan C. Gallano and to our beloved school

(Colegio De Montalban) that still provide quality education in this challenging time of

pandemic. The important lesson we learned are patience, encouragement and virtual

cooperation that each student must have to finish their academic studies.

And lastly, we dedicate this simple book to our beloved parents and partner in

life, who have been our source of inspiration and gave us strength when we thought of

giving up, who continually provide their moral, emotional, spiritual and financial support.


First and foremost, praises and thanks to the Almighty God for the abundant

blessings bestowed to us throughout our research work to complete the study


The researchers would like to express their deepest and sincere gratitude to

Colegio de Montalban for allowing them to fulfil their dreams and for being an

instrument and catalyst of knowledge. They would also like to thank the Institute of

Education for giving them the opportunity to write a challenging piece.

To their research adviser, Dr. Jordan C. Gallano, they like to express their

gratitude for the continuous support for their research, for his undying patience,

motivation, enthusiasm and immense knowledge. They could not have imagined having a

better adviser and mentor for our research.

They take this opportunity to owe their thanks to the entire panellist, Dr. Priscilla

F. Villoria, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Mrs. Ophalyn Mortera, for her

help improved this study at every stage, and to their Chairman of the Board, Dr.

Hiyasmine Delos Santos, whose guidance and support has been their success in their

entire study.

To the members of the research team, Jessel Y. Aunzo, Mary Jane S. Generoso,

Jhesusa M. Pentason, Joynie N. Repolona and Angelyn T. Rodero who have been

grateful for each other’s assistance and suggestions throughout the whole process.

Finally, to their caring, loving and very supportive loved ones, especially their

family, their deepest gratitude. Their encouragement when the times get rough are much

appreciated and duly noted.


THESIS TITLE : Development of Video

Presentation for Utilization in Teaching
Beauty care for Grade 7 Technology and
Livelihood Education Students

RESEARCHERS :Jessel Y. Aunzo

Mary Jane S. Generoso
Jhesusa M. Pentason
Joynie N. Repolona
Angelyn T. Rodero

DEGREE : Bachelor of Secondary Education

AREA OF SPECIALIZATION :Technology and Livelihood Education
NO. OF PAGES :92 pages
NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE : Colegio de Montalban
INSTITUTION Kasiglahan Village San Jose
Rodriguez, Rizal


Education is one of the reasons of using video presentation. Video Presentation

has been part of teaching and it benefits both teachers and students.
This research seeks to discover the development of video presentation for
utilization in teaching Beauty Care students to engage in subject matter, enhance their
learning experience, increase their motivation and enhance learning autonomy. This
focuses on the selected teachers and students of District 1, Rodriguez Rizal in the Beauty
Care subject matter.
The method used in this research is qualitative specifically the descriptive design
to measure the effectiveness of video presentation to student’s learning. Online survey
questionnaire online survey questionnaire and our own made video were utilized.
After analyzing the data, most of the respondents were students with 75.90 %
which is equivalent to sixty-three (63). Secondly, there are thirteen (13) teachers and
lastly there were seven (7) IT Experts who respond to the questions.

It implies that students were interested in watching video presentation. It is a
strategy that teachers can used to capture the interest of the students when teaching a
concept. We conclude that clear quality of video, audio and additional creativity in video
presentation as well as tools and equipment to be used should be working well to capture
the interest of the students in watching video presentation.
The researchers recommend to the developer of an educational video presentation

including the IT experts’ especially in software with the assistance of the Teachers whose

master in teaching in the field and the different curriculum experts to develop an effective

video presentation for utilization. Simple applications from digital media tools might be

one of the major focus and the technologies availability to make this possible for both

teachers and students.



This chapter presents the introduction, review of the related literature and studies,

theoretical and conceptual framework of the study, statement of the problem, hypothesis,

and significance of the study, scope & limitations and lastly the definition of terms.


“Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn, and you will”

(Vernon Howard, 1999). This quotation means a lot for a learner, a learner who always

seeks for exploration and new knowledge. But it takes a lot of time and effort to learn and

everyone has the capacity of doing something.

Learning requires a long-term process to invest more knowledge. Every time you

read, watch, or listen to something, you will encounter new words for sure. And with

every words you don’t familiar with, will put you to find its meaning and that helps you

deepens your understanding.

As time goes by, learning doesn’t always have to depend on the books as if it’s

like on the old days. There are new ways of learning exists, where new and improved

technologies are everywhere. One of the improvements is by using video presentation in

teaching through laptops or computers.

Education is one of the reasons of using presentation. Presentation has been part

of teaching and it benefits both teachers and students. But, where did it truly begin?

According to Visme Article, back in those days, presentations were visualized with tools

like paper flip charts and slide projectors, and these were used in classrooms and meeting

rooms all over the world. It is said that cave paintings were the first of those "visual

tools". Neanderthal cave paintings, considered to be the first instances of art in human

history, were created to tell stories of personal experiences.

As time goes by, chalkboards and whiteboards were used to educate learners. In

fact, most of the teachers until now wrote as they speak. Another tool is the flip charts

where printed posters joined together with metal fasteners. Teachers usually provide this

kind of tool to attract student’s interest and most especially it can be use repeatedly.

On the other hand, educators and other professionals realized that chalkboards,

whiteboards and flip charts were not enough in terms of presenting knowledge and

information. That’s how projectors were invented. The “Magic Lantern” was the first

projector which uses a candle or kerosene lamp to project light through the film

transparencies, instead of a light bulb. The presentation levels up as the technology

advanced and these how the PowerPoint was released in 1987. Because of many people

using PowerPoint, they’ve come to a term “Death by PowerPoint” means that a

presentation is so boring and poorly designed; the audience has essentially “died” in their

seats and aren’t paying attention, much less enjoying themselves. That’s why creators

make it more interesting by adding videos on the presentations and it becomes one of the

most useful tools in presenting.

As stated on the DEPED ORDERS, June 15, 2009DO 62, s. 2009Guidelines in

Managing Existing Multimedia Materials in Schools: Recently, the Commission on Audit

(COA) released their findings of underutilized and unutilized multimedia materials that

were donated to various schools nationwide. Multimedia materials are resources wherein

a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, and video are recorded into different

types of media (audio tapes, video tapes, compact disks, DVDs). The different

multimedia materials distributed in schools are composed of assorted text, presentations

about a particular topic and other associated illustrations in various information formats,

some of which are interactive whose objective is to enhance learning theories.

On the REPUBLIC ACT NO.10650 SEC. 9. Mode of Delivery. – The ODL

programs may be delivered using information and communications technology and other

approaches, such as the following:

Audio-Visual – radio, audio cassettes, slides, film, videotapes, television, telephone, fax,

audio-conferencing and video-conferencing;

Electronic/Computer Technology and Virtual Classrooms – internet, CD-ROM,

electronic mail, e-bulletin boards, podcasts, m-learning, I-lectures, e-learning or online

learning management systems.

Integrating technology into the classroom will only be successful if the classroom

teacher is comfortable with the technology (Bates &Sangra, 2011). Research on the state

of technology in higher education has shown that “without a more professional approach

to training faculty in teaching and learning, technology is unlikely to be useto its full

potential” (Bates &Sangra, 2011, p.186).

There are many benefits to working with video production in the classroom, but

the challenge teacher educators face is to seek ways that can encourage education

students to become more familiar and comfortable with the video production process so

they will effectively assign and evaluate student work utilizing video technology in their

future classrooms (Girod, Bell & Mishra, 2010; Kearny &Schuck, 2004, 2006; Hofer &

Swan, 2005, 2006;).

According to Coco Chanel, “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be

different.” Nowadays, teachers are more creative in doing every activity they want to

share in order to catch student’s interest. Teachers must be able to have the great

privilege and responsibility to impacts their students’ lives positively. That’s why they

must make their teaching more interesting to give their students reasons to push forward

to be motivated in every lesson they have.

On the other hand, new generation of student is what we called the Generation Z

(Gen-Z). Pew Research defines members of Generation Z as anyone born between

1997 and 2012. That means the group spans ages 7 to 22 in 2019. The organization

cites important political, economic, and technological factors that helped them

determine the cut-off from Millennial to Generation Z.

When it comes on learning, Gen-Z is more on student-centered known as

learner-centered education. This kind of learners is given the opportunity to explore

and embrace their own strength and skill in terms of learning. From the word itself,

“student-centered”, the ideas is much more from the students specially in reporting,

followed by the guidance of the teacher. In my opinion, this generation is the most

addicted when it comes on the use of technology. In connection to that, using video

presentation in teaching is more suitable for them as it can immediately capture their

attention, especially for the visual learner.

Hofer and Swan (2005) state “Digital movie making offers an opportunity to

harmonize the use of technology to support student centred pedagogy and unique

disciplinary approaches rooted in discipline-specific pedagogy” (pp 104), meaning that

video production can be taught as an area of study, but it can also be used as a

technological tool to learn about other areas of study.

Kearney (2011) found using video production as a pedagogical tool and teacher

adoption of the technology in the classroom can increase student engagement. What

separates this research from others is the introduction of the TV news story format and

the Cloud-based and tablet-based technology process. Data was also gathered on content

engagement and retention and teachers’ adoption of this process in their future classroom.

Background of the Study

This research seeks to discover the development of video presentation for

utilization in teaching Beauty Care students to engage in subject matter, enhance their

learning experience, increase their motivation and enhance learning autonomy. This

focuses on the selected teachers and students of Rodriguez Rizal in the Beauty Care

subject matter.

There are five Public high schools in District 1, Rodriguez Rizal including

Manggahan National High School, San Jose National High School, Burgos National High

School, Gen. Licerio Geronimo Memorial National High School and Wawa National

High School, where Beauty Care is one of the important subject matter in Technology

and Livelihood Education is being learned.

A Teacher III at Justino Sevilla High School explains that Beauty Care, or in

particular Nail Care Services is one of the components under Technology and Livelihood

Education (TLE) under the K to 12 Basic Education Program. Specifically, to the Home

Economics course, along with other TLE components which include Agri-Fishery Arts,

Industrial Arts and Information and Communication Technology.

As a course, varied and relevant activities and opportunities are provided by the

teachers to demonstrate the student understands of concepts and core competencies as

prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation. Beauty Care (Nail Care Services) that

provides quality service to target clients in the future, if and when the learner decides to

use it in entrepreneurship.

Without question, this generation truly is the media generation, devoting more

than a quarter of each day to media. As media devices become increasingly portable, and

as they spread even further through young people’s environments from their schools to

their car’s media messages will become an even more ubiquitous presence in an already

media-saturated world. Anything that takes up this much space in young people’s lives

deserves our full attention. —Kaiser Family Foundation.

Studies have shown that the development and utilization of video presentation in

teaching challenged the teachers’ knowledge in terms of enhancing their creativity

experience but giving them a very useful and effectiveness. We, researchers, will make

our very own videos in relation to the Beauty Care subject matter to use as learning



1. Related Literature


This study was conducted to identify the effectiveness of video presentation to

students’ learning. This was derived due to the changes and updates the world has to offer

on enhancing student’s wisdom. Instructors and even students rely or use educative

videos to learn, compare and understand concepts. The use of video is only beginning to

meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s learners. Using videos in teaching is not new.

It was proposed that videos are effective when used to develop information literacy, using

a student survey to measure the effectiveness of video lectures. Video based materials

boost students’ creativity and cooperation. Access to video can help motivate students

and create a distinctive context for their learning experience. Questionnaires were

administered to 224 students of Benguet State University to measure effectiveness of

video presentation to student’s learning. From the outcomes, it was found out that there is

no significant difference on students’ perceptions of the effectiveness of video

presentation to students’ learning when grouped according to sex. Moreover, results

revealed that a significant difference exists among students’ perceptions of the

effectiveness of video presentation when grouped according to their academic level.

Furthermore, it is revealed that the level of effectiveness of video presentation to students

learning is highly effective. G. Mendoza, L. Caranto, JJ. David, 2015

The researcher concluded that the developed video presentation is highly

acceptable in terms of objectives, content, format and style and language used; the

developed video presentation is an effective tool in teaching Mathematics for

kindergarten pupils; the developed video presentation can be used as an appropriate

material in teaching “Height” for kindergarten pupils.

Based on the findings and conclusion the researchers recommended to exposed

kindergarten pupils to different video presentations to enhance learning on the different

topics; develop other video presentations which focus on other subject areas; and conduct

other studies on video presentation utilizing other grade levels and considering other

variables. RC. Ahillon, 2018

The integration of video technology in case-based presentations are useful

approaches in teaching real-world problems that ultimately improves an individual’s

ability to reflect, analyze, and decide regarding any circumstance leading to change in

behavior. Anchored on the Theory of Planned Behavior, this study aims to determine the

effectiveness of an online case-based video patient education tool on the adoption of oral

health behaviors by patients in the dental setting. Materials and Methods: The study was

carried on 74 dental patients who were selected using simple sampling (37 patients each

in Groups I and II). The two groups differed in presence (Group I-Control) or absence

(Group II–Experimental) of prior exposure to professional oral care before Patient

Educational Intervention through video-based case presentation was performed in the

control and experimental groups. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed

by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 18 software at 0.05 significance

level. Results: A total of 37 participants per group in Groups I and II (N=74) responded

to the pre-test phase and post-test phase. The pre-test mean scores of Groups I and II

were 11.43 and 15.05, respectively. The post-test mean score of Groups I and II were

10.81 and 12.76, respectively. There is no statistical significance seen in the pre-test

mean score and the post-test mean score of the patients who experienced professional

oral health care (Group I) (p=0.113). However, there is a statistical significance in the

mean pre-test score and the mean post-test score among patients who never experienced

professional oral health care (Group II) (p=0.032). Conclusion: The study revealed that

the video-based case presentations is an effective patient education strategy for dental

patients who have never experienced professional oral health care manifested as a decline

in the degree of dental neglect. J.Macapagal , M.Calimag, 2020

Advancement and evolution of different kinds of gadgets, mobile phones, laptops

and computers are highly appreciated by most of the students today. These become

effective tools to enhance their motivation and active engagement inside the classroom.

However, these also change the continuity of lesson because students confine themselves

in using gadgets and playing mobile games at home. Decline in students’ performance

becomes visible. In educational system where technology cannot be withdrawn, an

intensive effort of a teacher to integrate it constructively can revamp technology as an

effective tool for learning. With this explosive space of change and development, the

researcher decided to check out the effectiveness of video as a tool for learning in a form

of video-aided self-reflection in teaching Biology. The study used quasi-experimental

research design. The participants of this study were 100 Grade 8 students from two

different sections handled by the researcher in the School Year 2018-2019. A researcher-

made pre-test was steered out to the controlled group and experimental group at the

beginning of the fourth quarter. Controlled group used traditional means of self-reflection

while the experimental group used video-aided self-reflection. At the end of the quarter

the same test was administered to both controlled and experimental group. Mean,

standard deviation and t-test were used as statistical tools to navigate the results of the

study. Findings revealed that both groups showed differences in their score implying that

they had different level of performance in Biology after the utilization of video-aided

self-reflection. This revealed that the use of video-aided self-reflection was an effective

pedagogical tool in teaching Biology. S. Aceveda, 2020

This study aims to assess the effectiveness of educational videos in teaching and

learning the concepts in standardized Physics curriculums. To evaluate the cognitive

effect from watching educational videos, the researchers opted to using a pretest-posttest

design. The researchers gave Grade 12 students (N = 73) a ten-item questionnaire

pertaining to the topic of the presentation: black holes, before and after watching the

assigned educational video. The researchers found out that watching educational videos

resulted in a significant increase in performance. JR. Caracta, SF. Gaerlan, D. De Jesus,

R. Simon, MT. Pulido, 2018

1.2 Foreign Related Literature

According to Sitti Hadijah the widespread of English learning videos nowadays

reveal that technology has been integrated in English language realm. There are

numerous videos that can be deployed as English learning media or sources. As

commonly known, the use of video in English Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms can

facilitate the students to get more interested in learning and also enhance their

communicative competences because they can get rich learning experiences. However, in

this advanced technology era, the teachers have to face some challenges in utilizing the

video in the classrooms, such as variety of video formats, technology devices, and video

techniques. In this case, the teachers have to be able to choose appropriate video, deploy

the technology devices, and present it in more interesting and meaningful ways. If the

teachers do not know how to figure out the challenges, the video will not work effectively

to achieve the teaching and learning objectives. Considering great benefits and challenges

of using video in the EFL classrooms, this paper discusses theoretical background to

present some meaningful ways of deploying video. It is expected to provide information

for English Language teachers to successfully employ the video in their classrooms. S.

Hadijah, 2016

South Africa currently has 90 million cell phone connections and 4G

bandwidth is accessible to 75% of the population. Audio-visual media, such as videos,

can be used to enhance teaching as the use of multimedia is a key component of blended

learning. In total, 92 fourth-year university education students were surveyed to

determine their response to video-based assessments. Of the students surveyed, 92%

believed that videos assisted their understanding of the course content, 78.5% believed

that video-based assessments were less difficult than traditional assessments and 89%

intend using audio-visual media in their own classrooms. Significantly, 88.7% believe

that such media should be used at least once a week. In addition, once they graduate, 63%

of participants intend using social media platforms to communicate with learners. The

study suggests that a greater emphasis needs to be placed on blended learning, both in

schools and tertiary institutions in South Africa. MR Brett, 2020

Speaking skill is one of the four language skills that should be mastered by, in this

case, students to be able to communicate with their surroundings. However, there are

some difficulties for teachers to ask or to stimulate students to speak in English. It is very

important for English teachers to use interesting media especially the ones that give

context to the students in the learning process such as videos. This study aims to find out

the effectiveness of video to improve students’ speaking ability and to investigate the

most improved aspect of speaking by video. The study was conducted in one of Senior

High Schools in Sukabumi. A quasi experimental design was employed for this study.

The study involved two classes of eleventh grader which were divided into two groups;

experimental group and control group. Data were collected through pretest and posttest.

The data were analyzed by using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) 18 for

Windows. The calculation result of independent t-test on post-test scores showed that the

significance value was lower than 0.05 (0.000< 0.05) which means the video treatment

had improved the students’ speaking ability. In line with the result, the calculation of

effect size also showed that video improved the students’ speaking ability by the score of

effect size in large level (0.697). Furthermore, the use of video in teaching speaking also

solved one of the hardest aspects of speaking for students: pronunciation. It is showed by

the result between pretest score means and posttest score means from each aspect and

pronunciation had biggest improvement with 0.67 differences from pretest to posttest.

For that reasons it is highly recommended that teachers use video as media to teach

speaking in classroom. M. Iqbal, AA. Hakim, 2019

The article argues that the ongoing usage of audio-visual media is falling behind

in terms of educational quality compared to prior achievements in the history of distance

education. After reviewing some important steps and experiences of audio-visual digital

media development, we analyze predominant presentation formats on the Web. Special

focus is put on recent development of new ways to generate graphics and to create

animation sequences, as well as on the video presentation formats used in MOOCs. We

conclude that the" new" features are in no way disruptive innovations in distance

education and that the potential of video has not been sufficiently exploited. Adequate

incentives to use these media for collaborative learning has not been provided and

student-generated video content is at present just starting to be considered useful in

instructional design. RC Clark, RE Mayer, 2016

Video comprehension involves interpreting both sounds and images. Research has

shown that processing an aural text with relevant pictorial information effectively

enhances second/foreign language (L2) listening comprehension. A hypothesis

underlying this mixed-methods study is that a visual-only silent film used as an advance

organizer to activate learner prior knowledge, followed by a subsequent full audiovisual

presentation (V→V+A), yields the most facilitative effect on L2 learner video

comprehension compared with a full audiovisual presentation (V+A) and a visual-only

silent film presentation followed by audio-only narration (V→A). The authors showed a

video to 124 intermediate L2 English university-level students in Taiwan, and measured

their video comprehension using a multiple-choice listening test. They also conducted a

survey and a focus group discussion to provide a more comprehensive analysis. The

results show the V→A Group was substantially lower in video comprehension

performance; the results of the V→V+A Group, however, did not differ substantially

from those of the V+A Group. Although the results failed to confirm the hypothesis that a

visual-only silent film showing followed by a full audiovisual presentation would be most

effective in facilitating video comprehension, the L2 learner preference for and positive

response to such a viewing experience contributes to L2 listening pedagogy. C. Li, 2015


2.2 Local Related Studies

In today's generation of digital natives, students find it unexciting to sit down and

read literary texts in its entirety. Thus, students nowadays hardly understand and

appreciate literature as a subject. This calls for additional challenge to teachers who had

been used to deliver their lessons or any subject matter in traditional ways. This study

used descriptive-correlation research design to unveil the most effective viewing teaching

techniques that will help develop the viewing comprehension skills of literature students

in a tertiary level. Findings reveal how literature students perceive the use of movies or

videos as a powerful viewing teaching technique. Result of chi-square test of

independence indicates the viewing teaching techniques are not significantly related to

students' viewing comprehension. This suggests that no single teaching technique suits

the learners' interest and ability to learn. Therefore, teachers can make use of technology

combined with other viewing techniques to ensure that students will find a love for

literature that will help establish their academic success in the future. S. Guieb, MD.

Ortega-Dela Cruz, Ruth A., 2017

The study revealed that the video-based case presentations is an effective patient

education strategy for dental patients who have never experienced professional oral

health care manifested as a decline in the degree of dental neglect. J. Macapagal,

MM.Calimag, 2020

This study investigated on how well the students can explain science concepts

through movie scene clips as a summative assessment. It focused on the depth of the

concepts learned in physics, chemistry, and earth and life science, and to the 21st century

skills developed by the students while combining the scene clips and reviewing the

concepts observed from the scenes. Ninety seven students from three different schools in

Luzon, Philippines during the first semester of school year 2017-2018 were selected to

participate: grade 12 students under the Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics strand enrolled in General Physics 1 from Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng

Maynila, second year college students enrolled in General Chemistry from Bataan

Peninsula State University and grade 11 students under the General Academic Strand

enrolled in Earth and Life Science from Isaac Lopez Integrated School in Mandaluyong

City. Students grouped in 4-5 members were required to choose a film and clip the scenes

which have applications and violations of science concepts observed from the scenes.

The outcomes were then presented in class. The result reveals a 3.1 mean in the students’

mastery of the concepts in physics, 3.0 mean in chemistry, and 3.2 in earth and life

science, with 4.0 as the basis of an excellent mark. This shows that the mastery of the

concepts learned in each subject falls under the proficient category. The study has also

found support in the development of the students’ 21st century skills, which are

creativity, teamwork, communication, critical thinking, digital competencies, leadership,

and planning. M. Omiles, J. Dumlao, QK. Rubio, EJ. Ramirez, 2019

The study aimed to determine the effects of Audio-visual aided instruction on

Grade 8 students and correlate their profile and attitudes to their academic performance in

Science. The data were drawn using a self-structured achievement test for students’

academic performance in Science and a survey questionnaire which included profile,

attitude towards technology, media, study habits and motivational practices of the family.

The gathered data were correlated to the Science academic performance of the

respondent. It was found out that the students taught by audio-visual aided instruction

performed better compared to the students taught by the conventional method. The

profile and over-all attitudes of the students taught by audio-visual aided instruction did

not affect their academic performance. The profile and attitudes towards technology,

media and study habits of the students taught by conventional method did not affect their

performance as well; however, the students’ attitude towards motivational practices of

their family had negative causal relationship to their academic performance. A.A.

Lapada& A.A. Lapada, 2017

Remedial classes are important interventions to help learners catch up to their

peers. Remedial classes usually do not follow the same setting and scheduling as regular

classes and, because of this, there is a need to utilize innovative instructions. This study

explored the use of three different modalities of computer-aided instruction (CAI) in

remedial classes namely, Powerpoint presentation (PPT), Audio-visual presentation

(AVP), and PhET simulation (PhET). The results show that the pre-test and post test

scores of the students in remedial classes using CAI’s differ significantly, with the scores

under PPT having the best improvement. The results promote the advantage of using

CAI’s in remedial classes. JL. Besaña, L. Gabunilas, 2020.

2.2Foreign Related Studies

Demographic characteristics and baseline skills were comparable in participants

randomized to IVBI and instructor-led teaching. Mean OSATS score increased from pre-

test to post test in both groups (p < 0.001). The mean post-test OSATS score of the IVBI

group was 0.72 points below that of the instructor-led teaching group (90% CI: −3.8 to

5.2), with the 90% CI falling below the a priori no inferiority margin, satisfying criteria

for no inferiority. More than 90% of students marked either “agree” or “strongly agree”

to the following statements on the exit survey: further expansion of IVBI into other skills

modules and integration of IVBI into training curriculum. T.Lwin, P.Naing, Y.Oo, D.

Kidd, M.Cerullo, J. Posen, K.Hlaing, G.Yenokyan, KK. Thinn, ZW. Soe, 2018

This study reveals that harnessing SVVR in learning and teaching has a positive

impact on university students. The educational use of SVVR has good potential for

transforming students’ way of learning, improving traditional learning, and enhancing

students’ understanding of content and learning motivation . H. Lin, SJ. Yu, J. Sun, M.

Jong, 2019

The use of interactive-video for teaching is a possible solution to the inadequacy

of instructional materials because it enhances acquisition of practical skills in basic

technology. Thus, the finding of study revealed that significant difference was established

between the students taught using the interactive-video and their counterparts taught

using expository method in favour of those who used the interactive-video. Therefore, the

study concluded that interactive-video affords greater interaction between the teacher and

students. In addition, it greatly enhanced the academic achievement of students. The

study recommended that interactive-video should be permanently involved in the

teaching of basic technology. A. Amosa, O. Olab, OO.Ogunlade, KJ.Muhamed, 2019

Students’ engagement in a learning environment has been a crucial factor in

evaluating the quality of learning and predicting their academic success. With

technologies being more applied in science education for enhancing learning

engagement, it is important to study how learning environments with different levels of

technological engagement (LTEs) affect students’ learning. Data were collected from 168

fourth-grade students, ages 9–10, divided into 3 groups of different learning

environments: (1) game-based instruction (high LTE) and (2) video-based instruction

(medium LTE) as the two experimental groups, and (3) traditional instruction (low LTE)

as the control group. Students’ learning was monitored with two tests: scientific concept

test and the scientific argumentation skills test. Descriptive and inferential statistics

including t-test, ANCOVA, and the Johnson-Neyman procedure were used to examine

how different LTEs affect students’ learning as a group and by level (high-, medium-,

and low-achieving). Findings demonstrated that (a) three forms of technology-supported

learning significantly improve students’ scientific knowledge and argumentation skills;

(b) higher LTEs lead to significantly better learning of scientific knowledge, except for

some high-achieving students who can learn equally well in traditional instruction; and

(c) higher LTEs lead to significantly better learning of argumentation skills across all

students. YC. Chen, Y. Lu, CJ. Lien, 2019

We are also guided by that this research indicates that 80% of the students got

improvement in their learning outputs. This improvement was also supported by the data

taken trough interview sheet that the students find it more exciting and are more

facilitated to learn using the video learning media. From the finding of this study, it is

concluded that the video learning media is beneficial in improving the students' learning

outcome. So it is suggested that in teaching Anatomy Practicum, the lecturers are

required to use video as a media in teaching. B. Nadeak, L. Naibaho, 2020

Synthesis of the Reviewed of Related Literature & Studies

From the review of related foreign and local literature down to the review of

related foreign and local studies it is noticeable how these different pieces of knowledge

highlight how the development and utilization of Audio-visual presentation serves as an

efficient and effective tool to the achievement of knowledge. As some may give positive

feedback some may state some suggestion for the improvement of audio-visual


Both S. Hadijah,2016 and MR Brett,2020 agrees how utilization of Audio-visual

presentation can leads to a successful learning process that can leads to the achievement

of learning goals. On their research they mentioned that the widespread of English

learning videos nowadays reveal that technology has been integrated in English language

realm. There are numerous videos that can be deployed as English learning media or

sources. As commonly known, the use of video in English Foreign Language (EFL)

classrooms can facilitate the students to get more interested in learning and also enhance

their communicative competences because they can get rich learning experiences. While

the latter researchers emphasized that Audio-visual media, such as videos, can be used to

enhance teaching as the use of multimedia is a key component of blended learning 63%

of participants intend using social media platforms to communicate with learners. The

study suggests that a greater emphasis needs to be placed on blended learning, both in

schools and tertiary institutions in South Africa.

While it is undoubtedly to question the effectiveness of multimedia in it’s any

form to the use in Educational process. Still, few researchers suggested some ways to

improve the quality and utilization of audio-visual presentation if not counter state the

previous study suggested. Muchamad Iqbal, Ali Akbar Hakim, 2019 highlighted the

importance for English teachers to use interesting media especially the ones that give

context to the students in the learning process such as videos. For that reasons it is highly

recommended that teachers use video as media to teach speaking in classroom. While

RC Clark, RE Mayer, 2016 article argues that the ongoing usage of audio visual media is

falling behind in terms of educational quality compared to prior achievements in the

history of distance education. Furthermore, as per the study of Chen-hong Li, 2015Video

comprehension involves interpreting both sounds and images.

Nonetheless due to the changes and updates the world has to offer on enhancing

student’s wisdom. Instructors and even students rely or use educative videos to learn,

compare and understand concepts. The use of video is only beginning to meet the needs

of today’s and tomorrow’s learners. Using videos in teaching is not new.The integration

of video technology in case-based presentations are useful approaches in teaching real-

world problems that ultimately improves an individual’s ability to reflect, analyze, and

decide regarding any circumstance leading to change in behaviour.


This study is anchored to the different theories that describe our variable. For

more understanding, researchers fully believed that the theories mentioned below will

best fit in this study.

Multiple Intelligences

Spatial intelligence is an area in the theory of multiple intelligences that deals

with spatial judgment and the ability to visualize with the mind's eye. It is defined

by Howard Gardner as a human computational capacity that provides the ability or

mental skill to solve spatial problems of navigation, visualization of objects from

different angles and space, faces or scenes recognition, or to notice fine details. Gardner

further explains that Spatial Intelligence could be more effective to solve problems in

areas related to realistic, thing-oriented, and investigative occupations. This capability is

a brain skill that is also found in people with visual impairment. As researched by

Gardner, a blind person can recognize shapes in a non-visual way. The spatial reasoning

of the blind person allows them to translate tactile sensations into mental calculations of

length and visualizations of form.

Experiential Learning Theory

Experiential Learning theory defines learning as "the process whereby knowledge

is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the

combination of grasping and transforming experience"(Kolb 1984) . The cycle begins

with an experience that the student has had, followed by an opportunity to reflect on that

experience. Then students may conceptualize and draw conclusions about what they

experienced and observed, leading to future actions in which the students experiment

with different behaviours.

Multimedia Learning Theory

Mayer (2000), his best known contribution to the field of educational psychology

is multimedia learning theory or e-learning theory, which posits that

optimal learning occurs when visual and verbal materials are presented together

simultaneously. E-learning theory consists of cognitive science principles that describe

how electronic educational technology can be used and designed to promote effective


Conceptual Framework of the Study


Curriculum Guide  Development Stage
Learning Module
 Validation Stage Self-made Video
Teaching Guide
 Online survey presentation for
Most Essential Learning
Competencies questionnaire utilization
 Books/resources

Figure 1
Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

The conduct of the study is anchored on the research paradigm that follows the
IPO (Input, Process and Output).
The Input includes the curriculum guide, learning module, teaching guide and

most essential learning competencies.

The Process includes the stages such as development stage -for utilization-,

validation stage to generate results as specified in the statement of the problem. Survey

questionnaires will be utilized tabulated by means of statistical tools such as frequency

distribution, weighted mean, to help determine statistical results.

The Output includes the result of the processing of the inputted data based on the

statement of the problem about development of video presentation for utilization in

teaching beauty care students. But for the meantime it’s just an initial output for the

researcher’s proposal.


The problem investigated in this research concerns on the development of video

presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following problems:

1. What is the designation of the respondents?

2. What is the assessment of the respondents on the development of video presentation

for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of appearance (content);

2.1 Teachers

2.2 Students

2.3 IT expert

3. What is the assessment of the respondents on the development of video presentation

for utilization of in teaching beauty care in terms of Visual;

3.1 Teachers

3.2 Students

3.3 IT expert

4. What are the proposed video presentations which were utilized more for students



The study will be of great significance to the following:

Student This study will make them increase their motivation and interest in

learning as this study aims to assess the effectiveness of Video presentation in teaching.

Teacher This study will give additional information to the teacher about the

development and utilization of video presentation in teaching and how audio-visual

presentation can be an effective tool in a successful teaching process.

School Administrator This study may serve as basis for guiding their teacher in

teaching more effectively. And for them to assess if there’s any room for improvement so

that they could provide an ample support to their teachers and students.

Future Researchers This study gives important data which they can use as

reference for the further research.


The researchers have set the limitation in providing heavy equipment. This study

is also limited to the selected grade 7 students from selected school of District I, selected

Teachers from the same district and IT experts for Video presentation validation;

furthermore, it is also limited to the Development of Video Presentation for Utilization in



For ease and clarity of understanding the following terms are defined

operationally and conceptually.

Assessment – an evaluation given by the researchers to the corresponding


Audience- referring the students or the learners from District I

Beauty care - a subject matter under Home Economics

Designation – a classification given by the researcher for the respondents

Development – process of making own video presentation of the researchers

Gen-Z- Generation Z, is the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and

preceding Generation Alpha, mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s

as ending birth years.

Integrating Technology-a process by which teachers from District 1 use of

technology tools in general content areas in education in order to allow students to apply

computer and technology skills to learning

Media Generation- one way of communicating used by the teachers and students

from District I

Millennial – a generation between the ages of 22 and 38 years old in but

sometimes 1980–2000

Multimedia- combination of video, texts, graphics and sounds, a developed

learning tool by the researchers

Presentation –a visual tool designed to be present to the students of District 1

Rodriguez Rizal

Professional Approach- a method used by teachers from any of the schools from

Rodriguez District for enhancing once knowledge.

Student – a learner from district1 schools

Student-centered- a generation where learning is much more coming from the

ideas of the students from District I and guided by the teachers from District I

Teacher- the one who prepares the teaching tool for learning, or the person

teaching from District I schools

Teaching – an act of sharing ideas and knowledge to his or her learner

Utilization- makes use of the Develop Video presentation about Beauty Care

Validation- a material used by the researchers for the measuring the level of the

video presentation

Video presentation –a multimedia tool made by the researchers in line with the

Beauty Care

Visual Aid- most commonly way of teaching in the 21st century teachers

Voice-over – audio from the video presentation

Visual Learner- a District 1 learner who were motivated to learn using pictures

or graphics.



This chapter presents the research design, locale of the study, respondents of the

study, data gathering instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment that

was used in the study.


The researcher used qualitative research specifically the descriptive design. In

such research the data collected qualitatively and often analyzed quantitatively, using

statistical analyses to determine relationships which means the researcher examines the

qualitative data to find the relevant themes and ideas and also use numerical data for

further comparison and evaluation of video presentation to student’s learning. Online

survey questionnaire was utilized.


This study was conducted in selected public Schools of Rodriguez, Rizal. This

includes San Jose National High School, Manggahan National High School, General

Licerio Geronimo Memorial National High School, and Wawa National High School.

They are all located in the lower part of Rodriguez, Rizal.

Figure 2. Vicinity Map


The respondents of this study are the teachers teaching beauty care students,

selected grade 7 students and IT experts, who validated the development of video



The researcher sought approval from the dean of Institute of Education to conduct

the study at Rodriguez, Rizal with selected four high schools that include San Jose

National High School, Manggahan National High School, Wawa National High School

and Gen. Licerio Geronimo Memorial High School. Letters of approval for the principals

of the said schools were also made and approved.

The researchers create their own video presentation and upload it in YouTube in

order to get a link and insert it in the Google form together with the questionnaire

regarding the study.

Survey questionnaire were validated by three (3) master teachers and our self-

made video presentation were validated also by three (3) IT Experts.

Survey questionnaire were send via email and messenger of the respondents.

Before sending survey questionnaire and video to the respondents, clear and precise

directions were given on how they will answer the survey questionnaire correctly.

After respondents were done, the researchers checked and analyze the

respondents result with the help of a statistician.


The research instruments that were used were the video presentation made by the

researchers and a survey questionnaire.

We used Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC’S), Learners Manual

(LM), and teachers guide for the content of our video.

We shoot our video using our cellphone. We served as model, director and video

editor in our video.

We made survey questionnaire and put it in Google form.

The first part provided the designation of the respondents as well as their

respective school. Second part aims to know the assessment of the respondents in terms

of appearance (content) of video presentation.

The third part aims to know the assessment of the respondents in terms of visual.

It composed of five question for appearance and five for visual.

Last question is open-ended question that sought the recommendation or proposal of the

respondents about video presentations that can utilize more to students learning.

The research instruments that were used have been validated by the Master

Teachers and It expert thru online.

The respondents choosed from 5 – 1. Five (5)is the highest with an interpretation

as Strongly Agree and One (1) as the lowest and interpreted as Disagree.

The arbitrary scale is as follows:

Weight/Scale Mean Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20- 5.00 Strongly agree

4 3.40- 4.19 Agree

3 2.60- 3.39 Moderately Agree
2 1.80- 2.59 Slightly Agree

1 1.00 – 1.79 Disagree


This study used frequency and percentage distribution and weighted mean as their

statistical treatment in order to obtain accurate results to the specific questions that were

establish in the proceeding chapter.

1. Frequency and percentage distribution is a display of data that specifies

the percentage of observations that exist for each data point or grouping of data points. It

is a particularly useful method of expressing the relative frequency of survey responses

and other data.

To determine the description of the designation of the respondents’ frequency

distribution was used:

P= f x 100

where: P - Percentage

F - Frequency

N - Total number of respondents

2. The weighted mean is a type of mean that is calculated by multiplying the

weight (or probability) associated with a particular event or outcome with its associated

quantitative outcome and then summing all the products together. The weighted mean is

used to calculate the average value of a particular set of numbers with different levels of


To determine the data which were gathered on the Assessment of the Teachers,

IT, and Students on the Development of Video Presentation for Utilization in Teaching

Beauty Care in terms of Appearance and Visual;

Where: = Mean

= Summation of frequency gathered from the teachers.

= number of respondents

Chapter III


This chapter presents a discussion of the results of the study. The data are shown

in tabular form, analyzed and interpreted as deemed appropriate. The sequence of the

discussion is based from the statement of the problem in chapter 1.

Statement of the Problem #1. What is the designation of the respondents?

Table 1
Description of the Designation of the Respondents

Position Frequency Percentage

Teachers 13 15.67
Students 63 75.90
IT Expert 7 8.43
Total 83 100

Table 1 shows the description of the designation of the respondents. Most of the

respondents were students with 75.90 % which is equivalent to sixty-three (63).

Secondly, there are thirteen (13) teachers and lastly there were seven (7) IT Experts who

respond to the questions.

It implies that students were interested in watching video presentation. It is a

strategy that teachers can used to capture the interest of the students when teaching a


Statement of the Problem #2. What is the assessment of the respondents on the

development of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of


Table 2
Computed Weighted Mean on the Assessment of the Teachers
on the Development of Video Presentation for utilization
in Teaching Beauty Care in terms of Appearance
Statements Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. Capture an audience’s attention immediately. 3.12 Moderately

( Napupukawangatensyon ng mgamanonood.) Agree
2. Is the video convincing the audience of the 3.24 Moderately
importance of video presentation in student’s Agree
( Nakumbinsibaangmgamanonoodsakahalagahan ng
pagtatanghal ng bidyosapagkatuto ng mag-aaral.)
3. Presentable appearance on the presentation. 3.29 Moderately
(Pagpapakita ng kaaya-ayangpresentasyon.) Agree
4. Proper summary of the content of the Video. 3.18 Moderately
( Maayosnapagbuod ng nilalaman ng bidyo.) Agree
5. Maintaining audience interest until the end of 2.82 Moderately
presentation. Agree
(Napapanatiliangatensyon ng

Over All Weighted Mean 3.13 Moderately
Arbitrary Scale: 4.20-5.00- Strongly agree, 3.40- 4.19- Agree, 2.60-3.39- Moderately Agree,
1.80- 2.59- Slightly Agree, 1.00-1.79 Disagree

Table 2 shows the computed weighted mean on the assessment of the teachers on

the development of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms

appearance. The highest computed weighted mean was 3.24 in the question, “Is the

video convince the audience of the importance of video presentation in student’s

learning?” verbally interpreted as moderately agree.

It implies that in the assessment of the teachers, teachers were convinced that it is

important in the video presentation that learning takes place.

While the lowest computed weighted mean was 2.82 with verbal interpretation of

moderately agree found in the statement “Maintaining audience interest until the end of


It implies that no matter how good the video presentation is maintaining the

interest of the audience until the end of presentation is very challenging.

The over-all computed weighted mean of 3.13 with verbal interpretation of

moderately agree.

It also implies that the use of video presentation helps in processing and memory

recall. It is effective in classroom; educators can use to create time and space for active


Table 3
Computed Weighted Mean on the Assessment of the Students on the Development
of Video Presentation for utilization
in Teaching Beauty Care in terms
of Appearance
Statements Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. Capture an audience’s attention immediately. 3.73 Agree

( Napupukawangatensyon ng mgamanonood.)

2. Is the video convince the audience of the importance 4.08 Agree

of video presentation in student’s learning?

( Nakumbinsibaangmgamanonoodsakahalagahan ng
pagtatanghal ng bidyosapagkatuto ng mag-aaral.)

3. Presentable appearance on the presentation. 4.16 Agree

(Pagpapakita ng kaaya-ayangpresentasyon.)

4. Proper summary of the content of the Video. 4.11 Agree

( Maayosnapagbuod ng nilalaman ng bidyo.)

5. Maintaining audience interest until the end of 3.81 Agree


(Napapanatiliangatensyon ng

3.98 Agree
Over All Weighted Mean

Arbitrary Scale: 4.20-5.00- Strongly agree, 3.40- 4.19- Agree, 2.60-3.39- Moderately Agree,
1.80- 2.59- Slightly Agree, 1.00-1.79 Disagree

Table 3 shows the computed weighted on the assessment of the students on the

development of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of

appearance. The highest computed weighted mean of 4.26 was found in the statement,

“presentable appearance on the presentation” with verbally interpreted as agree.

It implies the students are more particular on the presentation of the video. Since

students are more in technology now, even without formal education they can learn the

technically of making a video presentation.

The lowest computed weighted mean of 3.81 found in the statement, maintaining

audience interest until the end of presentation verbally interpreted as agree.

This implies that students themselves know that maintaining their interest in watching

video presentation is very difficult to keep. Young people now-a-days, were preoccupied

by the many things running in their mind, it is difficult for them to focus.

Over-all computed weighted mean was 3.98 with verbal interpretation of agree.

Table 4
Computed Weighted Mean on the Assessment of the IT Experts
on the Development of Video Presentation for utilization in
Teaching Beauty Care in terms of Appearance
Statements Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. Capture an audience’s attention immediately. 4.71 Strongly Agree

( Napupukawangatensyon ng mgamanonood.)

2. Is the video convince the audience of the importance 4.57 Strongly Agree
of video presentation in student’s learning?

( Nakumbinsibaangmgamanonoodsakahalagahan ng
pagtatanghal ng bidyosapagkatuto ng mag-aaral.)

3. Presentable appearance on the presentation. 4.43 Strongly Agree

(Pagpapakita ng kaaya-ayangpresentasyon.)

4. Proper summary of the content of the Video. 4.57 Strongly Agree

( Maayosnapagbuod ng nilalaman ng bidyo.)

5 Maintaining audience interest until the end of 4.57 Strongly Agree


(Napapanatiliangatensyon ng

4.57 Strongly Agree

Over All Weighted Mean

Arbitrary Scale: 4.20-5.00- Strongly agree, 3.40- 4.19- Agree, 2.60-3.39- Moderately Agree,
1.80- 2.59- Slightly Agree, 1.00-1.79 Disagree

Table 4 shows computed weighted on the assessment of the IT Experts on the

development of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of

appearance. The highest computed weighted mean of 4.71 was found in the statement

“capture an audience’s attention immediately” with verbal interpretation of strongly


It implies based on the assessment of the IT experts it important to capture the

audience attention right away in the video presentation.

The lowest computed weighted mean was 4.43 in the statement “presentable

appearance on the presentation” with verbal interpretation of 4.43.

The over-all computed weighted mean of 4.57 with verbal interpretation of strongly


Videos can be an effective tool in your teaching tool kit. When incorporating videos

into a lesson, It is important to keep in mind the three key components of cognitive load,

elements that impact engagement and elements that promote active learning (Brame,


Statement of the Problem #3. What is the assessment of the respondents on the

development of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of


Table 5
Computed Weighted Mean on the Assessment of the Teachers
on the Development of Video Presentation for utilization
in Teaching Beauty Care in terms of Visual
Statements Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. Appealing to all levels of learners and learning

2.88 Moderately
( Nakakaakitsalahat ng antas ng mga nag-aaral at
istilo ng pag-aaral.)
2. Clear Quality of video and audio.
3.06 Moderately
( malinawnakalidad ng bidyo at tunog.)

3. Originality and creativity of the video

3.00 Moderately

( Pagka-orihinal at pagkamalikhain ng
presentasyon ng bidyo.)
4. All tools and equipments used in presentation are
3.18 Moderately
working well.
( Lahat ng mgakagamitan ay
5. Does the video have good editing quality?
3.06 Moderately
(ang video ba ay
Over All Weighted Mean 3.04 Moderately
Arbitrary Scale: 4.20-5.00- Strongly agree, 3.40- 4.19- Agree, 2.60-3.39- Moderately Agree,
1.80- 2.59- Slightly Agree, 1.00-1.79 Disagree

Table 5 reveals the computed weighted on the assessment of the teachers on the

development of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of

visual. The highest computed weighted mean 3.18 was found in the statement, “All tools

and equipment used in presentation are working well” which was interpreted as

moderately agree.

It implies that there should be available tools in order for the video to be

effective materials for teaching

While the lowest computed weighted mean of 2.88 was found in the

statement, “appealing to all levels of learners and learning style” with verbal

interpretation of moderately agree.

The over-all computed weighted mean of 3.04 with verbal interpretation

of moderately agree.

New teachers often struggle to find ways to amplify their curriculum.

Video clips can be a great tool to assist students in gaining that deeper

understanding of content. It’s important to have a clear purpose for using that

film, documentary, or news clip (Alber, 2019).

Table 6
Computed Weighted Mean on the Assessment of the Student
on the Development of Video Presentation for utilization
in Teaching Beauty Care in terms of Visual

Statements Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation

1. Appealing to all levels of learners and learning style.

3.86 Agree
( Nakakaakitsalahat ng antas ng mga nag-aaral at istilo ng

2. Clear Quality of video and audio.

3.92 Agree
( malinawnakalidad ng bidyo at tunog.)

3. Originality and creativity of the video presentation.

4.02 Agree
(Pagka-orihinal at pagkamalikhain ng presentasyon ng

4. All tools and equipments used in presentation are
4.13 Agree
working well.

( Lahat ng mgakagamitan ay maayosnagumagana.)

5. Does the video have good editing quality?

3.98 Agree
(ang video ba ay mayroongmahusaynakalidadsapagkaka-

Over All Weighted Mean 3.98 Agree

Arbitrary Scale: 4.20-5.00- Strongly agree, 3.40- 4.19- Agree, 2.60-3.39- Moderately Agree,
1.80- 2.59- Slightly Agree, 1.00-1.79 Disagree

Table 6 reveals the computed weighted mean on the assessment of the student on

the development of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of

visual. The highest computed weighted mean 4.13 was found in the statement, “All tools

and equipment used in presentation are working well” which was interpreted as agree.

Same as the result of the Teachers, this only means that there must be available

tools in order for the video to be effective materials for teaching.

While the lowest computed weighted mean of 3.86 was found in the statement,

“appealing to all levels of learners and learning style” with verbal interpretation of agree.

The over-all computed weighted mean of 3.98 with verbal interpretation of

moderately agree.

Research by educational psychologist Richard Mayer found that

using images to convey information improves a person’s ability to recall facts or key

steps by an average of 23%. When text and graphics are combined, retention increases

to 42%. So, whether a student is inclined toward auditory-sequential or visual-spatial

learning, they can still benefit in terms of recall when visual elements are

incorporated. (Daniel, S. 2019)

Table 7
Computed Weighted Mean on the Assessment of the IT Experts
on the Development of Video Presentation for utilization
in Teaching Beauty Care in terms of Visual
Statements Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. Appealing to all levels of learners and learning style.

4.29 Strongly Agree
( Nakakaakitsalahat ng antas ng mga nag-aaral at istilo ng
2. Clear Quality of video and audio.
4.57 Strongly Agree
( malinawnakalidad ng bidyo at tunog.)
3. Originality and creativity of the video presentation.
4.57 Strongly Agree
( Pagka-orihinal at pagkamalikhain ng presentasyon ng
4. All tools and equipments used in presentation are
4.57 Strongly Agree
working well.

( Lahat ng mgakagamitan ay maayosnagumagana.)

5. Does the video have good editing quality?
4.57 Strongly Agree
(ang video ba ay mayroongmahusaynakalidadsapagkaka-
Over All Weighted Mean 4.51 Strongly Agree

Arbitrary Scale: 4.20-5.00- Strongly agree, 3.40- 4.19- Agree, 2.60-3.39- Moderately Agree,
1.80- 2.59- Slightly Agree, 1.00-1.79 Disagree

Table 7 shows the computed weighted on the assessment of the IT Experts on the

development of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of


It was noticed that the assessment of IT Experts was equivalent in the following

statements. First, Clear Quality of video and audio. Secondly, originality and creativity of

the video presentation, thirdly, tools and equipment used in presentation are working

well. Lastly on the question does the video have good editing quality? These four have

the computed mean of 4.57 with verbal interpretation of strongly agree.

This implies that IT experts believe each component were important in order to

produce as good quality of video presentation that can be used in the classroom


The over-all computed weighted mean was 4.51 verbally interpreted as strongly


Gengatharan et al. (2015) found out that technology integration nowadays has gone

through innovations and transformed our societies that have totally changed the way

people think, work, and live. This is where the desire to capitalize on the new

generation’s appetite for multimedia presentations is increasing.

In such a scenario, adopting video-based technology as a method in teaching would

be motivating for teachers to teach elective subjects like Health Education. Video is one

of the audio-visual media used to describe an object that moves together with sound

naturally in an appropriate frequency.

Statement of the Problem #4.What are the proposed video presentations that can utilize

more for students learning?

Table 8
Proposed video presentation

Suggested Topic Suggested Revision to the Video Presentation Used Positive Feedback

 Nail care tools  music background is not comfortable on first video  Informative
and Equipment presentation video with good
 Cleaning of  And it would be better if you creatively narrate it quality audio and
tools yourselves and put catchy captions to ensure effects
 Cooking effectiveness.  I think the
 Nail art design  Make it more engaging explained well
 Nail Trimming  Make it more details in terms of Presenting the videos based on
 Hair dressing Proper Procedures the topic that is
 Video about  Use Action theme to track the attention of the given.
how important audience  It was a good
the students to  Kindly Improve editing skills make it the best even presentation and
know the though it's good enough. it is very detailed.
proper way of  All nail cleaning equipment should be further  So good
communication studied to find out what is its proper use
to others  Maybe the voice in doing a video presentation must
 Stitching be clear and in normal speed because it will affect the
learning of the student. Remember that in learning we
must engage the student's 5 senses as much as
possible. Audio-visual leanings will make them
easier to engage in any lessons.
 I think a great thumbnail can attract viewers such as
students to watch the video and pop background
music like K-pop. It allows them to vibe/chill while
watching the boring video.

Table 8 discusses the Development of video presentation for utilization in

teaching beauty care - based on the open ended question provided on the floated

questionnaire, the following analyzation are then listed. For the suggested topic for the

video presentation that can be utilized for students learning. Most of the respondents

suggested Nail care tools and equipment, Nail Trimming and cleaning of Nail Care tools.

Some also suggested discussing the next video presentation topic such as: cooking, Nail
art, and Hair dressing. To improve and enhance the quality of video presentation, the

respondents come up with the following suggestions: Enhance the audio background

since the music background is not comfortable on first video presentation, and it would

be better also if the video presentation was creatively narrated and put catchy captions

to ensure effectiveness, make it more engaging, make more details in terms of

Presenting the Proper Procedures. The respondents also suggested to use Action theme

to track the attention of the audience, also the respondents put in highlight to improve

editing skills, make it the best even though it's good enough.

Maybe the voice in doing a video presentation must be clear and in normal speed

because it will affect the learning of the student. Remember that in learning we must

engage the student's 5 senses as much as possible. Audio-visual learning will make them

easier to engage in any lessons one of the respondents reiterated. Lastly, the respondents’

suggested including thumbnail that can attract viewers such as students to watch the

video and pop background music like K-pop. It allows them to vibe/chill while watching

the boring video.

On the others note, the respondents put some positive feedback and notes on the

Video presentation used in this study. Some says that the video has good quality audio

and effects. The other says that the video was well explained based on the topic given. “It

was a good presentation and it is very detailed” other added.

Chapter IV


This chapter includes the summary of findings of the study, the conclusions

drawn from the findings, and recommendations made in the light of the findings and


Summary of Findings

1. What is the designation of the respondents?

The description of the designation of the respondents includes students with 75.90

% which is equivalent to sixty-three (63). Secondly, there are thirteen (13) teachers and

lastly there were seven (7) IT Experts who respond to the questions.

2. What is the assessment of the respondents on the development of video

presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of Appearance?

The computed weighted on the assessment of the teachers on the development of

video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of appearance. The

highest computed weighted mean was 3.24 in the question, “Is the video convince the

audience of the importance of video presentation in student’s learning?” verbally

interpreted as moderately agree. While the lowest computed weighted mean was 2.82

with verbal interpretation of moderately agree found in the statement “Maintaining

audience interest until the end of presentation”. The over-all computed weighted mean of

3.13 with verbal interpretation of moderately agree.

And the computed weighted on the assessment of the students on the development

of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms appearance. The

highest computed weighted mean of 4.26 was found in the statement, “presentable

appearance on the presentation” with verbally interpreted as agree. The lowest computed

weighted mean of 3.81 found in the statement, maintaining audience interest until the end

of presentation verbally interpreted as agree. Over-all computed weighted mean was 3.98

with verbal interpretation of agree.

And the computed weighted on the assessment of the IT Experts on the

development of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms

appearance. The highest computed weighted mean of 4.71 was found in the statement

“capture an audience’s attention immediately” with verbal interpretation of strongly

agree. The lowest computed weighted mean was 4.43 in the statement “presentable

appearance on the presentation” with verbal interpretation of 4.43. The over-all computed

weighted mean of 4.57 with verbal interpretation of strongly agree.

3. The computed weighted on the assessment of the teachers on the revised

development of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of

visual. The highest computed weighted mean 3.18 was found in the statement, “All tools

and equipment used in presentation are working well” which was interpreted as

moderately agree. While the lowest computed weighted mean of 2.88 was found in the

statement, “appealing to all levels of learners and learning style” with verbal

interpretation of moderately agree. The over-all computed weighted mean of 3.04 with

verbal interpretation of moderately agree.

The computed weighted on the assessment of the student on the development of

video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care In terms of visual.

The computed weighted on the assessment of the IT Experts on the development

of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms visual. It was

noticed that the assessment of IT Experts was equivalent in the following statements.

First, Clear Quality of video and audio. Secondly, originality and creativity of the video

presentation, thirdly, tools and equipment used in presentation are working well.

Lastly on the question does the video have good editing quality? These four have

the computed mean of 4.57 with verbal interpretation of strongly agree. The over-all

computed weighted mean was 4.51 verbally interpreted as strongly agree. In such a

scenario, adopting video-based technology as a method in teaching would be motivating

for teachers to teach elective subjects like Health Education. Video is one of the audio-

visual media used to describe an object that moves together with sound naturally in an

appropriate frequency.


Based on the summary of findings, the researcher made the following


1. The study implies that students were interested in watching video presentation.

It is a strategy that teachers can used to capture the interest of the students when teaching


Through a co generative dialogue intervention we found that video could afford

the learning of scientific ideas, however, some ideographic features were distracting to

students and constrained their learning. We argue that video clips as cultural artefacts are

inscribed with emotion that structures students ‘opportunities to engage with scientific

ideas. Higgins, J.,  Moeed, A., & Eden, R. (2018)

2. The computed weighted on the assessment of the teachers on the development

of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of appearance

implies that in the assessment of the teachers, teachers were convinced that it is

important in the video presentation that learning takes place.

It also implies that the use of video presentation helps in processing and memory

recall. It is effective in classroom; educators can use to create time and space for active


And the computed weighted on the assessment of the students on the development

of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms appearance implies

that the students are more particular on the presentation of the video. Since students are

more in technology now, even without formal education they can learn the technically of

making a video presentation.

This implies that students themselves know that maintaining their interest in

watch video presentation is very difficult to keep. Young people now-a- days, were

preoccupied by the many things running in their mind, it is difficult for them to focus.

And the computed weighted on the assessment of the IT Experts on the

development of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms

appearance implies that based on the assessment of the IT experts it is important to

capture the audience attention right away in the video presentation.

The results of a five-week user study involving 16 participants and over 69,000

images that explores both individual requirements for video summaries and the

differences in cognitive load, user experience, memory experience, and recall experience

between review using video summarisations and non-summary review techniques. Le,

H.V., Clinch, S., Sas, C., Dingler, T., Henze, N. & Davies, N. (2016)

3. The computed weighted on the assessment of the teachers and students on the

revised development of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms

of visual implies that there should be available tools in order for the video to be effective

materials for teaching.

The computed weighted on the assessment of the IT Experts on the development

of video presentation for utilization in teaching beauty care in terms of visual implies

that IT experts believe each component were important in order to produce as good

quality of video presentation that can be used in the classroom instruction.

The experimental results showed that the most efficient method of use of

supplementary video is integration with educational video content in the middle of a

lecture. This position of video insertion provides the best results. The context of video

content influences efficiency of learning also. Entertainment video was not as efficient as

educational, but it can be used to engage and motivate students for learning. Ljubojevic

M., Vaskovic, V., S. Stankovic & Vaskovic, J. (2019)


Based on the findings of the study and conclusions drawn from the findings, the

following recommendations are being offered.

1. Researchers recommend seminars, workshops and training sessions to be

attended by the teachers in relation for improving their skills using the upgraded way of

teaching especially in software because teachers must be alert to the need of updating

their teaching skills and practices and adapt the upgraded teaching styles. Mastering

different kinds of applications such as Zoom and Google meet. Another is to create

simple presentation using Powerpoints or Class In.

2. Simple applications from digital media tools might be one of the major focus

and the technologies availability to make this possible for both teachers and students.

Now that technology has moved into studying, it will play a major role in the most

important mission of the school wherein the connections of the LGU might involve

especially in proving educational equipment’s.

3. The developer of an educational video presentation may involve by the;

 IT experts that specializes in software and responsible for the implementation,

monitoring and maintenance of IT systems that can be utilize in developing video


 with the assistance of the Teachers whose master in teaching in the field and

knows better the ability to develop relationships with their students through

selecting the appropriate topic of the video presentation for utilization, and;

 the different curriculum specialists who develops, improves and assess the

effectiveness of video presentation for utilization.

4. Students matters for they are part in doing, preparing and developing

presentations. DEPEd can do even a simple survey providing their feedbacks and

suggestions for developing video presentations to also build a rich activity that keeps

them engaged.

5. In the current situation which is the new normal must requires planning,

preparation, specially cooperation from the students, parents, teacher or any degree of

expertise in order to make this happen.


Table 5
(Team Mosa’s Proposal)

Resources And Logistic Support

Objectives Enabling Duration Beneficiaries
Material Man Power Budget
Requirement Allocation

◙ To improve ◙ The IT
and enhance the experts with ◙ Software ◙ IT ◙ LGU AIP or ◙ Community
learning skills of the assistance Application Annual
the teachers of Master ◙7 days ◙ Master Investment ◙ Family
Teachers and ◙Laptop Teacher Program
◙ To utilize Different ◙ Students
technological curriculum ◙ Technical ◙ ◙ School
advancement in expert will Expertise Curriculum MOOP or ◙ Teachers
teaching process work hand on Experts School
hand to create ◙ Curriculum Maintenance
◙ To promote a and validate a and Other
21st century video ◙ Licensed Operating
approach presentation to Expenses
teaching be used in ◙ Projector
beauty care

This matrix serve as the researchers proposal where in the 1st part provides the

main objectives of the study. The second is the Enabling activity that consists of the

developer of the video presentation with an estimation of 7 days duration. Furthermore,

the researcher includes the resources and logistics support including the material

requirement, man power, and the budget allocation which the community, family,

students and teachers will benefit.



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Gantt chart of Activities

July 23- August 6- December January 8 January January

29,2020 December 14, 2020- - 11, 2021 12 – 22, 25,2021
10, 2020 January 8, 2021
Preparation of
of thesis
application to
Data Analysis

Submission of

Direction: Put a check mark of the appropriate answer.

Name (optional) :

Position : Colegio de Montalban

Kasiglahan Village San Jose Rodriguez Rizal
Institute of Education
Teacher :

Students :
This survey questionnaire titled“DEVELOPMENTOF VIDEO
IT Experts :
School : divided into three (3) parts. The first part is the APPEARANCE
(content) and the second part is the VISUALIZATION OF THE VIDEO and lastly an
open ended Jose National High School

MAnggahan National High School

Gen. Licerio Geronimo Memorial National High School

Wawa National High School

Weight/Scale Mean Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20- 5.00 Strongly agree

4 3.40- 4.19 Agree

3 2.60- 3.39 Moderately Agree

2 1.80- 2.59 Slightly Agree

1 1.00 – 1.79 Disagree

Directions: Please complete the following questionnaire with the specific regard to the

above inquiry, by placing a CHECK in the appropriate box.

Strongly agree


Slightly agree


I. Appearance (content)


1. Capture an audience’s attention immediately.

( Napupukawangatensyon ng mgamanonood.)

2. Does the video convince the audience on the

importance of the presentation in student’s
( Nakumbinsibaangmgamanonoodsakahalagahan ng
pagtatanghal ng bidyosapagkatuto ng mag-aaral.)

3. Presentable appearance on the presentation.

(Pagpapakita ng kaaya-ayangpresentasyon.)

4. Proper summary of the content of the Video.

( Maayosnapagbuod ng nilalaman ng bidyo.)

5. Maintaining audience interest until the end of

(Napapanatiliangatensyon ng

II. Visual

6. Appealing to all levels of learners and learning style.

( Nakakaakitsalahat ng antas ng mga nag-aaral at istilo
ng pag-aaral.)

7. Clear Quality of video and audio.

( malinawnakalidad ng bidyo at tunog.)

8. Originality and creativity of the video presentation.

( Pagka-orihinal at pagkamalikhain ng presentasyon
ng bidyo.)

9. All tools and equipments used in presentation are

working well.

( Lahat ng mgakagamitan ay maayosnagumagana.)

10. Does the video have good editing quality?

(ang video ba ay

III - Write your answer in the provided space.

1. What video presentation you can propose/suggest that can utilize more to students



Block 25 Lot 29 SV 8-B, San Isidro, Rodriguez Rizal

 Age
 Birthday
June 6, 1996
 Civil status
 Religion


Colegio de Montalban

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Technology and Livelihood Education

San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal (2020-2021)
San Isidro National High

SY: 2009- 2013

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.


Blk6 Lot6 EcovilleSan Isidro, Rodriguez Rizal

 Age
 Birthday
January 6, 1991
 Civil Status
 Religion


Colegio de Montalban

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Technology and Livelihood Education

San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal (2020-2021)
Justice Cecilia Muñoz Palma High School

SY: 2008- 2009

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Alcantarast.Litex Village San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal
 Age

 Birthday
December 25, 1987
 Civil status
 Religion


Colegio de Montalban

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Technology and Livelihood Education

San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal (2020-2021)
San Jose National High

SY: 2015- 2016

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Blk 4 lot 106 SV 8-C PH- 1N SAN SIDRO RODRIGUEZ,
 Age
 Birthday
June 4, 1993

 Civil status
 Religion


Colegio de Montalban

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Technology and Livelihood Education

San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal (2020-2021)
Pio Duran National High School

SY: 2010- 2011

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.


 Age
 Birthday
December 10, 1988
 Civil status

 Religion
Iglesia Ni Cristo


Colegio de Montalban

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Technology and Livelihood Education

San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal (2020-2021)
Sta. Elena High School

SY: 2015- 2016

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.


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