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Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2009) 44:231–238 DOI 10.



Kennedy Amone-P’Olak Æ Huibert Burger Æ Johan Ormel Æ Martijn Huisman Æ Frank C. Verhulst
Albertine J. Oldehinkel

Socioeconomic position and mental health problems

in pre- and early-adolescents
The TRAILS study

Received: 5 November 2007 / Accepted: 17 July 2008 / Published online: 19 August 2008

j Abstract Background Family socioeconomic po- tively. For internalizing problems, they were 1.86 (CI:
sition (SEP) is known to be associated with adolescent 1.28, 2.70) and 1.37 (CI: 0.94, 2.00), respectively. When
mental health. Whether the relationship is different for adjusted for externalizing problems, SEP effects on
different mental health dimensions is unknown. internalizing problems materially attenuated (OR:
Methods Using a cross-sectional design, we investi- 1.47, CI: 0.78, 1.68 and OR: 1.34, CI: 0.91, 1.96) while
gated the differential effects of family SEP on multiple the converse was less pronounced (OR: 3.39, CI: 2.24,
mental health dimensions in preadolescents 5.15) and (OR: 1.91, CI: 1.25, 2.94). Conclusion In
(N = 2230, baseline age 10–12, 49% boys) using early adolescence, the risk of mental health problems
reports from multiple informants (parent, self, and increases with decreasing SEP, particularly for exter-
teachers). A score equal to or higher than the 85th nalizing problems. Further, the SEP-internalizing
percentile (averaged across informants) defined problems relationship is partly explained by shared
mental health problems. Results SEP was inversely aspects with externalizing problems.
associated with all dimensions. Compared to high SEP,
the odds ratios (OR) for externalizing problems were j Key words socioeconomic position – adoles-
3.88 (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.56, 5.90) and 2.05 cents – gender – mental health problems
(CI: 1.34, 3.14) for low and intermediate SEP, respec-

K. Amone-P’Olak Æ H. Burger Æ J. Ormel Æ M. Huisman Introduction

A.J. Oldehinkel
Interdisciplinary Centre for Psychiatric Epidemiology
University Medical Centre Groningen, University of Groningen In children and adolescents, mental health disorders
Groningen, The Netherlands form a major public health problem because they are
K. Amone-P’Olak Æ J. Ormel Æ M. Huisman Æ A.J. Oldehinkel common, are associated with considerable impair-
Graduate Schools for Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences ment, and form the basis for later mental disorders [29,
University Medical Centre Groningen, University of Groningen 50]. Apart from being a public health problem, mental
Groningen, The Netherlands health disorders, especially externalising problems
H. Burger (&) behaviours, constitute an increasing burden to the
Dept. of Epidemiology, University Medical Center Groningen criminal justice system [24]. Available epidemiological
University of Groningen
Hanzeplein 1 (9713 GZ)
data estimate a worldwide prevalence of child and
P. O. Box 30.001 adolescent mental health disorders at 23% [50].
9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands Psychobiological, environmental and social factors,
Tel.: +31-50/361-0937 among which is family socioeconomic position (SEP);
Fax: +31-50/361-1738 contribute to mental health differences [49]. Family
SEP may be particularly important for mental health
F.C. Verhulst Æ A.J. Oldehinkel in children and adolescents because of the influential
Dept. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
role of the family at this stage [19].
SPPE 424

Erasmus University Medical Centre

Sophia Children’s Hospital Rotterdam Most previous studies concentrated on the associa-
Rotterdam, The Netherlands tion between SEP and mental health problems as a

group, without considering the possibility that SEP may

affect different mental health dimensions differently. Materials and methods
Indeed, social factors such as SEP have been attributed
more frequently to the aetiology of externalising than j Sample
internalising problems [31, 34, 35]. For example,
Subjects were participants in the ‘TRacking Adolescents’ Individual
influences from deviant peers, common in low SEP Lives Survey’ (TRAILS), a prospective cohort study of Dutch (pre)
category, are known to promote aggressive and delin- adolescents, aimed at charting and explaining the development of
quent behaviours [18]. Conversely, personality char- mental health problems from preadolescence into adulthood.
acteristics such as temperament [27] and the experience TRAILS was approved by the Central Committee on Research
Involving Human Subjects. Sample selection involved two steps.
of stressful life events, especially those characterised by First, five municipalities in the North of the Netherlands, including
loss, humiliation, and entrapment are known to be risk both urban and rural areas, were requested to give names and
factors for internalising problems [13, 32]. As the dis- addresses of all inhabitants born between 10-01-1989 and 09-30-
tribution or influence of these risk factors may vary with 1990 (first two municipalities) or 10-01-1990 and 09-30-1991 (last
three municipalities). Of all the children approached for enrolment
SEP, different mental health dimensions may have dif- in the study (N = 3145), 6.7% were excluded because of mental or
ferent relationships with SEP. Research on the differ- physical incapability or language problems. Finally, 76.0%
ential effects of SEP on mental health problems may (N = 2230, mean age = 11.09, SD = 0.56, 50.8% girls) were enrolled
shed light on differences in aetiology or course and in the study of which 96.4% (N = 2149, 51.0% girls) participated in
provide clues for prevention and intervention. the first follow-up assessment (T2-Mean age = 13.6, SD = 0.53,
range = 12–15), held about two years after baseline assessment
Studies on the differential effects of SEP on a range of (T1-Mean = 11.1, SD 0.55, range 10–12). The present study in-
mental health dimensions simultaneously in a single volves data from the first and second assessment waves (T1 and T2
cohort are scarce [47]. Available studies have focused respectively). Responders and non-responders did not differ with
on one or two narrowband (e.g. aggression, delin- respect to problem behaviours, socio-demographic variables, and
mental health problems [21, 30].
quency, anxiety, etc.) or broadband problem domains
(e. g. internalising, externalising, and total problems)
and have yielded inconsistent results [12]. These j Data collection
inconsistencies may be due to the use of different
methodologies [17], different indicators of SEP and At T1, well-trained interviewers visited parents or guardians
(preferably mothers, 95.6%) at their homes to administer inter-
varying sources of information on family SEP [33, 48] views covering a wide range of topics, including their children’s
and mental health [12]. In addition, most studies have mental health. Children filled out questionnaires at school under
been conducted in adults [18], in whom the effects of the supervision of TRAILS assistants. Teachers were asked to fill
SEP may be distorted by reciprocal influences, i.e. out a brief questionnaire for all TRAILS-children in their class. T2
influence of mental health on SEP [36]. In pre- and early involved only questionnaires, to be filled out by the participants,
their parents and teachers. As in T1, the adolescents completed
adolescents, these reciprocal effects are implausible their questionnaires at school. Interviews were conducted and
because at this age, mental health problems are unlikely questionnaires filled after complete description of the study to
to influence family SEP [47]. In summary, research on participants and written informed consent and assent were ob-
the effects of SEP on mental health in pre- and early tained.
adolescents is fragmentary. Yet, adolescents constitute
an important group to policy makers and intervention
designers, because at this stage, future burden of j Measures
mental morbidity may still be prevented by well-de-
signed interventions based on empirical research. Measures of mental health outcome dimensions
Using a cross-sectional design, we report on an
analysis of data from a large population based study
Mental health dimensions of pre- and early adolescents were
of early adolescents using a robust measure of SEP measured at both T1 and T2 by Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL),
that includes both parents’ education, occupation, Youth Self-Report (YSR), [1, 2], and Teacher’s Checklist of Psy-
and family income. Our study investigated the dif- chopathology (TCP) based on the Teacher Report Form (TRF) [3].
ferential effects of family SEP on a variety of mental The CBCL questionnaire and the self-report version YSR are de-
signed to be completed by parents of children aged 4–18 years and
health dimensions. We hypothesised that SEP is more by adolescents aged 11–18 years, respectively. Besides a total
strongly associated with problems in the externalising problems score, both questionnaires contain eight syndrome sub-
domain than with problems in the internalising do- scales each: ‘‘anxious depressed’’, ‘‘withdrawn behaviour’’, ‘‘so-
main. Additionally, gender differences in the rela- matic complaints’’, ‘‘aggressive behaviour’’, ‘‘delinquent
behaviour’’, ‘‘social problems’’, ‘‘thought problems’’, and ‘‘attention
tionships between family SEP and various mental problems’’. The questions regard the past six months and are
health dimensions have been suggested in previous scored as follows: 0 = not true, 1 = somewhat or sometimes true,
studies [10]. For example, low SEP is known to gen- 2 = very true or often true. The reliability and validity of these
erate family conflicts, and boys more than girls re- scales have been documented [1, 3] and reiterated in the Dutch
spond to family conflicts with aggressive and versions of CBCL and YSR [45]. The TCP on the other hand,
contains nine items describing behaviour problems. Teachers rated
disruptive behaviours, which in turn, will elicit the adolescents ranging from 0 = not applicable to 4 = very clearly
punitive responses from parents [10]. For this reason, or frequently applicable. Pearson correlation coefficient between
we studied gender differences in our sample. the TRF and TCP ranged from 0.50 to 0.69 for the nine items [46].

Table 1 Bivariate correlations between continuous measures of different dimensions of mental health problems and their mean values

Variables M (SD) Range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Aggression 0.15 (0.11) 0–0.69 1

2 Delinquency 0.08 (0.07) 0–0.60 0.75 1
3 Anxious/depressed 0.15 (0.10) 0–0.67 0.31 0.18 1
4 Withdrawn/depressed 0.17 (0.11) 0–0.72 0.21 0.13 0.63 1
5 Somatic complaints 0.15 (0.09) 0–0.64 0.26 0.22 0.54 0.41 1
6 Social problems 0.15 (0.10) 0–0.59 0.48 0.33 0.67 0.60 0.42 1
7 Attention problems 0.25 (0.14) 0–0.81 0.64 0.52 0.36 0.30 0.33 0.53 1
8 Thought problems 0.09 (0.07) 0–0.53 0.42 0.35 0.58 0.43 0.47 0.57 0.47 1

All correlation coefficicents P < 0.01

The percentage of missing data was 1.9% for SEP and between 2 assessed the potential of age and gender to confound the association
and 13% and 6 and 31% for mental health dimensions at T1 and T2, between SEP and mental health dimensions by studying their dis-
respectively. Multiple imputations were used to estimate values for tribution across categories of SEP. To examine whether SEP was
missing data under the assumption that the missing values only associated with poor mental health, the prevalence of each specific
depend on observed values (missing at random). This technique has dimension (narrow-band problems: e.g. aggression, anxious de-
been shown to produce more valid results than complete case pressed, attention problems, etc.) as well as the broadband problem
analysis, overall mean imputation and the missing-indicator domains (e.g. externalising, internalising, and total problems), was
method when data are not missing completely at random [23]. calculated according to SEP categories. Binary logistic regression
Using the NORM computer software, five complete data sets were analyses were performed to obtain odds ratios and 95% confidence
created. Usually, the number of data sets to be created depends on intervals (95% CI) of mental health problems for the lowest and the
the percentage of missing data, however, 3–5 imputations are known intermediate SEP categories, relative to the high SEP category. In
to be adequate to realise superior results [39, 40]. All five data sets these analyses the presence of each separate mental health problem
were analysed in an identical way and their results were pooled. was the dependent variable and SEP (low, intermediate, and high)
In this study, information on mental health dimensions was was entered as a categorical independent variable. Considered a
obtained from multiple informants (parents, teachers, and adoles- potential confounder, gender was additionally entered into the
cents themselves). Information from different sources is known to model. To assess the trends of the relationships between SEP and
be a better predictor of disorder and the best estimate of diagnosis prevalence of various mental health problems, SEP was entered as a
rather than a single source because it reduces rater bias [5, 44]. We continuous variable (non-categorical) in the logistic regression
computed a combined estimate of mental health using the scores model. To explore to what extent the associations of the broadband
given by the different informants. In order to place the same weight problem domains with SEP were due to a shared component (co-
on information from different informants, the scores on YSR, CBCL occurrence) of these domains rather than a unique component of
and TCP were all standardised to a zero to one scale by dividing the each domain, we studied the association between SEP and external-
scores on each scale by its range before averaging over informants. ising problems while additionally adjusting for internalising prob-
Given our interest in levels of psychopathology rather than age- lems and vice versa, and compared the results to those of the analyses
related development and because preliminary analyses showed no in which we adjusted only for gender. To examine the possible
major differences between T1 and T2 scores (Cohen’s d denoting modifying effect of gender, we repeated the analyses for boys and girls
effect size for all dimensions <0.2), we averaged the scores obtained separately and assessed the interaction between SEP as a continuous
at T1 and T2. variable and gender. All statistical analyses were conducted using
We decided to dichotomise the mental health dimensions prior to SPSS version 14.0 for Windows (SPSS, Inc., Chicago). Associations
the analyses. We chose the 85th percentile to demarcate the presence with a P value less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
or absence of a mental health problem in consideration of previous
studies showing that scores greater than or equal to the 85th per-
centile on the CBCL and TRF Total Problems predicted poor out-
comes. Scores over the 85th percentile also denote the borderline Results
clinical mental health disorders [21, 30, 44], thus making the possible
clinical implication of our study of greater public health relevance. Correlations between the variables and means, stan-
Furthermore, there is often high cross informants agreement on dard deviations and range of scores are presented in
adolescents with high scores.
Table 1. All the mental health dimensions were cor-
related with each other and all correlations were sta-
j Measurement of SEP tistically significant. There were high correlations
among variables within each broadband domain of
SEP was assessed at baseline using five indicators: family income, externalising problems (aggression and delinquency)
educational level (father and mother), and occupational level (fa- and internalising problems (anxious/depressed and
ther and mother) using the International Standard Classification of
Occupations [28] and based on the average of the five items
withdrawn/depressed). The correlation between in-
(standardized). The lowest 25%, intermediate 50% and highest 25% ternalising and externalising problems was moderate:
of the scores were considered to represent low, intermediate and r = 0.29, P < 0.01.
high SEP, respectively. Gender distribution varied slightly across SEP
categories with a lower prevalence of female gender in
low SEP group (n = 259, 46.8%) and a higher preva-
j Data analyses lence in intermediate SEP category (n = 585, 54.0%).
Although TRAILS is a prospective cohort study, the design for our Average age at T1 (mean = 11.1, SD 0.55, range 10–
analysis was cross-sectional because mental health outcomes from 12) and at T2 (mean = 13.6, SD 0.53, range 12–15)
the two assessment waves were averaged to a single value. First we was similar across SEP categories. The prevalence of

Low SEP Middle SEP High SEP


35 32.5
30.49 31.13
% - prevalence rates

29.42 28.78
26.25 25.97
23.46 24.28 24.17
20 18.35 18.02 17.53 17.01 17.72 18.5
16.14 16.82 16.53 17.55 16.43 16.84
15 13.13 13.22
10.23 9.88 10.82
9.97 8.54 9.32
10 7.57
















































Mental health outcomes

Fig. 1 Prevalence rates of mental health outcomes in different levels of SEP

mental health problems according to SEP is presented preliminary adjustment for it had not changed the
in Fig. 1. Generally, a higher level of SEP was gradu- results, it was removed from the final analyses.
ally associated with a lower prevalence of all mental As compared to high SEP, low SEP and to a lesser
health problems. The gradient was steeper for extent also intermediate SEP was associated with an
aggressive, delinquent behaviours (externalising do- increased risk of all mental health problems and most
main), attention, and total problems, than for anx- associations were statistically significant. The stron-
ious/depressed, withdrawn/depressed and thought gest increases were found for aggression, delinquency,
problems (internalising domain). attention, and externalising problems. When addi-
Table 2 presents three levels of SEP regressed on tionally adjusting for internalising problems, the
the eleven dimensions while adjusting for gender. As association between low SEP and externalising prob-
age was equally distributed across SEP categories and lems hardly attenuated and remained statistically

Table 2 Logistic regression analyses: attributable risks of family of socioeconomic position on mental health dimensions—adjusted for gender (N = 2230)

Outcomes dimensions N (‡85th percentile) Socioeconomic position Trend Effect modification

of trend by gender
High Intermediate Low
Reference OR: (95% CI:) OR: (95% CI:) P value P value

Aggression 323 1.0 2.26 (1.52, 3.37) 4.12 (2.69, 6.30) 0.000 0.808
Delinquency 323 1.0 1.74 (1.24, 2.44) 2.90 (2.03, 4.14) 0.000 0.500
Anxious/depressed 332 1.0 1.30 (0.90, 1.87) 1.56 (0.98, 2.48) 0.024 0.693
Withdrawn/depressed 372 1.0 1.09 (0.80, 1.49) 1.42 (0.99, 1.98) 0.005 0.358
Somatic Complaints 319 1.0 1.73 (1.21, 2.47) 2.55 (1.73, 3.78) 0.000 0.685
Social problems 366 1.0 1.66 (1.16, 2.37) 2.41 (1.63, 3.56) 0.000 0.632
Attention problems 347 1.0 1.81 (1.28, 2.56) 2.91 (1.85, 4.60) 0.000 0.398
Thought problems 349 1.0 1.35 (0.95, 1.90) 1.98 (1.38, 2.84) 0.000 0.895
Internalising problems 343 1.0 1.37 (0.94, 2.00) 1.86 (1.28, 2.70) 0.000 0.563
Externalising problems 334 1.0 2.05 (1.34, 3.14) 3.88 (2.56, 5.90) 0.000 0.598
Total problems 341 1.0 1.83 (1.24, 2.72) 3.34 (2.12, 5.24) 0.000 0.958
Internalising problems 343 1.0 1.34 (0.91, 1.96) 1.47 (0.78, 1.68) 0.028 0.462
Externalising problems 334 1.0 1.91 (1.25, 2.94) 3.39 (2.24, 5.15) 0.000 0.747

OR Odds Ratio, CI Confidence Intervals, Adjusted for gender and externalising problem behaviour, 
Adjusted for gender and internalising problem behaviour

significant. The association between low SEP and in- evident when we assessed the risks of internalising
ternalising problems, however, markedly attenuated problems while adjusting for externalising problems
when we additionally adjusted for externalising and vice versa. Thirdly, the cross-sectional design of
problems and the odds ratio was no longer statisti- this study makes it impossible to determine whether
cally significant. the effects of SEP regard the incidence of mental
Due to the apparent monotonously decreasing health problems, their duration, or both. Lastly, again
relationship between SEP and mental health dimen- due to the cross-sectional design, we cannot exclude
sions, we computed the trend of the relationship the possibility that the association between family SEP
using a continuous (non-categorical) measure of SEP and mental health problems, at least in part, may have
and the results were statistically significant for all been reciprocal. Nevertheless, in pre- and early ado-
dimensions. After repeating the analyses while strat- lescents, reciprocal effects are unlikely because their
ifying for gender, no material gender differences were mental health problems have limited influence on
observed. Accordingly, effect modification of the family SEP [47].
prevalence trend with SEP by gender was non-sig- Our study has a number of strengths too. First, we
nificant for all dimensions. used data from a large population cohort and a robust
measure of SEP directly obtained from the parents.
Additionally, data on mental health were obtained
Discussion from multiple informants, thus limiting rater and
information biases and increasing precision [44].
Our study is a useful addition to the health inequality Secondly, our study is unique in that only one pre-
debate by examining the differential effects of SEP vious study examined the differential incidence and
differences on multiple dimensions of mental health cumulative prevalence of mental health problems in
problems based on a large population cohort of 2230 different socioeconomic levels in 8–17 year olds (13).
pre- and early adolescents. The study demonstrated a Therefore, our study is the only other that has as-
strong relationship between SEP and all dimensions sessed the effects of SEP on multiple mental health
of mental health problems. dimensions concurrently in a single cohort, especially
The relationship was not equally pronounced for in children and adolescents. Lastly, we used multiply
all dimensions. Associations with SEP were more imputed datasets to address the problem of missing
substantial for externalising problems particularly data, particularly common in longitudinal studies
aggressive and delinquent behaviours, than for in- with multiple informants.
ternalising problems, especially anxious/depressed Our findings agree with previous studies that have
and withdrawn/depressed. These observations con- found adolescents in low SEP category to be at risk of
firm our hypothesis. However, the association of SEP mental health problems [4, 20, 34–36]. However, we
with internalising problems markedly attenuated observed relatively large effects while previous studies
when corrected for externalising problems while the have consistently found that SEP effects on mental
converse was not true indicating that the SEP- inter- health were small, accounting usually for less than
nalising problems relationship may, at least in part, be one percent of explained variance in total problems
due to shared components (co-occurrence) with scores [6, 7]. When we calculated the percentage of
externalising problems. Our findings suggest that explained variance in all dimension-specific and total
exposure to different levels of family SEP may not problems scores by SEP, the effects were also small
have the same effects on various dimensions of (<5%), but somewhat higher than in previous studies.
mental health. No evidence of gender modification of This could have been because we used a more robust
the relationships between SEP and mental health measure of SEP based on both parents’ education,
problems was found. occupation and family income, while previous studies
relied mainly on occupation [6, 7], income or edu-
cation levels of fathers as indicators of SEP. We also
j Limitations and strengths used multiple informants to report on mental health
contrary to previous studies that used single infor-
A number of limitations need to be mentioned. mants. Furthermore, our study registered a high re-
Firstly, the only sources of information on mental sponse rate and success in recruiting families often
health dimensions in this study were behaviour difficult to recruit [21].
checklists. Some of the associations detected apply We could not easily compare our results with other
only to emotional and behavioural problems that studies simultaneously addressing similar sets of
cannot be taken to mean psychiatric disorders defined varying outcome dimensions as no other study tried
in terms of clinical diagnoses. However, the checklists to examine the effects of SEP on unique aspects of
may be comparable to interviews in studies involving internalising and externalising problems. Comparison
the classification of psychiatric disorders [11]. Sec- with previous studies is also hampered by the use of
ondly, the SEP relationship with each dimension different indices of SEP (income, occupation or edu-
cannot be interpreted as independent. This became cation) and the fact that the outcomes in our study

denoted the range comprising borderline and clinical come out of socioeconomic adversity. Furthermore,
mental health problems (scores ‡85th percentile). low family SEP may trigger a chain reaction that
These outcomes implicate odds ratios as measures of subsequently leads to poor mental health in a
the magnitude of effect rather than explained variance cumulative process [22].
in the total distribution of scores. The association between SEP and externalising
The finding that the associations between SEP and problems remained nearly unaltered when we ad-
mental health problems were stronger for externalis- justed for internalising problems while the association
ing than internalising problems might be due to a between SEP and internalising problems, however,
differential role of contextual risk factors. Previous markedly attenuated when we corrected for exter-
studies have suggested that contextual family risk nalising problems. This suggests that the SEP- inter-
factors such as SEP that affects the immediate phys- nalising problems relationship may, at least in part, be
ical and social environment of the child are associated due to shared components with externalising prob-
more with externalising than with internalising lems. These shared components may include the co-
problems [9, 27]. Conversely, individual temperament occurrence between internalising and externalising
characteristics such as negative affectivity and fear- problems. For example, delinquency and depression
fulness are associated more with internalising prob- are known to co-occur in adolescents [8]. It has also
lems [37]. been suggested that externalising problems such as
The effects of SEP may be different for both girls disruptive behaviours may be associated with rejec-
and boys at different ages and developmental stages tion and lack of social support by peers or significant
[10]. In this study, however, no gender differences others, which in turn may result in worries, anxiety,
were detected on any dimension. This could have and depression [14, 15].
been due to the young age as previous studies have The mechanisms through which SEP affects ado-
found inconsistent SEP effects on mental health dur- lescent mental health are complex and could well be
ing childhood and preadolescence [19]. different for externalising and internalizing problems.
Several mechanisms through which SEP may be Further research is needed to elucidate mechanisms
related to mental health problems have been high- underlying the observed patterns of associations and
lighted. In particular, environmental inequities re- to distinguish the relationship between family SEP
lated to SEP such as goods and services essential for and various mental health dimensions.
health (although this is unlikely in the Dutch situa-
tion), and parents’ health promoting behaviours [12,
25] may affect adolescents’ mental health. In addition, j Implications
low SEP families often secure housing in deprived
neighbourhoods where drug and substance abuse, Findings of this study have implications for both re-
delinquent and deviant peer behaviours, and other search and policy. Research efforts should be directed
social problems are known to thrive [25, 38, 41]. at unravelling mediating factors such as stressful life
Moreover, low SEP is a source of chronic stress that events, family functioning, parental psychopathology,
impacts on the relationship between parents and their and rearing behaviours. We acknowledge the impor-
children, e.g. poor family functioning, child abuse, tance of these contextual factors but considered them
and poor rearing behaviours [16, 41, 43]. Further- beyond the scope of this article. We propose that the
more, recent findings indicate an interaction of findings in this study should lead to further research
genotype and parental negativity and low warmth, on the causal paths through which SEP and family
both common in low SEP families, in predicting related factors that affect mental health can be
antisocial behaviour but not depression [26]. translated into strategies to prevent adverse outcomes
The mental health of pre- and early adolescents is from a public health point of view. For policy makers,
unlikely to affect family SEP although we cannot the implication of this study is to direct interventions
preclude the possibility that children and adoles- to low SEP families, and to design public health pol-
cents with a clinically relevant level of problems icies for early prevention of particularly externalising
may prevent parents from taking a job or force problems in children and adolescents. For example,
parents to have reduced working hours. Addition- programmes such as neighbourhood social cohesion
ally, low SEP of the parent may be the beginning of that has been shown to limit poor parental rearing
negative spiral, in which the children are likely to practices and children’s externalising behaviours [42].
develop mental health problems, which in turn re-
duces their chance of gaining higher SEP them-
selves. It is also possible that, aggressive and Conclusion
delinquent behaviours more than anxious/depressed
or withdrawn depressed put one in an unfavourable This population-based study of adolescent mental
SEP track due to a combination of adverse social health shows that low family SEP is associated with
environment and possible genetic contributions of poor mental health for all outcomes. However, the
the family that make them drift down or just fail to effects of family SEP are stronger on adolescents’

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j Acknowledgments This research is part of the TRacking Ado- mental transitions among affective and behavioral disorders in
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TRAILS include various departments of the University Medical 15. Capaldi D, Stoolmiller M (1999) Co-occurrence of conduct
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