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Irrefutably(Irrefutably, add comma) with the breakthrough inventions in

technology(technological, must be adjective) era, people are getting more inclined

towards online portals to read news. However, many people still believe that
newspapers will forever stay as(a, article) paramount source of information for most
people worldwide. Personally, I completely agree with this notion and will be elucidating
my view point (viewpoint )in the following paragraph. (Directly answer the question)

There are multifarious reasons to strengthen my assertion. Firstly, there are myriad of
remote areas in the world where the internet has not even reached. In these areas (,
add comma) people are completely dependent upon newspapers to get informed
(acquire information, better word combination) of their surroundings. For instance,
several areas of Syria have to bear the brunt of digital divide as network operators of
hesitant (are reluctant, better word combination) to work in these areas due to the
political instability. That is why (Hence, avoid that is why) the press is the only source of
information left for these people.

Secondly, most senior citizens are unable to cope with digital literacy and thus find it
convenient to stick to their conventional methods of reading news that is through
newspaper. (through newspapers, seemed fluffy)

Lastly, these hard copies of(fluffy language) newspapers before getting printed are
crosschecked by a team of editors to verify the authenticity of print media. By contrast,
yellow journalism is mostly spread through unregulated websites and anonymous
bloggers sitting online. Consequently, majority of people prefer to read newspapers to
online as it(unclear subject , must be they because if you are saying “newspapers”)is
more reliable and trustworthy.

To recapitulate, I firmly( briefly, wrong word choice) reiterate that although there is an
increased craze among people ,in particular, youngsters to read online, newspapers will
remain forever the most imperative source of information because of digital illiteracy and
more importantly due to its veracity. (Add your opinion in conclusion)

Overall – 6.75
TA= 7 LR = 7
Answer all parts of the question Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
Addressed quite a lot -yes , Ex- people, youngsters, senior citizen, editors
Present relevant ideas But must use readers as well

yes Use less common question specific words that

Fully explain these ideas accurately convey meaning
Second idea was not fully developed Yes , online portal, digital divide, tech breakthrough
Support ideas with relevant, specific examples spelling and word formation mistakes
Just one example, that does not cover the previous hardly any

GRA 6.5 CC 6 – 6.5

Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
Rare variety Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
Errors in sentence Almost logical
fewer One main idea per paragraph
omplex sentences were missing despite complex Yes
thought Included an introduction and conclusion
Support main points with an explanation and then an
Somewhat missing
Use cohesive linking words accurately and
In some cases poor understanding
Varied your linking phrases using synonyms
Some rare areas to improve
Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as the older
houses in the local area. Others disagree and say local authorities should allow people
to build houses in the style of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your

It has been reckoned by various people that new residential buildings ought to be

constructed in the same manner as the older ones in the locality; however,  some
section of society argue that government should give relaxation in choosing the design
of the house to the owners. In my point of view,  I completely accord with lateral

To embark on, building a house similar to the traditional houses have a certain benefits.
Firstly, the owner would not to have a burden of selecting a design of the building.
Furthermore, the look-alike pattern of construction gives an incredible view to the
society. In addition, the matching structure of houses shows the unity and togetherness
among the local residents.

Needless to say, right to choose the layout of the houses always bring a sence of
satisfaction to the owners. It has been suspected that the worth and demand of property
is often higher for the buildings that are designed and selected by choice of owners. For
instance, according to certain real estate advisors in U.K, the exorbitant prices of newly
built houses in the city centre frequently raise the demand among the citizens,
especially the affluent class, because of advanced build-up facilities in the buildings
compared to the old conventional houses.

To conclude, I firmly reiterate that building the house with the choice of owner is
certainly seen as a boon rather than a bane to the society as it fulfills the needs of
individuals. In addition, it also gives a sense of satisfaction to the people. 

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