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Category Exceed Expectations Meets Expectations Approaching Below Expectations


Teamwork (20%) Member actively Member reliably Member generally Member was difficult to
promoted culture of worked with the team worked with the rest of work with.
teamwork and led by as needed or as the team, but could
example. directed. have been more

Editorial Role (20%) Member exceeded the Member met all Member met most Member only met some
expectations for her expectations for her expectations for her of the expectations for
editorial role and went editorial role. editorial role. her editorial role.
above and beyond her

Individual Texts (40%) Texts are well-written, Texts are adequately Texts contain some Text is poorly written
extensively written, well research and are with little to no
researched, and researched, and somewhat engaging. research. Ideas are
engaging. Ideas are engaging. Ideas are Writing could be difficult to understand or
thoroughly developed, developed with some improved with further vague, with little to no
insightful, and insight and relevance. revision Ideas could use relevance to the course.
relevant. Texts are Texts are representative further development Texts do not clearly or
exemplars for the text of the text types used. and/or relevance. Texts consistently follow a
types used. are related to the text writing type. Text may
types the student is be too brief or
attempting to use. underdeveloped to

Grade: 100% A

I love how you tackled the creative nonfiction genre here!

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