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Elizabethan Dating Guide Assignment

Imagine you are an enterprising English merchant wise in the ways of courtship. Pass on your wisdom to
bachelors and maidens alike in a handy guide. Get your audience’s attention with eye catching visuals
and delight them with your wit. Teach them how to woo and wed with ease while earning a shilling for
yourself. Be sure to include an interesting title and a works cited page in proper MLA. Create your guide
in Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Canva and upload it onto Google Classroom. Your guide must be a
minimum of six slides. Slides should include images to complement the text. Think carefully about
formatting and organization. Your guide may be aimed at men, women, or both. You may do outside
research if you choose, just remember to use credible sources.

“Wooing and Wedding: Courtship and Marriage in Early Modern England ” and “Marriage and Courtship”
are required readings; all others are optional. You can use sources from the “Elizabeth’s Golden Age”
presentation as well.

(Required) “Wooing and Wedding: Courtship and Marriage in Early Modern England”

(Required) “Marriage and Courtship”

“Elizabethan Women: Women in Tudor History”

“Sports, Games, and Entertainment in the Elizabethan Era.”


“Food and Drink in the Elizabethan Era”

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