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FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Independence – Freedom – Happiness

Ho Chi Minh City,…………………………


1. Course information:
Number of credits: 3 (3,0)
Time allocation: Theory (hours): 45 Practice/Discussion (hours): Self-study (hours): 90
Pre-requisite: None Pre-requisite code: None
Prior-Completion: Principle of Management Prior-Completion 702051
Co-requisite: None Co-requisite code: None
Program: International Business Program code: 52340120

2. Course Objectives (COs):

No. Course Objectives (COs) Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs)

Generalize aboutglobalization,multiculturaland the impact of multicultural ELO4

inthe international business

2 Discovermulticultural phenomena in international business administration ELO7

3 Evaluatethe challenges and opportunities of doing business in different ELO10


Research and analyzethe shortcomings and challenges of multinational ELO10

4 companies in managementand the implications for management and
employment in different national contexts.

Propose the challenges of multicultural management in the future and strategies ELO11
appropriate to the development of multinational corporations.

3. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

No Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) COs ELOs
1 Understand the importance of national culture andmulticultural management
influencing international business.
2 Understand multicultural situations in international business administrationand the
impact of different national cultures on work and employment in different CO2 ELO7
3 Analyzethecultural norms,cultural values,ethnic background and institutional
differences to evaluate the challenges and opportunities of doing business in different CO3 ELO10
4 Analyzecultural and cognitive differences in multicultural phenomena in
international business administrationto develop appropriate problem-solving and CO4 ELO10
communication skills in a multicultural environment.
5 Analyzethe complexity of multiculturalism at micro and macro levels and how
organizational and national culture impacts upon them: work, motivation,
performance appraisal, leadership, cross-cultural communication and decision- CO4 ELO10
making, negotiation and trust, conflict and dispute resolution and corporate social
6 Assess the importance of multiculturalism in multinational managementand establish
appropriate problem-solving and communication skills in a multicultural CO5 ELO11

4. Course main contents:
The course is designed to include the following contents:
 Part 1: Management and Culture (Chapter 1,2,3,4)
+ Chapter 1: Introduction: The Challenging Role of the Global Manager
+ Chapter 2: Describing Culture: What It Is and Where It Comes From
+ Chapter 3: Comparing Cultures: Systematically Describing Cultural Differences
+ Chapter 4: How Culture Works: Fundamentals of Cross-Cultural Interaction
 Part 2: Roles of The Global Manager (Chapter 5,6,7)
+ Chapter 5: The Manager as Decision Maker: Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Decision Making
+ Chapter 6: The Manager as Negotiator: Communicating and Negotiating Across Cultures
+ Chapter 7: The Manager as Leader: Motivation and Leadership Across Cultures
 Part 3: Global Management Challenge (Chapter 8,9,10)
+ Chapter 8: The Challenge of Multicultural Work Groups and Teams
+ Chapter 9: The Challenge of International Organizations: Structure and Culture
+ Chapter 10: The Challenge of Managing Across Cultures in the Future

5. Requirements for students:

 Attendance and Preparation:
+ Attending at least 80% course duration;
+ Reading related contents in the textbook and learning materials before the class;
+ Completing e-learning exercises of each chapter before the class (the 1st attempt).
 In-class activities participation:
+ Being active in teamwork, presentation preparing, discussion and group activities required by the lecturer;
+ Being enthusiastic and dynamic in giving ideas, answers and debates about the lessons and learning contents.
 Completing all of the assignments:
+ Being on time in completing all of the assignments;
+ Reading textbook and other learning materials as required by the lecturer to broaden knowledge;
+ Completing all of the e-learning exercises of each chapter after the class (2 nd and 3rd attempts).
 Joining in the report writing, presentation preparation, group discussion and taking the final test as regulated
6. Learning materials:

 Textbook:
[1]. Thomas, D. C. & Peterson M., [2014], Cross-Cultural Management: Essensial Concepts, 3rd edition, NY: Sage, New York;
 Supplementary readings:
[2]. Myron W. Lustig, Jolene Koester, [2013], Intercultural competence: Interpersonal communication across cultures, 7th edition,
Pearson Education, Boston;
[3]. Bettina Gehrke, Global Leadership Practices: A Cross-Cultural Management Perspective, McGraw-Hill;
 Additional readings:
[4]. Brian J. Hurn, Barry TomalinBasingstoke, [2013], Cross - Cultural communication: Theory and practice, Hampshire: Palgrave
[5]. Geert H Hofstede, Gert Jan Hofstede, Michael Minkov, [2010], Cultures and organizations: software of the mind: international
cooperation and its importance for survival, 3rd edition, New York ; London : McGraw-Hill.

7. Assessment methods:
Assessment components Weight (%) Types of assessment CLOs
Process exercises and/or Multiple choice questions (In-class
Process assessment 1 10% case studies and e-learning exercises and/or attendance CLO1; CLO2
Process assessment 2 20% Presentation CLO3; CLO4;
Mid-term assessment 20% Constructed-response test CLO4; CLO5
Final test 50% Constructed-response test CLO4; CLO5;CLO6

8. Course schedule:
Week Contents Teaching activities Self- CLOs Requirements Student’s tasks
(Lesson) organization study
1 Course introduction 2 1 6 CLO1; CLO3; Preparation: Reading
+ Why study Cross-Cultural CLO4 textbook and other
Management? materials of chapter 1;

+ Assessment methods; In-class:
+ Course regulations; Discussion;Giving ideas,
+Course requirements and deadlines. arguments and criticisms
Chapter 1: Introduction: The + After class:Reviewing
Challenging Role of the Global lesson’s contents;
Manager Answering the end-
1.1. Globalization forces chapter questions.
1.2. The environment and roles of global
1.3. The pros and cons of different types
of cross-cultural research
1.4. The methods problems of cross-
cultural research
Teaching methods:
+ Lecture;
+ Discussion;
+ Debate.
2 Chapter 2: Describing Culture: What It 2 1 6 CLO2; CLO3; 702051: 3 Preparation: Reading
Is and Where It Comes From CLO4 textbook and other
materials of chapter 2;
2.1 The main features of culture
2.2 Cultures differ and persist Discussion;Giving ideas,
2.3 Debates about what culture is and arguments and criticisms
whether it matters on assigned cases
+ After class:Reviewing
2.4 Culture affect behavior by social lesson’s contents;
groups Answering the end-
Teaching methods: chapter questions and
+ Lecture; solving the closing case of
+ Problem-solving; the chapter.
+ Debate.
3-4 Chapter 3: Comparing Cultures: 4 2 12 CLO2; CLO3; 702051: 3 Preparation: Reading
Systematically Describing Cultural CLO4 textbook and other
Differences materials Chapter 3;
3.1 Some examples of describing cultural Doing e-learning exercises
differences (1st attempt)
 Kluckholn and Strodtbeck;
Discussion;Giving ideas,
 Hofstede; arguments and criticisms
 Schwartz value survey on assigned cases
 Trompenaars; + After class:Reviewing
 The GLOBE study lesson’s contents; Doing
e-learning exercises (2nd&
3.2 Cultural tightness or looseness 3rd attempts); Answering
3.3 Social axioms the end-chapter questions
3.4 Limitations and solving the closing
3.5 Culture frameworks case of the chapter.
Teaching methods:
+ Lecture;
+ Problem-solving;
+ Debate.
5 Chapter 4: How Culture Works: 4 2 12 CLO1;CLO2; 702051: 3 Preparation: Reading
Fundamentals of Cross-Cultural CLO3; CLO4 textbook and other
Interaction materials Chapter 4;)
4.1. Social cognition Discussion;Giving ideas,
 Cultural Schemas arguments and criticisms
on assigned cases
 Cultural Identity
+ After class:Reviewing
 Cultural Script and Norms lesson’s contents;
 Selective Perception Answering the end-
chapter questions and
 Perceived Similarity and Attraction solving the closing case of
4.2. Stereotypic Expectations the chapter.
4.3. Differential Attributes
4.4. Cross cultural interaction model
4.5. Variations in self-concept
andMotivational implications of self-
Teaching methods:
+ Lecture;
+ Problem-solving;
+ Debate.
6 Chapter 5: The Manager as Decision 2 1 6 CLO2; CLO4; Preparation: Reading
Maker: Cross-Cultural Dimensions of CLO6 textbook and other
Decision Making materials Chapter 5;
Doing e-learning exercises
5.1 Rational decision making
(1st attempt)
5.2 Heuristics In-class:
5.3Motivational biases Discussion;Giving ideas,
 selection decisions arguments and criticisms
 reward allocation decisions on assigned cases
5.4 Ethical judgments + After class:Reviewing
5.5 The stages of moral development lesson’s contents; Doing
proposed by Kohlberg and the e-learning exercises (2nd&
implications 3rd attempts); Answering
Teaching methods: the end-chapter questions
+ Lecture; and solving the closing
+ Problem-solving; case of the chapter.
+ Debate.
Teaching methods:
+ Lecture;
+ Problem-solving;
+ Debate.
7 Chapter 6: The Manager as Negotiator: 2 1 6 CLO2; CLO4; Preparation: Reading
Communicating and Negotiating Across CLO6 textbook and other
Cultures materials Chapter 6;
Doing e-learning exercises

6.1 Cultural field and language (1st attempt)
6.2 Communication styles In-class:
Discussion;Giving ideas,
6.3 Other aspects of language arguments and criticisms
6.4 Language differences on assigned cases
6.5 Nonverbal communication + After class:Reviewing
lesson’s contents; Doing
6.6 Culture affect communication and e-learning exercises (2nd&
negotiation 3rd attempts); Answering
Teaching methods: the end-chapter questions
+ Lecture; and solving the closing
+ Case Studies; case of the chapter.
+ Problem-solving;
+ Debate.
Mid-term (Project presentation) 1,2,3,4,5
8-9 Chapter 7: The Manager as Leader: 2 1 6 CLO2; CLO4; Preparation: Reading
Motivation and Leadership Across CLO5; CLO6 textbook and other
Cultures materials Chapter 7;
Doing e-learning exercises
7.1 Culture affect the application of the
(1st attempt)
theories of motivation In-class:
7.2 Job design motivate and Cultural Discussion;Giving ideas,
variation arguments and criticisms
7.3 Western leadership theories on assigned cases
7.4 Non-Western leadership theories + After class:Reviewing
7.5 Integrated Cross-Cultural Model of lesson’s contents; Doing
e-learning exercises (2nd&
3rd attempts); Answering
7.6Implications for Managersabout culture the end-chapter questions
and leadership and solving the closing
Teaching methods: case of the chapter.
+ Lecture;
+ Problem-solving;
+ Debate.
10 - 11 Chapter 8: The Challenge of 2 1 6 CLO2; CLO4; Preparation: Reading
Multicultural Work Groups and Teams CLO5 textbook and other
materials Chapter 8;
8.1 Functioning work group
Doing e-learning exercises
8.2 Dynamics of work groups (1st attempt)
8.3 The effects of factors external to the In-class: Discussion;
work group Giving ideas, arguments
and criticisms on assigned
8.4 The Case against Regional Integration cases
8.5 Cultural composition + After class: Reviewing
8.6 Virtual teams lesson’s contents; Doing
e-learning exercises (2nd
8.7Multicultural groups best managed & 3rd attempts);
8.8 Implications for Managers Answering the end-
Teaching methods: chapter questions and
+ Lecture; solving the closing case of
+ Case Studies; the chapter.
+ Problem-solving;
+ Debate.
12 - 13 Chapter 9: The Challenge of 4 2 12 CLO2; CLO4; Preparation: Reading
International Organizations: Structure CLO5, CLO6 textbook and other
and Culture materials Chapter 9;
9.1 The structure of organization Discussion;Giving ideas,
9.2 The five structural configurations of arguments and criticisms
organizations on assigned cases
+ After class:Reviewing
9.3 Different structures
lesson’s contents; Doing
9.4 Two mechanisms e-learning exercises (2nd&
9.5 Multinational organizations (MNOs) 3rd attempts); Answering
and organizational characteristics the end-chapter questions
and solving the closing
9.6 Cross-border mergers, acquisitions, case of the chapter.
and joint ventures
9.7 Culture influence relationship
9.8 Implications for Managers
Teaching methods:
+ Lecture;
+ Case Studies;
+ Problem-solving;
+ Debate.
14 Chapter 10: The Challenge of 2 1 6 CLO4; CLO5; Preparation: Reading
Managing Across Cultures in the CLO6 textbook and other
Future materials;
10.1 Economic development Discussion;Giving ideas,
10.2 Transition economies arguments and criticisms
10.3 The implications of the rapid on assigned cases
+ After class:Reviewing
advancements in information and
lesson’s contents;
communications technology. Answering the end-
Teaching methods: chapter questions and
+ Lecture; solving the closing case of
+ Case Studies; the chapter.
+ Problem-solving;
+ Debate.
15 Chapter 10: The Challenge of 1 2 6 CLO4; CLO5; + Preparation: Written
Managing Across Cultures in the CLO6 Report, Evaluation form;
Future Individual Work
10.4 Natural environment Assessment; Questions;
10.5 Global environment Concerning issues; Ideas
10.6 The future + In-class: Discussion;
Debates; Giving ideas,
Group Report Submission arguments and criticisms.
Review + After class:
Teaching methods: Reviewing learning
+ Lecture; contents;
+ Problem-based learning;
+ Case studies;
+ Self-learning.
Total 45 0 0 90

9. Date of first approval:…………………………………….

Course designer Dean of the Faculty

MBA. Tran Thi Van Trang Dr. Pham Thi Minh Ly

Reviewer Head of Undergraduate Studies Department

Head of the Division President

Dr. Pham Thi Ngan Prof. Le Vinh Danh
10. Date and Up-to-date contents:
1st time:
Updating COs, CLOs, Requirements for students and Course schedule
Head of Undergraduate Studies Department Dean of the Faculty Instructor


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