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Chapter I


The Problem and Its Background

Study habit is one factor that influences the academic performance of the students. Mark

and Howard (2009) are of opinion that the most common challenge to the success of students in

all ramifications is a lack of effective or positive (good) study habit. They further maintain that if

students can develop a good study habit and with good discipline, they are bound to perform

remarkably well in their academic pursuit. Grace (2013) also maintains that the process of

learning is still a little mysterious but studies do show that the most effective process for

studying involves highly active behavior over a period of time. In other words, to study

effectively, one must read, draw, compare, memorize and test himself over time. Marc (2011)

observes that good study habits are essential to educational success, as they contribute to a

successful academic future. Good study habits lead to good grades while good grades lead to

admissions to better colleges and universities, possibly with a scholarship thrown in. This in turn,

will lead to a great career.

Study habits can be classified into two-good study habits and bad study habits. Good

study habits according to Katelyn (2013) are sometimes referred to as a positive or productive

study habits. As the name implies, they are those pleasant study habits which have the tendency

to improve the academic performance of students or that seem to produce good results. They are

the study habits which make students successful in their studies after developing and applying

them throughout their academic career. Otherwise, bad study habits according to John (2010) are
Study Habits and Class performance 2

negative or non-productive study habits which are undesirable and counter-productive to

students’ academic performance. When developed and utilized by students at all levels, they tend

to hamper academic progress and performance of the users. But sometimes it depends on the

students on how they will do their habits on studying. For example Nikki (2013) identifies bad

reading habits to include studying with friends, listening to loud music, studying in

uncomfortable conditions and cramming. Their ability to study and concentrate can be increased

by finding a quiet place where they can concentrate. On the other hand distractions such as

phones, chat rooms, TM and text messaging, TV, video games, music and computers can all

decrease students’ ability to learn. Whatever is going on around and within a student’s own mind

is going to affect his study habits.

Siahi and Maiyo, (2015) highlight that in the educational parlance, performance

manifests through academic achievement, which is the manifestation of a student’s habit of study

and they in turn are formed and strengthened through education. The development of good study

habits is equally relative and helpful not only in academic work but in career actualization. In

other words those students who have a good study habits are likely to excel than those with poor

study habits. Adeyemo (2005) and Gbore (2006) they argue that study habits have strong

relationship with the academic performance of students. A student who cultivates certain study

habit will perform differently from a student who has another set of study habit. It is believed

that student who lacks effective and efficient means of studying would be building on shaking

foundation and consequently have weak foundation.

Based on the DepEd Grading system, the K to 12 Basic Education Program uses a

standard- and competency-based grading system. Learners from Grades 11 to 12 are graded on

Written Work, Performance Tasks, and Quarterly Assessment every quarter. These three are
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given specific percentage weights that vary according to the nature of the learning area. For

Grades 11 and 12, the two quarters determine the Final Grade in a semester.

Urquiza and Usabiaga, (2016) explains that Fundamentals of Accounting is to help

students understand fundamental accounting concepts and principles, as well as to develop the

capability to perform the basic accounting functions: the recognition, valuation, measurement

and recording of the most common business transactions and the preparation of accounting

statements. It has also three objectives which are: (I) To introduce students to Accounting,

stressing its importance in today’s business world. (II) To help students understand the main

concepts and principles of Accounting. (III) To provide students with a theoretical basis upon

which they will develop their knowledge in other areas of accounting.

Significance of the study

This study will benefit the following:

Students. For them to be aware on how study habits might affect their academic

performance and develop their learning strategies. Also, their mathematical techniques and


Teachers. For them to help the students in their academic performance to earn higher

grades and provide accurate information for the better learning of the students.

Parents. For them to orient and motivate their children and to give an advice and

guidance on how they would improve their study habits.

Study Habits and Class performance 4

Institution. For them to think of a way and initiate a program that may help students

enhance their performance in Fundamentals of ABM I.

Future Researchers. For them to have knowledge and information regarding Study

Habits of ABM I and Academic Performance of Senior High School Students.

Review of related literature

Mathematics is a methodical application of matter. It is so said because the subject makes

a man methodical or systematic. Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain

qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial

thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability and even effective communication skills

(Muraina, 2013). According to Abba, (2007) observed that mathematics puzzles and riddles

encourage and attract an alert and open-minded attitude among youngsters and help them

develop clarity in their thinking. However, emphasis should be laid on development of clear

concept in mathematics in a child, right from the primary classes. Another very effective means

of spreading the knowledge of mathematics among children is through peer-teaching and

encouraging a good study habits among students. Once a child has learned a concept from his

teacher, the latter should ask him to explain the same to fellow students. Moreover, in the

process all the children will be able to express their doubts on the topic and clear them through

discussions in a group (Aremu, 2001). The problems associated with study habits might have a

major effect on a student’s academic performances, it is believed that everyone has a different

study habit and it is important to find out the best personal way to study. Studying with friends

has a long way to go in student’s study habits, it has a positive influence in which they discuss
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what have been read together but also has a negative effect in which they might not read but find

themselves discussing throughout the stipulated time for reading which boils down to time


Looking at the history of mankind, we find that each century has witnessed different

transformations. Accordingly, there has been new emphasis and shift in educational processes

(Mangal, 2001, p.1). Education is an activity or process, which modifies the behavior of a person

from instinctive to human behavior (Taneja, 2003, p.9). This definition reveals the innate truth

that education aims at discovering aptitudes as well as to progressively prepare man for social

activity; because of this, education through which the basic needs (food, shelter and clothing) are

provided is necessary for the survival of the society. Simply put, performance is how well or

badly something is done. Its relevance stand out because of the significance it holds to the

society. In the educational parlance, performance manifests through academic achievement,

which is the manifestation of a student’s habit of study and they in turn are formed and

strengthened through education. The development of good study habits is equally relative and

helpful not only in academic work but in career actualization. And because this interrelationship

cannot be overlooked, the academic achievement and study habit of the student to a large extent

culminates into shaping an individual destiny. The general belief is that students who exercise

good study habits are likely to excel than those with poor study habits. According to Sharma

(2005, p.67)” academic performance is a necessary evil because one kind of ability is rewarded

economically and socially more than others.” This necessitates concern over factors that are

commonly linked with academic achievement. There is tremendous pressure on students to earn

good grades because academic achievement is assumed to possess predictive value and used to

bar the gate or to open between the primary, secondary schools and university, and also between
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the university and certain social professions (Sharma, 2005, p.69). This study addressed the

increasing importance of the student’s academic achievement measured by the test scores,

through examining study habits of students in its relation. So a question arises in mind whether

this factor is related to academic achievement or not? This was an effort to search for the

relation. Little study has been done looking at the learning habits of students at any level of the

education system especially in Asia, much which is directed to mainly the western countries.

Sawar et al. (2009, p.204) acknowledge the fact that, “since we live in the information age, this

fact clearly makes new demand on the educational system, requiring radical changes on „what‟

and „how‟ pupils learn and why students are not doing as per expectations.” It is important to

have a clear understanding of what benefits or hinders one’s educational achievement. This is the

premise on which this study is justified. Study habits is a well-planned and deliberate pattern of

study, which has attained a form of consistency on the part of the students towards understanding

academic subjects and passing examination (Pauk, 1962; Deese, 1952; Akinboye, 1974 cited by

Oyedeji). Therefore, study can be interpreted as a planned program of subject matter master.

According to Crow and Crow, (2007), the chief purposes of study are: to acquire knowledge and

habits which will be useful in meeting new situations, interpreting ideas, making judgments

creating new ideas and to perfect skills. Therefore, successful achievement in any form of

academic activity is based upon study, interpretation and application. Everyone has different

study habits. All often, students perform poorly in school simply because they lack good study

habits. In many cases, students do not know where to begin. Those students in high school who

succeed especially well usually study alone and follow a study technique that has been worked

out by them and that incorporates desirable procedures. Good health, sufficient sleep, appropriate

exercise and nutritious diet are essential to achievement of good study results. Study conditions
Study Habits and Class performance

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that are unfavorable include inadequate lighting, extremes of temperatures, humidity, poor

posture, subnormal physical conditions and emotional disturbance. Although habits differ from

person to person, some general principles can be derived about studying efficiently. Here are

some good study habits that lead to better academic achievement.

1. Attending classes regularly

2. Taking down notes during teaching

3. Concentrating on study

4. Studying with aim of getting meaning not cramming

5. Preparing a time table

6. Following a time table

7. Having proper rest periods

8. Facing the problems regarding home environment and planning

9. Facing the challenges posed by school environment

10. Keeping daily survey of work done

Good study habits rest on the attitudes towards work and sense of responsibilities. Child (1981,

p.95) reports that, “studies with human and animal subjects have revealed that an ability to learn

how to solve problems of a given kind can be developed with sufficient practice on tasks of a

similar nature.” Study habits vary from student to student. Some habits are considered to be more

desirable than others from the point of view of academic achievement. Crow and Crow (2007,
Study Habits and Class performance 8

p.261)‟s Educational Psychology states that study requires a purpose and what one learns as a

result of study depends largely upon the degree to which one succeeds in achieving that aim or

purpose. Child (1981, p.95)‟s Psychology and the Teacher asserts that we talk about forming bad

or good habits in many everyday activities in both social and educational contexts. We behave,

by and large, in characteristic ways because we have discovered through experience that some

responses are more effective than others. Sawar et al. (2009) in their analysis on “Study

Orientation of High and Low Academic Achievers at Secondary School Level on Pakistan”

revealed that the high achievers had better study orientation, study attitude than the low


Study habits are termed as the methods of study of students. Study habits are student’s

ways of studying whether systematic, efficient or inefficient (Ayodele&Adebiyi, 2013) implying

that efficient study habits produces positive academic performance while inefficient study habits

leads to academic failure. Socio-Economic Status (SES) of parents and the education agencies

play a vital role in molding the study habits of the students at all levels of education. Plowden

(1967) revealed that when both parents and teachers provide the support system needed to guide

their child’s growth, the child has a greater chance for educational achievement. The study

habits, with proper environment, feedback and guidance help the individual to develop a

balanced personality. In school, the teachers while at their home the parents should guide the

student for his/her study habits. Thus, it is the duty of the teachers and parents to identify

student’s good study habits and guide them accordingly. The study habits and Socio-economic

Status of an individual go hand in hand. They may be regarded as the two faces of the same coin;

they are proportional to each other. If either of these factors is absent or has been lacking, it leads

to an incomplete personality development of an individual. The individual constantly evaluates

Study Habits and Class performance 9

himself/herself in relation to his/her society. These evaluations are derived from “the values of

the significant others … (which) constitute the mirrors in which individual see their self-image

and reach self-appraisals”. Individual’s success in social status accompanied by the evaluative

responses by others of the social groups has a high reward value to the person. Though, the

children are not by themselves expected to attain the status/which fetches favorable reaction

from others, they share the benefits and privileges that their parents enjoy in the social class.

Study habits are well planned and deliberate pattern of study which has attained a form of

consistency on the part of the students towards understanding academic subjects and passing the

examination (Bashir &Mattoo, 2012). Good study habits and environment should prevail among

the schools, and school students are continuously faced with the problem of mass failure, poor

school grades and incessant repetitions, and thus subsequent withdrawals from school. This poor

performance may be due to poor study habits and the lower Socio-economic conditions in which

they live. Weak study habits of the student effects the academic performance drastically.

Improvement of study habits of the students is necessary so that they perform well in their

studies. Bajwa and Jindail (2005) concluded that there is significant difference between high

Socio-economic Status and low Socio-economic Status on the variable of under achievement.

Bhan and Gupta (2010) examined study habits and academic achievement among the students

belonging to Schedule Caste and non-Schedule Caste group. The result revealed that sex has no

significant impact on the academic achievement of students. Education is the most important

invention of mankind, it has a very wide meaning and it is not possible to give it a precise

meaning. Different philosophers and scholars have defined education according to their own

ideas and philosophies. Education helps an individual to give his/her identity. It is not limited to

four walls of the classroom, but also outside in the environment. Education begins from womb
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Study Habits and Class performance

and ends with the death of an individual. An individual may have good Socio-economic Status,

but when he/she does not have proper guidance for study habits, and then the proper education

remains unexposed. It has been thought that there is relationship between a student’s academic

achievement and their study habits (Febregat& Blanch, 2004). Fielden (2004) stated that a good

study habits have good effects towards the academic performance of the student. Gellinger and

Seibert (2002) noted a link between poor study habits and low academic achievement in that

student with poor study habits tends to have poor achievements. Study habits effects and increase

the efficiency of the students with respect to his/her academic achievement. Thus study habits

and Socio-economic Status have great impact throughout the life of an individual. In the light of

the above discussion, the present study was designed to investigate the influence of Socio-

economic Status and sex differences on study habits of school students.

Study habit is; buying out a dedicated scheduled and un-interrupted time to apply one‟s

self to the task of learning. Without it, one does not grow and becomes self –limiting in life.

Study habits tell a person that how much he will learn and how far he wants to go, and how

much he wants to earn. These all could be decided with the help of one‟s study habits,

throughout the life. Stella and Purtshothaman (1993) opined that the researchers have analyzed

the pupil’s achievement with reference to the classification high, average and low achievers, in

this conventional classification, the point of reference in the average score of group or a standard

norm, but study habits differ from person to person , hence in an attempt to help the learners

progress by developing suitable study habits, we need a different set of parameters that takes into

account of the individual capabilities.

According to Palani (2012) reading habit is an essential and important aspect for creating

a literate society in this world. It shapes the personality of individuals and it helps them to
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develop proper thinking methods, and creates new ideas. However, the developments in the Mass

Media had continued to influence interest in reading books, magazines and journals, among


Issa et al. (2012) recommended that everyday reading activities in which students engage

influence their studying skills and subsequent academic performance. There is a general sense in

which one appreciates the link between good habits of reading and the academic performance of

students generally.

Singh (2011) examined academic achievement and study habits of higher secondary

students. The study was conducted on hundred higher secondary school students, randomly

selected from higher secondary schools. The results indicate that girls and boys differ

significantly in their study habits and academic achievement.

Bhan and Gupta (2010) conducted a study for academic achievement and study habit

among the students belonging to scheduled caste and non-scheduled caste group. The result

revealed that sex has no significant impact on academic achievement and study habit of students.

Ogbodo (2010) examined that parent send their children to school to learn. In the school,

children are exposed to various experiences which influence their behavior. Therefore, learning

is a change in behavior. Such a change is seen in their mental reasoning, physical growth,

manipulative skills and development of values and interest. The change may be easy or difficult

depending on the home and school environment. Reading for recreation or relaxation very

common among the educated elite. Students, who read magazines at intervals learn to relax, cool

their brain and avoid mental fatigue and also makes them live a disciplined life in the school. In
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most cases, its effects in inducing sleep and rest after tedious reading in the classroom or the

library adds to good health habits.

Dadzie (2008) reading is the ability to understand words contained in a document and

make use of the knowledge for personal growth and development. This implies making meaning

out of recorded information either printed or non-printed in the life of an individual. People read

for different reasons and purposes, some of which includes for pleasure, leisure, relaxation,

information and for knowledge.

Gallo (2007) “Books yield their best to you, if you read them at the age at which each

particular masterpiece can ideally be chewed and digested.” There is little knowledge about

everyday reading practices of tertiary education students and how these practices affect their

academic achievement.

Guthrie et al. (2007) believed that “reading” is the act of getting meaning from printed or

written words, which is the basis for learning and one of the most important skills everyday lives.

Vandamme et al. (2005) carried out a study to find out the factors that influence student

performance and explore prediction methods. The main aim of this study is to classify students

into three groups: „low‟ students, „medium risk‟ students, and „high risk‟ students. Neural

Network decision tree and discriminate analysis was used to predict the achievement of


Deavers (2000) believed that reading is a process of thinking, evaluation, judging,

imaging reasoning and problem solving. Reading is an essential tool for knowledge transfer and

the habit of reading an academic activity that increases skill in reading strategies. To know about

the world and its environment a child helps himself through reading book, newspapers and other
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magazines. Once the child has been taught to read and has developed the love for books, he can

explore for himself the wealth of human experiences and knowledge through reading. Children,

who miss the opportunity of getting in touch with books in their early stages of life, find it hard

to acquire good reading habits in their years.

Higginbotham (1999) examined the reading interests of middle school-sixth, seventh and

eighth grade students in a metropolitan, public school located in a southeastern state Atlanta,

Georgia. The result of this study showed differences in interest by gender, which are congruent

with many society, stereotypes and females reported a stronger interest in friendship, animal

stories, adventure and historical, fiction. While the males reported stronger preferences for the

categories of sports and science. Also, the male respondents had a stronger preference for non-

fiction than did he female‟s respondents. Also, Ward (1997); Agbezree (2001) conducted

research in Ghana to primary and secondary levels of education.

A number of studies have been carried out to identify and analyse the numerous factors

that affect academic performance in various levels of educational attainment. Their findings

identified change of school, family break up, teacher absence, parent illness and death of a

family member, student’s illness, learning disability caused by visual or hearing impairment and

student’s attitude towards learning as causes of poor academic performance (Browny&Sunniya,

2002). Others include shortage of well-trained teachers, inadequacy of teaching facilities, lack of

funds to purchase necessary equipment, poor quality textbooks, large classes, poorly motivated

teachers, lack of laboratories and libraries, poorly coordinated supervisory activities, interference

of the school system by the civil service, incessant transfers of teachers and principals and
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automatic promotion of pupils (Vundla, 2012). Mbugua, Kibet, Muthaa and Nkonke (2012)

listed factors as under staffing, inadequate teaching/learning materials, lack of motivation and

poor attitude by both teachers and students as factors influencing academic performance of

students. Igwe and Ikatule (2011) attributed poor academic performance of students to deficiency

in teaching method(s) used by teachers. According to Tshabalala and Ncube (2013) lack of

materials, bad teacher behavior, poor grounding in the subject area at lower levels, poor teaching

methods as well as fear of the subject are factors affecting academic performance of students.

Enu, Agyman and Nkum (2015) listed the causes of academic performance to include inadequate

teaching and learning materials, method of instruction, teachers and students’ self-motivation.

Specifically, in accounting, academic performances of students are influenced by related factors

such as negative attitude of students towards accounting as a difficult subject, students’ academic

aptitude, previous and recent academic performances, insufficient effort and poor motivation

(Atieh, 2013). Also teachers’ qualification and experience affect academic performance of

students in accounting (Omotayo, 2014). According to Okon (2002) poor application of teaching

methods, lack of fund, inadequate teaching experience, lack of teaching aids, lack of qualified

teachers and wrong methods of teaching could influence students’ interest in accounting. Igberi

(1999) mentioned unavailability of current text-books in accounting as one of the causes of poor

academic performance of students in accounting. Corroborating, Ezeagba (2014) listed

inadequate instructional materials and ineffective/poor teaching method as causes of poor

students’ academic performance in accounting. Ward, Wilson and Ward (1994) attributed causes

of students’ poor academic performance in accounting to lack of study, inability to apply the

material covered, the speed of coverage of the material, the method used by the instructor,

among others. However most of these studies were conducted in different environment rather
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than the environment of the present study. Hence the need to identify the factors influencing

students’ academic performance in accounting in secondary schools in Anambra State.

Thus, study habit is one of the greatest students or learning factors that hugely influences

students’ academic achievements. If undermined by students at all levels, teachers,

administrators, parents and guardians, school counselors and the government, then, the trend and

menace of students’ abysmal performance in both internal and external examinations would

continue to boom and become more devastating and alarming. Mark and Howard (2009) are of

the opinion that the most common challenge to the success of students in all ramifications is a

lack of effective or positive (good) study habit. They further maintain that if students can

develop a good study habit and with good discipline, they are bound to perform remarkably well

in their academic pursuit. Husain (2000) stresses that lack of effective or positive (good) study

habits is a critical study problem among students at all levels. Grace (2013) also maintains that

the process of learning is still a little mysterious but studies do show that the most effective

process for studying involves highly active behavior over a period of time. In other words, to

study effectively, one must read, draw, compare, memorize and test himself over time. The

concept of study habit according to Husain (2000) is broad, as it combines nearly all other sub-

concepts such as study attitude, study methods and study skills. Attitude is a mental and natural

state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a direct influence on the individual’s

response to all objects and situations with which is related. Attitude towards study has great

contribution on academic achievement, and good study pattern. Successful learners adopt

positive attitude towards study, and do not waste time or energy over what they have to do. If the

learning experience is pleasant, the learner’s attitude and motivation is usually positive, and if

the learning experience is not pleasant he tends to avoid it. Negative attitude towards study
Study Habits and Class performance 16

sometimes finds expression in comment such as “I study but cannot remember what I study” or

“the lessons are too long”. Attitude serves as index on how we think and feel about people,

objects and issues in our environment. Study attitude, according to Husain (2000), refers to the

predispositions which students have developed towards private readings through a period of

time. According to him, study attitude offers great possibilities for successful achievement in

studies. Study method is the knowledge and application of effective study skills or techniques by

students. Several study methods have been identified several effective study methods and skills

that could be used by students based on the learning environment (Husain, 2000). Kelli (2009)

posits that for students to succeed in their studies, they must be able to appropriately assimilate

course content, digest it, reflect on it and be able to articulate the information in written and/or

oral form. What is fundamental is the ability of a student to acquire effective study habits. Many

students feel that the hours of study are the most important. However, students can study for

hours on end and retain very little. The more appropriate question is how students should study

more effectively. Developing good time management skills is very important. Students must

realize that there is a time to be in class, a time for study, time for family, time to socialize and

time to just be alone. The critical issue is recognition that there must be an appropriate balance.

Students should also have vision. A clearly articulated picture of the future they intend to create

for themselves is very important and contributes to students’ success in school. This will

promote a passion for what they wish to do. Passion is critical and leads to an intense interest,

dedication and commitment to achieving career goals and objectives. Marc (2011) explains that

students with learning problems, however, may still have generally inefficient and ineffective

study habits and skills. Becoming aware of your learning habits or styles will help students to

understand why they sometimes get frustrated with common study methods. He observes that
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good study habits are essential to educational success; as they contribute to a successful

academic future. Good study habits lead to good grades while good grades lead to admissions to

better colleges and universities, possibly with a scholarship thrown in. This in turn, will lead to a

great career. Developing good study habits to Marc is very crucial for every student irrespective

of his level of education. It boosts students’ ability to be self disciplined, self-directed and

ultimately successful in their degree programs. The sooner a student starts practicing and

developing good habits, the better chance he will have that he will continue with them.

Procrastination can be overcome with proper study habits and improving one’s study habits is the

key to better studying. Being organized and having homework routines are the most important

things in helping a child/student develop good study habits for life. Developing good study

habits help spell success and a student will find himself working more efficiently and

experiencing lesser stress in the process. He adds that having effective study habits creates a

more efficient academic environment. Planning your study schedule as a student in advance and

faithfully sticking to it saves time. When students have good study habits, they tend to be less

stressed. Students who are anxious on exam day are typically the procrastinators who come

unprepared. Students who organize their lives and stick to their established study schedules are

confident and relaxed at test-taking time (Marc, 2011). Ashish (2013) opines that if students

must ensure academic success throughout the entire year, it is important to ditch bad study habits

and establish good ones. He further maintains that no matter what age or academic level,

employing effective study strategies can make all the difference between acing a class, barely

passing or worse and failing miserably. She admits that many of today’s most common study

methods or habits can lead to utter disappointment despite best efforts and intentions. To Ashish

(2013), knowing exactly what does and does not work on a personal level, even tracking study
Study Habits and Class performance 18

patterns and correlating it with related grades and then proactively creating a study plan and

schedule around the proven effective methods, is the most powerful study tool of all. Adeninyi

(2011) maintains that good study habits allows students to study independently at home and

aspire for higher educational career. The formation of good study habits in secondary school

level further serves as the basis for students’ performance in external examinations such as West

African Examinations Council (WAEC), National Examinations Council (NECO) and Joint

Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB). In the view of Agba (2013), unserious students do

study anyhow without specific techniques, and he submits that such students are most likely to

perform below average. Thus, he concludes that good study habits help students to: attend

classes very often and do so on time. It also helps them to submit their assignment on time, read

or prepare very well for tests and exams, take down notes and develop the points independently,

ask relevant questions in class; thereby having good grades at the end of the term or semester.

Monday (2008) writing on bad study habits maintains that developing good study habits in

school will help students succeed in class and achieve educational goals. Similarly, Bolling

(2000) asserts that good study habit through planning helps students prepare for what is ahead,

and accomplish their academic goals. Thus, lack of study habits clearly puts students at a

disadvantage, and is one of the main reasons students need remedial classes, fall behind in

coursework and drop out of school. Developing good study habits drastically lowers students’

risk of academic struggles, and failure to complete a college degree. Hence, Bolling (2000)

submits that students who tend to perform high across most of their subjects can be considered to

have good study habits by being actively involved in their own learning process, continuous

planning and carefully monitoring of the educational task that they are required to complete.

Different students have different and unique study habits. What may be a good study habit to a

particular student may be a bad one indeed to another student. As such, it is often difficult to

practically pin-point that this is good and that is bad. In the opinion of Katelyn (2013), there is no

doubt that different people study in different ways and it is a near certainty that what works for

one person may not work for another. John (2010) opines that not all students are alike. There

are several key study habits that are crucial to all students’ success. One of such is study in a

good environment, a little bit of background music, such as classical with no lyrics are fine and a

good studying location. Whether studying in rain or shine, day or night, what is most important

is to be consistent and stay on one schedule. Generally, study habits can be classified into two-

good study habits, and bad study habits. Good study habits according to Katelyn (2013) are

sometimes referred to as positive or productive study habits. As the name implies, they are those

pleasant study habits which have the tendency to improve the academic performance of students

or that seem to produce good results. They are the study habits which make students successful

in their studies after developing and applying them throughout their academic career. Good study

habits occur as a result of practice and knowing what methods are most effective for you as a

student. When studying, stay away from distractions, such as the computer. Instead of

procrastinating, work on a long term assignment daily, instead of studying the night before, study

a little each night. Review what you learned in class every day when you get home, before Ebele

and Olofu 585 starting homework. Also, a good tip is to review what you did in class the

previous day at the beginning of class when you have a few minutes before the teacher starts

talking. By learning the ways that you learn the best, you will be successful in your studies.

Katelyn (2013) therefore, identifies fourteen positive or good study habits which students can

employ in order to improve their academic performance. They are: attending all classes,

reviewing your notes daily, reading material prior to it being covered in class, study daily, have
Study Habits and Class performance

Study Habits and Class performance

at least one conference with the professor, develop and learn a word list for the course, read

materials to improve your background in the course (other than text), attend help session, attend

learning resource lab when available, develop a list of possible questions, ask questions in class,

study an old exam (when available), avoid a last minute cram session, and sleep at least 8 hours

the night before exams commence. In the same vein, Harper and Row (2009), highlight good

study habits as thus:

1. Studying every day

2. Creating a quiet place at home or anywhere to study

3. Turning off the phone, TV and other devices that may disturb you when studying

4. Listening to soft music or white noise

5. Studying in a way that suits your learning style

6. Taking regular breaks

7. Studying early (do not wait for last minutes)

8. Studying the hardest things first, spending more time on topics you find difficult

9. Asking for help if one is struggling with his studies, taking notes as one studies as well as

organizing notes in a notebook or folder.

On the other hand, bad study habits according to John (2010) are negative or non-productive

study habits which are undesirable and counter-productive to students’ academic performance.

When developed and utilized by students at all levels, they tend to hamper academic progress

and performance of the users. Due to the peculiarity and uniqueness of individual student, what
Study Habits and Class performance 21

may be considered as bad study habits to student “A”, may seem to be very productive and

efficient for student “B”. However, bad study habits generally range from procrastination,

truancy, not taking note, selective reading, studying while watching television or what is

generally regarded as distractive study etc. Nikki (2013) identifies bad reading habits to include

studying with friends, listening to loud music, studying in uncomfortable conditions, cramming,

etc. There are several factors that tend to affect students study habits. Anything can affect

students’ study habits. Their ability to study and concentrate can be increased by finding a quiet

place where they can concentrate. Distractions such as phones, chat rooms, TM and text

messaging, TV, video games, music and computers can all decrease students’ ability to learn.

Whatever is going on around and within a student’s own mind is going to affect his study habits.

Pattern of study that have attained a form of consistency on the part of the students

toward understanding academic subjects and passing examinations. Azikiwe (1998) describes the

study habit as “the adopted way and manner a student plans his private readings, after classroom

learning, so as to attain mastery of the subject”. Study habits determine the academic

achievement of students to a great extent. Both study habits and academic achievement are

interrelated and dependent on each other. There are students who come from different

environments, localities etc. and have different levels of academic achievement that is, high and

low. They also differ in their study habits. Some students have better study habits while the

others have poor. The better the study habits, better is the academic achievement. Academic

achievement means, the knowledge an individual has acquired from the school. Academic

achievement of the students is determined by their study habits. Study habits and academic

achievement are very essential for research workers and educationists to know that every child,

whether gifted or backward, should be educated in their own way, but if they possess good study
Study Habits and Class performance 22

habits, they can show performance in academics and in every situation. On the other hand, if the

students do not possess good study habits they cannot excel in life. It is the study habits that help

the learner obtain meaningful and desirable knowledge. Good study habits act as a strong

weapon for the students to excel in life. The extent of student’s learning in academics may be

determined by the grades that a student earns for a period of learning that has been done. It is

believed that a grade is the primary factor that indicates such learning. If a student earns high

grades it is concluded that they may also have learned a lot while low grades indicate lesser

learning. However, many experiences and studies have found that there are also several other

factors that would affect the grades. Not a single factor can be definitely pointed out as

predicting grades. It is interplay of so many factors – gender, study habits, age, parents’

educational attainment, social status, number of siblings, birth order, etc. In fact, almost all of the

existing environmental and personal factors are a variable of academic performance. The quality

of a nation depends upon the quality of its citizens. The quality of citizens depends on the quality

of their education and quality of education, besides other factors, depends upon study habits and

the study attitude of the learners. The quality of education is reflected through academic

achievement that is a function of study habits and the study attitude of the students. Thus, to

enhance the quality of education, it is necessary to improve the study habits and study attitudes

of the students.

Vitro, (2005) asserted that, guide on study techniques change study techniques. The study

further reveals that students exposed to study techniques gain insight and confidence which

could be more lasting and appreciated than their knowledge of facts. In his study, the students

who received the study habit techniques improved their academic performance significantly than

those with any study habit techniques.

Study Habits and Class performance 23

Rasmussen &Marrongelle, (2006). Considering students’ needs and comprehension of

higher-order mathematical knowledge, instructional design provides a systematic process and a

framework for analytically planning, developing, and adapting mathematics instruction.

Theoretical Framework

This study is based on Gestalt’s Field Theory. The word Gestalt means “pattern”, it

expresses theand
Study Habits idea ofperformance
Class a total pattern or perceptual whole. This theory of learning was first

formulated in Germany about 1912. Prominent names associated with Gestalt psychology

include: WerthmeimerKoffka and Kohler. Gestalt learning includes the following others:

The teacher should try to develop into children an integrated approach to learning and

solution of problem. Learning will be more meaningful if children can establish a relationship

among different aspects of knowledge.

Children should be encouraged in order to facilitate their interaction with the


The learners should be encouraged to set their own goals for learIning.

Divergent as well as convergent thinking should be presented among children. The

learners should be presented with the figure ground relation so that we can see the inter-

relatedness among phenomena.

Gestalt theory of educational relevance indicates the need for considering the whole but

also the details with the environment. This implies that in understanding the academic

performance of students, the environment which stimulates certain study skill, study techniques,

use instructional materials, and teaching method should be considered to know the perception

and understanding of a lesson by student. Hence, appropriate teaching method, good questioning

technique, practical teaching and relevant instructional material are necessary for development of

study techniques and improve performance, (Ugboaja 2004). Secondly, the role of teachers to

assist the student is emphasized. A teacher collects academic data on students, they include;

student’s scores on academic achievements, study techniques, special academic talents, learning,

difficulties, class attendance, and other educational materials that they may necessary for insight

or perception in processing of learning. Another relevant of Gestalt Theory is that knowledge

should be graded in hierarchical way to enable children at least obtain some glimpse of the

problem before they mature to figure out the whole solution. Learner should be introduced from

simple to complex problems to facilitate learning, (Iyany- Abia, 2005). Gestalt Theory takes to

account factors such as motivation, maturation level of student’s experience, background of the

learners, the learner’s intelligence and interest. The above factors explain the degree in which

students can be influenced to form study techniques and improve in academic performance.

Conceptual Framework


Study Habits Variable

Class Performance

Sub- Variables

Note-taking Sub- Variables

Concentrating on study Actual Performance

Time Allocation

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to look into the Study Habits and the Class Performance of Senior High

School Students in Fundamentals of ABM I in Carlos F, Gonzales High School on the school

year 2018-2019.

Specific Problem

1: How may the study habits of the students be described in terms of:
Study Habits and Class performance

1.1 Note-taking

1.2 Concentrating on study

1.3 Time Allocation

2: What is the class performance of ABM students?

2.1: Analyzing Business Transaction

3: Is there a significant relationship between Study Habits and Class Performance?

Hypothesis of the study


There is no significant relationship between study habits and student’s academic

Study Habits and Class performance

Definition of terms

Class performance – it is how the students perform in a subject usually during actual

and how they analyze a certain transaction

Study Habits - are mainly external factors that facilitate the study process such as sound

study routines that include how often a student engage in studying sessions, review the material,

self-evaluate, rehears explaining the material, and studying in a conducive environment (Credé,


Fundamentals of ABM I – it is an introductory of basic accounting concepts, principles

and procedures that will develop student appreciation of Accounting that will help them to

analyze business transactions.(Teaching Guide for Senior High School, 2017) o

Analyzing business transaction – identifying, analyzing and interpreting transaction

whether it is an asset, liability or an owner’s equity. Also preparing the 8 cycles of accounting.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on Study Habits of Fundamentals of ABM I and Class Performance

of ABM Students in Carlos F. Gonzales High School in Maguinao, San Rafael, Bulacan for the

school year 2018-2019.

Study Habits and Class performance 27

Chapter II


This chapter deals with the research methodology of the study, including research design,

respondents of the study, research instruments, data gathering procedures and the statistical

treatment will be used in this study.

Research Design

The researcher will use quantitative research in this study. Quantitative research focuses

on collecting numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular


This study will use correlational research design. Correlational research is concerned with

establishing relationship between two or more variables in the same population or between the

same variables in two populations (Leedy and Ormrod, 2010).

Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique

The Slovin’s Formula was used in the study to determine the number of samples per

school, selecting 95% confidence coefficient for a 5% margin of error (e).

This was given by the formula:


1+ N e 2

Where inn – sample size

N -Population

e - Margin of error

Respondents of the study

The respondents of this study are from the Senior High School Department specifically

from Grade 12 level of Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand of Carlos F.

Gonzales High School located in Maguinao, San Rafael, Bulacan. Grade 12 level of ABM Strand

have four sections: ABM 12-A with 42 students, ABM 12- B with 43 students, ABM 12- C with

41 students, and ABM 12- D with 39 students for the school year 2018- 2019.

Research Instruments

In this study, the researchers will conduct a research questionnaire instrumental to gather

data. According to Mcleod, (2014), he defined questionnaire as a kind of written interview.

The questionnaire has a list of statements about the students study habits factors. The

scale is a like- type questionnaire consisting of 21 statements which is answerable by Strongly

Agree (SA), Agree (A), Undecided (U), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD). Out of 21
Study Habits and Class performance 29

statements, seven of them are time factors, seven statements are location factors and another

seven are style of studying factors.

The following scales will be used for the interpretation of the data obtained by the



5 Strongly Agree Consistently
4 Agree Frequently
3 Undecided Occasionally
2 Disagree Seldom
1 Strongly Disagree Not done at all

Questionnaire A will assess the study habits of the students based on how they will take

down notes, concentrate on their studies, and lastly how they give time to it. The note taking is

derived from the Queens Universities questionnaire which used a variety of different methods to

document information that is beneficial. Paraphrasing lecture material and developing study

notes are critical to being an active participant in one’s learning and may facilitate studying at

exam time. Concentrating is also a part of good study habits, having also the time management

helps you to balance your time and avoid cramming.

Question B will assess the class performance of the students based on how they analyze

the business
Study Habitstransaction on their subject while identifying data and account titles.
and Class performance

Question C will assess if there is a significant relationship between study habits and class

performance of the students.


Data Gathering Procedure

A letter will be sent first to the school authorities to seek for their approval to conduct a

research and request of a copy of the grade of respondents.

After the letter is approved, the conduct of the survey will follow. The 165 students of

ABM Strand will be used to answer the survey. The respondents will be asked to rate the

frequency of use from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree”. The respondents will answer the

questions to complete the survey.

Statistical Treatment

The following will be utilized by the researcher for the statistical treatment to each


1. Frequency Percentage Distribution. This formula will be used to describe the profile of

the students in terms of actual performance.

Percentage (%) = x 100

Where: F- stands for the frequency of responses

Study Habits and of participants
Class performance

2. Weighted Mean. This statistic will be used to determine the responses from five (5)

options in the scale to represent the respondents from five options in the scale to

represent respondents’ responses to the questionnaire items provided in the research


The formula for computing the weighted mean is as follows:

∑ ƒx
X´ w = ❑


ƒ = frequency

x = numerical value or item in a set of data

n = number of observations in the data set

Arbitrary Scale Responses

4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

3.41 – 4.20 Agree

2.61 – 3.4 Undecided

1.81 – 2.60 Disagree

1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

Study Habits and Class performance


Questionnairerevised-2016.pdf (Study habits questionnaire) (study habits questionnaire)


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