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Presented by:

Luisa Gil Hernández - Id 705031


Martha Andrea Ruiz

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO

Administración de Empresas



If we are going to talk about my life, I can say that I am learning to draw and I love it,
although sometimes it is a bit complicated because I do not have a lot of time available and
home, university and office jobs do not give me much time.

I am also planning a trip that I wanted to do for a long time and I will finally be able to do it,
I am happy ...


Right now I am having a lot of work in the office, even though my boss is not leaving late
like every day this year, that's why I'm getting bored, but I have to wait until I finish college.


My family is the best thing I have in life, it is my support, my base, my ground pole and
thank God at this moment they are very well.

The only thing that makes me sad is when I remember my father, he left this world in June
of last year and it is so painful to know that I could not say goodbye to him.


I am very sad with the university because they are not helping the students so much, they do
not have empathy for the situation that many people are going through at this time.


One of the most cherished dreams I have is to be able to graduate as a professional and be
able to show many people that I could get ahead. Another dream I have is to be able to visit
Italy, I love this city and I would be very happy if I could fulfill it.


I am very happy because being next to them on the weekend is that I forget so many things
that I have in my head, and I am very grateful that they are always there for me when I need

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